High Moon High School

Chapter 29

An uninvited kiss

I’m woken by the smell of fresh coffee and pastries invading my nostrils, my grandma really does know how to start the day. I look over and Rach is still fast asleep. A pang of guilt hits me, the way I spoke to her last night was not very in line with that of a friend or a Luna. I need to get my temper in check lately.

Ersa has been ignoring me since we left our mates, she doesn’t like not being the centre of their universe at every second of the day.

Rach starts to stir, she looks over at me and smiles, “Good morning grouchy pants. Are you feeling good today?” She mocks.

“I’m so sorry for last night, it wasn’t OK for me to take out my frustrations on you. Please forgive me?” I say giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

She giggles, “Hey you know I can’t stay mad at you. Just get your mates out of my ear.” She replies laughing knowing the big bad future Alpha’s have turned to mush over a girl.

Rach and I follow our noses to the quaint little kitchen where grandma is sitting with her face in her tablet playing online crosswords and grandpa is sitting reading the paper with his usual cup of black tea, yuk.

I kiss my grandparents cheeks and bid them good morning, they both say good morning back to rach and I, without looking away from their pages, quite obviously intrigued by the different activities in front of them.

“Girls help yourselves, coffee is in the pot darlings and the pastries are in the plate warmer because your lazy butt’s were still snoozing when they were ready, six across five letters.” Granny laughs still not looking up from her tablet.

“Thankyou granny” we both say and look at each other laughing “Jheez we’re like the twins.” Rach says, we laugh even harder.

Granny’s ears perk up, ” Are these twins male or female?”

Granny asks with a smirk on her face. “They’re boys gran.” Rach says. “I see, and are these the new friends my darling cierra has made? No doubt the reason she’s been too distracted for us huh.” Granny jokes.

“Well they’re both quite hung up on your lovely Cierra, both of them.” Rach says grinning at me. I glare at her over my coffee cup.

“Oh cierra, boys fighting over you now huh? Speaking of boys, Brad is calling over later, his mum is calling in for a coffee as usual and she told him you were visiting he’s so excited to see you. How long has it been?” She asks, I feel Rach stiffen at my side at the mention of Brad.

“Around two years now I think, has it? It’ll be great to catch up with him.” I reply ignoring Rach’s worried look next to me. Aries and Ajax won’t find out until tonight when I tell them so there is nothing to be worried about right now.

We finish our breakfast chatting back and forth. Grandma tells us all about her day at bingo last week with Bette. They split tickets and they won the jackpot between them. She seemed very proud of herself. My grandma could explain to me the drying process of paint and I would still listen intently. She’s so animated and happy all the time. Grandpa just nods along still reading his paper chiming in on cue every now and again.

Rach and I head upstairs after breakfast to get ready. I brush out my long blonde locks and pull it into a neat high ponytail, it’s so humid here. I pull on a cropped white tank and a blue tennis skirt with some knee high white socks and some blue pumps and pull a couple strands of hair from my ponytail to frame my face. I finish my look with a cute nude gloss and some subtle blush.

Rach comes walking out of the bathroom wearing a cute yellow strappy summer dress with a daisy print all over and my little daisy pumps. “Girl you look good!” I tell her.

“Cici you look like you’d give my cousins a heart attack.” She laughs. “I’m assuming you are not going to tell the Alpha’s that Brad is coming to see you?” She finishes perfect eyebrows raised at me.

“Nope, I’ll tell them when we get home tonight.” I reply.

“Rach, do you think Argon will come back for me?” I continue.

“He could well do Cici but you are far too well protected so don’t worry. If you ask me the guy has a death wish going after a future Luna with two mates.” Her reply makes me feel a little better.

“Brad and his mum are here Cici.” She tells me.

“How do you.... ah the warriors surrounding the place just warned you didn’t they?”

“Yeps” She sing-song replies.

“So, the Alpha’s?.”

“Yes, they’re freaking out.” She giggles, “But they won’t ask you after last time. You’ve got them wrapped around your little finger Cici, just no funny business OK you never did tell any of us about that sitch.”

I ignore her prying and finish getting ready and tidying my things away.

We head downstairs to welcome Brad and his mother, as I get to the last step I’m swept off my feet and spun around. I land back on my feet a little dizzy.

“Cierra, it’s good to see you, gorgeous!” Brad says planting a kiss right on my lips. Rach let out a low growl, one only someone with werewolf hearing could hear luckily.

I give her a quick scowl and return the wide, welcoming smile to my face.

“Hey I missed you!” I say sincerely, it’s true I do miss my friend.

“What’s new babe?” Brad asks.

“So, so much! New school, new friends, new boyfriend.” Brad smirks at me when I drop that little boyfriend note in but Rach looks pleased I at least acknowledged I was taken. I can feel my phone non stop vibrating in my pocket and hear Rach’s voice very low for my ears only, “They felt that, it hurt them. The Alpha’s will be here in an hour, and Luna, they’re angry.” Hmm she’s being formal so they’ve given her orders, I don’t want the damn arse holes shifting in my grandparents house but I do get why they’re angry, I’d be livid if a girl kissed one of my Alpha’s, even the thought sends a jolt of rage through my body.

I keep my smile painted on my face as we all move into the lounge for coffee whilst trying to think of how to stop the Alpha’s from turning up. I let down my mind link block and try to link them both but they’ve got their own blocks up probably knowing that I’ll try to call them off. I try to link Rach and realise she has a panicked look on her face.

Luna stay put. I’m going to pretend to take a call from my dad. I need to meet with the warriors. Stay calm.

Rach what’s going on? Are they here?

No Luna not the Alpha’s... rogues.

My stomach drops, how have they found me here? Why would rogues follow us to my grandparents house? I feel sick to my stomach, I’ve led dangerous wolves to my family. I try to remain joyful to the rest of the room whilst Rach leaves to do a perimeter search with the warriors. Grandpa has gone out to tend to the gardens which he enjoys very much leaving Brad and I with Grandma and Brad’s mum to catch up. Brad and I are in deep conversation when Rach returns, a polite smile on her face.

“Sorry everyone,” she addresses the room, “my dad is such a worrier now theirs just the two of us.” Grandma and Brad’s mum coo over how nice it is that her dad is so worried about her being away from home while I wait impatiently for them to finish talking and for her to link me with an update.

“Rach what’s happening?” I ask

“The warriors picked up a Rogue smell, two followed it but it disappeared around a mile out. The warriors have returned and everyone is on high alert but we will have to cut the trip short.

Luckily for us, the Alpha’s will meet us back at the pack house now. Alpha Joseph wants us all back immediately, says the school isn’t safe enough for us to head straight there as planned. They need a security plan for while we’re there.” Comes her reply

“So we have to go now? We’re going tonight anyway? Since when do I have to take orders for goddess sakes?”

“Sorry Luna it’s a no to waiting until tonight, Alpha’s orders and those I cannot refuse. Even your mates can’t ignore the Alphas orders.” Rach says finishing the conversation.

Why would rogues come here? Surely it could just be a coincidence, or did they follow me not knowing I had warriors here to protect me I think to myself.

My mind is racing whilst still trying to hold a conversation with everyone in the room. Brad and his mum look so happy to see me. It’s been so long I just wish he hadn’t kissed me, not his fault mind he didn’t know I was taken or that it would hurt my Alpha’s. Luckily, for the moment we have other problems so that won’t have to be addressed straight away.

“Cierra?” I hear my name being called and am pulled from my reverie and my head snaps up to the source.

“Huh?” I manage to grunt out.

“Typical, daydreaming as usual.” Brad says smiling at me with a look of adoration on his face. “Mum and I have to go now, we have plans this afternoon. Rach said you guys are going to head off too.”

“Oh right yes, we might as well. I hope to see you again soon, maybe have a day trip some time so you can meet all my new friends.” (Mates) Ersa snarls at me. She is so pissed that Brad dared to kiss us, she is fighting for control to give him a piece of her mind but I manage to shove her back hoping no one notices the flash of black my eyes would have given with her trying to take over.

We’re leaving a handful of warriors here for a few days to make sure the rogues don’t come back, your grandparents are safe.

Rach says in my head, I look at her and nod.

“Is it OK with you Granny, Grandpa if we cut our visit a little short?” I ask politely looking between them.

“Of course dear, get the lovely Rachel back to her father. Are you back to school on Monday?” Granny asks.

“Yes Gran” I reply.

OK darlin’, I will have Kaleigh send over the new seasons for you in the week.” She says with a bright smile.

“Thankyou granny” I reply gratefully as I give her a big hug, she lifts the collar of my dress up my neck a little and whispers in my ear whilst embracing me. “Don’t let your grandpa see those tattoos.” I stiffen and she laughs.

Grandpa comes up to me next and pulls me into a tight hug. “Don’t leave it so long this time kiddo, we miss you.”

“I won’t Grandpa, I’ll see you both next break hopefully for a little longer next time.” I say and pull away feeling guilty for having to leave early. I absolutely intend on staying much longer next time!

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