High Moon High School

Chapter 28

Clingy Alpha’s

Before Rach and I leave for my grandparents we head out to eat with the guys, we enter the diner and the people that notice me seem to smile at me differently, alot of them bow their head in our direction. A young man and woman come to me with a baby just a few months old, “Congratulations Luna, Alphas.” They say bowing their heads and leaving just as fast.

“Rach! People are freaking me out what the hell?” I whisper to her as we walk.

“Everyone is starting to notice your mark, you are marked and mated now to twin Alphas Cierra, you bare the Alpha’s marks and your smell has obviously changed because you completed the mating process. Your presence is now powerful, your aura is now powerful and demands respect.” She replies.

“Your warewolf officially ours baby.” Ajax laughs as he kisses my cheek.

“Yes no escaping now Cierra but I can feel your nerves through the bond calm down.” Aries adds from behind me, Rach has taken his usual spot beside me, says he has had enough of me that he can leave us to walk together which made him laugh out loud in a real belly laugh and me flush the same shade as a tomato.

“Wow, I didn’t know so much would change just from me sleeping with someone. So now everyone knows I had sex?” I question.

“Well yes but it’s different for us, it’s normal, not like you just run around shouting hey I f*cked someone” Titan pipes in and laughs. The group laugh along with him. I have to admit I’m feeling a little embarrassed that all these people know what I have done with their Alpha’s. I’m so surprised actually at how smooth it all went. I thought it’d be a load of fumbling the first time but they both fit me so well, i start to feel the familiar butterflies in my stomach as i think about our intimate first time together.

Baby, I can feel you getting turned on.. what are you thinking about?

Ajax links.

You know Ajax maybe this mating and marking wasn’t such a good idea it’ll be hard to keep a handle on my emotions so you can’t read them all. I reply now pulled from my little daydream.

Want me to tell Aries that?

Don’t you dare or the next time you have sex will be next year!

I scold.

Baby you hurt my feelings. He links as he pouts at me I can tell a smile is trying to replace his pout.

I laugh as the group looks between us, Ajax just smirks at me and looks away.

I love my marks, but I will have to cover them when I go to my granparents they look like I have a little tattoo at the base of my neck on each side one a star and one a moon both with a wolf howling at it, they’re each around two inches In size amd very detailed so they’re definitely noticeable. They’re perfect.

Rach and I pull up to my grandparents house in fifi my pride and joy. Aries and Ajax wanted me to take one of their cars because they are ‘safer’ I told them there is nothing wrong with my little fifi she gets me from A to B absolutely fine, they agreed to leave me be although they were not too happy about it.

I’m excited for a couple of days with my grandparents and some girly time wIth Rach we talk about my marks and i tell her a few details as she squeals at me excitedly. I have met Rach’ father but there has never been mention of her mum, I’d love to learn more about Rach and strengthen our friend bond while we’re away for a little while together especially when she will be our beta.

As we walk up the dainty stone path that leads up to the house the big white door swings open and my grandparents stand there ginning from ear to ear.

They are always so happy to see me, I can feel Rach’s excitement as she walks in step beside me. Granny stands there in the doorway looking like she hasn’t aged a bit in the last 17 years she’s still as youthful as ever, her mid shin length floral green dress dancing in the breeze, her perfect silver and grey hair in its usual neat straight Bob that tucks under at the ends as though to frame her face. Grandpa stands beside her in his worn jeans and Checked shirt a thin brown belt holding up his otherwise too big trousers topped off with an oval cowboy belt buckle. Both of their blue eyes dancing with excitement as we near.

Grandma pulls me in to a huge embrace as soon as I am close enough for her to reach, grandpa ruffles my hair “Hey darling it’s good to see you.” He greets.

“Oh my darling it’s so good to see you, you look great.” Grandma compliments.

“Hey granny, grandpa it’s good to see you both too.” I say as I step out of granny’s embrace. “This is Rach, she was the first person I met at High Moon and she’s become a great friend over the months, thankyou both very much for finding that place for me.”

“Hello rach, its good to meet a friend of our Cierra.” Granny says pulling her in for a hug, “Cierra only ever brought over Brad, never one for big groups of friends.” Granny continues.

“Well she has a huge group of friends now, were practically family.” Rach smiles at Granny.

We walk in to the house and through the hallway to the livingroom. “You girls take a seat and let me get you some grub and lemonade, ill be back in a jiffy.” And with that my grandparents leave the room moment’s later I can hear Granny bustling around in the kitchen giving grandpa orders, it brings a smile to my face.

“Wow this place is so cosy!” Rach says as we plonk down on the soft, plush cream sofa.

“Yes, this is my favourite place in the world, but im worried this will be the last time I get to enjoy it.” I say solemnly

Rach watches me as though waiting for an explanation.

“Rach, although things are normal and accepted for ware wolves they are absolutely not to humans. How am i supposed to tell my grandparents i have two boyfriends? I mean i still have questions myself! Yes it feels normal when im with you guys but we can never go on dates outside of our community or get married properly, we couldnt even really have kids in the future without the question of whos it is, will someone feel less loved by me because another got a bit more attention? I still have a lot to figure out myself but i also dont want to hide them i am by no meams ashamed of them i just dont want to loose what family i have or dissappoint them. Now tell me how i explain all of that to humans that i love with everything i am and expect them to accept me and my mates?” I explain quietly whilst the sound of grandma and grandad making food and drinks drifts in to the livingroom.

Rach sits deep in thought now taking in everything I have just spilled to her.

Grandpa come walking in with a tray with our drinks on whilst grandma follows with plates of salmon and asparagus, the smell making my mouth water. Rach takes her plate thanking them both and we waste no time tucking in. “Hmmmm, granny this is amazing thankyou.” Rach says as she tastes the deliciously cooked salmon. ” Oh girl, if you think that’s good wait until our roast tomorrow. You will seriously have a mouthgasm.” We all laugh granny playfully smacking my arm in mock shock at my words.

We talk and laugh for hours and it’s good to be around my grandparents and away from all the pressure at school and tha pack house. I am looking forward to getting back to school I need to put a pause on Luna training while I catch up with my studies i wouldn’t like to fall behind.

Around 9pm Granny and Grandpa excuse themselves, say they can’t shoot the shit until 3am like they used to back in the day making Rach cry with laughter. We say our good nights and all head to our respective rooms. As I’m getting ready for bed Rach walks up to me whispering. “Damn woman will you respond to your Alpha’s! They have been in my ear all day! Ajax is sulking and Aries is just angry and they’re both about ready to introduce themselves to granny and grandpa just to get a response from you. Why is your block up?” She bites.

“Listen Rach, I don’t appreciate your tone and just know they can break through your block as Alpha’s but they can’t break mine, I’m here to spend time with my grandparents not link my not one but two clingy Alpha’s all day. Yes I miss them but I will also be with them 24/7 for the rest of my life, so when I’m with my family I’m fully here!” Rach cowers back a little which was absolutely not my intention I’ve grown to love Rach over the months and wonder if this is how it feels to have a sister. Yes the girl can kick my arse for now but I outrank her which is why she shrunk away from me and now I feel like an arse.

“Rach I’m sorry, I feel awful but I have been thrown in to this life it was all good and well going slow until my Alpha’s ended up comatosed and I had to step up, now it’s a race against the council to prove myself before we take over and I have to be a Luna. Just months ago I was Cierra Cardle normal human with just one hot guy from a new school hitting on her.” I sigh. “Now I’m Luna Cierra Cardle future Luna of High Moon Pack with two mates that need my constant attention. While I’m not complaining I am still adjusting so please understand that I still need time for myself with my family. I will sort the Alpha’s go get ready for bed.”

Rach half smiles at me and walks away to the bathroom. I decide to get ready for bed and send my mates a quick text.

Me: My Alpha’s, I will be seeing you tomorrow evening I miss you both but I’d like to spend this time with my grandparents without you both in my head. I’m off to sleep.

Aries: Sorry Cierra, we just miss you is all.

Me: I will see you both when I get home tomorrow. Sweet dreams Alpha’s.

Ajax: Good night baby.

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