Her Safe Place

Chapter 20

“Where was she seen last?” I demanded.

“Beta Female Georgia had been with her. She was attacked from behind and when she awoke, the princess was gone.” The guard relayed to me.

“Is Georgia alright?” I asked.

“She sustained a minor concussion and has been taken to the pack hospital.” I walked into Alexia’s nursery. I stopped in my tracks at the smell. Rogues.

“Alpha,” Quinn approached me, “this note was found near the beta female.” He held out a slip of paper.

We have taken your mate and now we have taken your child.

The note wasn’t signed, but the loopy writing made me assume it was written by a woman. I turned back to Quinn. “Search the grounds and within a hundred miles outside the territory.” I instructed. Quinn nodded before leaving to follow my instructions.

I took a deep breath before I walked out of the room. My chest felt heavy. I couldn’t lose Alexia as I had lost Layla. I couldn’t deal with the pain.

I entered the hospital wing of the palace. “I’m looking for the beta female.” I said to a passing nurse.

She pointed towards one of the curtained areas. I thanked her before walking away and towards the closed curtains. I wasn’t surprised to see Georgia sitting up. She conversed quietly with Vince.

Both sets of eyes looked up upon my arrival. “Axel, have you found Alexia? I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more on guard.” Georgia began.

I held my hand up to stop her. “It’s not your fault. We hadn’t known that someone was after Alexia to this extent. I have the guards searching for her with our best trackers out there. Alexia will be found, I have no doubts.”

I truly believed we would find Alexia, I just hoped we found her alive and not dead. My comment seemed to have helped relieve some tension in Georgia. “I promise, as soon as these stupid doctors let me out, I will go search for her.”

“Georgia-“ Vince began.

I cut him off, “you just focus on healing. We already have teams out searching for Alexia. I will head out myself after I finish here.”

Vince sent me a grateful look. Georgia seemed to mull the words over in her head. “Alright. But you’ll update me if anything happens?” It wasn’t so much of a question as it was a request.

“I will.” Georgia nodded and I said my goodbyes before walking out the door. I made my way out towards the cars.

A guard updated me on the warriors progress. My hand gripped the steering wheel tightly as I drove towards the edge of the pack territory. Alexia’s scent had been found near a house on the edge of the territory.

Ten minutes later, I pulled to a stop and climbed from the car. Guards flanked the sides of the house. “Sir, we have found evidence that the princess was taken here. The scent is still very strong, leading us to believe the princess is still somewhere near us.” Quinn informed me.

“Have you already sent guards in every direction?” I asked.

“Yes sir.” Quinn replied. I could easily smell Alexia’s scent within the house. It seemed to be only minutes old. “We have searched through the entire house. We found the princess’s binkie along with a blanket covered in her scent.”

Quinn lead me to a small room. I noticed the room locked from the outside. Alexia’s scent was the strongest in this room. She was definitely close, I had no doubt.


Unknown POV

“Welcome, future queen.” The rogue laughed as I handed the crying baby over to him.

“That stupid baby has been crying non stop since I left the house. She is doing my head in.” I grubbed at my temples, trying to fight the headache. “Take her to the cells. Put her next to our other ‘special’ guest.” The rogue cackled before walking away.

I turned and looked up the stairs. Dad stood waiting for me. “Glad you could do one thing right.”

I rolled my eyes, “we would not have been in this position if you hadn’t let one of the guards escape with her. I would be queen right now!” I shouted.

“Yes, it is an oversight I am seeing to,” Dad replied.

“Good. We can’t risk anything. Once Axel realizes the baby is dead, we can make a move. The council is already pushing the marriage.” I stated.

“Honey, be kind to your father.” I rolled my eyes as my stepmother walked in.

“Shut up,” I replied.

Her brows creased in anger, “remember, you need me to get you that crown. I can push Axel to do things neither of you can.” She always held that over my dad and I.

“Just because you are on the council doesn’t mean that we can’t do this without you.” I said. “You messed this up by pushing him so much. Dad was making progress and you fucked it up!”

“Darcy!” Dad said, cutting me off. “Don’t talk to your mother that way. Now, go pay our guest a visit. It’s been a while since she’s seen you.”

I rolled my eyes before walking away and towards the stairs that led to the basement. I entered the foul smelling room. Alexia had been placed in a cell. She was still crying her lungs out. I smirked as I looked at the other cell.

“She is such a loud baby,” I commented.

“If you hurt her-“

“You’ll do what?” I mocked. “Soon I will be queen and then I can finally kill you. Axel is just being difficult. It won’t be too soon before I am queen.”

“Axel would never let that happen!”

I rolled my eyes, feeling exshausted from the conversation. “I wouldn’t be too sure.”

“Axel willl find us.”

I almost had to laugh. “Axel won’t be able to find Alexia before its too late. As for you, Axel thinks you are dead. He isn’t searching for you at all.” My eyes moved to the scarred mark on her neck. “Seems to be healing nicely.”

“You might’ve destroyed my mark, but the mate bond is still there. I will escape and Axel will rain hell upon you.” I laughed.

“Yes, when that happens, you will be able to bask in your glory, until then, enjoy your stay.” I walked back towards the door and turned around. The last thing I saw was Layla’s glare before the door shut completely.

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