Her Safe Place

Chapter 19

Alexia squirmed as I gently tugged her arms into the onesie. Georgia and my mom had gone out and bought Alexia a entire wardrobe. I hadn’t realized how much I would need to raise a baby until i was talking with my mom about it.

Luckily, she had picked up the most important things when she went shopping. Diapers, wipes, clothes, formula, a crib, a car seat, and pacifiers.

I picked Alexia up from my bed before I moved her to her crib. I had set the crib right next to my bed as I didn’t want to risk anything with the most important thing in my life. I had already lost my mate, i would not lose my child too.

I had posted more guards around the pack house. I hadn’t realized how dangerous everything could be. Alexia fell asleep fairly quickly. Georgia had watched her all day, and I was certain she had exshausted Alexia.

I sat on my bed, looking at the crib that held my world. My eye caught the picture on my bedside table. It was one of Layla and I. She was smiling as she looked at me. Our smiles were frozen in time. The photo had been taken during our time in California. I had sent it home, my mom had demanded we send photos. My mom had printed it as a present. We hadn’t known what was to come.

I picked the photo up and caressed the frozen picture of Layla. I looked up and moved towards the balcony doors. An open area was outside our balcony. Layla had reminisced in making it a play area for our future children. I smiled at the memory.

We had laid in bed that morning. Layla had asked about kids. “I want to turn the area outside our balcony into a play area. I think our kids would like that.” I looked back at the picture.

‘Georgia,’ I mindlinked quickly. ‘I want to do something for Layla. Do you think we could get flowers soon?’

“It looks beautiful,” my mom commented, looking over the flowers. I smiled as I saw Alexia in her grandmother's arms. “Layla would love it.” I looked over the area.

I had placed a playground in the area, just as Layla had wished. I had also made a memorial for Layla in the area. A stone was surrounded by flowers. The stone read, In Loving Memory of Layla Andrews. I had placed a picture of her next to the stone.

I walked to the bench and sat. My mom followed and handed Alexia over to me. She gurgled as she grabbed onto my hand. I sat next to the stone and placed my hand on her picture. “I love you,” I said.

I looked around the flowers that surrounded the stone. Once the word of Layla’s memorial had gotten out, many people had gotten flowers and gave things. Rocks had been painted by the pups and placed around the small garden. Trees had been added to the area with windchimes hanging from its branches.

The back area was filled with people who had come to help. Some had taken up the task of the playground, while others had helped to plant the multitude of flowers and plants. It was beautiful.

“I think she would have loved this.” My mom said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

“I think so too,” I replied. A blanket had been laid out next to me and I laid Alexia on it. She twisted and moved, attempting to turn onto her stomach. We were coming up her being three months old.

“She’s growing so fast,” Georgia said as she approached with Vince. She knelt down next to Alexia and tickled her feet.

“I know. It’s crazy.” I replied.

Georgia played with Alexia some more as I looked around. I couldn’t wait for Alexia to be able to grow up here. “Also, Vince and I finished the box.”

I had enlisted Georgia’s help to create a box for Alexia. It would be filled with pictures ad tokens of Layla. Some of Layla’s jewelry had also been placed inside it. I had given Georgia a recording of Layla. I wanted Alexia to know her mother’s voice.

“I placed it in Alexia’s nursery.” Another project I had taken on. I didn’t want Alexia to be too far away, so I had placed a door to connect one of the side rooms to my room. As of now, Alexia still slept with me. I felt she should stay in my room until she slept through the entire night. We had yet to reach that point. She was getting close though.

“Thank you. It means a lot to me and I know it would have meant a lot to Layla.” Georgia smiled. I know this project had helped her to get past her grief. It had helped me as well. I still grieve Layla and I knew I would for the rest of my life, but this helped to filled the emptiness.

After everything was finished, everyone left back to their homes.I sat in Layla’s garden with Alexia still. I took a deep breath before speaking, “I miss you,” I said. Talking as if I was talking with Layla had helped me. “I can’t help but imagine you in this area, playing with Alexia and any other kids we might’ve had.”

I took a deep breath, slowly past the lump that played in the back of my throat. I looked at Alexia as she grabbed handfuls of grass. I had laid her on her stomach and she had enthusiastically grabbed the blanket. She had since moved towards grabbing the grass. I kept a close eye on her, not wanting her to eat any of the grass.

“I wish you were still here.” I said. “I wish I could see you with Alexia. I know you would’ve been the best with her.” I noticed the sun setting and sighed. It was getting late and I needed to get Alexia fed. “I love you.” I kissed my fingers before placing them on the stone.

I stood and picked up Alexia. I walked to the stairs with her. I had created stairs that led up to the balcony of my room. I entered into her nursery before heading towards the changing table. Alexia made gurgling sounds as I grabbed everything needed.

I talked to her as I changed her about little nothings. I picked her up nad grabbed a bottle. Georgia had already made the bottle up and placed it out for when I returned. I gently fed Alexia as I sat in the rocking chair. The window of the nursery looked over Layla’s garden. It made me smile again.

Chapter 20

King Axel Pierce

“You don’t have a son. In the past, the crown has gone to the first born son.” I sighed heavily. I had been woken up this morning with the news of the council wanting a meeting with me. Alexia was with my parents.

“That has not always happened,” I said. The council had said that since Alexia wasn’t a son, I still needed to marry Darcy. “There have been many female leaders in our past. You know as well as I do that Alexia will be a stronger than any leader I have with Darcy.”

“But your highness, don’t you need a queen until the princess can take over?” Councilwoman Miranda asked.

“No, not necessarily. I have my beta and my parents to help run the kingdom. I am not in need of a queen.” I replied. I needed Layla as the queen. She would strengthen the kingdom as the true queen, not Darcy. Darcy wouldn’t harm the pack by becoming queen, but she was not needed as queen.

“But we have always had a queen and a king during their rule.” Miranda said.

“Yes, and they were all true mates. Darcy is not my mate and I am not in need of an heir. There is no logical reason for us to marry.” I replied. They had been making these arguments for the better part of an hour.

“And if this is seen as a sign of weakness?” Miranda asked. I glowered at her.

“It will not. In fact, many of our enimies believe that true mates are a weakness.” I replied. Rogues had been a problem for us for years.

“Not all our enemies feel that same way though,” Councilman Cross joined in. “We must prepare for all attacks.”

“But this is not an area that can prevent attacks.” I replied.

“But sir-“

They were cut off by a guard rushing into the throne room. “King Axel, something has happened! Princess Alexia has gone missing!”

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