Her Safe Place

Chapter 18

To My Lovely mate, Axel,

I miss you. It seems to be putting it bluntly, but I miss you so much Axel. I am unsure how much longer they are allowing me to live, but I will leave this earth knowing that you loved me. That you loved me dearly. I will always love you too. I will love you till my very last breath.

I am unsure when this letter will reach you, but I must tell you about our baby girl. I am unsure what the plan is for her, my captors are planning on using her as leverage. I only hope you can save her. I know one of the guards are going to try and get her to you, I hope his plan works. Alexia Pierce was born on May 10. She was a healthy baby and gave me no trouble. She is a beautiful baby. I couldn’t help but note all the similarities between her and you. Although she looks most like me, I know she will act just like her daddy. I know you will cherish our little girl and spoil her rotten.

I wish I could be there to see it. You would be wrapped around her finger and she would look up to you as if you held the world in your hand. I wish I could see her grow and you change and become the best dad our little girl could ask for. I hope she will have the strength you have. I wish I could see you interact and become close. I am certain she will be a daddy's girl and be glued to your side.

Throughout my captivity I have had to escape the reality I have been forced into. I used to picture my safe place as the beaches of California. In these last days, my safe place has transformed. Instead I imagine you and Alexia. I imagine everything that I will miss. You kept me safe and you have in turn become my safe place.

With all my heart, I love you.



King Axel Pierce

The letter slipped from my hands and landed on my desk. My shoulders slumped forwards as a tear fell from my eye. I looked over the words again. “You have turned into my safe place.” I had known about her safe place since the rogue attacked us on our way to the palace. California had given me a glimpse into that place she needed so often.

“Axel.” I looked up as my mom entered with Alexia. I realized while reading the letter that Alexia was about a month old. I smiled as Alexia was handed over to me. My mom took a seat across the desk from me. “I contacted our lawyer, they are getting a birth certificate for Alexia. Did Layla mention a middle name?”

“No, she didn’t.” I replied. “They gave her less than two weeks with Alexia before they killed her.” I shook my head.

“Poor thing.”

The door to my office burst open. “Axel! What do you think of this dress for my coronation?” Darcy stopped as her eyes landed on the baby in my arms. “Whose a baby is that?” She asked.

“Mine,” I whispered out.

“What?!” Darcy basically screeched. Alexia’s face scrunched and she let out a wail. I sent a glare at Darcy before I stood and swayed, trying to calm Alexia’s cries.

“How can that be?” Darcy asked, “are you sure its your baby?” I growled at her tone.

“This is my child.” I said.

“Axel, can you really raise that baby along with our own kids?” Darcy asked, striding towards the desk.

“We will not be having kids,” I said.

“But what about an heir?”

Was she daft? “I have an heir. Mine and Layla’s child is the heir. I do not need you anymore.” I said. “You can try all you want, but I will not be marrying you and you will never be queen.”

Darcy gasped before she stormed out of my office. I sighed and looked down at Alexia. She had stopped crying and was on the verge of falling asleep. I shifted her to rest on my shoulder. I gently tapped her back and rocked her. Alexia’s eyes closed and blinked open slowly before she feel asleep fully.

“I always knew you would be a great dad.” I looked up as Georgia entered the office. She smiled as she saw Alexia. “Vince told me about her.” She paused, “and the letter. Have you read it yet?”

“I have.” It suddenly felt harder to breathe. The lump reappeared in my throat.

Georgia her hand on my shoulder. “I know she would be extremely proud of you.” I hadn’t been able to talk to Georgia about anything that happened with Layla. I knew she had been grieving. As much as I wanted to talk to her, to clear the air between us.

I almost felt worried. I had struggled with blaming myself since Layla’s death. I didn’t think I had done enough. I should’ve saved her. Alexia had begun to help me get past that part. Even though she had only been here for two days. She impacted me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t save Layla.” I said. My voice was quiet, something uncharacteristic for me.

Georgia let out a laugh, “I tried to blame you for the first few weeks after she went missing. I thought you weren’t doing enough. It seems a little stupid now. I have seen the way you fell apart after she died. No one. Could’ve faked that.”

I gave her a smile. Although it didn’t disperse all my fears, it helped clam that quarter.

After a moment, Georgia spoke again. “She doesn’t blame you.”

“What?” I asked, confused by the words.

“For her death. I think Layla knew the most out of all of us that you loved her. I think she felt it everyday. You were good to her. You treated her right.” Georgia explained.

I couldn’t force any words out of my mouth. I felt as though a weight had lifted off my shoulder. I had tried to convince myself it wasn’t my fault, but I could never truly let go of that possibility.

I looked at the sleeping baby in my arms. One part of me feared for the future of my daughter. I couldn’t help but mourn the loss of Alexia not ever meeting her mother, the most wonderful person there ever was. “Georgia,” I began. “I want Alexia to know her mother.”

Georgia didn’t need anymore words. “I got it. I’ll get something for her.”

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