Her Safe Place

Chapter 21

King Axel Pierce

“Sir! We found the princess!” Those words allowed me the first amount of relief I had felt within days. Quinn. Pointed to a small building on the map in front of me. “Her scent is increasingly strong here. I have guards staked outside the building in case the princess is moved.”

“And have you gotten a plan prepared for an attack?” I asked.

“Yes sir, we have also found evidence of the kidnappers. Alpha Daniels and Darcy Daniel’s scent was increasingly strong around the area. I have not gotten word if we have truly seen either of them leaving the building. I will be notified of any developments.”

I nodded, “send a request for an audience with the Daniels. If I can get a confession, that can help things move forwards.” Quinn nodded.

“I will have word sent to their pack within the hour.” Quinn stepped away as he mindlinked his message. I picked up the file Quinn had placed on my desk when he walked in. Pictures of the building were the first thing I saw. I paused.

The first picture was of the front door. My eyes stopped on the symbol carved into the wood of the door. It was small enough that it could be easily overlooked. The area looked to be an apple core. The symbol of the council.

“Quinn,” I called. “Call a meeting with the council.” An apple core had been chosen for its meaning. It showed wisdom without being obviously. The symbol on a building was a sign to werewolves that the house belonged to the council and was to not be approached. If Alexia was being held at a council’s home, it meant a council member was behind hte abduction.

I had my suspicions on the culprit, but I didn’t have any evidence. I entered the throne room. I knew it would take a little bit for the council to arrive, giving me about an hour to grilll my newest arrivals.

“Alpha Daniels. Darcy,” I greeted. I motioned for them to take a seat at a small table placed in the room for meetings.

“To what do we owe the pleasure?” Alpha Daniels asked, bowing to me.

“As you know, my heir has gone missing. This brings back the problem from before Alexia arrived.” I couldn’t help but notice that Darcy looked extremely smug.

“Will you be marrying for an heir? I know Darcy was the council’s choice.” Something I felt Alpha Daniels had something to do with.

“Yes, it would seem that is my only option.” I said. I carefully studied their reactions. Alpha Daniels gave nothing away with his face. Darcy looked even more smug.

“Are you in earnest to plan the wedding?” Alpha Daniels asked.

“No, I am not.” I replied. “I have no been given a choice on my bride.”

Alpha Daniels looked at me as though I was short a brain cell. “But the council has already chosen Darcy as your mate.”

“A criminal can’t be my queen if she is behind bars.” I replied. Darcy’s eyes grew wide. “My guards have located my daughter. Although we have not retrieved her, we are planning on attacking soon. Would you like to know what else we found around the house?” I asked.

“What?” Alpha Daniels asked, playing innocent.

“Both of your scents were found throughout the area. Not to mention Darcy made an unscheduled visit here when Alexia was kidnapped.” I said.

“What are you accusing us of?” Darcy asked.

“Abduction is a big deal within human laws as well as werewolf laws. Abduction of the heir to the throne is a very big deal. Punishable by death.” I leveled them both with a glare. “Now, I know that one of the council members are helping you. Perhaps your sentence can be eased with some cooperation.”

I wasn’t planning on lessening their death sentences at all. They would die slowly and painfully. I would relish in knowing justice was served.

“We cannot tell you anything. We know nothing.” Alpha Daniels said. “Your accusations have no foundation and will not be held up in court.”

I snorted out a laugh. “You think you will recieve a trial? I am king. My word is law. I don’t need a reason to kill you. The accusations will only strengthen my determination.”

‘The council will stop you! They won’t let you do this!” Darcy said.

“Well, as I can no longer trust my council, they will be dismissed. There will be no more council. A king will have advisors. The current council members will all be tried for conspiracy against the crown. Another big crime.”

For the first time since they had entered the throne room, they looked uncertain. Gone were their smug expressions.

“Now, would you like to tell me who your accomplice is?” I asked, folding my hands and leaning on the table.

Alpha Daniels looked at his daughter before looking back at me. “Alexia is safe. She isn’t hurt.”

“Why did you kidnap her?” I asked.

“You were supposed to marry me!” Darcy burst out, surprising both me and her father. “We were supposed to live happily ever after. I was so close! We were so close! Then that bitch showed up! She seemed so innocent and used the mate bond to get you to leave me! She blinded you!”

I paused. Mate bond? She wasn’t talking about Alexia. She was talking about Layla. My wolf was on edge as he wouldn’t take lightly of any insult thrown at Layla.

Darcy continued, “I thought you would stay with me! But then you marked her and made plans with her. Planned out your future. Nothing I did worked! You wouldn’t leave her. I had to get her out of the picture. She needed to be dealt with! Taking her and torturing her was the best day of my life! I thought by cutting off her mark would cause you run to me! We would live happily ever after.”

I growled at the information Darcy had just revealed. “You took Layla?!” My voice rubmbled through the walls with my anger. “You killed Layla?” Knowing I stood in front of Layla’s killers had my blood boiling over. They had taken Layla from me….

Darcy’s eyes widened as if she had just realized that she had confessed to murder. She began to shake and wail loudly. She began to ramble on about her innocence. It only made me more irritated.

“I will deal with you later.” My tone was deadly and calm. I wasn’t giving away anything in my tone. “Now, you are going to get Alexia back or so help me…….” I left the ending hanging in the air. Too many horrid ideas came to mind. “You have two hours.”

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