Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two: A Thorn In My Side

Akira made her way to the giant trolls distracting Orthus. She remembered the story of Orthrus. The poor dog was killed by Hercules while completing tasks for Eurystheus. He was on his tenth of twelve tasks, capturing cattle of Geryon. Now it seemed someone had Orthus, Orthrus’ descendant, protecting cattle. The giant trolls had Orthus so confused that Akira wondered if the dog knew she was on his side, not the giant trolls.

One of Orthus’ heads swung past her, barely missing.

“Orthus!” Akira shouted.

The humongous dog stopped and looked at her.

“We are here to help you!”

The red fur of the dog glowed as he bent down to her level. Everyone under the dog fell to their stomachs.

Akira squealed as the dog nudged her, pushing her onto his nose. She held on as the head lifted.

“Akira!” her warriors shouted when they saw her on the dog’s large nose.

“I’m okay!” Akira called back.

She climbed up the dog’s nose and sat between his eyes, facing him.

“I am Akira. Those are my warriors and friends.” She nodded her head to the others.

Jules fluttered beside Akira, making Orthus’ eyes cross.

Akira giggled, “this is Jules, my fairy friend.”

The dog’s other head swiped at a giant troll trying to snag a cow.

“Akira!” her warriors shouted again.

“I’m fine! Help Orthus’ cattle!” Akira shouted to her warriors.

Akira looked into Orthus’ large eyes. “Will you let me down so I can help?”

The dog’s enormous head moved back to the ground. Akira jumped off and ducked when a giant troll swung a club at her head.

“No one hurts our Havent,” Zelious hissed.

Akira watched her warrior rip the giant troll’s head off. He looked at her, and she smiled.

“Giant trolls smell like skunk oil!” Stella shouted as she ran past Akira.

The small troll’s sword sliced into the giant troll Akira hadn’t noticed was sneaking up on her warrior.

“Thank you, Stella.”

Stella turned to her and smirked, then turned back and ran after another giant troll.

“I don’t think our trolls like these giant trolls,” Zelious snickered.

Akira smiled. “I do believe you’re right.”

“Akira,” Wolfric said, out of breath, as he stopped beside her.

Akira looked at her Wolfie. “Are the giant trolls defeated?”

Wolfric nodded, “most of them. The others ran.”

“Probably to get back up,” Malique said, joining them.

“Why didn’t Orthus lead his cattle somewhere safe?” Darius asked as he joined them.

“Because he’s chained,” Levi said, popping into human form before them.

“Giant trolls have no brains and smell like the swamp,” Fin said, rolling up on them.

Akira chuckled. Their trolls really hated the giant trolls.

“What do you mean, he’s chained?” Wolfric asked Levi.

Levi turned to the wolf. “Look,” he pointed up at the dog’s two large heads.

Akira looked up and sucked in a breath. She hadn’t noticed the chain around his throat before.

“Who do we contact to set him free?” Wolfric asked.

“You can’t,” Akira whispered. “Orthus is being punished for what his ancestor did.”

“What did Orthrus do?” Malique asked.

“I only know his last task. I don’t think anyone knows what he did before Hercules killed him.” Akira looked up at the giant dog. Both of his heads were panting.

“How many cows did we lose?” Stella asked.

“I found two dead, and who knows how many the giant trolls escaped with,” Zelious informed them.

“Akira,” Wolfric said, moving closer to her.

Akira eyed her Wolf Warrior. What was he up to? She could see something on his face she had seen once or twice before. He was plotting.

Wolfric smirked and told her, “call to the Gods. Ask them for help.”

Akira scoffed. “They won’t listen to me. I’m nothing special….”

Wolfric pulled her into his arms and rubbed his nose against hers.

“Ask for help,” he whispered.

Akira swallowed; her eyes were open wide as she stared at her wolf. “Okay,” she whispered.

Wolfric nodded and took a step back, as did the rest of them.

Akira cleared her throat. “Gods, whoever is listening. I could use some help here. Any kind of help….”

“Great, now anyone could show up,” Darius said, throwing his arms in the air and slapping them down against his thighs.

“It’s not like anyone is listening. Who cares about a soulless….” Akira shrieked when a man appeared before them.

Wolfric watched the demigod as he looked Akira over. He knew they were listening. This was a test to see how many were actually watching Zeus’ niece.

“You called,” the demigod said, a bit of annoyance in his voice.

Akira frowned. “Giant trolls attacked Orthus….”

The demigod moved so fast Akira screeched as the man sneered in her face.

“You called upon the Gods for this?!”

“Get out of my Havent’s face!” Darius sneered.

The demigod turned to Darius and backed away. “Darius,” he grumbled.

“You ever get in her face again, and I promise you, we won’t be the only ones killing you,” Darius snarled, his white hair turning silver.

“It’s okay.” Akira took hold of Darius and pulled him away from the other demigod. She’d almost forgotten her Pegasus was a demigod.

“She’s the one who called me,” the demigod snarled at Darius.

“No,” Akira whispered. “I asked for help. If anyone was listening to help. If you don’t want to help, you shouldn’t have come,” Akira stated.

“Help from the Gods about a stupid mut and his cows?” the demigod scoffed.

“Is it not your job to protect those of myth?” Wolfric asked, eyeing the demigod.

The demigod scoffed. “What myth? Other than the mut?”

“Are the cattle of Geryon something the Gods would want to be protected? After all, that’s why they have Orthus practically chained to them,” Zelious growled.

Akira looked at her merman. Shit, he’s a demigod too.

The demigod shook his head.

“Why did you respond to her prayer?” Malique asked.

“Yeah, how did you know she needed help?” Jules asked.

The demigod snorted. “I’ve been following Zelious. His grandfather asked me to keep an eye on him. I heard her prayer and thought I could help….”

“How can a demigod answer for a God?”

The group turned to the voice.

Akira sucked in a shocked breath. Someone heard her.

“Loki,” Darius growled.

The God smiled at the Pegasus. “Darius, so good to see you again.”

“What do you want, Loki?” Darius demanded.

Loki shook his head. “She asked for help,” he stated, pointing to Akira.

Akira shook her head. The Gods are listening to her. But why?

“We won’t be needing you.” Loki waved his hand at the demigod, and the man disappeared. “Now.” He moved closer to Akira. “What did you need help with?”

“What… what can we do to help Orthus and his cattle?”

Loki laughed. “You called upon the Gods for that?”

“Someone chained Orthus here, and giant trolls attacked. He can’t leave this spot, and the cattle are in danger!”

Loki studied Akira. Akira felt her face pale. Shit, she just yelled at a God.

Loki shook his head and turned to Orthus. “I do believe Odin punished this creature. I will contact him and tell him about the giant trolls. But why would they attack cattle?”

“Look at the cattle,” Wolfric said, watching Loki.

Loki looked at the cattle and shook his head. “Cattle of Geryon.”

“Now you see why we called upon the Gods,” Darius said.

Loki looked at Akira again. “I shall stay with Orthus until Odin can move him. You may continue on your travels.”

Akira blinked. “Really?”

Loki laughed, “go. Go find your warrior.”

Akira nodded, “thank you.”

Akira and her party moved past Loki and Orthus. She stopped and turned to the enormous dog.


The two heads looked at her.

“I am sorry they did this to you. You don’t deserve to be punished for what your ancestor did. But you are loyal to your job. They will see that, and maybe….” She looked at Loki, then back at the two-headed dog. “Maybe someday they will set you free.” She turned and left the field, her warriors and friends close behind her.


Loki turned to Darius and Zelious.

“We know the Gods are watching Akira,” Darius stated.

Loki grinned, “of course you do.”

“We won’t let any of you harm her,” Zelious sneered.

Loki laughed, “your Havent is safe.”

“Not from the likes of you,” Darius growled.

Loki turned from them, “return to your Havent. Things will unravel as time goes by.”

Darius and Zelious looked at each other, then at the God.

“You were warned,” Zelious said.

Loki laughed as he walked away from them.

“Do you trust him?” Zelious asked Darius.

Darius snorted, “he’s a trickster. I wouldn’t trust him with a bucket of water.”


Akira watched Julianne and Leviasen as they chatted with each other ahead of her and her warriors.

“What’s on your mind, little one?” Wolfric asked, wrapping his arm around her.

Akira smiled up at her Wolfie. “I was thinking about Jules and Levi.”

Wolfric looked up at the fairies, then back down at Akira. Akira could see in his eyes that he also saw the love between the two fairies.

“Should I say something to them?” Akira asked.

Wolfric grinned. He knew what his Psychi was asking. Should she get involved with her two best friends and help them realize their love for each other?

“I think you should,” Darius said, coming up on the other side of Akira.

Wolfric looked at his fellow warrior and grinned. They know Akira is concerned for her best friend, and they have sensed the connection between Akira and Levi. They know it’s not sexual, but there was a bond between them that no one, not even Akira or Levi, understood.

“Should I be blunt about it?” Akira asked.

Darius chuckled and answered, “I tried being nonchalant, and it failed. Maybe a little bluntness would help.”

Akira rolled her eyes. “Throwing your arm over her shoulders and kissing her wasn’t very nonchalant.”

Darius laughed, “it was on the cheek.” He turned to her. “Jealous?”

Akira shook her head. “I know my warriors are mine.”

“He did get the right reaction from Levi,” Malique said, joining in their conversation.

“Should I talk to them together or individually?” Akira asked.

She watched her warriors look at each other, then down at her.

“Maybe separately and then together?” Malique suggested.

Akira nodded, “thanks.”

Her warriors pulled her into their arms, and she giggled as they hugged her as one.


Akira found a chance after dinner that night to talk privately with Julianne.

“Are you okay?” Jules asked when Akira sat down beside her.

Akira nodded, “I’m fine.”

“No nausea?”

Akira shook her head. “The guys made sure I didn’t overdo it today, especially after dealing with Orthus and Loki.”

Jules nodded. “It shocked me to see Loki answering your prayer.”

Akira chuckled, “so were we.”

“Akira, what is on your mind?” Jules asked, studying her.

Akira shrugged.

“Nuh-uh, you are thinking about something….”

“You,” Akira admitted.

“Me?” Jules blinked at her, confused.

Akira nodded, “you and Levi.”

Jules shook her head. “What about me and Levi?”

“I know you love him,” Akira whispered.

“Of course I love him. He’s my best friend. Has been since we were kids.”

Akira shook her head. “No, I mean, I know you’re in love with him.”

Jules opened her mouth to deny it, and Akira covered it with her hand.

“Please don’t deny it. We’re supposed to tell each other the truth. We’re best friends, remember?”

Jules smiled behind Akira’s hand and nodded. Akira lowered her hand and smiled at her friend.

“You know, you’re my first friend.”

“What about Wolfric?”

Akira chuckled, “my warrior doesn’t count.”

Jules smiled. “You’re my first real friend outside of Levi.”

“Really?” Akira asked, shocked.

Jules nodded and answered, “yeah. Fairies get jealous easily. And who wants to be friends with the girl who’s best friends with the prince?”

“I would think that would make them want to be your friend even more.”

Jules laughed, “yeah, that’s what Levi thought too. But jealousy ruled their minds. That’s why Levi doesn’t like to talk to anyone but me. He hates the dances as much as I do. Not because his mother forced him to dance with the princesses but because everyone got jealous. Jealous of the princesses taking up his dance card, jealous of me always getting the last dance….”

“I knew it,” Akira shrieked.

Jules blinked at her. “Knew what?”

Akira grinned. “Levi loves you as much as you love him.”

Jules shook her head. “Nah, we’re just friends.”

“He saves the last dance for you, Jules. That says something.”

Julianne shook her head, “the first dance is what counts….”

Akira took hold of her friend’s hand. “Jules, the last dance of the evening is the one every man remembers. I bet he never remembers the name of the first princess he dances with.”

Jules laughed. “I actually asked him that once.”

“And?” Akira asked.

Jules looked at her. “And he couldn’t remember her name….” Jules paused.

Akira could see her friend’s brain working.

“Actually. He never remembers their names.”

Akira felt her heart swell. “See.”

Julianne shook her head. “No, he wouldn’t love me. I’m nothing but a guard, a seer, the granddaughter of a fairy godmother….”

Akira stood and whispered down to her friend, “the love of his life.”

Akira returned to her warrior. They looked at her, and she gave them two thumbs up. They grinned at her, and she looked to where Levi sat.

Next stop, the prince of Fairy Land.

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