Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three: Mine and Only Mine

“You know I’m right,” Akira said, watching Levi.

He hadn’t looked at her since she sat beside him and started talking about him and Jules. She saw him smile when she mentioned him saving the last dance for Julianne, every ball. And how jealous everyone got because of it. She also mentioned he doesn’t remember the name of a single princess his mother had introduced him to.

“Actually, I do remember their names,” he whispered.

Akira stared at him, “but you told Jules you don’t.”

He shrugged. “I don’t remember what order I danced with them. But I’m the prince. I must remember their names. But it doesn’t mean I want to see them again. If I have a meeting with their father, what am I supposed to say? “I danced with your daughter? Damn, I don’t remember her name.”

Akira chuckled. He had a point.

He looked at her, “but you were correct about one thing .”

She waited for him to say the three little words she knew he wanted to say…

“I saved the last dance for Jules.”

Akira sighed. Not the words she was hoping for, but they were close enough…

“I love her.”

Akira’s heart skipped a beat. She did it! She got him to admit it. She pushed him with her shoulder.

“Then tell her.”

He shook his head. “She just thinks of me as her best friend.”

Akira chuckled. “How is it you two have been friends for so long, yet you know nothing of each other?”

He looked at her. “What do you mean? I know everything there is to know about Julianne.”

Akira sighed, “Levi, you need to tell her you love her.”

He shook his head. “I’m not worthy of her.”

Akira rolled her eyes. “You think you’re not worthy of her, and she thinks she’s not worthy of you.”

“How in the world could she not be worthy of me?”

Akira smiled—she’d hit something. “Because you’re a prince.”

He scoffed, “she’s the granddaughter of a fucking fairy godmother. That outranks a prince by a thousand years.”

Akira jumped to her feet. “Then you need to tell her!”

“Tell her what?”

Akira got into his face and smirked, “tell her you love her, you idiot.” She stood and walked away.


Leviasen watched Akira walk away. Was she right? Should he tell Jules how he truly feels? He tried it a couple times, but Jules avoided the subject. Maybe he needs to gag her. He chuckled and stood. The sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could heal his broken heart.

He looked around and found Julianne sitting off to the side, alone. He walked over to her and sat down beside her.

“Hey,” he whispered.

She looked at him and smiled, “hi.”

“Akira pointed something out to me tonight.”

Julianne frowned. “What did she do? She talked to me too.”

Levi nodded and said, “figured she had. She said you don’t think you’re good enough for me.”

Jules scowled. “I’m going to hang her by her long blond hair.”

Levi chuckled, “don’t. She did it out of love.”

“Love?” Jules looked at him.

He smiled and whispered, “she loves us. She knows we’ve been keeping something from ourselves and each other.”

She blinked at him, a confused look on her face.

Levi took a deep breath and let it out. “If anyone here isn’t worthy of the other, it’s me.”

She shook her head, “you’re a prince, Levi. No one is worthy of you….”

He took her hand in his. “You are.”

She stared into his eyes, bewildered.

He smiled, “Jules, I have wanted to say this to you for years.”

Jules felt her heart skip out of her chest. This is it; he’s going to tell her he can’t be friends with her anymore. He’s going to marry a princess, and she’ll never see him again.

“I love you,” he whispered.

She stared at him. He loves her as a friend, or…

“I have loved you for so long. I didn’t know how much until we went on this adventure. It has opened my eyes to so many things.”

“Wait.” She pulled back from him. “You love me as a friend loves a friend, or a brother loves a sister, right? Because I’ve always known that….”

He shook his head, “no, Jules. I’m in love with you.”

Jules jumped to her feet and walked away.

Levi frowned and covered his face with his hands. He doesn’t regret telling Jules how he feels, and he doesn’t blame Akira. She was just doing her job as a friend…

“You asshole!”

Levi looked up in shock and stared at Julianne’s angry face.

“How dare you tell me that!” she cried.


“No.” She sliced her hand through the air to stop him. “It took being away from the castle, and on someone else’s adventure to tell me, you love me. What is wrong with you?”

Levi jumped to his feet. “Have you said them back?”

She opened her mouth and closed it, glaring at him. “Why couldn’t you tell me before? Why torment me for years with balls and princesses and more fucking balls?!”

Levi chuckled. “Are you angrier about the princesses or the balls?”

She threw her hands in the air. “Both.”

He pulled her against his chest and kissed her.

Julianne blinked as her prince kissed her. She relaxed in his arms and kissed him back. It wasn’t like the pecks here and there or the once or twice they kissed without thinking. This one was full of pent-up passion and… love.

“Jules,” Levi breathed as they separated.

Julianne felt a tear slide down her cheek. “I’m not right for you.”

He shook his head, “don’t say that. You are perfect for me. We know everything about each other….”

“Your mother won’t let us….”

“Julianne.” He pulled her against him again. “My parents love you.”

“As your best friend,” she cried.

He shook his head, “the only reason my mother held the balls was to make you jealous. She knew I loved you and wanted you to see we belong together. But you’re too stubborn.”

Jules hiccupped. “She doesn’t want you to marry a princess?”

“Gods no. She hates them. She hated them when she was one of them and hated the thought of me being with one. She loves you like a daughter, Jules. You’re the one she wants to carry her grandchildren she keeps carrying on about. Why do you think she was so excited about us going on this adventure? She hoped it would push us closer.”

“I-I thought it was because of Akira.”

Levi shook his head, “that was my father’s thoughts. My mother thought about us. Of course, she didn’t tell me, but I saw it in her eyes.”

Jules smiled. “So you don’t think I’m not good enough for you?”

He shook his head. “You’re perfect for me.”

“But my grandmother is a fairy godmother; I’m a seer and a guard….”

“You are a fairy warrior—who happens to grant wishes and see into the future.”

She laughed, “doesn’t sound any better.”

He kissed her, and she melted into him.

“I love you, Julianne, my sweet warrior.”

Jules whimpered, “I love you too, Leviasen, my prince.”

Levi felt his heart soar to the skies. He lifted her into his arms and headed into the woods; he found an empty tree trunk and set her down.

“Shift,” he told her.

They shifted into their fairy form and flew into the trunk together. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“Retract your wings. I don’t want to hurt them,” he mumbled against her lips.

Julianne retracted her wings and moaned as her prince pushed her to lie down on the leaves.

“I have wanted this for so long,” he whispered.

Jules moaned as he kissed down her throat. They stripped out of their clothes and looked at each other.

“You are even more beautiful than I imagined,” he whispered.

“I knew you would be this handsome,” she smirked.

He chuckled and kissed down her belly. She moaned and lifted herself to his touch.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you,” she groaned, tilting her head back, her hand moving to his head, pushing him down further.

He chuckled as he pulled her pussy to his mouth. She cried out when his lips touched her sensitive nub.

“Ah shit,” she moaned as lights flashed before her.

“Cum for me,” he begged.

It didn’t take long for Jules to cum. When her prince crawled back up her body, she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

“I have a confession,” he said, looking into her eyes.

She smiled up at him. “What could it possibly be?”

He looked to his left, then to his right, as if he expected someone to pop out at them, then looked down at her.

“I’ve never done this,” he whispered.

Jules blinked up at him. “You… you’ve never had sex?”

He shook his head.

Jules swallowed. Her prince had saved himself for her.

“Neither have I,” she whispered.

He grinned and kissed her.

“I couldn’t see myself with anyone but you,” he said, kissing down her throat.

Jules almost cried. They saved themselves for each other.

“Me either.”

Levi closed his eyes; Julianne saved herself for him. This will be their first time, and not just with each other.

He lifted her hips and lined his cock up with her entrance. He took a deep breath and started pushing himself into her.

“Fuck,” he groaned.

It was better than anything he had ever used, especially his hands.

“Levi,” she mewed.

He pushed himself in her—to the hilt—and almost fell over from the pleasure of being inside her.

Jules cried out from the pain. They didn’t move; they just panted in each other’s ears.

“I guess I should move,” he whispered.

She giggled, “I guess so.”

He shifted himself and grunted. She watched his face as he started to move inside her. Sensations exploded through her body, and she cried out.

“Jules,” he moaned.

“Hold me,” she whispered.

He moved forward and wrapped his arms around her. They moved together, moaning, groaning, and panting. When she orgasmed, he cursed.

“I’m not going to last much longer,” he grunted.

“Cum in me, my prince,” she breathed.

He groaned and picked up his speed. The lights flashed before her eyes again as her orgasm had her twitching. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, and he grunted, releasing his seed deep inside her.

“Jules,” he breathed, leaning his forehead against her shoulder.

“I love you, Levi.”

He kissed her collarbone. “I love you, my sweet fairy.”


Akira turned when she heard her friends. She jumped to her feet when she saw them holding hands.

“Jules?” Akira whispered.

Jules grinned, “You were right.”

Akira shrieked and ran to her best friend. She hugged her so tight Jules tapped her shoulder, telling her she couldn’t breathe.

“Nice,” Darius said, tapping Levi on the shoulder.

Levi grinned the same grin Akira had seen on all her warriors’ faces after they’d fucked her. She looked at Jules.

“Did you?” she whispered.

Jules grinned and answered, “twice.”

Akira squealed and hugged her friend again.

“I’m so happy for you,” Stella yelped, joining Akira and Jules in their hug.

“About time,” Wolfric smirked.

“Let’s celebrate!” Akira announced.

The group gathered around the fire. The three females sat together, talking, while the men gathered in a circle around the fire.

“Here’s to love,” Wolfric said, holding up his cup of water.

“To love!” the others shouted.

“To love and lovers,” Akira said, winking at Jules.

Jules could feel her cheeks heating. She knew Akira was going to be asking her questions later. They had discussed sex many times, and Akira knew she was a virgin. But neither of them even thought about Levi being one as well.

She leaned forward and motioned for Akira to come closer. When they were close enough, she was sure no one would hear them. She told her best friend their biggest secret.

“He saved himself for me.”

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