Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 2


Chapter 2


There he was, the love of my life. It seemed like he was glowing but that was the entire thing about Lucas. He always seem to be glowing no matter where he was and this fact. wasn’t helping the butterflies in my belly. What I feel for him is so strong, I think I might pass out from how strong my heart was pounding.

“Are you ok? You look like you are about to pa

so of course, he’d notice that.

out or something”. He’s very observant,

“I’m very fine. Thank you. And thank you for coming. I almost thought-” I didn’t finish the statement, not wanting to offending him by admitting that I thought he wasn’t going to come even though he assured me yesterday that he would come.

“That I wouldn’t come? You know I wouldn’t miss it for anything. You’re one of my closest and oldest friends. Happy birthday, Gab”. Friends. Of course. That’s probably all he thinks of me. A friend. He gave me a hug and brought out a gift, handing it to me.

“Oh, you really shouldn’t have, Lucas”. I’ve tried calling him Luke, like he calls me Gab, instead of Gabriella like everyone else does, but it didn’t stick. I pretended like I didn’t want the gift but in truth, I was really excited to see what he had gotten me. He gets me gifts for every of my birthdays ever since we were old enough to know the importance of one and I knew this year wasn’t going to be an exception. I always look forward to his gifts knowing no one else’s can top it but it looks like my mom’s already did this


“On your eighteenth? Even if I didn’t want to, this is a very important year and I have to, Go on, open it”. He said, thrusting it into my hands. I gingerly opened the package, not wanting to ruin the wrapping. I try to save the wrappings too but since I opened it in front of him, I don’t want him to think I’m weird by keeping such thing so I pretended like I was going to trash it later, putting it in my bag.

The gift was inside a simple wooden box. Probably hand-carved since he always does. something like that. I wonder what this one would be this time. Something out of wood? I got a miniature carving of myself last year and it’s still on the dresser of my


Opening the lid, I found myself staring at the most beautiful bracelet I’ve ever laid eyes on. It was made out of wiring and intertwined in it are several gemstones. In a way, it really compliments the n*ecklace given to me this morning. I pulled it out and wore it, admiring it on my arm. It looked really beautiful. It must have cost a fortune to get.

“I’ve been learning and practicing my wireworks and I thought I should make you a


These Automation Tools Might Surprise You

Chapter 2

bracelet as your gift. It’s fine if you don’t like it. I can get you something else”. He said, probably taking my silence as disgust.

“No. No. Lucas. I love it so much. Thank you”. I said, excitedly and embraced him. He hesitated at first but held me closer after. I inhaled his scent, wanting this to last very long but we were in the middle of a busy place and except we were mated or betrothed to each other, it wasn’t allowed. I released him, reluctantly. “We should go. I have a lot planned. I hope you don’t have to go back soon”.

He laughed at my excitement at wanting to do a lot with him and he laughed before. nodding his head. I felt warmth spreading all over my b*dy at the smile he gave me after. I want this moment to last forever but we had things to do.

I led him to the first place for tonight. A park. There was a lot of things to do there and while I know that might sound childish, it’s one of the activities we enjoyed doing together when we were kids and seeing his eyes light up when he figured out where we were and what we were going to do wasworth it. I paid for both of us even though he objected and insisted that he paid for us since it was my birthday and I argued that since I was the one who asked him to come, it’s only right that I pay for him. After a lot of arguments and not wanting to create a scene, he backed down and allowed me to


We went on rides and did most of the games. We had a lot of fun doing all of these and I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be better after we become mates. I’m sure it would be. If coming here as friends feels like this, I’m sure it would be magnified after.

When it was getting late, we left the restaurant we ate at, planning to go home but then my rebellious side wanted to do one more activity. I wouldn’t find out if he was my mate or not after midnight anyway, so I might as well maximize the amount of fun we have together and think about the punishment later.

“Do you want to do one more thing, Lucas?” I said, giggling from the joke he just told me to make me laugh.

“Don’t you have to be home soon?”. He knows how my step mother is like when I don’t. come home carly. He’s probably the only one who knows this will be an opportunity for her to unleash her wrath on me but I wasn’t bothered.

“I don’t”. I lied. He co cked his brows, knowing fully well that I was lying. I hate when he does that but that’s one of the annoying parts of him knowing me for so long. “Fine, I do. But it’s still my birthday and I think I’ve earned extra time after curfew. I mean I’m going to know who my mate is today and what they are worried about is me coming few hours later than I would?”.


These Automation Tools Might Surprise You

Chapter 2

Wed, 21 Feb


He looked like he was going to say something but thought better of it. “Alright then, where do you want to go to?”

“Over there”. I said, pointing to a bar not far from where we were. The bar was close to where we both live so it’s not going to be hard to get home after. He looked skeptical about that but a pout and “please” from me changed his mind.

I don’t know what my liquor limit was but I’m prepared to throw all caution to the wind. and find out. I know Lucas can hold on his own against alcohol but I’m going to test his

limits too.

I asked him to order for us both and only get the best and strongest they had. He looked at me and shook his head before going ahead. I knew he wouldn’t, but whatever he brings would be a start.

He came back with two glasses of beer and I looked at him like he was kidding. He sat down and dropped one of the glasses in front of me.

“You don’t want to get too hungover tomorrow, trust me”. But that is exactly what I want. I want to get very drunk and probably regret it in the morning. I took a gulp of the beer and nearly spat it out. How do people enjoy this, it’s so bitter. Lucas laughed at


“Don’t worry, it’s an acquired taste”. He said. I was determined to see this through. I took another gulp and sure enough, it was not as bitter as it was at first. Soon, I finished the entire glass. Lucas hadn’t even touched half of his.

“Come on. Don’t be a party pooper. This is my official birthday party and you aren’t drinking. Drink up else, if get mad and leave right now. We have to drink till we’re sufficiently drunk, ok?” I said to him and he nodded his head while smiling at me. He picked up his glass and took a swig, showing me he heard me and will do as I wished for the night.

Before long, we had empty bottles on our table and I was properly drunk. I can’t tell if

Lucas is also very drunk but I knew he was buzzed since his words a started

slurring. I didn’t have complete control over my b*dy but my senses are still sharp and I can understand and remember everything that is happening. That’s a good sign. I might have a high tolerance for alcohol after all.

“You know, Lucas”. I said between hiccups. “You’re so handsome”.

“And you’re so pretty”. He said, after stumbling over the word pretty a few times before it came out. Yup, definitely drunk. It turns out that his alcohol tolerance was around the same level as mine if not lower.

These Automation Tools Might Surprise You


Chapter 2

Wed, 21 Feb

Even though it was as a result of being drunk, my brain still felt fuzzy from him calling me pretty and I can feel myself blushing.

“If things were different, you know what I’d do?”. I waited for him to ask me what but it looked like he was falling asleep. I poked him with my finger and he said “what?”. I knew he probably cannot hear me anymore but I said it anyway. “I would k*ss you and make love to you and allow you to do things to me, because I love you”.

I can’t believe I said that out loud but it doesn’t matter. He didn’t hear anything and after tonight, all of these would be forgotten. Or so I thought.

He raised his head up and looked me straight in the eyes. He probably didn’t hear me since he’s still under the influence of the alcohol and it’s not because of what I said. I saw him wet his l*ps and I subconsciously did the same. I leaned towards him and he did the same. Before I knew it, our l*ps touched and I was k*ssing him. I was k*ssing



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