Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 1

Chapter One


It’s finally the day. For most of my life, all I’ve ever waited for or wanted was to find out whom my mate was and I’ve always prayed to the goddess that it is Lucas.

Lucas and I have been best friends since I was a young pup. After my mom died and my father married a new woman with two kids, life has been hell for me and the only silver lining to all of the storms of my life was Lucas. It wasn’t surprising when I found out that I had started having feelings for him and I nursed it, wanting to hold on to a feeling that would keep me warm at the end of a long and tiring day.

It’s hard not to fall for Lucas. He’s everything anyone could ever want in a mate. Very handsome, rich and kind. He’s also very selfless and will go lengths to make sure that you’re comfortable before he is and best of all, he’s only three years older than I am, which makes him available since he doesn’t have a mate yet. All of these qualities endeared me to him and growing up very close was also one of the reasons.

I’ve never told him how I felt, since I didn’t want to ruin anything between us if he doesn’t feel the same way that I do. Although, I’m quite convinced that he likes me back, from the ways I’ve seen him looking at me when he thinks I can’t see him. I can’t wait to see how today goes. I hope my prayers have been answered.

I got out of bed and prepared as quickly as possible so I can catch my father before he leaves the house. He’s always so busy these days and it’s a wonder he sleeps in the house at all. He has probably forgotten that it’s my eighteenth birthday today and the day I get to know whom my mate was and I want to remind him before he goes. If for nothing else, but to get some money from him so I can use it for a party for myself later on. I think of it as a celebratory party, for after I find out that Lucas is my mate. I’ve invited him to come with me, so it would be easier for me to know when the urge of wanting my mate kicks in. Everything is perfectly planned and I’ll make sure that absolutely nothing goes wrong.

With a smile on my face, I stepped out of my room and the smile dropped almost immediately. The last person I want to see in this world was right outside. My stepsister, Irene. It’s not like I hated Irene but her mother and her have made my life a living hell ever since they came here.

When my mom died, and my dad had to get mated again so he doesn’t die out of loneliness, Gwen, my stepmother met him. It was all going well until they got married and that’s when she showed whom she was to me. She already had two kids before she got married to my father; a male and a female. Her son was already married to his mate so he doesn’t stay here but Irene, only a year older than I am, was still here. Rumor has it that she didn’t get a mate and she would have to be betrothed to someone for her to get married. I think that must have made her bitter and she likes to take it out on me the most. Her and her mother.

My dad doesn’t know about all of these because he’s barely at home and I don’t want to seem like the whiny child, so I bare it and try to get out of the house as often as possible without getting in trouble. They can’t be mean to me if I’m not in sight.

I looked her dead in the eyes before dropping my gaze, her glare cutting through to me and every of the confidence I had had before coming out leaving my b*dy. She always has that effect on me and I hate it with every fiber of my being.

“Going somewhere again? You’re never useful in this house. I’m sure you’re going to see that boy again. Talk about sleeping around before you even reach the age of getting a mate. Such a shame”. She said to me, distain showing on her face.

This was her regular approach. Insulting me and making me look like a bad person, and she the saint. I bit back the reply I had on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to tell her I was better of sleeping around that being mate-less at such an old age. I know it’s only a year difference, but except your mate was a kid, a female shouldn’t be mate-less at that age but saying that will only get me in serious trouble with her mom and that’s what I’m trying to avoid throughout the day. I don’t want to be grounded on the day of my birthday

I pretended like the remark didn’t get to me and proceeded to walk away, I needed to go and find my father before he leaves the house. She pulled me back, hating the fact that I tried to walk out on her.

“Don’t you even dare think of leaving when I’m not done with you. I wouldn’t have bothered with a low-life like you, but your dad asked that I give this to you”. She said “dad” like she was forcing something bitter down her throat. She hated calling my dad, dad. I don’t know whatever history she had with her biological father but it doesn’t make any sense to transfer the aggression to my own father. I’ve seen how he tries to make her feel at home and like his own daughter but she hates it and wants nothing to do with him. It breaks my heart to see him trying so hard when he has his own daughter starving of his attention.

I looked at her outstretched hand holding a wrapped parcel like it was a piece of d*rty underwear. Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. He hadn’t even bothered to say happy birthday to me in person and he had to send the gift through someone he knows I do not like. Probably thinking it would be a good bonding chance. It isn’t.

I accepted the gift wordlessly and turned to go back into my room. Before I turned, I saw a hint of pity in her eyes but it was gone as soon as it came, almost like I imagined it. I closed the door to my room and slid down the length of the door, listening for her footsteps showing that she already left before opening the package, praying that it was not already altered because it’s the kind of thing she can do.

Inside, I found an envelope, and another wrapped package. I opened the envelope and found cash, enough to last me a week, if I use it wisely and an handwritten note.

I set aside the cash and the parcel and opened the note. Tears dropped at the sight of his sloppy handwriting and I cleaned it away before reading it. He had written to tell me happy birthday and that he hopes finding my mate goes well. He also included that he wished he was able to celebrate the day with me today but he had an appointment he couldn’t get out of and that we will do something when he comes back from his trip.

I sighed and stood up. I dropped the note on my dresser and opened the small box. Inside was a beautiful n*ecklace. I gave a small gasp at its beauty and put it on my n*eck. I looked at myself in the mirror. The n*ecklace fit perfectly. I checked the box again, and saw a small piece of paper. On it was written, From your mother and I. Happy birthday, baby. The tears dropped rapidly now. Knowing it’s from my mother changed a lot about how I saw it. I held it closer, grateful to have something of hers to hold on to. I closed the box and kept it in the dresser.

I left my room, intent not let my other plans be ruined, and made sure I didn’t forget the cash. I went to customarily greet my stepmother, because I had to do that before I left the house so she’d know I wasn’t in anymore. She was sitting with Irene and they were discussing something. They immediately stopped talking when I got closer.

“Good morning, ma’am. I’m leaving to go meet my friend. I told you about it two days ago and you said I could go”. I said, making sure to remind her that she already promised. She does this thing where she says one thing and then turns around and do the other. But since a wolf’s promise is its bond, she can’t change her words once she’s reminded that she already promised.

“Whatever. Be back by five. I have things I need you to do for me”. I knew she was going to add a clause. I didn’t complain through, I’ll come back whenever I want to and face the punishment. I wasn’t about to waste my entire birthday working for someone.

“Yes”. I said and left the house as quickly as possible before she can find something else to add to it or reduce the time she said I should come back. I’m sure Lucas is waiting already and I don’t want to keep him waiting.

I rushed to our meeting point, disappointed that I couldn’t spot him. He is usually very punctual so something must have happened. Maybe he changed his mind. Or maybe he got into an accident. Or he could have thought that this wasn’t worth it. Before I could overthink it further, however, I heard his voice behind me.

“I’m sorry I’m late, Gab”.

I turned to face him, my breath hitching. “Lucas”. I called out, breathlessly.

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