Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


I don’t know exactly how we made it out of the bar but the next thing I knew, Lucas and I were in his foom, barely able to keep our hands off each other. Everything I ever wanted is coming to life. In a few minutes, I’d officially be his lover and that’s fine since he’s going to be my mate anyway. I know the walk here must have sobered him up a bit. as it had done to me so he knows exactly what’s going on and I don’t want this to be blamed on the alcohol.

Normally, I wouldn’t want my first time to be due to the fact that we both got drunk, but I had to use the chance I got, since I don’t know when I’d have the opportunity to have this kind of time with him every again.

The feel of his hands against my skin was even way better than I had ever imagined. He is a gentle lover which is perfect since I don’t have any experiences in this and I want him to guide me without injuring me and that seemed like something he’s going to do.

Still k*ssing him, I roamed my hands all over his b*dy, wanting to feel every inch of his b*dy if possible. I want to know every ridge and plane on his b*dy and he’s doing the same to me. He already took of his shirt when we came in and he took of mine too.

He removed my bra and made sure to pay special attention to my boobs before moving on. My clothes were all off not long after and I watched him suck in a breath. “Wow” he breathed and I blushed. I don’t know what he’s seeing through all of the alcohol faze but I hope it’s enough for him to want to see this through.

After I was completely undressed, he took of his pants and I was surprised. I hadn’t really thought about how big his d ick could be but this definitely superseded my expectations. I know he’d fit since I’ve read in one of my books that no matter how big he is, I can take him.

I decided to do something I’ve read about first. Suck him. I made him sit and when he realized what I was going to do, he positioned himself well and I tried my best to do well. His grunts told me I was doing a good job and I continued till he ejaculated. I kept stroking him till he got hard again.

“Lucas, I want you to make love to me now. I need you”. I heard myself say. He obliged and pulled me to him, laying me on the bed. He fl*pped so he was on top of me and he used his finger to check if I was ready. I moaned at his touch, his finger coming back

very wet.

He slid into me slowly and I could feel the sharp pain of penetration. He stayed still for

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Chapter 3

a while, allowing me to get accustomed to him before moving. The pain soon turned into pleasure and before long, I was moaning his name out loud, and he, mine.

He cried out as we both rocked our org asms. He fell against me, spent, and rolled over so he is laying on the bed. I snuggled into his arms and we fell asleep, a big smile on my face.

I was awoken by groaning beside me and I opened my eyes. That was the very first mistake I made. The headache that hit me immediately after was enough to kill me if I had left my eyes open. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was already there and the groaning wasn’t helping.

Everything slowly came back to me and I shot up in bed. The headache, multiplying by twelve. I can’t believe slept with Lucas. I could feel the panic beginning to rise and I tried to tone it down but it wasn’t working. He was waking up, probably to the same fate as I was currently experiencing.

There was something different. There is this scent, stronger than I’ve ever smelt and it’s coming from him. The realization of what it was hit me almost immediately and the excitement I felt knew no bounds. He is my mate. The goddess somehow heard my prayers and made him my mate. I really am so happy right now. I can’t wait for him to wake up so I can tell him about it

“Ugh. This is why I hate drinking. What time is it?” I heard him say, in his way to waking up from his sleep. I put a smile on my face as he sat up and held his head, before he realized that someone was in bed with him. He looked at me with horror before recognizing me.


“Gab? What are you doing here?”. He seemed to realize we were both n*ked and his widened. “What happened? What did you do? What did we do? Why are you smiling at me like that?” He asked the questions rapidly, obviously panicking

“What do you mean? We came back here last night and we made love and I just found. out that you’re my mate. Isn’t this exciting? This is the best thing that has happened to me. I said, excitedly.

He was already shaking his head before I even finished my statement. He didn’t let me finish before he started getting out of bed. What is he doing? He should also be happy about this. He’s mates with his best friend. That’s what everyone dreams of happening.

“No. No. No. This can’t be happening. No”. No? What does this mean? I can feel the dread forming. He hates me. He hates the idea of us

“What do you mean, Lucas? This is a good thing, isn’t it?”. I asked, standing up too. He

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Chapter 3

looked me once and averted his gaze. I was n*ked, but I didn’t care. I needed explanation.

*Put on some clothes, Gabriella. You need to leave before someone sees you. He said, turning so he is backing me.

“We had a good time yesterday, Lucas. What do you mean by before someone sees me. I’m your mate. Should you be preparing to tell everyone that? I’m sure no one will mind that we already mated. We’re doing to do that eventually, anyway”. I said, walking Over to go and meet him. He moved: and my heart broke a bit.

“It’s not about that. This can’t happen. We can’t happen. I can’t be your mate. I already have someone I’m betrothed to and I can’t get out of marrying her. I’m sorry, but I have to reject you”. He said, finally facing me, this time not minding that I was n*ked.

“No. That’s not true. You never told me that. You didn’t say you had someone. You’re single. You’re not mated to anyone. I just found out I’m your mate so there’s no way you have another mate already and I don’t know about it”. I kept rambling. He held me by my arms to steady me but I felt like I was already going crazy. My life was coming to shatters in less than a day.

“I’m sorry, Gabriella”. He calls me Gabriella when he has done something be knows I’ll be mad at. I was silent for a while, processing everything that just happened. Eventually, I came to the acceptance that he already had someone but I needed to know.

“Who is she? I, at least, deserve to know that It’s the least he owes me and he knows


He hesitated before looking down and mumbling. I didn’t hear him at first, so I leaned closer. “It’s Irene, your stepsister”.

What’s left of my heart broke into pieces. Of course, Irene had to be the one to take the one thing I’ve wanted all of my life. That bit ch. I didn’t realize the tears had started LO fall until Lucas reached out to clean my face. I flinched from his touch, extremely hurt.

“When did this happen?”. I asked. I knew Irene would have gloated and used it as an insult if it at happened a while ago so that means it had to be recent.

“We finalized the arrangements yesterday. That’s why I was a bit late. I’m sorry, Gab. I didn’t know this was going to happen”. His use of the shortened form of my name now annoyed me. That’s why he was reluctant to tell me why he was late. That’s why he made an elaborate gift as a parting present. That’s why Irene and her mother stopped their conversation when I showed up. I felt really betrayed.

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Chapter 3

Wed, 21 Feb GBB ·


All of my hopes and dreams have gone up in flames. There’s nothing here for me and I don’t think I have anything left to look forward to in life. My mate has rejected me and while I haven’t accepted the rejection, it was beginning to hurt and I knew it will hurt worse once I say yes. I will leave this world with him bearing the guilt of rejecting me.

Just as I picked up my clothes to begin dressing, the door flew open. I began to panic because I didn’t want to anyone to find me here. It wouldn’t bode well for both of us. I started looking for a place to hide but it was too late.

“Lucas bab- WHAT THE F UCK?”

I sighed. Irene.


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