Hell's Academy

Chapter 206: The Strongest Night Lords

Armecolith looked up at Waxel's Domain beginning to shatter.

It was about time there was some progress. 

It felt like a hundred years had passed though it had only been 90 days. It felt like a century of watching paint dry in the middle of the desert, but he was beginning to see the shield around Waxel slowly falling apart. 

He sighed and turned around, noticing a few Night Lords were approaching his position. They almost never traveled together, and frankly weren't supposed to. Yet, at this moment, he felt Gorgolith and a few of his brothers shooting over the nearby mountains.

'Something must have happened, and it probably wasn't good. However, what is wrong with those idiots! I spent 300 years studying arrays so we could see each other again! And now! Now you all decide to come at me in a pack! Are you nuts?!'

"I spent almost two hundred years building an army so we could take over the Furnace! I-I still have my best zombies in hiding, yet, now, out of all times, you choose to come rushing towards me! It better have been something worth drawing so much attention to us, otherwise, the only smart thing to do is kill you all!"

Armecolith let out a long sigh and watched four lines of light shoot towards him, picking up dust as the four Night Lords shot towards him. The land beneath them seemed to be overrun with shadows from their Shadow Ki pushing them forward. In just a minute, all four figures arrived in front of Armecolith.

Gorgolith, who was normally the quietest Night Lord, instantly ran up to Armecolith while the three other Night Lords stayed behind somewhat trembling in fear. At the same time, Armecolith didn't understand. Gorgolith had stayed in place for 200 years! Why the hell did he come all the way here?! There had better be a good reason, or he could dig his own grave!"

"Necrolith-Necrolith is dead, Armecolith!" Gorgolith stated with his teeth chattering. "He got slaughtered because of some strange device the Horned used! It-it was horrible! In one attack, he turned to dust!"

"What?! Calm down! Tell me exactly what happened? Are you telling me that you guys couldn't defeat the Horned with a 100,000 Archelon zombies?" Armecolith said, smacking Gorgolith in the chest and causing one of his eighteen skulls to spin around in circles. "Also, no Night Lord can die unless they are completely overwhelmed, and again, you had an entire army! Explain to me how, Necrolith, whose normally careful not to offend anyone over the SS rank, made a mistake that got him killed! I want to hear it! Tell me Gorgolith!"

Armecolith clearly thought this situation was a joke, or worse, an uprising. Though he had control over the nearly million Archelon Zombies in his possession, if he died, they'd still be able to be controlled by the person who killed him. To make sure no one attacked him, he didn't contact the four strongest Night Lords, and only worked with his weakest brothers.

He even made sure that all the brothers he chose combined, even if they teamed up, wouldn't be able to kill him. Yet, right now, he was feeling a little bit wary. A Night Lord he hadn't informed, Masicoth, was standing in the distance. He didn't understand! Why would they tell him! He-he was almost as strong as Armecolith was! This-this was exactly what he didn't want to happen! It's exactly why he never helped them remove their arrays! 

Gorgolith pointed over in the distance at Masicoth as his teeth began to shatter. He-he seemed to still not be able to believe it himself.

"They-they invented some type of serum… It-it killed Necrolith instantly when he got injected with it. Masicoth told me he think the Horned-the Horned are becoming to powerful! He-he wants all us brothers to work together! He wants us to all attack the Horned, the Varlen, and the Aresoul together! It's time! It's time we wipe them out! Before their technology advances.

"I don't trust him!" Armecolith leaned into Gorgolith's countenance, and pointed in the distance. "Did he tell our other brothers? The ones stronger than me that could kill me in an instant!"

"He-he didn't, not yet! Not yet! However, he knows how you are Armecolith," Gorgolith said, bowing his head. "I-I'm sorry, but he noticed Necrolith died and then followed us here. We really didn't have a choice, but to bring him with us. I really do apologize brother!"

"Enough, stay here and guard Waxel. I-I keep getting this annoying feeling from 1000 Monster Valley. I-I feel like a powerful Authoritarian is watching us, but one not strong enough to kill me by itself. You three, stand here and guard that thing in the sky! That thing is protecting Waxel and will soon be completely gone! You know him, right?! The bastard the Demon King Earl called his step grandson! You know! That guy?!"

"I-I'm staying! Sorry! Sorry for doing this to you brother!" Gorgolith replied while bowing his head, a slight smile on his face that he tried his best to hide. "However, Necrolith really is dead! I made the right decision coming to see you right."

"Maybe you did, Gorgolith. Anyways, you made it clear that there are somethings I need to sort out with Masicoth," Necrolith stepped off his back foot before he nearly instantly appeared in front of Masicoth.

Masicoth was nearly 3 meters tall and had six bone arms and twenty five small skulls over his ribcage. He was wearing a black cape like all the Night Lords wore, except, unlike the rest of the Night Lords, he still had one arm made completely out of flesh.

He sighed, and used that arm to pick up a rock. He ground it into bits as Necrolith approached him.

"You-you know. I wonder if Necrolith left the Horned alone he wouldn't have gotten killed. Nice to see you again, Armceolith."

"Ah, the always taller than me, Masicoth. You-you came here today for a good reason I suppose." Necrolith walked over to his brother and instantly stuck out his arm. "Hahaha! Shall we shake on it! We haven't spoke for 300 years!"

"You know. I'm only here for one reason," Masicoth's dark eyes glimmered while he looked at Necrolith. "I'm tired of how things in the Furnace are getting. The Horned's technology is getting so advanced that even our zombie armies will no longer be able to dissuade them from expanding into our territories. My reason for being here is I want all the Night Lords, not that you have a way to free them, to finally unite."

"However, I know you don't trust our stronger, older and wiser brothers, but because of that I have a little proposition. How about in one month, we all attack a Nation. The four strongest Night Lords can attack the Horned, you can attack the Varlen, and me and my army can attack the Aresoul. In just a month, the entire Furnace can be taken care of. However, first, you have to use your knowledge of arrays to get the strongest Night Lords out! I-I'm only out because of Gorgolith! You-you've been selfish brother."contemporary romance

'That lying little bastard!' Armecolith thought to himself while fumed internally. "Hmph, why would I ever let them out, brother? They-they planned on taking over the Furnace, and destroying us. I'd be stupid to do such a thing."

"They-they are willing to swear loyalty for you to 100 years via the Skull Oath." Masicoth said, grinding his countless fists in anger. "However, you-you must realize how the Horned's technology is progressing. Even the Workalin, that have countless strange technologies, never killed a Night Lord! We-we have to do something! We have to act now!"

"Hmph, I need 10 days, but in those 10 days I need you to stay here," Armecolith said, "There is someone named Waxel I think you should remember. In 10 days, he can finally be dead!"

"We-we don't have ten days," Masicoth turned around and stepped off his back foot. The next moment, he shot off into the distance leaving a few words. "I'll tell them that you accepted, but in 12 days, if you're not there, I'm guessing the only oath they'll be swearing is to destroy you!"

"Such a sweet brother," Armecolith extended his hand before a large series of scythes appeared floating in front of him. "It's a shame. In 12 days, the only thing I'll be doing is making sure you're dead!"


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