Hell's Academy

Chapter 207: Meeting the Great Last Lord

Howard had never been the type of kid that had Nightmares. 

When he went to sleep at night, the only dreams he usually had were about women, even growing up. He always dreamed about a girl he had a crush on, or occasionally about himself being a video game character and destroying enemies. Yet, right now, this was a nightmare, and he was completely aware of every single aspect of it.

He activated his Emperor's Domain and surrounded himself with ten crowns before a sword the size of a skyscraper slashed towards him. Was this the actual power of a domain of someone in the SSS rank? He could only watch in terror before everything turned dark.

The next moment he reappeared back in the center of the 10,000 blades. He-he had just been killed in his own dream for like the thousandth time! There was simply no way for him to protect himself! The domain of Yesran was just too strong! What kind of monster was he?

"Harvard, you're forgetting that people in the SSS Rank can use Domain Ki. Domain Ki lets them literally use the Ki of everything around them and to turn it into weapons. You're never going to be able to beat this domain with your domain. You're going to have to get creative." Gravanal said, looking at Howard's depressed eyes. He could tell this training was nearly impossible for Howard, but what was he supposed to do?

There was a real chance that this situation would happen in real life. And instead of just Yesran's domain, it would be the domain of all three brothers. He-he even started to hold back because he felt so bad!

"Howard, we-we really can take a break. Even I wouldn't want to die in my own dreams a 1000 times a night. Listen, against someone like Armecolith, you're already strong enough. Maybe we should just hide you for a few years."

"I can't hide. How can I protect the Horned then? What am I supposed to do? Just let people attack them because I'm afraid of someone trying to kill me? I-I don't understand who Yesran is either! You haven't explained anything to me! Nothing at all!"contemporary romance

"He's part of an extinct nation that use Ki to strengthen weapons. Unfortunately, his three brothers are the reason that nation went extinct. I-I personally believe they can take things like Ki Hearts and turn them into weapons to get stronger. If he kills you, he's probably expecting to jump to the peak of the SSS rank."

"He was fine killing his own family? Why didn't they stop it?" Howard said, thousands of ideas surging through his head while he looked at Gravanal. In Howards dream, he chose to make himself look like a young man. He had short blonde hair and a muscular body, but with the same facial features as his older form. "How-how is it possible anyone would do that! Activate his domain again! I-I can do it this time!"

"Probably not," Gravanal snapped his fingers before thousands of swords flew at Howard as he activated every single ability he could just to last a few seconds. "Yet, your tenacity might just be the reason you survive. It's not only about strength when you're in the SSS rank. It's also about the type of tricks you can use to fool your enemy. Howard, I'm hoping in the next six months, you can at least figure out a way to escape.

Gravanal sighed while he once again held back and only sent forward 1 / 10th of Yesran's domain. He was able to copy the Sword Ki Yesran used in a dream thanks to his own Dreamscape domain. His Dreamscape domain was able to do some of the most bizarre things, like turn an entire mountain into a the arm of a gigantic beast, or even an entire valley into a gigantic sword.

However, the one thing that Yesran's domain did that his couldn't, which was the reason he almost died, was cut through any defense with ease. Sword Ki was unique in that it didn't rely on size or might, but just the perfection of simple attacks.

Basically, even though Howard's domain was impressive defensively, unless a miracle happened it would almost always get cut through by Yesran's sword Ki. This is what Gravanal meant by Howard couldn't use his own domain to protect against Yesnran's. Unless he found a way to condense his Ki to such a level that the Sword Ki couldn't cut it, he'd probably keep dying! Even though Howard was impressive, it was simply a matter of time before he gave up!

'Damn it! I'm sorry Howard. I shouldn't have given you such a hard task," Grvanal watched thousands of blades pierce into Howard before blood shot out of his mouth. Six Dream Ki versions of him split off as he attempted to escape but the next moment those were pierced instantly. It was like watching a child trying to escape a monster's claws and it wasn't a fun sight to see. 

Gravanal turned around, expecting to see Howard reappearing in the center of the domain, but instead, a strange thing happened.

He turned back around and noticed that Howard was holding one of the swords in his hand. 

"Well, at least he blocked one attack from the domain," Gravanal smiled and then snapped his fingers. The next moment, Howard's head shot off in the air before the smile he had faded. "Geez, and here I thought it take him weeks to block a single attack. Maybe there's hope yet."


Howard awoke the next morning and saw Jenny smiling and sitting across from him at her desk.

She'd been working hard on a new 'formula' the last few days, and no matter what he did, he couldn't get her to go outside. Not that she didn't want to be in the sun, but she looked like if she didn't keep working on her new project, the world might end.

Jumping off the bed, he walked outside and made his way over to Harkel. For almost five days, he'd been tirelessly stopping Oclen's attacks from breaching the camp, and was busily working on an array to permanently stop Oclen from entering once Howard left.

Yet, seeing him, Howard could barely look at him. He was so angry that he was willing to let his girls die just so he could keep a new skill he learned! He could have learned three other domains! There was no reason to risk one of their lives! However, at the same time, he didn't blame him! Why? Why did it feel like Harkel made the right decision deep down inside! He didn't understand it and he didn't want to understand it!

"Howard, I think it's about time I show you what's in the mountain. He might even be willing to meet you. Do you mind following me?"

"Not until we talk! Tell me why you attacked Oclen like that! Jenny almost died because of you! In fact, she did die, and she's only alive because of a miracle! If she wasn't the type that drank blood, no matter what you did, she'd have ceased to exist!"

"Just meet him, and it will all makes sense." Harkel pointed at the mountain, "If you don't kill him, we're all beyond dead. Now come on. Follow me, and keep 100 meters behind me at all times." 


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