Hell's Academy

Chapter 205: Blood Awakening

Gravanal's battle with Yesran and his brothers lasted almost three weeks.

By the end of the skirmish, Gravanal had barely managed to survive. Whatever was left of his dignity had been used to defeat the three red haired brothers. They simply had gotten much stronger than he anticipated in the last 100 years. 

His Dreamland domain, when fully activated, was just enough to keep their Sword Ki at bay. Yet, looking at the destruction of the thousands of mountains around him, he was terrified. Yesran, himself, was in the middle stages of the SSS rank! If he got any stronger, the first thing he'd do is come to reap Gravanal's life!

"They act chivalrous, but have probably been killing thousands, if not millions, in secret," Gravanal grinded his fist into a ball while he looked at what remained of his 100 kilometer territory. A few of his most beautiful mountains had gotten sliced into pieces by Sword Ki. A few wild dream beasts, that once lived in the dens inside of those mountains, had been torn to shreds.

He-he grinded his fist into a ball and couldn't help but slowly float down to the floor. When they had left, they had done so in a flash without even giving him a small chance to retaliate. Gravanal took a deep breath and looked over at White who was whimpering while he landed by his side. This-this was not good! As soon as those three got a little bit stronger, they'd probably go after Howard! He was the perfect prey! He wasn't in the SSS rank yet, but wasn't weak enough that they'd get punished by other experts in the Furnace!

If only he could leave right now and chase after them, he'd at least be able to kill one of them! However, they knew he was part Horned, so of course they fled when he had low energy! Nothing about what they did was fair! What a bunch of bullshit! They didn't care about him killing zombies, all they cared about was devouring others to grow stronger!

"I-I forgot-I forgot about Howard," Gravanal wiped the sweat off his head and put his hand against White's gigantic torso. Instantly, he sent a burst of Dream Ki into White in order to calm him down. "Don't-Don't worry buddy. Those three may be strong, but as soon as Howard gets us out of here, I'll wipe them from the face of the earth. Hmph, this array! This array still reduces 15 percent of my total strength and they know that! What a sorry excuse for human beings! They're clearly monsters in sheeps clothing!"

"Woo Woo!" White whimpered and gently brushed his hair against Gravanal. He finally closed his eyes and searched for Howard in the distance. "Hmph, I know buddy. I know I got to train Howard now," Gravanal said, grinding his fist into a ball. He could understand white through the Ki he emitted when he spoke. "Anyways, I-I'm guessing those three will go after him soon, but don't worry! I-I got a few tricks up my sleeves to teach him! What's wrong White? You-you worried about me? I'm fine!"

Gravanal looked down and saw the dozens of scars healing on his body before he shook his head. "I'm going to be fine once my ex-wife dies." Gravanal couldn't help but seeing her smile at him before she betrayed him and trapped his body in this place. "Everyone gets what they deserve some day. Now, roll over! It's time for me to take a nap now and check up on Howard!"


Howard and Harkel didn't talk for three days.

The entire time, Howard was in a tent with Jenny. Her neck had gotten crushed with such force that her spine caused her head to droop over when he carried her over to the medical tents.

It-it was terrifying. He-he knew her as the girl next door. The sweetest girl on the block who pretended she hated him. However, even when he was 10, and he found her 'evil' present, he could see that she liked him. Regardless of how much damage his father caused to her family, she was still always glowing when she looked at him.

Yet now, now she wasn't glowing. She was clearly not breathing, and had turned so pale. On the first day he took her into the tent, he tried everything to heal her. He tried to copy Founder Arista's healing technique that she used on Nellon, but that backfired. The only thing he could think of, in his desperation, was a sea of blood.

He instantly cut his arm, and opened up Jenny's mouth. She-she was like Barabin right, and blood made her stronger! Well, he had plenty of hearts now! There was no reason he couldn't keep giving her blood until she woke up! She-she'd defintely wake up!contemporary romance

"Jenny, did you know that you saved me at least three times. You-you saved me before we even got in the Furnace, haha! I remember… I remember one day you left your notebook in class and I copied your homework!"

"Hehe, I-I stayed up playing a game the night before, and greedily snuck into your bag in class. Hehe, they selected me for the advanced math class, but all I did was steal your homework! I-I always wanted to tell you when we were finally all married… However, why-why aren't you waking up?"

Howard pried open Jenny's mouth and let the blood keep falling into her mouth. Her face, laying motionless, was already completely red from the blood dripping down her eyes. Yet-yet Howard had some hope. For what felt like an eternity, he watched the first droplet of blood from his arm enter into her supple lips.

This-this had to work! There was no way this wouldn't work!


A large explosion occurred outside the tent while Howard looked down at Jenny? Did-did Oclen really already come back! It had been like five minutes!

"You-you dare get near one of my students, and I'll destroy you!" Annibell screamed while Howard watched the second droplet of blood fall into Jenny's mouth. The third-the fourth, and the firth followed while finally a little light seemed to turn into her eyes.

Howard smiled, and watched Jenny's eyes shoot open. They-they looked like two beautiful orbs twinkling endlessly while she looked forward. However, something seemed wrong. A silver flame was beginning to appear in those lustrous eyes. 

Howard instantly realized that the effects of his blood had changed, but obviously he wouldn't stop giving her blood no matter what.

"Jenny, take all the blood you want," Howard said with a smile, "I-I promise. I promise that when you wake up again, you'll be just like you used to be. Hehe, just like the girl next door!"


After the third day was over, Jenny had finally seemed to awaken from her slumber.

The entire three days, she was constantly feasting on Howard's blood. Howard, whose skin normally glowed with a golden hue, now looked completely pale and miserable. Yet, he had a smile on his face when Jenny finally woke up. The silver light in her eyes had gotten stronger, but-but at least she was finally awake.

"Howard! Howard are you okay?" Jenny reached down and swooped him into her arms? "What-what happened to you? Why? Why are you so pale?"

"Jenny, I-I think I need to sleep for a while," Howard smiled. Behind him, another explosion could be heard.

Oclen, or whomever was controlling him, had been attacking Harkel and Annibell multiple times a day to let them know he was still around. It was extremely frustrating. Howard could only imagine that he was hoping it'd make it impossible for Howard to train, and for anyone to get some sleep.

In war, these types of tactics were normal, but nonetheless tiring. 

Howard, hearing the explosion almost took it as a cue to fall asleep. Falling into Jenny's supple chest, he smiled while he looked up and once again noticed the silver flame burning in the back of her eyes.

"I-I'm glad you're awake, Jenny." Howard said, "Now tell me, before I go to sleep. What do you have on your mind right now?"

"Thanking you for awakening me with my lips." Jenny bent down and gently bit Howard's lips before she made her way down to his neck. "Now, if you don't mind, lay back. You-you deserve quite a present for making me feel this alive! I've never felt so fantastic in my life!"


Howard fell asleep for the first time in a week after making sure Jenny was okay. 

However, as soon as he fell asleep, rather than having a simple dream about being with his girls, Gravanal appeared in front of him in a world made out of 10,000 blades. Everywhere Howard looked, there wasn't a single area without a sharp edge pointing towards him.

It felt terrifying! He-he just wanted to sleep, yet when he tried he ended up in a world of swords? 

"Howard, I know things have been tough for you, but welcome to Yesran's sword domain. He can control 100,000 swords at once and reap thousands of lives in an instant. For the next year, when you go to sleep, you will get attacked by this domain."

"However, I'll give you one option right now. Don't let me attack you and you can get a goods night rest. I-I was able to figure out what happened to you in the last few weeks. I know things have been tough. Do you dare accept?" Gravanal crossed his arms and impatiently tapped his finger before hundreds of swords spun in the air and turned into an even larger blade. "You have 10 seconds to answer Howard. I-I'm not wasting my time training you if you aren't sure of what you want in life! Do-do you want to be strong Howard?"

"I-I just watched someone I love get her neck broken into pieces. I-I don't need ten seconds. Start the training. However, I don't need a year. In six months, I promise, not a single sword in this place will be able to hurt me!"


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