Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Twelve

Hidi came in and walked over softly. “Miss” She whispered, “Miss, it’s time for breakfast.” I sat up and looked around the room. I had asked Eliot to leave an hour before the sun came up. Only so I could lay in bed alone and think. I had not slept at all. I felt like hell won over. I was quite sure I looked about that good as well. “Do you want help with anything this morning, Miss” Hidi asked.

I shook my head. Without another word, Hidi left my room. I got up and quickly took a shower. Then I got dressed in a cream cami top with a sea-green cardigan and tattered jeans. Astreal followed me closely. He had not spoken much since I got up from my night terror. He just merely followed me closely. I looked at the present Father gave me. I ran my fingers over the rose and my initials. A beautiful work of art.

I opened the door to the dining hall. Everyone was already there eating. As normal no one paid me any attention, except Emery.

“Good Morning Princess,” he called to me.

I gave a faint smile and nodded. Astreal sat out in the hall waiting for me to finish. He started pacing again. As we all eat we could hear him pacing. I could feel the tension in the room. “Will you please tell Astreal to stop pacing, Rori,” Loki muttered. I looked at the door. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. He is stressed and worried about me out of his sight. I finished my toast and excused myself.

“That’s all you’re eating? A slice of toast and a bite of your eggs” Carter exclaimed. Without answering him I left the dining hall. I refuse to tell Astreal to calm down. He has every right to worry. I’m worried about myself. What good would that do to tell him something that I myself am not willing to do?

With Astreal in tow, I went to the garden. We walked around for a time. I watched Astreal as he played about. Happening upon a bench in the middle of the garden, I decided to take a seat and enjoy the day. The sound of the morning birds and the wind blowing me made me feel at ease. Astreal sat next to me with his head on my lap looking at the birds playing in the flower beds. “May I join you, Princess?” Emery called.

Astreal jumped up on my lap giving Emery a place to sit on the bench. “Yes of course” I answered.

Emery sat down next to me. “So, Astreal is your dragon.” He blurted out awkwardly.

“Yes,” I smiled as I gazed at Astreal. I remembered the first day I found him.

“You just found him I take it?” Emery asked.

“Ya, he was caught in a rabbit trap in the woods. I rescued him.” I rubbed Astreal’s belly while he enjoyed it.

“I had heard that there was a demon who was attempting to kill you. Until yesterday, it never occurred to me that it was true.” Emery looked disgusted as he talked. “It’s despicable, to attack someone just because of their blood. What a thing to have to endure.”

Thinking about the hand that I had been dealt from birth I pointed to the tree in the middle of the garden “See that tree” I spoke tenderly that tree did not ask to be hit by hail, high winds, broken limbs, objects, or even a tornado. But that tree will endure all that and much more. Its life purpose is to grow and that is all it desires to do. Its limbs will bend and some may break. Yet, the tree will survive and thrive because that is its will.”

Emery looked at me. “So, you’re saying, just as the tree must endure, you must also.”

Coming to the realization of my own words, I looked at him. “Yes. Life is not meant to be easy; given some have it better than others, we all must endure hardships at some point.” We sat there watching the tree in the garden as the wind danced with the buds on the limbs.

Astreal started to relax and ran off chasing a butterfly. “Stay Rori,” he told me. Making sure to keep an eye on me, he looked over every so often, to check that I was still where he left me.

“Your night terrors; have you always had them?” Emery asked with a pained look.

I looked away from him to the clouds in the sky. “No. I had them when I was little after my mother died. They started back up not long after I was brought here. Eliot says that they will pass.” I responded numbly.

Emery placed his hand on my shoulder. “I hope soon. For your sake and Astreal’s.”

“Tell me about you, Emery. What about Emery Sanh do I not know” I joked playfully.

Emery sighed and looked at Astreal. “Well, I don’t have a dragon, sadly. I am an only child. My mother raised me. My Father has not been around a lot; their marriage was not his idea, it was pre-arranged.” Emery let his gaze wander to the garden, as he let his thoughts flow. He did seem a bit unsettled, talking about himself. “Uh, I work hard and play just as hard. Wow!, I just love this view”, he said, trying to change the conversation, “You’re lucky to have such a view, Rori” Emery complimented.

“Thank you. Well, we do have a few things in common, Emery” I replied “Our Fathers were not around; I too, am an only child. My aunt and uncle raised me.” Emery looked at me with a questionable look.

“Yes, but, I was born out of duty. My Father had a duty to produce a child with my mother, per the prearranged marriage contract. When he found his love, his soulmate, he left me in the care of my mother. Never to return to her side. ” Emery sighed “He never forgot about me, but, he was never there like he should have been.”

I nodded understanding his pain. I had always thought my father was dead or he just didn’t care about me. It must be horrible to know your Father left you behind for someone else.

“Do you miss them?” Emery questioned “Your family.”

I thought about Aunt Beatrix, Uncle Arthur, Cathy, and Bart. How we would have family night on Thursdays and play games like Poker or 21. I’m a sucky player, but I always won. Everyone’s tells were too easy to ignore. “Ya, sometimes.” I got lost in thought thinking about what they were all doing. I wonder why they never wrote me back. I even sent some of my homework to Bart, in the hopes he could make heads or tails of the junk. No way I could.

“Why do you let your Father control you like this? I may be overstepping here but, you don’t seem like the kind of girl to let someone tell her what to do.” Emery looked at me with a curious gaze.

I thought about it for a bit. “To be honest. I don’t have an answer”, I concluded. “He is my Father, I have tried to make him see that this is not what I want, but he is not used to being told ‘no’ so, he goes and does it anyway. It’s kind of hard to shut down a person like that” I laughed gingerly. It did bother me, that he never truly listened to me but I was always expected to listen to him.

“So, it’s safe to assume this marriage thing was not your idea. Do you even want to get hitched,” Emery asked.

“Not really; I don’t want to marry because my Father tells me to marry. I want to marry for love and joy. Marrying for anything less would be a lie. You can’t force someone to love you. You can’t be forced to love someone. It’s a sad practice,” I explained. Emery and I continued to talk till early evening going over everything. We discussed friends, politics, movies, and actors. We even joked about how I survived to live with Loki’s strict rules for so long.

Just before dinner, Loki called me into the library. I followed Carter both of us quiet. Upon entering I could see Hyland crying. “What’s wrong?” Carter questioned alarmed.

Loki pointed to Hyland “Hyland’s going home tonight. Her friend had a baby. She will be leaving soon. Perhaps she will give us the pleasure of never seeing her again.” Loki mumbled.

Hyland made her rounds giving away hugs and kisses. “I will be back for a visit.” She assured us.

“Oh, by all means, take your time. No need to rush things.” Eliot encouraged.

Hyland walked up to me reaching out and pulling me in for a tight hug. She is completely oblivious to the disdain Loki and Eliot are giving her. That, or she is trying hard to ignore them. “I will miss you most of all, Princess.” Her bone-crushing hug was about to constrict my airflow.

Loki pried her off of me. “If you care so much for her, maybe try not to kill her” he hissed.

“Well then, I must be off. Ta Ta!” She was still too perky “I will come back soon.” Hyland waved as she vanished.

Eliot and Loki breathed a sigh of relief as they both sat down. Carter plopped down and started to mope; it was just about like normal, back before Hyland arrived and turned our world upside down. I looked at Carter sitting on the couch like he had been when Hyland was here. He gazed at her seat with puppy eyes. Loki sat in his chair reading the newspaper. Eliot sat in his spot reading a book on metaphysics. Probably for my next science lesson. I picked up a magazine that was on the end table. Quietly, I rolled it up loosely and walked over to Carter. I stood there for a moment waiting for him to acknowledge me. When it became clear that he was not going to, that he was lost in a sulking state, I swung back and hit him in the head as hard as I could.

“OW” Carter cried out. Loki and Eliot jumped up putting down their readings. Emery came walking in about that time. “What was that for?” Carter complained.

“Oh, just trying to knock you back to your senses,” I explained. I hit him again.

“Ow, stop that,” Carter demanded.

I thought about it for a moment. “Na” I hit him again.

“Ow, what. What’s with you?” he complained. I watched him with a blank expression. I swung back and held it. I watched him and he looked at me. “Ok, ok. I got it. You can cease the abuse now.” Carter assured me.

“You sure? I can do this all night if you need?” I explained.

“No, that’s quite all right. I got it, loud and clear, Rori.” Carter assured me with his hands up in a defensive position. I dropped the magazine next to Carter.

“Good, don’t go there ever again.” I turned “It’s not like she’s dead, ya know.”

“What did I miss?” Loki questioned in dismay.

“If only I knew,” Emery answered muddled.

Owen appeared in the doorway as I walked over. “Dinner is served,” he announced then left.

“Very good,” Eliot said jumping up, looping his arm into mine “Now we can finally be alone and talk about all the things that are bad about Loki” he joked.

“Eliot!” Loki shouted from behind us. Eliot laughed at Loki’s irritation.

After dinner, Eliot asked Emery to help him with his model. I had no idea what model he was talking about, but if it meant that I was not going to have to do schoolwork today, I was more than happy to let the men be at play. Carter decided to check and see how Hyland was doing; as well as inform Father of how the weekend plans coming along. I took this time to talk to Loki; but, he was not in his room, the library, or the sunroom.

Something told me to look at the garden and as I made my way there, I noticed an open door, that I had never seen open before. Geesh, this house is full of hidden doors and passages. There was a soft flickering light emanating from the room, like candlelight. I walked into the room, cautiously. Behind the large door, I walked into an even larger room with seating, a desk and chair, and bookcases that lined the wall. I noticed the origin of the flickering was from a fireplace at the far end of the room. The room felt rustic and antique, ageless; as if it had been lost in time.

The enormous brown, leather, seating encircled a large bearskin rug and I could not believe what I was seeing. This room is amazing! From the small details, like the old-fashioned globe to the big details like the bearskin rug and the use of the rustic colors, I reached up and pulled a book off the shelf. Opening it, I found what was a short story entitled “Mask of the Red Death”. I recognized the title and the author. I sat in down in one of the brown leather seats and it was so comfortable; I sank into the soft, padded leather and realized this is a place where lounging could easily evolve into sleeping. I was quickly engrossed in the book and could not tear my eyes away from the story. Though I knew this one by heart, there was nothing better than to read it once more.

“What are you doing here?” A voice called from behind me. Startling me, I nearly dropped the book as I struggled to stand quickly. I looked behind me in wonder as to who startled me. Loki stood with the door closed, looking at me with an angered expression. “I know you’re not deaf.” He derisively spoke to me. I had not seen him this angry before.

“I. I’m sorry. I was looking for you--” I tried to speak but was having trouble finding the words. I was genuinely worried.

“You were looking for me so you thought you could barge into my sacred place and do as you please? I know you were taught better Rori” Loki barked at me.

I quickly put the book back and turned to him “No, I was mesmerized by this room. I’m sorry if I did something wrong. But this room was never on your list of ‘Do Not Go’s’. I was honestly looking for you. If it’s that big of a problem, I’ll leave and not bother you anymore.” I replied as I made my way to the door.

Loki stood in front of the door staring me down. I waited for him to move, so I could leave. It was what he wanted after all? “What did you want me for?” Loki sniped.

I gawked at the room turning back to Loki I decided it was not worth the risk anymore to stick around. I should get going. “It’s nothing. Sorry to bother you.” I apologized. Pushing past Loki I opened the door and walked into the hall. The next thing I know, my arm is grabbed, I started spinning when I’m pinned up against the door by Loki inside his sacred room. His face was so close, that I could feel his breath on my face. I looked up at him, in shock and wonder.

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