Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Eleven

I jumped up to block Yarh’s path to the door ignoring the sharp pain in my ankle. Facing the door, I yelled to Emery “Leave, please Emery, just go.” I pleaded with him. I felt Yarh’s hands wrap around me from behind, his left hand caressing my hip and his other hand grasping my left breast tight. He leaned down until his breath was tickling my ears.

“Trying to protect someone who is not even here much less one who doesn’t mean anything to you? Interesting. All the while, leaving yourself so open and vulnerable. If I take care of him quick we can get back to business.” Yarh suggested, “What do you say?”

“Rori! Open up what’s going on?” Emery demanded as he pounded on the door. Please, Emery just leaves, please for both our sakes, leave. Yarh let his hands loosely caress my body. Uncomfortably his fingers traced my body from my neck down over my breast across my torso to my hips. Cringing at his touch, I did my best not to be afraid.

“Here, Rori!” Astreal announced. Sharp scratching sound echoed throughout the room!

“Rori! Open the door now! What have I told you about this tower!” Loki yelled annoyed.

“Calm down Loki. Something’s not right.” Emery implored.

“Eh, please stop.” I pleaded with Yarh. His laugh rang in my head as Astreal continued scratching at the door trying to get in.

“What are you talking about Rori?” Loki questioned.

“I’ll stop if you make me” Yarh challenged.

“Please, just stop.” I pleaded again.

“Rori, we’re not doing anything.” Emery declared confused.

The scratching continued only getting more aggressive. “What the hell is going on around here. Astreal you’re acting like...” Loki stopped yelling.

“Come on Rori. Make me stop. Show me what you are made of.” Yarh taunted me “If you don’t, I will have to get rid of the distractions. Perhaps then, you can focus on the task at hand.”

“Rori, my hall is still chard,” Loki remarked.

I sighed relieved to realize that Loki understood what is going on now.

“I know. Things couldn’t get much worse though.” I commented.

Yarh quickly turned me around to face him. With a harsh look about him, he hissed, “Say another word, and I will end them right here and right now, Kiddie.” Watching me with those yellow eyes, made me feel helpless. I had a power I had no idea how to control and when I wanted to use it, but it was not there. “Do we have an understanding” Yarh questioned? Nodding to signal that I understood, I stayed still and quiet.

Scratching at the door continued. “Astreal listen to me,” Loki ordered.

“Rori! Must help!” Astreal cried as he scratched at the door.

“Astreal” Loki snapped “knock that off. And listen to me.”

“Rori” Astreal cried. I could do nothing verbally to help them. ‘Listen to him Astreal, please.’ I begged.

Yarh yanked me around to face the door again. Wrapping his arms around me tight. “Let’s watch them struggle to save you.” he laughed. Yarh held me against him. It was as if my back was against a hot rock. His body burning against me. I felt as if my clothes would burst into flames at any moment like this.

“Astreal burn the door down,” Loki ordered.

Yarh loosened his grip and stood straight up. “What?” He exclaimed.

Suddenly the door became orange and then disintegrated. There stood Loki, Emery, and Astreal. “A Dragon” Yarh exclaimed with horror.

“NOW, Astreal” Loki ordered. Instantaneously Astreal blew a line of fire right at us. The moment I saw the fire from him, heading in my direction, I felt at peace. I knew somehow, that it would not hurt me. In a panic, Yarh gripped me tightly and tried to vanish.

“GAH” I screamed in pain. Insistently my body was engulfed in blue flames and Yarh disappeared. I fell to my knees as the blue flames faded. Placing my hands across my stomach, I leaned over in agonizing pain.

Astreal came running over “Rori! Rori” he screamed. After the pain subsided, Loki and Emery helped me onto the loveseat.

“It’s a shame about the dress,” Loki said disappointedly. I gazed at him in amazement. After all this, that’s all he had to say. Typical of Loki. I looked at my dress; chard holes and pieces falling off, covered in soot.

Emery looked at Astreal “A dragon, huh. I had heard rumors that one was spotted. Fitting that you would find it, Rori” Emery joked pained. That’s right, Astreal was supposed to be kept hidden.

“Sorry Rori” Astreal laid his head on my lap saddened.

“No need to be sorry, you did the right thing!” I encouraged.

“Of course what do I know, I have never seen such a well-behaved hound in my life,” Emery said as he went to look at the ashes from the door.

“We should act as if this never happened. It is possible that this demon would still be here.” Loki suggested.

“Yarh, he said to call him Yarh. And yes, I agree.” I spoke with uncertainty.

Emery looked at me, puzzled. “Seems like a lot of trouble, when you have already been attacked, to act that way. But I’ll follow your lead, Princess.” Emery bowed and then smiled.

After Hidi helped me into a new powder pink dress and gold flats, I fixed my hair quickly in a high messy bun with a studded band and ribbons then headed back to the ballroom, with my two escorts. Loki and Emery each helped me walk from the second floor to the ballroom with ease and no fighting. Surprising me so much I thought I might be dreaming.

“You mean they both found you at the same time?” Father questioned me with a look of suspicion.

Lifting my dress enough to show my ankle all wrapped. “Yes, I had tripped over a cord I didn’t see as I was walking down some stairs, a nail tore my dress and I hurt my ankle. They both reached me at the same time.” I explained. Loki had insisted he didn’t want any credit that belonged to Emery and Emery told me he didn’t win, that since the winner was Astreal, we could not tell anyone that.

“That would account for the change in dress, I suppose, still suspicious.” One of the women counselors scoffed.

“Well, I am just glad you are safe. I will have to talk to Loki about such cords just lying around like that.” Father warned.

“Why was I not called” Eliot scolded. Pushing through the guests; Eliot came over and insisted I sit in a chair to be examined.

“It’s just sprained, Eliot” I insisted. Giving me an unamused look, Eliot forced me into the chair.

“Anyhow, it seems we have a tie. Do you two mind this tie?” Father asked.

Father was busy talking with Emery and Loki; Eliot examined my ankle while I watched the guests. Uriah and Jeptha were not among them. I could see them in the back talking amongst themselves. Then calling over Zoon and Gale. They all began to talk hush. Gale did not seem pleased. Honestly, Gale had been acting like he was somewhere else all night. I knew the look well, Bart had that look every time he fell for a girl. It was also the same look Carter gets when he talks about Hyland. Looking irritated, Gale came over to where I was sitting.

“Princess?” He bowed “May I have a moment alone with you?” Gale looked at Eliot.

“What? I’m a Doctor, Gale. Not an informant.” Eliot hissed as he got up. “Your ankle will heal normally. Keep off it for the rest of the night. I will leave you two be.” Eliot left in a huff. Walking over to where Father and Loki were, as they discussed the weekend to come.

“What is it, Gale?” I asked sweetly. I felt like Cupid in a way at the same time I would have one less candidate for Father to push at me. I was able to see this look in someone’s eyes who was not a hormone-raging teen, priceless or talented?

“Princess” Gale began then paused; as if he had no idea where to start. Fidgeting with his fingers as he looked everywhere but at me, he was growing anxious. Smiling at him gently I tilted my head to the side “Tell me her name?” I suggested.

Gale immediately looked at me in horror. “Oh no Princess that’s...”

“If not her, then a him” I interrupted. Gale looked down at his hands in defeat. “Well someone is the cause for the gleam in your eye tonight, am I wrong?” I asked. Gale walked over and knelt down at my side. Taking my hand he held it tenderly.

“You’re warmer than I ever had expected” Gale gazed into my eyes “Princess, I have found another. Regrettably, it’s not you. For you see, unbeknownst to me I have a child.” Gale bit his lip as he looked to my hand. “If I had known, I would not have accepted this challenge, if you will, to try for your hand.”

Gale looked to be lost and worried. It was as if he thought I had feelings for him, could he be delusional? “I do not blame you, nor do I hold any grudge. Life happens Gale. I am happy for you. Do not think twice about this game, Father has forced us to play. Go to your child. Give my regards to the mother as well.” I encouraged him to go. With that Gale kissed my hand and bowed deeply. He then jumped up and darted out of the ballroom.

Eliot came back over and looked at me confused. “What was that all about, Rori?” he asked.

I smiled as I looked back at the flame of the candle on the table. “Life, Eliot. Life.” I answered.

Eliot sat down next to me and leaned in close. “I know something is wrong, but neither you nor Loki will talk.” I looked at him as I thought about what had happened in the north tower.

“See” Eliot pointed to my face “You didn’t hurt your ankle tripping did you?”

I leaned in to whisper in his ear “No, and be quiet. The demon may very well still be here. I’m safe now so don’t worry about it.” I attempted to calm his nerves.

Father, Loki, Emery, and the Counsel came walking over. Eliot glanced at them “What now?” he mumbled. Father came over with a forced smile. “Rori, I was trying to come up with an arrangement that would suit everyone”, Father said, as he looked to Loki and Emery.

“Ah, Meditris”, the man in the black suit with short blond hair interrupted Father “ A lady being alone with a male, is appalling. Such things are not allowed. If this child was to be left alone with just one male she would have to marry him on the spot to save face.” I watched as Father tried to keep his composure. I glanced at Loki, his face blank and in control. Emery looked a bit annoyed at this, trying his best to avoid the council’s gaze.

“Lord Vance, you are not suggesting my daughter be a whore?” Father questioned.

Lord Vance raised his brows “It would be the only conclusion, in a situation as that.” At this moment all I wanted more than anything was to knock that look right off Lord Vance’s face.

Eliot grumbled irritated “As her doctor, I can assure you Humans are more complex than you are giving her credit for. So in what you are saying Rori would have to wed Loki, Carter or I., We all live with her, alone”

The lady accompanying Lod Vance scoffed “Please like you would be considered proper in the slightest. I wouldn’t allow you in any home.”

I think I just might lose it. “Would your painstaking existence be of any consequence on the decisions made that do not directly affect you? I think not, you snot-nosed stuck-up quack” Standing up I slammed my hand down. “So a Hypocrite such as yourself can throw accusations around about others, but can’t accept one of himself” I’m losing it “If I spend a weekend or even a night with a male of any species that does not label me a whore and unless your prudishness can prove what you suspect, keep your damn trap shut! And stay out of my life, you nosy trash-talking bitties. I will be damned if I allow the lot of you to hinder my life and my choices! Emery, you will stay here this weekend, per the game-winner allotment. We will have the... the…whatever the hell Father calls it, here, where I live with men and women. That will be the end of this ridiculous discussion and party. I would appreciate it if you would make like a bird and flock off!” I hissed then limped over to the refreshments table.

“Rori,” Loki called to me.

I downed the drink and handed the cup to Hidi “Give me something stronger” I demanded. Nodding Hidi ran to get me something stronger. Loki came up and stood at my side. Next, arrived Eliot and Carter. Loki stood at my side giving me an apparently annoyed look as he thought of what to say.

“Well, that went better than I thought it would” Eliot laughed.

“Don’t encourage her. Rori, I told you not to do specifically that” Loki scolded.

I could not take this anymore. A party I didn’t want; a game I found demeaning; I was attacked, injured as well as fondled, and had to pretend like I was fine and I was not hurt. To top it all off the council kept rubbing me the wrong way. I’ve been through enough in the last few hours I just wanted this night over. I could feel my body temp rising and my ears getting hot. The tears of anger started to build up ready to burst out my eyes. “What should I have done, Loki? It was clear that Father doesn’t respect me enough to defend me, much less listen to anything I say. What would you have done? Allow them to walk all over me and my life” I questioned him with a quivering voice of mounting anger. “Oh, perfect Loki can do no wrong. Do as I say. I’m the boss. Well fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”

Hidi returned with my drink. Handing me my drink I gulped it down. The tangy bitter taste burned as it ran down my throat. “ah” I slammed the cup on the table and limped out of the ballroom fuming. I limped up the stairs and heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see who had followed and found Father quickly catching up.

“Rori, I understand that you’re upset right now. But please, at least let me give you your present.” Father called to me. I stopped awaiting his arrival.

“I can only take so much,” I informed Father.

He looked at me with knowing eyes. “Yes, much like your mother you are. Here.” Father handed me a wooden box. Etched in the top was a rose and my initials R. L. O. “Open it up in your room. By the way, I think you handled yourself well tonight despite all that’s happened. I should be going now. See you soon” Father vanished immediately. I reached out to touch him, I was not ready for him to go. Yet, he was already gone.



I heard the others calling for me. I looked over the railing “What?” I snapped. Loki, Eliot, Carter, Hyland, and Emery came around the staircase.

“Everyone has gone,” Hyland said relieved.

“Ya, they didn’t like what you had to say so the council left in a hurry.” Eliot laughed.

“The rest of the guests were asked to leave after that.” Carter continued.

Loki looked at me with cold eyes “You got your wish, the party is over.” Holding the box in my hands I felt like I was for the first time, deserving of Loki’s anger. “You ready to cause more problems for yourself?” Loki questioned with an angered tone. “I warned you, they would try to push you. Those people are powerful, Rori, they can cause trouble for you and me. You are living in my castle after all.” I listened as calmly as I could to Loki as he yelled at me. “You are nothing more than a child. You act like a child. You can’t even do as you’re told. I tell you not to go into the north tower you go anyway. I tell you to calm down, and you get all upset and let yourself go wild. The way you act reflects on me as your protector and caregiver. Do you not realize this?”

“Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry.” I apologized. Loki took a breath to continue then paused looking at me shocked. “I didn’t ask for any of this, that’s true. But, all anyone here has done was for my benefit, right? I have not paid that back in kind. I’ll try harder to do as you tell me. This won’t happen again.” I explained.

Loki didn’t know what to do with himself. My words left him in a state of confusion. Tugging on his vest he nodded “Good.”

I turned to Emery “Emery, I’ll show you to the spare room down the hall from me. It’s on my way.” I offered.

Emery smiled sweetly “That would be wonderful, Princess.” I showed Emery to his room with Eliot helping me. We stood in the hall outside my room, talking for a time. We discussed the party and what happened with Yarh.

Eliot seemed surprised by Loki’s willingness to let Astreal willingly burn down the door. “Well you should be going to bed now Rori, it’s late” Eliot warned,

“Hate for Loki to come over here and give us all the third degree.” Emery and Carter laughed.

“I don’t think he will be scolding anyone for the rest of the night. Rori utterly baffled him” Carter laughed.

“By the way, where is Astreal anyhow?” Eliot asked. Oh no, Astreal.

“Here Rori” Astreal called. I looked inside my room and found him looking at me with sleepy eyes. “In here.” I pointed to my room.

“What an interesting little guy he is. Oh, I have been meaning to ask. Do you think you will be attacked again?” Emery questioned. I looked at Carter. Shaking my head “No, I will be fine.” Eliot walked Emery to his room. Carter went on to his room as well.

“Astreal, come here please.” I watched as a sleepy Astreal walked over to the door. “Do you think I should have you watch over Emery? In case that demon shows back up?” I wondered. Astreal looked at the floor. ‘I watch him. So Rori safe’ Astreal said as he walked slowly down to Emery’s door and laid in front of it. I took a pillow and his blanket over to him. Rolling him onto his side and covering him he looked to be completely out of energy.

I laid down on my bed after changing into my pajamas. I looked up at the ceiling as I thought about how Yarh used my mother to fool me. How could I let something like that happen? How was I unable to notice it was an illusion? There was still a lot that I didn’t know or understand that I needed to. Slowly I drifted off to sleep.

I found myself spinning in a black hole. It was like I was falling and I had nothing to grab onto. A bright light was coming at me quite fast. I frantically tried to grab onto anything, to no avail. Covering my face, I braced myself for the impact of the white light. The white light engulfed me for only a moment. I quickly realized I was in my bedroom. Lying in bed. I threw back the covers and got up. My stomach felt weird. I looked around my room to see where Yarh was. I turned around and looked at my bed. Lying at the foot of my bed was Astreal. He looked so peaceful. I started to open the bedroom door.

Standing before me was Mother. She was gutted, blood all over her, and where she stood looked like she did the night she died. I let out a scream. Choking on her own blood, mother tried desperately to tell me something. In my fear, I walked backward. “I don’t understand” I cried out. I ran into something. Looking behind me, I see Yarh.

“She said to run from me.” he laughed. Before I had time to think Yarh grabbed me up and threw me onto my bed. I let out a scream for help. Only to be answered by an evil laugh. “I told you, I would get you.” Yarh laughed.

I desperately fought him trying to wait till help came. Then I watched as Astreal walked out of my room casually. “Astreal!” I cried out. Astreal did not react at all. Nor did he respond. It was as if he couldn’t hear me. I started to feel alone and scared. Why won’t he answer me? Yarh straddled my body. Pinning my hands above my head with one hand leaving the other free. He pulled a knife out of thin air. I felt my heart racing; beating so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest. I began crying as I reserved myself for the fact that no one was coming to save me. Yarh used the knife to cut open my nightgown. “You should have accepted my offer, Kiddie” he laughed. Calmly he put the knife to my stomach and pressed in ever so slightly. The pain ripped through me as the knife went in gradually. Screaming as loud as I could in the last-ditch effort to get anyone to hear my cries. Yarh just laughed louder as he pulled the knife to the right cutting a gaping hole in me.

“Rori” a distant voice called panicked. Realizing someone heard me I stopped struggling and started screaming again.

Yarh laughed at me “No one can save you now. You are all mine!” His glowing yellow eyes and crazed grin from ear to ear blocked my view.

“Rori!” I heard voices calling my name. Still, they were distant. I didn’t want to die like this. Not by Yarh’s hand, not in my own bed; not even without a good fight. This was not going to be how I died. Yarh started cutting my chest vertically now. Closing my eyes I mustered all the strength I had left and began fighting him as hard as I could. “Rori!” the voices were getting close. I felt my body shaking and I started to become ice cold.

“Rori! Please!” I heard Carter call to me. Suddenly I felt a warm body against my back. My hands and legs were being held down.

“Rori” Astreal cried out in a panic.

“Please wake up, Rori” Eliot called panicked. Opening my eyes, I realized I was not fighting Yarh, but I was fighting the guys.

“It’s a dream!” Loki implored “Nothing more than a dream, Rori.”

Hyland and Hidi were watching from the other side of the room in awe. I instinctively pulled my arms from Emery and Carter. “Rori, I here Rori,” Astreal assured me. Still crying in a panic I felt my body to make sure that I was still intact. To my surprise, I was still in one piece. No cuts, no gashes not even a hair out of place. I let my body go limp as I continued to cry.

“Holy hell” Hyland gasped.

“Wow, thank Neptune she woke up. I don’t know how much longer we could have held her” Emery sighed relieved as he fell over on the bed.

“She’s never had one that bad before,” Eliot remarked. Loki held me gently as I cried. Staying ever so still, he made no effort to move, much less disturb me.

“We should have known better,” Carter mumbled.

Loki whispered “What should we have known better. She has night terrors some nights. Others she is just fine. All we can do is calm her when needed.”

“What was it? What could scare her that bad that she would be using her powers in her sleep to fight a dream?” Hyland questioned.

Astreal was on the far side of the bed pacing back and forth, still hyped up from before. He kept waiting for his chance to jump on my lap and calm me. I cried until I was physically too exhausted to cry anymore. The fear that Yarh can come and go as he pleases without anyone but me, knowing is starting to get to me. The dream that I had felt like no dream that I had before. It was as if he really did stab me. Everything felt like it was really happening to me. He could actually come and attack me, no one would even notice till it’s too late. Eventually, everyone left besides Loki and Eliot. Merely, for the fact that I was clutching Eliot and Loki. Gripping their arms so tight, my hands hurt. I didn’t want to be alone. I was scared of what would happen. I listened to the pitter-patter of Astreal’s feet as he continued to pace the room. “We both can’t stay here,” Loki suggested.

Eliot looked over me as we all three lay in my bed. “What would you suggest then?” Eliot scoffed.

“Well, she looks to be sleeping. I’ll just loosen her grip and she can keep her other hand latched on you.” Loki answered. “No reason for us both to be bothered anymore by her and her emotional dreams.”

Even though I was scared to be alone. Terrified that Yarh would suddenly show up without even so much as a warning. I didn’t want to be a burden on them. At least Loki, he sounded like he was sick of helping me. His tone to me had a bit of annoyance in it. I loosened my grip on them both. Keeping my eyes closed, so they didn’t think I was awake. Slowly releasing them both I curled up wrapping my arms around my knees and pulling them into my chest.

“What just happened?” Loki asked.

Eliot gave a long sigh “You really are an idiot General.”

“What’s that mean” Loki demanded.

“Look, do Rori and me a favor and go like you want to before you make things any worse than they already are” Eliot ordered.

My room was quiet for a long time. Then, Loki got up without a word and left quietly. After Loki shut the door, Eliot sighed again. He rolled over and brushed the hair from my face. “I don’t know what that dream was about. But I do know enough about human psychology to know you won’t be going back to sleep no matter how tired and worn out you are.” Eliot spoke with a sad tone “I’m sorry you had to hear him like that. It was not the time nor place for him to be getting impatient with you. Given this is a first for him in a situation like this. It was wrong. And for that, I am sorry.” I listened to Eliot apologize for Loki.

I just didn’t want to cause trouble; I wanted to be able to take care of myself. I rolled over and buried my face in Eliot’s chest and started to cry again.

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