Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

He leaned in closer and whispered softly in my ear “You can’t hide from me.” Slowly he leaned back. Loki let go of my arms and walked over to his desk where papers were stacked across it. He placed his hands on the desk, the way a professor in a college would before he began a lecture. “This is my private study. No one comes in here. Not even Owen.” He glanced at me still standing at the door. I think it might be in Loki’s favor to let Owen in here. The desk is quite a mess and there is a fair amount of dust on the globe. It’s been some time since anyone has cleaned up in here. A sacred place or not it deserves to get some cleaning attention. At least that’s what I think.

“Out with it. What did you need to speak with me about so badly?” he demanded in his normal tone. I can see why he would not want to share this room. The energy it gave off was worth it alone.

“I didn’t know” I answered. He never said anything about this room to me before. Given it was always locked uptight. I suppose he thought there was no need to. “It was nothing of importance. I should leave you to your work.” I turned to open the door and leave.

“Stop” Loki called to me. I froze if I tell him I came to bug him he would only get angrier with me. “Look at me when I’m talking to you. It’s respectful.” Loki demanded. I’m unaccustomed to Loki looking at me when he was doing anything relating to work or reading. I cautiously turned around to face Loki. “Please. Tell me what you wanted to talk about.” Loki pleaded with his eyes closed “I honestly would like to know.”

I had to restrain myself for a moment. This is the first time I had ever heard of Loki saying the word ‘please’ to me, much less pleading for anything from anyone. He has usually ordered or demanded whatever he wanted. I wondered how that tasted coming out of his mouth? Was it bitter or sweet? I needed to stop thinking like that. He is awaiting a response. I do have some questions to ask him. “Well, I do have a few things I wanted to talk to you about,” I stated.

Loki sat in his chair. He folded his paperwork in front of him and stood again. He motioned to the seat I was in only a few moments ago. “Take a seat, I insist.” he offered.

I walked over to the seat while I watched him pour us each a glass. He walked over to me casually and handed me a brandy glass half full of a clear liquid. I hesitated for a moment to accept the glass. Could this be a test? Is there a right or wrong answer here?“It’s cold water for you, so take it,” Loki ordered. That’s more like the Loki I know, demanding and ordering me around.

Pleased that it was only water, I took the glass “Thank you.”

Loki nodded and sat adjacent to me. “Well?” he inquired.

I took a sip of the water and placed the glass on a coaster. “I was wondering if you could shed any light on this game Father has going,” I asked. Sure he would ask me to clarify, I opened my mouth to continue.

“A game” Loki chuckled “That would be one way to look at it.” He took a gulp of his brandy. Looking at me “You don’t particularly like this game of his, am I right?” he questioned. I nodded, agreeing with him. “Well, I have known your father for a very long time. I can honestly say that I am his closest friend and he would tell you the same. However, Meditris is known for going on sudden and extravagant paths if you will.” Loki gestured to me. I watched him intently not wanting to miss a thing. Not even the slightest innuendo. “You and this marriage business are just another one of those. I can tell you he never grows tired of them. And unless you find a way to get your point across, it won’t end till you say your vows. If then, at all.” Loki took another gulp of his whiskey.

Is that how it is. He sees this as a game or an avenue to take in order to be entertained and he won’t get off till he gets what he wants.“How do I do that? Get him to see my point of view, that is?” I asked.

Loki nodded “Um, well there was only one person who could ever do that. That person was your mother. I don’t know how she did it but she could do it in an instant.” Loki looked at me, yet, I know he was not looking at me but reminiscing.

“Any tips? Suggestions,” I asked for “any bit that might help me.”

“Trial and error,” he replied. Thanks, that is so much help. How do I deal with a man who refuses to listen to anyone?

“What do you think of this game of marriage?” I blurted out. Loki choked on his brandy. I could not help but giggle at him. He was caught off guard so suddenly, his expression was priceless. Loki attempted to wipe off the droplets from his dark blue shirt. Giving up, he set his glass down and started looking around the room. “Uh, what do you mean by that?”

As his eyes settled back on me as I began to give him an answer. “Well, what do you think of this game of marriage he has us all playing? What do you think of my Father’s candidates? What do you think of being one of these candidates? What do you think, Loki?” After bombarding him with questions, Loki’s focus never wavered.

“You want to know, honestly?” he questioned.

“I would not ask if I didn’t want an honest answer,” I remarked as I took another drink of my water.

“I think he is the King of Hell; as the King, he can do as he wishes.” Loki got up with his glass. Walking over to refill his brandy he continued “As a Father, I think him forcing you to choose and marry so suddenly after finding out about him, is wrong. You should have the right to choose whom you want to be with. Not like this.” Loki sat back down in his adjacent seat. Looking at his brandy Loki took a deep breath. “As the candidates are concerned, they are quite fitting, from a King’s point of view. Wealth, power, stability, and drive; most if not all the candidates fall into those categories. From a Father’s perspective, he is missing some aspects. Yes, all the candidates have wealth and/or to some extent, power. So providing for you is covered; stability wavers with some candidates though. Womanizers, players, and users are involved in a few candidates. Drive is important; yet, it is the type of drive that should be the question. For example, Zoon is driven to win. Whatever the cost, Zoon is determined to win, even in this game. Gale is driven to succeed and do well. In my opinion, Zoon has no place on that candidate list. More importantly, you should have been the one to choose them if he was insisting on this candidate’s business.” Loki sipped his brandy this time, taking more time to enjoy and savor the brandy, instead of trying to feel its’ effect faster.

“My other question” I insisted.

“I won’t say I’m the best on the list, I won’t say I’m the worst. I think the entire idea is absurd. I am pleased that I can look out for you. Being on the list or not is of no consequence to me. I think your Father is spinning his wheels no matter how he looks at it” Loki put bluntly.

I looked at him perplexed “Why?”

Loki took another sip and gestured to me. “I don’t see you doing anything you don’t want to do. Ever. You are too much like your mother in that aspect. You refuse to be held down by ties you did not put there yourself.” Loki smiled looking at his brandy in the glass “So, I don’t have a need to worry. I am fairly certain that you won’t let him push you into something you don’t want.”

Thinking about how I snapped at the council. Though depending on whom I ask, they would tell me whether I handled it poorly or not.

“You’re sharing this weekend right?” I asked him. I was curious as to what the arrangement was finalized.

Loki looked at me oddly for a second. “Oh, you mean the tie. I suppose so.” Loki remarked.

“Being as I spent all day with Emery, I guess you get the evening and night if you wish; or I could leave you alone. The choice is yours.” I gave him options. I felt bad for encroaching; unknowingly, on his space. I know what it’s like to have a sacred space that you try to protect from prying eyes. Loki got up and walked to his desk. Sitting down and drinking his brandy he started looking at the paperwork. I took that as a sign for me to go.

I put my glass up by the Brandy and headed for the door. “Where are you going?” Loki questioned.

“I’m leaving you to your work” I stated as I opened the door. A gust of air overtook me and the door slammed shut. I looked to where the wind came from. There stood Loki with his hand on the door, head tilted down to the floor. His hair falling into his face blocking my view of him.

“I did not say you had to leave. You were reading before, were you not? You may continue reading.” Loki remarked as he handed me the book I was reading.

Wow, he moved fast. This room is huge, a normal person would not have been able to have grabbed the book and slammed the door shut before I left if they started from the back of the room where the desk is. How did he know what book I was reading exactly?

“Just. Keep quiet.” Loki requested.

I sat back down on a chair and opened the book back up. It was kind of odd. I wondered why Loki didn’t want me to leave. Normally, he would have let me go and not hold me back, or even used the word “please”. Maybe it’s because this room really makes you feel different. It makes you feel like you’re in a cabin, deep in the woods, secluded from society, and free to just be.

Quickly, I was again immersed in the book of stories. Reading one story after another. The ambiance of the flickering light and this old book in my hands made me want to read as much as I could as fast as I could. I became so oblivious to my surroundings, other than the flickering firelight, that I felt as if I was in the story itself. I had just about finished the Tale Tale Heart when a cold breeze crossed my cheek. Instantly, I touched my cheek and looked to the direction where the breeze came from. I noticed that Loki’s desk is empty. I looked around the room. I’m alone, so I got up from the couch and placed the book back in its empty home. Glancing around once more to make sure I was alone in the room. Loki’s desk was cluttered with open books and paperwork. The brandy he had been drinking sill half empty.

I did not feel right being here with him gone. I glanced at the old Grandfather clock by the fireplace. It was a quarter till midnight. I could not believe I had been reading for five hours non-stop. Even more surprising after being scolded for coming in here without permission, Loki just leaves me here alone.

I walked past the door leading out to the garden, and I could see the moonlight shining on the garden glistening off the mist-covered plants, it reminded me of the biology trip I took. The greenhouse had just finished watering the plants when we arrived. It amazed me, how beautiful the sun glistened on the misted plants. What better timing to practice my powers, than just after it has rained late at night.

Sneaking out past the garden, I walked far into the woods. Just a little practice before bed. No one will notice I’m gone and I won’t have to explain anything to anyone. Pondering what my powers might be I listened to the chilly still of the night. After walking a while I spot a log leaning over a fallen tree. I should try practicing on it. What could it hurt? I closed my eyes. Relaxing my body, I let random thoughts come into my head. Astreal sleeping next to me in my bed popped into my head first. Letting that thought go, another came into focus; Yarh laughed as I sat helplessly.

Ok, that’s a good motivator; now, to just put that to whatever use I can. I pretended that the log was Yarh. I thought about all the pain he has caused me. Everything he has done to my family. All his taunting and his threats. I thought about how angry and hurt I am because of this demon. What he has cost me; a mother, a brother, a Father, even my childhood. All gone because of this evil being.

An explosion rocked my senses. I jumped at the loud explosion. The log blew to thousands of tiny steaming hot pieces. I had got so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize what I was doing.

A shard fell on my head “Hot” I screamed jumping around and brushing my head trying to get the hot tinder off me. I tripped over a rock, falling onto my back. My head hit something on my way down. I caressed my head softly; throbbing like I had been hit with a baseball bat I took things slow. Sitting up I looked at the rock sticking out of the ground that I had just tripped over.

I dropped my hands on my lap. The rock is stuck up between two big tree roots. Wow, that is cool. I have never seen anything like that; It looked as if the tree roots grew up around the rock. I wonder just how big it really is. Attempting to get up off the ground I felt slightly dizzy. With being dizzy I decided to go back to the castle before I really hurt myself out here in the dark. Noticing some dirt and leaves had gotten stuck to my hand. I wiped it off on my pants. It makes me feel dirty to have my hands covered in dirt and leaves. Almost like I have been rolling around in the woods all day. My head is still throbbing. I pressed on where the source of the throbbing resides. It didn’t seem to make a difference. Putting my hand down at my side I continued walking. Suddenly my hand felt a little cold. I looked at my hand closely. Why am I getting cold? “Blood?” I wondered. I felt the back of my head with my other hand. Was I bleeding? Indeed I’m bleeding a lot.

Suddenly I realized that my back is a tad cold as well. A stream down my back, in particular, is cold. I estimated how long it would take for me to get back to the castle. Adding in the rate I am likely bleeding, I could pass out before I get there and bleed to death. My head is hurting so much. The suddenly profound pounding is making it hard to think.

“Rori” Astreal called to me. Looking up I could see a large beautiful dragon. “Come, Rori.” He called. I climbed onto his back.

Gripping his neck, tight. “Ready,” I told him.

With a force, Astreal launched us into the air. “Home? We go home” Astreal asked.

“Yes, home” I whispered. I rested during the short ride. I felt horrible, the first time Astreal transforms into an adult dragon and I have to be losing blood faster than I can walk. Unable to enjoy this experience with him.

Astreal helped me walk into the castle. “Eliot?” I called out. To my surprise, it was nothing more than a whisper. I knocked on his door again “Eliot, get up” I demanded in my faint voice. I could feel my knees about to give out. How dumb, I trip and crack my head open on something protruding from the ground like a klutz. How klutzy can I get? I hate feeling this helpless.

Eliot opened his door in his gray robe. He looked annoyed “Go away I’m busy” he hissed then shut the door.

I tried to focus on the door in amazement. Did he just tell me to go away? The one time I actually need him he tells me to go away. “Astreal…” I called. Astreal looked at me with sad eyes. “…burn the door down.” I could feel the joy radiate from him. Without delay, Astreal blew out the fire with a scream “Eee.”

Stumbling I started to fall back. Catching myself on Astreal I decided maybe sitting would be best. Using what strength I had left in my arms, I balanced on Astreal and slid down the wall to the floor.

“What the hell is wrong with you” Eliot yelled.

My head started throbbing harder. How is this even possible, I’m losing blood shouldn’t it have stopped throbbing by now? Should I be going into shock or something right?

“What’s the meaning of all this noise” Loki demanded.

Eliot pointed to Astreal “He burnt down my door! Do something about this” Eliot insisted.

Emery ran up “What’s going on? I heard a loud scream. Hey Eliot your doorframe, it’s on fire.”

Eliot smiled “Thank you captain obvious, I know.” Eliot scoffed.

“Unh” I tried to speak. I feel lightheaded.

“Astreal, just because I gave you permission last time, does not mean you can go around lighting doors on fire” Loki scolded “Rori, you are going to do something I can’t have my castle being burnt to the ground. He keeps this up and he is an outside Dragon”.

Astreal growled at him.

“What’s with the hostility” Eliot questioned.

“Hey, is he hurt? As I was walking up, I noticed a blood trail. Maybe that’s his problem” Emery noted gesturing to the crimson trail that they did not realize, I have left.

“What?” Loki and Eliot questioned.

“Any day now….” I murmured, in a low raspy voice.

“How did he get hurt” Eliot exclaimed, as he knelt down to examine the young dragon. “Wait a minute; I thought dragon blood was like a silver or gold color. Something shiny” Emery questioned.

“Apparently it’s black” Loki groaned.

Eliot knelt down, to begin inspecting Astreal. “Where’s the wound?” he muttered.

I put out my hand to see how dizzy I have become. Failing at focusing my hand rotated in a counterclockwise rotation, everything spinning. “When you have time.” I whispered fighting the urge to sleep “My head…” Eliot put up a finger “Hold on, Rori. I need to find the wound on Astreal.”

Astreal sniped at Eliot causing him to jump back. “Astreal! What’s gotten into you” Eliot yelled.

Astreal jumped behind me, nudging my head. “Ow,” I faintly called out.

“Eliot,” Emery whimpered “Rori. Rori’s bleeding, she’s bleeding a lot.” Instantly, Eliot came to my side, inspecting the cut. “Damn. How the hell did you get a gash like this” Eliot complained?

“How bad” Loki questioned. Eliot picked me up running down the hall “Ronda, get out here I need your help” he ordered.

I watched as a petite, young brunette came running out of Eliot’s room in nothing more than what can only be referred to as lingerie. “What’s the emergency,” She asked darting after us.

Eliot put me on a cold metal table, my skin instantly covered in goosebumps. I groaned slightly, I’m too tired to complain, just too tired to do anything. Eliot could put me in a coffin and nail it shut and I still would not have the energy to panic.

“Get AB+ out of the fridge then hook her up to an IV” Eliot ordered.

I just wanted to sleep. I watched as Ronda ran to a fridge pulling out six bags of blood she came back. Working fast and thoroughly, she did as she was told.

“Eliot how bad is it,” Loki asked.

“Start her IV and get a morphine drip going,” Eliot ordered.

“Eliot” Loki yelled.

Eliot turned to Loki “You have to get out, now!” Loki stood firm where he stood, arms folded he gave Eliot a stern look. “She’s lost a lot of blood and until I see how bad it is I need you out of here. I need to remove her clothes to check for more wounds. Now get the hell out of my O.R. Loki!”

Loki gazed at him dazed “O.R?” Emery pulled Loki out of the room at Eliot’s orders.

What did Eliot mean by O.R.? Like a hospital O.R.? Or organizing room? Do I need surgery? It’s just a cut right, nothing major. Right, Eliot? Hey, you’re scaring me. Eliot?

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