Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

Even though they are all gone, I still didn’t feel any better. Why does he have to act like this? Why did things turn out like this? When I was a kid all I wanted was to meet my Father. I can’t do this; I have to get away from here to clear my head.

“Rori”, Carter called after me.

I started running into the woods as fast as my legs would take me. The trees pass by me in a quick blur. My shoes flew off one by one as I ran. I needed to release this frustration. I ran harder pushing myself until I thought I would pass out from exhaustion. My legs gave out just as I came to the crest of a hill, falling with the force of my momentum from running; my body is thrust down the hill. Tumbling down this steep hill. Hitting limbs, sticks, rocks, and even a tree. Landing on a tree, growing up off the side of a drop-off cliff; I teetered precariously as I try to make sense of where I am. The tree stopped me from rolling right off this cliff and into a deep ravine, many feet below.

Assessing the situation, I look around to make sure this tree is secured; that way I won’t be falling anytime soon. The roots of this brave tree, burrow deep into the earth. With its gentle slant up, I slowly pull myself up onto the tree. Oddly enough, the tree teetering on the edge of a cliff felt comfortable. I see no need to leave just yet. I’m in no danger of falling as long as this tree is rooted to the earth, I should be secure. It just so happens, that this is a perfect and relaxing place to chill out. So inviting and invigorating at the same time. I leaned back, checking out the small cuts and scrapes on my arms and legs. Nothing of major concern; I’ll clean them up later. For now, I’ll just sit here, feeling the breeze flowing across the land and over my body, delicately perched on this amazing willful tree. Closing my eyes and clear my mind, let whatever comes come.

There is so much going on. An annoyingly stupid Angel sticking his nose in where it doesn’t belong; Loki being his usual jerk self; Father is playing more games with me. What am I to do with all this? I feel more like a toy to play with than an actual person. What about that odd symbol. I never got to ask Loki about it. Then there is Emery, he left, feeling I hated him. Who would have thought my life would turn out like this. Who would have thought that wanting to know my parents would lead me to all this? The truth is harder to stomach than I thought it would be.

My stomach starts to hurt then grumble. “I must be hungry”, I mumble to myself. Standing up, I start to crawl up the tree to jump back onto land. The forest is quiet. Now that I think about it. I don’t hear any birds, squirrels, anything. Just wind running through the trees ominously. This is odd. The woods were just full of sounds a few moments ago. Something’s off, why is it so quiet?

“Run” a voice whispered to me.

Using the tree to get my balance I began to climb back to sturdy land. “Run”, the voice whispered again, more persistent. I don’t know what or who is talking to me, but I get the feeling that I should heed the warning. Glancing around, I see trees and leaves as far as I can see. The bunnies and squirrels that usually run around in the woods are nowhere to be found. The crickets and birds are out of sight as well. Suddenly, I realize I can’t feel Astreal; I can’t contact him or even hear him. My heart sinks and I bolt in a random direction. I don’t know what direction the castle is, but staying in that spot is not going to get me any closer to getting Astreal’s attention. What could come in between a dragon and its rider? I have never heard of such a thing. This is really bad, really, really bad.

Wait, didn’t I just pass this old oak a second ago, I thought. I stopped and glanced around. I know I just ran through here. How is this possible? “Run, Rori, Run” the voice screamed at me. My heart started to pound so hard in my chest I thought it might pop out. “Astreal” I screamed as loud as I could. “Loki! Carter! Eliot! Somebody!” I screamed I’m so scared I’m cut off from everyone and everything. I don’t know what to do. I can’t even figure out what’s going on. Swiftly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me pinning my arms to my chest. I felt the air in my lungs quickly vacate as I froze. These arms do not belong to Loki.

“Got-cha Kiddie” a voice whispered in my ear. I felt my world crash down on me. He found me. I’m all alone out in the woods. No one to help. No one to save me. As I come to this realization I start to shake. “This is the best place for a date, don’t you think? Why play useless games, when I can have you all to myself” Yarh inquired. I feel like I might be sick. Tightening his grip on me, Yarh took a slow deep breath. “Umh. You smell delightful today,” Yarh complimented.

I have to think quickly. I’m all on my own this time. There will be no outside help. I have to do whatever I can to survive. I can’t show fear, not to this thing. I will not be his toy. I won’t allow it. “It is a nice day for a date” I agreed.

Pleased with my response, Yarh nodded his head against mine. “I take it you are ready to play fair” Yarh pondered. Nodding obediently, I agree. I don’t have much of an option at this point. Yarh’s hand began to wander across my body once again. “Hope you don’t mind, but I didn’t get to finish before” he reminded me. Yes, that’s right, Astreal burnt the door down and interrupted him before.

“I think I just might have to skip on my investor’s request and keep you all to myself” Yarh spoke out loud. His touch made me cringe and feel like I wanted to die. The only person who should touch me like this is the person I love. I don’t want Yarh to touch me. Not like this, not here. He has taken everything from me; my mother, my brother, my life, my future, my freedom, everything. I hate him. I hate his touch. I don’t want this. I don’t want him to be touching me the way I desire--

A fiery sonic crash peeled between Yarh and me, accompanied by a burst of bright white light. Thrusting Yarh away from me. The earth below gave birth to a deep pit, engulfing me in an instant. I fell with a force down to the bottom of the unexpected pit. Hitting it so hard, that the air was sucked out of my lungs. I struggled in a panic to try to remember how to inhale again, to fill them once more. Rolling over onto my chest, my body swiftly remembered how to breathe. With my body shaking from the quick-paced events that just took place, I stumbled to get to my feet. Looking up, I can see the opening of the pit is nearly twenty feet above my head. I can’t find any sign of Yarh.

I must get out of here. I glanced around looking for a way out. This pit must have been an air shaft for an underground tunnel. I see the tunnel opening next to me. Wasting no time, I run into the dark tunnel with no light, my eyes as slowly adjusting to the darkness. Using my hands to feel the wall of the tunnel to get around; a trick my gamer friends always told me was, to follow the right wall and you will always end up at the exit or entrance. This is my only idea for now. I cannot rely on others, no matter how scared I am. I have to be able to care for myself. That was the mother’s mistake. She had no choice, but to rely on others in this world. I will take care of myself, this time. If Loki and Astreal find me that will just be a plus.

I’ve been following the tunnel for what feels like hours. I haven’t found a thing, other than this was some type of quick tunnel with many, and I mean many offshoots at random points that lead to nowhere. What is the use of being half-demon if I can’t see in the dark? This is so annoying.

“You finally made me stop. How troublesome. Just where are you hiding, Kiddie” Yarh called out irritated. I can hear him well. He is not far from me. How did he find me? My legs began to shake. A horrible thought enters my mind; what if Yarh gets to me. What if I never see Astreal and the others again? What if I die at Yarh’s hands? I don’t know what Astreal will do if I die. I’ll never see my friends again. I won’t be able to hear Loki scold me ever again. I won’t be able to watch Carter’s love blossom. Or Eliot’s complex ways change. What about Father and Emery?

I can’t think like this. I have to hide. I know I’m in the main corridor, I’ll go back and head down one of the off-shoots. Quickening my pace, I found the offshoot that I had just been down, walking until felt that I was far enough. If he found me, I would be trapped anyway; I have no way to hide from him. Leaning against the wall I waited; I have nothing else to do besides wait. He will or he won’t find me. That’s that.

Unexpectedly, I instantly felt the warmth of hands across my mouth and across my chest pushing me against the dirt wall. It dawned on me that Yarh has found me at last. I will not go without a fight. I would rather die. Struggling with all my might, I fight back. I don’t want this. I wanna go home. I kick, shake, bite anything to get him to let me go. With a thud, I found myself on the ground. My hands were pinned down at the side of my head. “What’s wrong with you” a voice scolded me as he straddled me, to keep me from moving anymore.

Stunned I could see that the tunnel was peppered with glowing rocks giving off a soft glowing light. I began to cry realizing that the person who has pinned me to the ground was, in fact, an ally. “Loki” softly cried.

“Yes, it’s me. If I let you go you best stop fighting me” Loki warned. I nodded happily. I have never been so happy to see him, to hear his voice scolding me. Loki slowly released my hands, and with a questionable look, he remained on top of me. “Astreal began spazzing out. He nearly destroyed my office. That’s when I decided to look for you and make you punish him immediately. I didn’t realize, I would have to punish you for roaming around in an abandoned tunnel” Loki warned me.

Recognizing that Loki didn’t realize that Yarh was here, I began to push him off of me. Looking flustered, Loki snatched my hands and pinned them back once again, and placed a hand over my mouth. “Ah, listen here, missy” Loki brought his face so close to mine, I thought I could feel his breath. “I said you were to calm down. What has gotten into you? You best straighten up, or else.”

Mumbling under his hand, I desperately tried to get his attention. Once he removed his hand I blurted out “Yarh, is here!” The tunnel echoed the words that I had just spoken so loudly. Loki’s expression changed. In the lightly lit tunnel, I could see his blank, hidden expression of his.

“Get up” Loki ordered as he got off me. With Loki’s help, I got back onto my feet. He took my hand and began walking away from the corridor. This is just a dead end. Why would he walk this way? After a time, we could see the end of the off-shoot. Loki, still marching on, walked me over to the right side of the tunnel and, placed his hand over a relatively large glowing rock.

“Um, Loki” I began. The wall started to grumble and move. Slowly, a small closet-like area appeared. Loki pulled me to him and then shoved me in. “What? Loki” I pleaded.

Loki quickly pinned me to the back of the tiny earth closet as he had on the floor. Just as slowly, as the door opened, it closed. Panicked over the dark, cold, enclosed area, I started to quiver. “Loki let me out” I demanded.

“This is the best place to hide till Yarh goes away. Neither of us has the powers underground to fight” Loki explained.

“I don’t care. It’s scary, dark, and cramped. Loki, just take me back to the castle” I implored him. With the space as black as an abyss, I can’t tell what expression he is giving me. I’m scared and happy. “Loki should know a way out of here.” Why is he doing this?

“Kiddie, I know you are here” Yarh called from close by.

My stomach began to hurt. Tears started to fall from my eyes “Loki” I begged in a whisper. Without warning I felt hot, yet, soft lips press against mine. He tasted like cinnamon candy.

“Kiddie, why not just come out. We can end this foolish game” Yarh demanded.

Loki did not stop for a moment. It was as if nothing else in the world existed other than the two of us kissing. I could feel my body start to burn up. Loki’s hands found their way from my wrists to my face where he caressed me tenderly.

“Kiddie, I am getting impatient. If you don’t come out, I will change my mind about--Oh, you put out a light for me” Yarh remarked. “Wait, no. No! No! No!” Yarh began screaming. I heard a whoosh accompanied by a scream-like sound. Yarh’s voice slowly vanished. After a time, the noise ceased leaving only silence in its wake. Loki stopped kissing me in a split second. He pushed his body away as the earth began to grumble once more. Just as before, the door reappeared.

Wasting no time, Loki walked out into the tunnel. Emerging from the earth closet, I looked around to see what happened. Standing in the tunnel, Astreal, Eliot, and Carter greeted me. “Rori”, Astreal yelled with excitement. He ran over jumping on me, in turn, knocking me down. Feverishly licking my face pleased to see me. “I’m happy to see you too Astreal.”

“Rori, are you ok,” Carter asked as he walked over to help me up.

“Yes, thank you” I replied as I wrapped him in a hug.

Eliot told me about how the tunnel was used to move more easily from the local village to the castle, long ago. And that at one point, mother wanted to start reusing it. Instead of using stone, Father used a rare rock called Giaorophane. Giaorophane pronounced; gee-ah-or-oh-phane, Carter is a stickler for the details; is a rock that absorbs the excess energy around it. It can even use its manipulation of energy to move large amounts of earth. Your Father used a spell to enchant the rocks into the lining of the wall to keep it solid. The reason that the rocks did not glow for me, is due to the fact that I was within a spell of my own.

Carter explained that Yarh and this his investor of his, had encased me in a barrier spell. Cutting me off from anything outside the spells barrier; explaining why Astreal’s connection was severed from me. However, underground, due to the Giaorophane’s special abilities, it acts as an excessive energy drain. If Loki or Yarh were to use their demonic energies, the rocks would have zapped that so fast it could very well kill them. Dragons, however, are immune to such energy drains, thus giving Astreal the upper hand and the chance to kill Yarh once and for all.

Loki had gone ahead of us back to the castle. I didn’t dare tell Carter or Eliot about what happened. I wanted to get some answers from Loki first. That kiss, it could not have been just to keep me quiet. It was too tender and gentle to be something so meaningless. Although I can see him telling me, it was to keep me quiet until Astreal had taken care of Yarh. Still, I feel I have earned a better explanation than that. I never know what he is thinking or why he reacts the way he does. He is so bipolar with his moods and reactions are really unbelievable.

Upon our return to the castle, Eliot had Ronda check over my minor cuts to be on the safe side, while he went to find Owen and insist on a lavish dinner in celebration. Hidi informed me as I change, that Hyland had returned just before we arrived. “Miss, Hyland was all in a fuss. She worried about Sir Carter and would not stop pacing the halls…” Hidi complained while tidying up my bed. Thinking of Hyland finally having regard for others was a funny thought indeed.

Owen prepared a lavish dinner, everything from baked Turkey to truffles and crumpets littered the table in elegance. Sparkling water and juices in vintage wine glasses at each plate set. Loki sat at his usual spot with Eliot to his right and Hyland to his left. Carter sat next to Hyland and across from him sat Ronda, next to her sat, Astreal. I insisted that if we were going to celebrate it is only fair to let the dragon out of the hour have a spot at the table. Loki did not show a fondness of this idea but he didn’t argue with me. I sat next to Astreal. He is so amazing. My once, little baby is not so little anymore.

Loki acted as he always has. If it was not for my memory and experiencing what happened, I would have thought nothing happened at all. I wonder if I’m the only one who found what happened back there, of any interest or concern. I can’t believe he is going to act as if it never occurred. How can he just kiss me in such a way and then erase it like a chalkboard?

“Rori”, Hyland called to me. I looked up to see Hyland gazing at me intently. “You look lost in thought” she pointed out. Feeling butterflies fill my stomach, as I thought about how to answer. Astreal whined at me then jumped up on the table and eat what was left of the turkey. “Astreal” Loki, Eliot and Carter all yelled in unison. Astreal jumped back into his seat. “Mine. Mine yummy” he told me.

Unable to restrain myself to be angry, I began to laugh. I laughed so hard my chest hurt and my eyes started to water. I don’t know when, but at some point, everyone had joined in. I looked up and even found Loki laughing wholeheartedly, at the end of the table. Trying to get ahold of myself I thought about the dessert Owen had prepared; Peanut butter truffles with white chocolate drizzle and cherry cheesecake. As I caught my breath I looked back at Astreal. He gazed back at me with a confused yet happy expression. “Rori...why Rori make noise,” he asked.

Giving him a pat on the head I replied: “It’s a sound you make when you find something funny like I did with you gobbling the turkey down.”

Nodding Astreal looked at Loki, “Rori happy now.”

I nodded as I watched Astreal watching the others. “Yes, Astreal, I’m happy now.”

The dinner lasted two hours. We ate and chatted about Hyland’s friend with whom she had fought with shortly before deciding to return. Eliot lightly complained about Ronda’s short internship coming to an end. “Though Dr. Gilma says I still have much to learn I have to go back and reapply for another internship while I take some more intermediate courses” Ronda explained. I think Eliot will miss his night toy. And Ronda will truly miss Eliot. Hyland started in on how Eliot will just have to find him a new girl to pass the time with. This did not go over well with Eliot. He hates when someone makes light of his choices. I suppose pointing out the flaws as others see and such is just as annoying to anyone, really.

“Rori, I have to know, just how did you find that old tunnel? How were you able to get away from him long enough to hide” Carter questioned as he put his drink down on the table.

I look at my plate, I remember the feeling I had with Yarh’s hands around me. The fear and worry. How scared I was, and thought that I would never see any of them again. Astreal nudged my arm “I hear Rori, Rori safe” he reminded me.

“Lightning, I do believe” I responded “I don’t know how, but I got separated from him because of a lightning strike. The earth under my feet gave way to the tunnel. I got a head start into the tunnel while Yarh was knocked out.”

Surprisingly, no one pushed for more information. I thought I would have to go into great detail about what happened. Perhaps start from the moment I left the castle due to my frustration. So much I was prepared for and yet it didn’t happen. “Walk, starts walk,” Astreal asked. Nodding, I agreed to take him out for a night walk.

I watched him frolic through the garden. Popping in and out of my sight. With each gust of air cutting through the path behind him like a wave of water bringing with it a sweet smell of spring flowers. “Rori play” Astreal prodded.

“No,” I told him “I’m too tired to play. Let’s go in before we get into trouble. I’ll take you out tomorrow” I bribed him with the promise of another sunny-filled walk. Astreal, not too happy about having to go in so soon, slowly led the way back; pouting the whole way, trying to make me change my mind. I led him back down the hall. Astreal stopped suddenly.

I looked at him “What is it” I whispered. With a pained look on his face, Astreal motioned to a door. Looking in the direction of the door, I noticed that Loki’s sacred room door was open and the light from the fireplace was dancing on the walls. I looked back to Astreal, only he was not there. I know he knows how troubled I am over what happened. He must be pushing me to talk to Loki. I suppose this is as good a time as any.

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