Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

I noticed Eliot’s guarded behavior, Carter’s tense body language, and Emery had downright refused to come with. I just assumed it was due to Loki and the temper he has. Could all this be because of this Angel? Loki appeared to be his normal self.

Alexzander stood, greeting me “Hello, fair maiden.”

I gazed at him, his beautiful glowing skin, gray eyes, and silver short hair. He is mesmerizing, not at all how I imagined Angels to be. “Hello” I greeted him.

Alexzander walked over to me; with a carefree attitude he looked me over as he walked around me in circles. “Hmmm...” he mumbled. I looked at Carter, he stared straight ahead and froze. So I looked at Loki hoping to get some answer. Loki watched with his normal empty expression. I didn’t know whether to be scared or angry about this.

It is unsettling to have an Angel look you over like a piece of art he is about to buy. “She is something isn’t she,” Alexzander remarked pleased.

“I suppose I’m glad you think so,” I responded. I watched Eliot bawl up his fists and shove them at his sides.

“Rori” Loki announced “Alexzander is here to observe you. As a new species, he has to assess you.”

“Wait” I ordered putting my hands up blocking Alexzander from me “he is here to assess me? Like some experiment? To see if I’m worthy of life or something like that?”

Alexzander tenderly grabbed my hands not minding my increasingly upset tone “Something like that.”

It’s just one thing after another in Loki’s house of horrors. Alexzander started examining my hands “I have to assess you as a living being, a new species, a unique life form. I am here to determine what kind of threat you pose” He declared “if any. If you impede my examination in any way it will negatively reflect on my findings.” My heart sunk to the floor. Butterflies filled my stomach and I could feel my ears getting hot. I see I have no choice. I became worried, scared, baffled, and annoyed. “I see your body reacts to your emotions much like humans and ill-mannered demons” Alexzander mocked.

I could not believe I had to stand here while this guy inspects me like a newfound work of art; looking for any and every flaw. All while Loki, Carter, and Eliot watched. I am on display for all; willing or not. Alexzander took my hair running it through his fingers then smelling it. He looked at me “You smell of fresh flowers and a hint of blood.”

Smacking his hand away out of instinct I scolded him “Of course, I have a hit of blood I hit my head and got a cut.” My short answer appeared to amuse him.

“You bleed, how interesting” he replied. Alexzander spun around “Now I require a complete physical.”

“What” Eliot gasped.

“Excuse me?” I managed to mutter.

Loki looked at Alexzander for a moment then he turned to Eliot. “Her doctor will accompany you” Loki insisted.

Alexzander smiled “Of course.”

Alexzander looped his arm through mine. He is getting awfully handsy with a person he just met. “Hey, hold one just a second. I’m not going anywhere with you. Not one of you asked if I was ok with this. You look to Loki like he rules over me” I yanked my arm away “Hate to tell you but he’s not and he cannot today, tomorrow, or ever give permission on my behalf.”

Eliot came up putting his hands on my shoulders “I can’t allow anything to happen to my patient that is unwanted.”

Alexzander gave me a malevolent smile. It sent shivers down my spine. “Yes, you are right. I should address you in this matter. I need to do a physical exam. If I am not permitted to do so my exam will be incomplete. You will be found unfit and a danger to all life. Then you will be struck down from heaven, dead. No warning, you see it will be quick and you will be sent to purgatory. The choice is yours, my dear.” This blackmailing, Evil Angel. My choice is clear...do it or die.

“Not much of a choice there, Angel” Carter scoffed. Alexzander walked over; again he looped his arm through mine. He then escorted me to a vacant room on the first floor that Eliot deemed safe and fit.

Alexzander insisted I strip down to my bra and panties. I felt so degraded by this. Eliot unamused watched from the corner of the room. I dropped my shirt on the floor next to me, then my jeans. Alexzander pushed, prodded, pulled, and examined every visible inch of me. It felt like a leach was looking for a good source of blood flow. “What power do you possess” Alexzander demanded. I gawked at him confused. “You are part demon, all demons have basic powers: flying, strength, sensory, youthful looks, and so on. Some, like your Father, have even greater powers. I need to know about the power you possess.”

“I don’t know the extent or what it is exactly” I answered him annoyed.

“Are you sure about that” Alexzander questioned, “I do know about last night.” He warned.

Glaring at him, “Is that supposed to be a threat? I made a dead log explode after a long and tiring continuous attempt. That is the first and last time I have ever tried to do anything. So, to answer you, no, I don’t know what I can do exactly.”

Alexzander smiled at me with his evil-looking smile. “Would you say you are still curious about it” He wondered?

“No. What I find interesting is why an Angel is just now getting around to invading my personal space and violating my body.” I hissed.

Alexzander looked me over then laughed. “You may get dressed. I have all I need for now.”

“For now?” I repeated.

Alexzander sighed “If at any time, it is decided that a reassessment is necessary, I will be back. Unless or until then, good day fair maiden.” In a flash of bright white light Alexzander, the Angel vanished.

I slammed open the Library doors. Loki, Carter, and Emery sat anxiously awaiting my return. “What the hell was that” I demanded. I stomped right over to Loki fuming.

“He left I assume,” Loki asked. “Yes, your boyfriend left. Do you mind telling me what just happened?”

Loki took a sip of his coffee “Just as he said. To examine you.”

Does he really think that is going to cut it? He can’t be this dumb. I could feel my hands shake. “Is that all you can say Loki” I demanded as I knocked his cup out of his hands “Is that all that was? You are ok with what just happened? You all make me sick.” I stormed out of the library and out to the garden.

Seeking shelter in the greenhouse, I found the place where I had sat waiting, after getting into it with Loki before. I feel so violated and angry. All that entire stupid exam did was make me feel degraded and used like I was some toy on display. How could they be ok with this? How could Loki let this happen to me? Carter too, he just sat there. I was on display for everyone and no one did anything about it. I started to cry, pulling my legs into my chest I cried my heart out. I hate this place. I want to go home.

“Astreal, come on” Loki complained “show us where Rori is? You want her safe don’t you.” I heard Loki trying to coax Astreal into giving me up. I held my breath, trying to stop the crying before they realized I was here. A gust of wind blew over the greenhouse.

“Don’t be like that Astreal, come back” Carter yelled after him.

“I go for Rori. I keep Rori hid” Astreal announced. My little Astreal is not so little anymore. He doesn’t need me to tell him anything. He reads my mind before I even know what I want he is already on top of things.

“Loki, what do you think you are going to achieve by tracking her down? Are you going to drag her back?” Eliot questioned Loki. I listened, quietly, as they walked closer.

“Well, what did you accomplish by sleeping with your student? You are supposed to be teaching her how to be a doctor!” Loki hissed.

“That is different. Ronda is already a doctor and she is out to gain experience with humans. You honestly have no idea what we were doing. Anyway, this is not about me. Can you even fathom what she just had to go through? That Angel is the farthest thing from an Angel I have ever seen. The way he talked to her, looked at her, treated her. How do you think she feels right now?” Eliot demanded.

Loki sighed. “You don’t even know, Loki. You have no clue how to deal with females of any kind.” Carter mumbled.

It’s like Loki can’t even comprehend when someone is hurt or in pain. All he can do is yell and demand like a general. “What did you expect me to do? If we did anything to prevent him from doing his job, he could have killed her right there. She is part human, after all, that means heaven can strike her down with ease. I did what was needed, in order for her to not be afraid or show fear. All you three did was scare her to death and make her defensive. Making things for her worse. You insulted the Angel, Eliot and he took it out on her. How do you feel about that?” Loki hissed. Now that Loki mentioned it, Alexzander kept mocking Eliot. Is that what happened, an Angel got spiteful?

“You won’t gain anything by finding her” Carter sighed “She will come out when she’s ready. Right now, we are the enemy. We allowed this to happen. Her anger is just. None of us have the right to pursue her or make her do anything. I think she’s been forced to do enough for one day. I’m going back to my room and find something to take my mind off all this while I deal. I suggest you all do the same.” “I’ll be cleaning up my OR and quizzing MY trainee.” Eliot mocked. “I think I’ll return now. She isn’t going to want to see me any time soon” Emery muttered. “Good day, Loki.”

I woke to the sound of crickets playing, off in the garden. Stiff, I stretched my legs out in front of me; feeling better, blood flow circulating through my legs properly again. I stood up looking out the window above the worktable, I could see the moon shining brightly outside on this clear night, the stars like sparkling glitter in the night. I needed to get out of the greenhouse. I wanted to get out of my clothes, these clothes. I needed to wash today away. I remember what Carter once told me “You have to put the past behind you or you’ll never be able to move forward. Do what you have to, in order to start a new…Try a shower to get things started….”

I took a deep breath and then walked into the castle. I walked up the stairs to my room and into my bathroom. I locked the door behind me; placing a chair under the handle just in case Loki has a key. I started a hot shower and stripped. I threw my clothes in the corner of the room and got in my nice, hot shower. Just letting the water run over me, beating down on my body. Washing away today in preparation for the day to come. I stood until my legs hurt, then I sat in the shower. I wondered when the water would run out; it’s got to run out sometime, right? I hoped that it would be after I had finished my shower. Astreal came home; I could feel his presence near me. ‘Sleep’ he muttered.

A sudden tapping on the door startled me. “Open up” Loki ordered. I looked at the door from my shower. He could barge through, it was true, but will he is the question.

“Loki what are you doing? Leave her alone” Eliot scolded from beyond the bathroom door.

“She has been in there for two and a half hours with not so much as a word or sound. I want her to physically show up so I know she’s ok.” Loki argued.

“She’s fine” Eliot shot back.

“How would you know, did she let you in” Loki questioned.

“No, but if anything was wrong to do you think Astreal would be on her bed sleeping soundly? Just look at him he is dazed because we just woke him” Eliot purposed.

Loki got quiet. Eliot is right though if anything was wrong Astreal would be the first to know and be the first to be at my side. Just like last night. “Fine. If she’s not out in twenty minutes, I’m going in there.” Loki grumbled defeated by Eliot and Astreal.

I took a bit longer with my shower. Now I think it’s time to wash my hair and body. Quickly I washed up and got out. I didn’t want to see any of them. Putting on my pajamas I locked my bedroom door. Knowing it would upset them, still, I needed my space. I needed to be alone for a while. Most of all I needed to feel free from all the drama in my life right now. The way to start is by shutting out everyone which reminds me of the drama. I crawled into bed next to Astreal. Sleeping soundly, Astreal didn’t even notice my presence. Wrapping my arms around him I held him tight. My strong-willed Astreal. With him, I can overcome anything. The rustling of the night breeze accompanied by the crickets reminded me of spring. Spring should be on its way. Winter is just about over, too; soon, summer will be here before we know it. Drifting off to sleep I reminisced about the past few summers.

I found myself running through an endless field of wildflowers. The sun was up high in the sky, beating down on me as I ran with the wind nipping at my heels. Laughing, as I just run, free as a bird. I could hear music in the distance. Running towards the music, I soon heard happy voices and laughter. I ran harder and faster still, I could not catch up to the music or the happy voices.

Suddenly a dark figure stood in my way. I came to a full stop. This figure looked angry. I could not see through it, but I knew it was angry for some reason. Pointing to me he said “Go back from whence you came! You don’t belong here.” As I stared blankly at the figure, it started to fade. That’s when I realized that the happy laughing voices were not happy and they were not exactly laughing. Some voices were screaming, many laughing at the pain of others. The music that was just playing now sounded more like the clanking of metal, accompanied by moans of horror.

The screams, so full of pain and terror, I cringed as I listened to them. What should I do? Should I go and try to help? Should I run away? Those people need help. Someone should do something. I took a step towards the voices. Slowly, I walked getting closer and closer. I wondered why the figure warned me to leave. I could see what looks to be a house. Somehow this house looked familiar. As if I had been here before. I opened the front door slowly. The screams became overbearing; the malicious laughter echoed in my head. From what I could see there appeared to be no one in the house. Blood covered everything, dripping from the ceiling fan, doorways, and shelves onto the floor. Pooling up to make a lake of blood at my feet. All I could do is gawk at what I was seeing, utterly speechless.

“AH,” a voice screamed out in pain. Startled, I jumped back onto the porch. That voice, I know that voice. I heard heavy footsteps walking closer to the front door where I was standing. With each step, I felt my heart start to race. What was I thinking? How could I help them, I can’t even see them. What did I think I could do by coming here? I felt a hand on my shoulder, it spun me around. “You were warned. You did not listen. Now you may never leave.” The dark figure hissed at me. I stumbled back, tripping over the doorway I fell into a pool of blood on the floor. I tried to get up as fast as my body would let me. Yet, I found myself in slow motion, trying to get up as the blood started to engulf my body.

I jolted up in bed screaming “No!” Astreal jumped off the bed startled and began to hiss at my empty room. I quickly glanced around the room. It was a dream. I’m in my bed. I must have had a nightmare or something. My heart is racing so fast I think it might start up a car. I could hear every bête of my heart in my ears.

My bedroom doors blew open with a heavy thrust. Loki, Carter, and Eliot barged into my room. This is just perfect; I have a nightmare, the night I specifically don’t wish to see any of their faces. I just had to wake up screaming. “What’s going on?” Loki demanded.

Eliot walked over to check my pulse. “Wow, your pulse is high.”

Smacking his hands away “I’m fine, it’s just a dream. You can leave now. I’m in one piece as you can see” I informed them panting from the adrenalin rush.

“You sure that’s all it was” Eliot questioned. Carter turned around and headed for the door.

“Carter just where are you going” Loki questioned.

Carter looked at him with an annoyed expression “She said she’s fine. It was a dream. I’m going back to bed. I suggest you two do the same.” Carter walked out of my room.

Eliot got up “Ok, good night.” Eliot followed Carter out my door to his room.

Watching Astreal make himself comfy in his bed I waited for Loki to leave. He stood contemplating for a long time. Long enough for Astreal to go back to sleep. Loki eventually walked out of my room. Forgetting to shut the doors behind him. I suppose him leaving is good enough. I guess I can’t expect him to think like a considerate person. He is, after all, Loki. Sighing I put my head back on my pillow. Closing my eyes all I could see is that dark figure. I could hear the screams again and that terrible evil laugh. I could not get back to sleep.

The sun came up after a while. I decided to wander around the castle. Nothing else to do the doors that Loki broke are repaired. Ugh, he has a habit of breaking things for no reason. It’s like he has to be overbearing and harsh. Every time I think about him barging in or complaining my heart beats faster. It’s like, I’m anxious just waiting till he starts in on me again. How can someone so cold and mean, actually enjoy looking out for someone like me? Eliot and Carter don’t act like him at all. Eliot is the womanizer and Carter is a gentleman. How in the world can Eliot and Carter be friends with Loki? How could anyone befriend him? What’s with all the incompatible friendships around here?

I suddenly realized I worked my way back to the door that leads me to the west tower. I wonder where I would find myself if I went down instead of up. “Miss”, Hidi called.

Perfect timing Hidi; I turned around “Yes.”

Hidi smiled at me. For some odd reason, Hidi looked to be in an exceptionally good mood this morning. Hidi ran up taking my arm “You have guests. Loki asks that you get dressed and greet them quickly” Hidi informed me with a smile. Somehow, I had a feeling this was all a trap. I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet. It’s seven in the morning, just who comes calling on a Monday at seven in the morning?

I asked Hidi who the guests are. Tight-lipped Hidi refused to tell me; saying something about Loki’s orders prohibits her. Again, Loki is butting in; when will he ever learn he can’t curtail everything. Without knowing who is here, I can’t decide what I should wear. If I dress too casually, Loki will be angry. If I overdress. I’ll look like an idiot. Hidi stood biting her nails near the door. “Hidi, why don’t you pick out my clothes today” I encouraged.

Hidi lit up like a Christmas light bulb. Skipping across the floor Hidi began digging through my clothes. Astreal sat on the bed watching her. He is mesmerized by her enthusiasm just as much as I am. Handing me a powder blue sundress and flats, she shined with delight. I put the sundress on, reluctantly. Out of all the clothes I have, she picks out another dress. Of course, she picks out a dress, that’s all Loki wants me to wear, is a stupid dress. I might have to burn all these sundresses secretly. ‘Stay here’ I told him. “Yes Rori” Astreal sat down.

Owen opened the doors to the sunroom. “There she is” Eliot called. The room is full of the candidate’s Father had chosen. I was right. It’s a trap. Carter sat in a chair looking gloomy. Just what is my Father up to this time? Loki walked overtaking my arm and escorting me to a seat nearby.

“What is this”, I whispered with a smile. Loki did not respond. He looked ahead with his cold expression. He pushed me into the seat and then walked away. I looked over at Carter, “Hey what’s the meaning of all this” I questioned.

Carter turned to face me. His expression I could see clearly, he is obviously angry. “Your Father decided to play another game with you. We all have to participate” he grumbled.

A game? Another game. Has he decided to make us play another game? What’s with this man, demon, whatever he is? Loki stood up on a chair. “Quiet down” he ordered. The sunroom got deadly quiet. “The king has asked us all here to play another game. Another game means another chance to win over Princess Rori.” Loki did not sound at all pleased. He could not fake the hostility in his tone. “There is an option of six questions. Whoever recovers that round’s item will be entered into the last round. There are six items to be found. The King has placed them throughout the castle, with the places Rori frequents most. Good luck and tread carefully in my house. If anything is broken, I will tear each of you to pieces. Eliot, you may start the game.”

Eliot smiled a fake smile “The first item is Rori’s treasured necklace…” Eliot explained. I reached up to my neck. It’s gone; my mother’s necklace is gone! “…You have seen it many times around Rori’s neck, and she never takes it off. Remember six questions per round. So think carefully” Eliot warned.

“If anything happens to that necklace things, will not be pretty, in the slightest” I hissed under my breath.

Clement smiled “Princess, may I ask the first question?” he requested. Trying to hold in my disdain for this game and the use of my personal items, I nodded, going with the flow. “Where do you relax the best” Clement asked.

I thought for a moment “Not one place relaxes me more than another. I read, sit in the garden and walk in the woods. Any place I can be alone without interruptions” I answered, as softly as I could. Faking being happy, when I’m this mad is hard work. Everyone got quiet, thinking for a while longer I watched them carefully. Knowing one of them is Yarh but, not knowing which one is the problem.

Clement, Emery, and Jeptha got up and went in search of the item. After a short time, so did everyone else. I sat in the sunroom with Loki, Eliot, and Carter. The tension could be cut with a knife. No one spoke or made any sound. All I could think of is if anything happens to that necklace, Hell will look like paradise compared to what I will do to all of them. I assumed that Loki and Eliot were not allowed to participate because I live with them.

Zoon brought back my necklace and round one ended. Round two and three ended up being relatively short, as well. Four and five took about an hour to complete each. I had no idea that my class ring, the pendant that my grandmother gave me, my iPod and my sunglasses from prom had all fallen victim to this stupid game. Zoon, Emery, Raven, Jeptha, and Clement each won a round. Loki stood up on a chair once more. “Lunch is about ready. We can finish the last round or we can eat lunch. It’s up to the gentleman” he announced.

I sat waiting to hear what else they had stolen from me to play this game with. Father may have chosen this game but, he is not the one who took my things. “Finish the damn game” I demanded tiredly of playing nice. The guys nodded agreeing that they too, wished to finish this stupid game and have it over with already.

“The last item is of unknown size, shape, and origin. Rori goes nowhere without it. This item is her prized possession so to speak and she will protect it at all costs. Good Luck.” Loki announced.

I stood up “What do you mean by that you, creation? What type of game are you playing” I demanded?

Loki sat down “The game your Father designed.”

I wanted nothing more than to knock him into next Tuesday. A large crackling sound rang out. The glass ceiling in the sunroom shattered. “You boys have fun. I’m not interested in playing this ridiculous game” I declared “I will not pick a husband from a lot of guys I don’t know. If you keep bowing down to my Father’s games you are no better than he is. That type of guy, man or demon, could never have respect in my eyes much less come close to being a husband. Enjoy your last game fellas. You won’t be getting any help from me now or in the future.” I turned to Loki and whispered “And if this ‘item’ comes up damaged or broken in any way I will hold you personally responsible. Just so we’re clear, Hell will be like heaven compared to what I will do to you in that case.”

I walked out of the sunroom and into the garden. The only thing I could think of that I would protect with my life would be Astreal. If Father really is planning on using him for his stupid games, I will burn this world down before I let them come in contact with my Astreal. Just how far am I supposed to let him push me before I fight back?

“Rori” Father yelled.

I looked back “You” I screamed, “You think you have the right to push me around. Making me play these degrading games for you? What am I to you; a toy or your daughter? As of right now, I feel like a cheap toy! I’m not doing this anymore. Take your game and take your candidates and go back to hell and stay there. I’m sick of your games. You never listen to me!” Suddenly a loud explosive sound echoed across the garden; a dead tree nearby exploded. Father looked at me in shock. “Just leave” I sighed putting my hand on my head trying to think of something to calm myself down. Father suddenly faded away at my request.

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