Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Seventeen

My heart began to race as I approached the door. Slowly I pushed open the door that would lead me to Loki. Without a sound, the heavy Cherry wood door opened. Sitting at his magnificent desk, Loki continued to work; he looked so absorbed in what he was, doing that I found it hard to bother him. After such a good evening, I would hate to end it by angering him. “What is it Rori”, Loki questioned. Gawking at him in awe, I had not realized that he noticed I was even here. I took his acknowledgment as an approval to enter. Closing the door behind me, I approached his desk. “If you are here to bother me, you can leave. If you have some business then out with it” Loki demanded impatiently. He did not look at me, He harshly spoke to me. Is he mad? What does he have to be mad about? I’m the one who should be mad. I’m the one who should be insulted by his actions.

“When I hit my head on that object in the woods. That was no ordinary object, was it? I went back to look at it and it is covered in symbols; the same symbols that you have all around the castle; plus others that I didn’t recognize. What are they used for exactly” I questioned. Nervous, yet, trying to appear calm. This is something that I had wondered about. However, not the true reason that I had come here to talk to him.

Loki continued working like what I said didn’t phase him. “The symbols on the castle are for protection and to prevent anyone who is not supposed to be here from finding this castle. Like nosey humans who are hell-bent on figuring out old folklore. This castle and the land resides on, is fully protected. No humans, demons, or unwanted creatures are able to find this castle.” Loki dismissed my curiosity.

“So Alexzander coming here was just a fluke” I posed. If no one unwanted can find this place then something went terribly wrong.

Sighing, Loki looked to be getting irritated. “Not everyone is easily detoured. Now, if that’s all you came to talk about, please see yourself out. I am busy after all.” I stood there watching him. He is acting no different than usual. I can’t help but feel this sting of pain.

“If you have something to say out with it already,” Loki groaned.

“Why,” I asked plainly.

As if he had been shot, Loki froze for a moment. He slowly set his pen down on the paper he had been working on. Looking at me, he took a deep breath. “I assume you are referring to earlier” Loki presumed. I watched him carefully. Taking good care not to change my expression, I wanted him to tell me the truth. I am entitled to that, at least. “Don’t read too much into it” he warned “In order to protect you I had to keep you quiet and distracted; for both of our lives depended on it. It was nothing more than that.”

Ah….this pain, what is it? Is he serious? He. That. To me. Something like that? Doing my best, I kept my expression unchanged. “I see” I replied. That’s it, that’s all I wanted was an answer. I am nothing more than an annoying existence that he was charged with keeping an eye on. I turned around and walked back to the door. As I placed my hand on the doorknob, I paused “Please don’t touch me like that again; Or better yet. Don’t touch me at all.” I opened the door, then shut it behind me. Loki did not respond. I doubt he even thought he should.

I walked in a daze, as a pain in my chest raged on. I knew he would say something like that. However, I was hoping he would have said something different. That kiss, was just to distract me? Why did he need to distract me with a kiss? There has to be a better way to accomplish something like that without a kiss. I want to be held and kissed by someone I love. Not to just keep me quiet. What kind of person does he take me for? Oh what does it matter anymore? Yarh is gone now. I shouldn’t worry about Loki coming that close to me anymore, or anyone for that matter.

As I lay in bed a weird pain starts to soften. I have nothing more to do than to forget about it, just as Loki is sure enough to. It will only cause us problems. I do live in his castle after all. Who knows what he is thinking. He clearly can’t understand how to talk to others properly and I don’t need another thing to strain the already tense relationship we already have. I thought as I began to fall asleep.

Carter, Eliot, and I stood trying to figure out if we liked the white appliances or the black ones after a night of both in the house. Loki wanted to pick one quick! The amperage and wattage were slow all night because we had 2 fridges, 2 dishwashers, 2 stoves, and 2 washers with dryers hooked up all night, as comparisons; after choosing the black set, we heard some loud noises that sounded like thunder. Yet, it was awfully close to the house. I looked out the window and saw a plane spiraling out of the sky, engulfed in flames, getting ready to hit a building in the city, nearby. Then, I see Loki had run outside to get a better look at what caused the plane to fall. Upon opening the door outside, I could see it was like raining small bits of fire with metal tidbits. What we had thought was thunder, was in fact, fighter jets attacking jetliners, buildings and moving cars. I can hear a jetliner so close to the house, that I thought I was standing next to one. Slowly, taking in the scene around me, I start to look around and up.

That’s when I notice a small boy with short black hair, a striped shirt, and green pants twirling like a pin-wheel toward the ground just on the other side of Loki. I watched in disbelief as this child fell to his death with a splat just yards from where Loki and I stood. Instantly, I look up above me; screams and cries for help from the jetliner passengers over our house. It moved slowly, I found this odd it was as if everything else was in real-time and the plane overhead was in slow motion.

I gawked, as I saw more people falling from it. I watched an old lady with fluffy white hair, a blue moomoo, and pink slippers twirling down toward the ground, screaming in fear. A man in a blue suit, a woman in a red dress, a pilot, and many, many more people all twirling like pinwheels toward the ground screaming and crying for help. Terrified cries filled my head in an instant. Suddenly I realize I’m screaming too “Oh my god!” Flinging my hands up as if I have surrendered, I make a beeline for the house. With tunnel vision, I ran for my life. This is not happening. I kept thinking ‘I did not just watch as a child and several people as they died. No, this is not possible!’ I know Loki has been yelling for me to come to him. I can hear him begging me to stay where I am. Yet, I heed him no mind.

The moment I enter the house, I hear blood curdling screams, crashing, wood breaking, people breaking, and there is blood spattering on the walls. I feel like I’m in an extremely gory, horror movie. I can’t believe this is real. Out of nowhere, I feel Loki’s hand on my shoulder turning me around.

“Wake up! Rori!” I heard a voice calling to me.

I finally woke from this nightmare. At first, dazed and confused as to where I was. My heart pounding so hard, that I thought it might beat right out of my chest and run for a mile. Instantly, I begin to check and see what house I’m in. I realize that my hand has gripped so tight onto Eliot and Loki’s arms that they are beginning to bleed. Unlatching my hands, I realize that I am no longer in that twisted nightmare. That’s all it was, a twisted nightmare. Shaking I stand up. Astreal, who is already at my side. “Rori ok, now” he wondered. Feeling as if I might be sick from the dream, my eyes open like flood gates letting tears fall at will, as I make my way to the bathroom to get sick.

I emptied my stomach into the toilet and used half a box of Kleenex. Astreal stayed at my side reminding me that everything is okay, and he would be here for me always. After calming down enough to leave the bathroom, I walked back to my bed. Loki and Eliot, still standing next to my bed, observed me as I progress over to my bed to lay back down. Still crying and sniffling, I tried to keep myself under control. It’s just I can’t get their faces out of my head. The little boys, and the lady, their faces come in flashes. The screams are still ringing in my ear. I can’t hear anything else.

“Rori”, Eliot began.

“Leave” I requested “Just. Just go.” Astreal jumped up and escorted them out of my room. I didn’t want them near me right now. Not like that would be any help. Once Astreal returned I curled up with him. Without a word, Astreal cooled and soothed me back to sleep.


“Morning Miss”, Hidi called as she yanked the covers back.

Groaning I rolled back over. Trying to hide from Hidi. “No, I wanna sleep” I complained as I clung to Astreal.

“Miss, you have to get up. You have a guest” Hidi implored me. I looked back to Hidi “What guest?”

I entered the sunroom with Astreal next to me. “There she is” Hyland exclaimed, running over to give me one of her bone crushing hugs.

“Uh, morning Hyland” I struggled to say.

“Hyland” Loki scolded “what have I said about trying not to suffocate her!”

“Morning, Rori” Carter greeted as he drank his coffee. He is trying to act like an older well-adjusted man, to get Hyland’s attention. I know he hates black coffee which is why he is drinking so slowly. I can’t help but giggle a bit.

“Rori, what do you say we leave all these peasants behind and live happily ever after” Eliot jested as he brought me a slice of breakfast cake.

“Eliot” Loki scolded “stop trying to elope with Rori”

Astreal gave a soft growl.

“Good day Princess” Trent called from the corner of the room.

What does he want? “Trent, what can I do for you this early in the morning” I grumbled.

Bowing his head, Trent replied “Sorry to wake you, Princess. Your Father wished to remind you about the Ball he will be hosting in a few days.” Oh, that’s right, Father was planning a party. I wonder if I should go. It will be my first grand party in my Father’s world. My birthday party won’t count due, to the guest list.

“Yes, his Ball. I will attend if he wishes me to” I confirmed.

With a grin, Trent began to beam “That would certainly be most pleasing to his Majesty. The whole house is invited, as well, of course. I will return to inform his Majesty at once” Trent left excited.

I wonder why he is so happy. It’s just a big party.

“I’m pleased you didn’t fight us on this” Loki praised me from behind his paper.

“What reason could I give for refusing? Not like you would take time out from reading to intervene anyhow.” I mocked.

Astreal groaned at Loki.

“Don’t you have tutoring to attend to” Loki grilled?

Eliot jumped up “Ah, yes, our science labs are today” he exclaimed, “you will not be disappointed.” Eliot led me out of the sunroom and into the kitchen.

Yep, everything is going back to normal. If you can even call this normal. I, a half human half demon living in a cloaked castle that can be found by Angels. A castle that belongs to a very cranky démon and his friends. Ya, this is as normal as it gets. For me anyhow.

Loki is being Loki. Eliot is his normal self. Ronda has left us, for now. Hyland and Carter are circling the drain. And me, I have Astreal. My silly dragon to keep me entertained when Eliot is not having me blow up the kitchen for my ‘Science Labs.’ I’m glad nothing is changing. I really would have missed them if something had happened. Honestly, I don’t know what I would be up to right now if things had not happened the way they did.

“Rori” Eliot’s voice crashed into my thoughts.

Looking at him “What” I wondered.

“What dress will you be wearing? I know Hyland will go with something outrageous and extravagant. So I wanted to know what dress we will be seeing you in?”

I laughed then gave him a playful push “You will have to see.” Not like I knew, either.

The castle Father lives in, is amazing, not to mention large. The Black Castle is bigger than Buckingham Palace. Loki, Eliot, and Carter all looked stunning in their black and white tuxes. Hyland agreed to attend the party with Carter just before we left. It took some doing on my part. Hyland is one stubborn girl. She would not admit it, but I knew she was only playing hard to get with Carter, all the while, trying to provoke Loki. I’m very excited for them. My best friend had got the girl of his dreams, to go on a date with him. Loki and Eliot could not decide who would escort me. It got to the point where they were fighting over me like childish boys, so I told them they both could take me. Loki did not find my compromise very easy to swallow. Though he finally did come around “I can’t leave you alone with this one.” He gestured to Eliot.

Five large chandeliers floating overhead, covered in diamonds and candles. Lighting up the gold-accented room. Hundreds of people were already dancing, chatting, and walking around. There are hardly any tables to sit at. With such a large room, you would think they would have added more seating. Hyland introduced me to her friends. They all looked at me with prying eyes. We were chatting up people for a long time when Eliot came and asked me to dance.

He looked at my elegant, mint green, party dress with a sweetheart neckline, “You look too beautiful to just be a socialite. Come dance with me, Rori.” Eliot offered me his hand. I accepted it without delay and we walked out onto the dance floor. I didn’t know the dance, yet Eliot encouraged me and led well. “See, you are doing great.” It was hardly noticeable that I’m new to this type of dance.

The song ended nicely, then Eliot tilted me back for a dip. I looked around to find that I was the only one who had been dipped. Then, I saw Loki walking our way. Eliot pulled me back up and chuckled. “You learn fast, Rori.” I blushed a bit and evaded his eyes. I was embarrassed that he had done that.

Loki came up and offered me his arm “Come Rori, your Father is due to make his appearance soon.” I thanked Eliot for the dance and took Loki’s arm. He led me to a seat by the refreshments table.

A lady with very pale features, took the stage; she wore a basic, black dress. “Attention, honored guests. His Majesty, King Orcus.” She introduced Father.

Father walked on the stage in a full, red tux and a crown to top it off. Playing up the “King of Hell” bit. He looked amazing, on that stage. I looked over to ask Loki why he had not come to see me sooner, only to realize I was alone. I caught a glimpse of Loki walking toward the stage, weaving around the other guests, he seemed to be in a hurry. “Thank you, everyone, for coming this evening. It is a very special evening indeed.” Father announced as he strutted across the stage. “I hope everyone is enjoying the evening’s entertainment.” Father looked to the band giving a nod. “Many of you may be wondering why I have brought you all together on such a night. The truth is, I have a special introduction to make. Something that should have been done a long time ago.” My heart ached at his words. He swore he didn’t want to put me in the middle of demon affairs anymore. That he wanted me to have a simple life. Now it looks like he is going to out me officially. With no warning! “I want to introduce you to my successor...” Father smiled brightly. My heart started to race and my stomach felt like a swarm of butterflies were inside it. “...My Son, Emery Orcus!”

Instantly I felt sick. I watched as Emery took the stage with a smaller crown on his head. In the black and red tux set, Emery walked tall just like Father. Greeting Emery with open arms, Father smiled brightly. The entire ballroom erupted in cheer and applause. They both smiled and waved at the people. What was this? All the secrecy, the hiding, what was it exactly he wanted from me? Keeping this from me, to what end? I got up from my seat and walked out the side doors, while everyone is still applauding and cheering. I feel sick; it’s getting harder to breathe. My chest started to hurt and my body felt hot. I didn’t want the throne, but this, this was the last straw. I walked out onto the balcony, using the railing to keep my balance as I tried to steady my breathing before I had a panic attack. I struggled to catch my breath.

Everything from the moment I woke up in Loki’s castle, has been filled with lies, deceit, and misleading words. It’s hard to know who was who, whose side were they on, and who was keeping what from me. I hated him for this. I hated him for making me feel this way. I felt so alone; abandoned and used by the very ones whom I thought could be trusted. The ones, who were supposed to care about me and protect me, instead all they are doing, is toying with me, and to what end?

I walked around the balcony trying to find a way out. I was through with this realm and their lies. I spotted a set of stairs down the way. I walked up two flights of stairs to find myself on yet another balcony. I rested with my back against a pillar that held up the balcony. I closed my eyes; I needed to get a handle on myself. If I let this get to me it was going to make me sick or worse, I might accidentally bring the entire castle down.

“Are you ok?” a voice called to me. I opened my eyes and found Emery slowly walking over to me. “You should come back inside; the party’s just getting started. Everyone is looking for you, even Father.” He suggested extending his hand.

I brushed it away coldly. “I’m done.” I declared as I walked away. Seeing him just made everything worse. It also helped me feel more determined than ever. I had come to know Emery as a friend. Well, I thought I knew him.

“Done? Whatever do mean? The party just started, you can’t be done yet?” Emery questioned as he followed me.

I turned around with tears in my eyes, in a shaky voice “Stop, just stop right there! I don’t belong here any more than an illy belongs in Antarctica. This world makes no sense to me, anymore. In fact, I doubt it ever did. I can’t understand why he treats me like this. I don’t understand what he wants from me. I won’t play this game any longer; I’m not some pawn he can just toss around at his leisure. I mean, wow, I just found out I had a brother that no one bothered to tell me about. No one thought to tell me this? Like somehow this information is something that I’m not privy to? Quite sure that Loki and the others knew you’re my brother this whole time too, right? Yet, they kept quiet. Ya know what; I was doing better in the human world. Before all this happened. That is where I belong. I may have been treated like a prisoner by my own family, but at least I knew where I stood at all times. They never lied to me. Here, with all this” I gestured to the world around us “this is your world; you keep it! There is no room for me here. I doubt there ever was.” I wiped the tears from my face, trying my best to be strong. Emery looked at me with a conflicted expression. “Astreal, come.” I called over the railing.

“Please, don’t go Rori” Emery implored with his hand reaching out for me...“not like this, let’s talk about this.”

Astreal came up flying, swift as always. I jumped over the railing and onto his back without a second thought. I held him tight.

“Rori, don’t!” Emery yelled after me.

“Take us back, please”, I asked Astreal. “Don’t cry Rori, you’re safe” Astreal said trying to calm me. I placed my ear onto his back and let his heart, lull my mind, as we flew home.

I went straight to my room and started to pack a bag. Crying softly, I packed only the things that were brought for me. Astreal sat on his bed looking confused. “A trip, Rori?” He asked. I shook my head through my tears. After I packed my things into two bags I called a cab. “Rori, where to?” Astreal asked excitedly.

Shaking, I knelt by his bed and hugged him tightly. “I’m going home, Astreal. You have to stay here. You can’t come with me this time.” I had to wipe the tears off my face again.

“I go with Rori,” Astreal said.

I kissed his head and smiled broken-heartedly, as I sobbed. “Not this time buddy, you have to stay here and be a good boy for me. I love you so much, Astreal but I can’t take you with me. So please, stay here with Loki. It’s your job now to take care of him and the others. Be a good boy for me, ok.”

Astreal lowered his head. “Yes, Rori. I be here. I be good.” I hugged him once more. As I stood up, Astreal jumped up on my bed looking at me. “Wait, for Rori come back.” He exclaimed then blew a heart of smoke at me. I giggled, then smiled softly. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I was never coming back. It will be a cruel thing, but it’s best I don’t tell him my intentions.

My cab arrived and I watched the Castle fade from view as we pulled away. “This is the first time that a cab driver has been called up to this castle. Where can I take you, Miss?” The cab driver asked. His raspy voice gave way to the fact that he liked his cigars.

“Tiara Airport please” I answered as I silently cried in the backseat of the cab. I was going to erase the last five months from my life. My feelings, that I had felt along with them.

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