
Chapter 40

Dean's POV

We went to Harlow's school in the afternoon only to find her not there. I was fucking furious. She wasn't going to keep the baby from me at all. I knew I had to claim her at the club so when the baby was born I had the right to take the baby from her if she wouldn't tow the line. She could do what she wanted after I claimed her and I would win her back after that but she had refused to come near my club since. Hendrix was with me and we both knew she was with Toby so were heading over to his place.

When we pulled up I saw that Mac was there along with Leo and Kody and wondered what the fuck was going on. Hendrix knocked on the door and Leo answered the door. I heard Harlow scream and wanted to rip the security door off the hinges to get to her. She sounded hurt and in pain and I panicked thinking they were harming my baby. When they said she was losing the baby because of what we had done I was stunned. I heard her screaming and sobbing and there was nothing I could do. The door was slammed in our faces and I stood there. My baby was gone and I had no one to blame but myself.

"Don't worry about it. you can get her pregnant again" Hendrix said. "The fuck?" I asked him. "I said you can get her pregnant again. Give her a week or so then we will take her and you can keep trying till she gets pregnant. This time she will be forced to stay home so she won't lose the baby" he replied. I lost it then, how could someone say that about his own sister?

I knew I was fucked up for what I had done but him? He was basically saying I could use his sister to get another baby and that was not ok. I punched him fair and square in the face knocking him out. Harlow deserved better than what she was dealt in life. I knew about what her mother had done she had told me but I never knew her own brothers would do that too after they tried to save her. I hated myself for what I had done and I knew I had lost Harlow for good. I headed off to my club to mourn the loss of my baby and Harlow.

Hendrix's POV

The fucker knocked me out. I offered him my sister and he knocked me out. When I could stand, I headed to my club calling a meeting and demanded Kody, Leo, Cameron and the twins be present. Harlow could now be offered to other clubs to form alliances seeing Dean had knocked me out. That fucker would pay for what he did.

As I pulled up at the club the twins turned up and Cameron. About 20 minutes later Leo and Kody walked in. I called church and we headed into the meeting room. "Right Harlow lost the baby so is now free to be offered to others clubs to form alliances. Which clubs have presidents who are single?" I asked. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Kody barked out. "Dean fucked up knocking me out when I said in a week or two he could take Harlow so she could produce another baby. Now I'm taking her to use to form other alliances. Which clubs have presidents who are single?" I replied. "You have got to be fucken kidding me" Leo screeched.

All hell broke lose with every one of my brothers and even some of the club brothers screaming at me about losing my mind. "Don't fucken forget who is president of this club" I yelled out. "You aren't my fucken president. I vote we get rid of you. All those in favour?" Andy called. I stood up ready to kill him when every last member voted to have me removed. "You can't do that my father started this club" I bellowed. "Oh but we can he had 6 sons and any one of them can be president" Mixer called. Some of the older guys looked on furious. Harlow had been the princess of the club and was the most protected member till my father sent her away. But times changed and I was in charge now, she would be used to build the clubs power.

One of the older guys stood and said" I vote Kody as our next president", that hurt he had always supported me and had been my fathers VP. "I second that" all my brothers stood at the same time. "Right motion passed" Andy said. "Get the fuck out of my club Hendrix and if I see you near my sister I will personally kill you myself. You're a fucken joke. Pathetic excuse of a man" Kody said before spitting at my feet. "Get him the fuck out of my sight" Kody spat out, followed by a chorus of "yes pres". I was dragged out of the club and thrown into the parking lot. I couldn't believe I had lost my club and my boys. Did they not see I was doing this for them?

Kody's POV

I needed to step up now. Harlow needed me and I was in charge of the club. I can't believe Hendrix would turn on his own sister like that. I knew I would need to call my father and let him know what had gone down and I was also going to be calling Dean and telling him any deal he had made with Hendrix was off. First though I told the club there job was to keep Harlow safe from Hendrix and any other threat. All the guys agreed completely. I then excused them and headed to Hendrix's office, well my office now.

I called Dean and he answered pretty much straight away. My brothers were all there as was Mac. "Dean it's Kody. I'm now pres and any deal you made with Hendrix is off the table" I said. "What?" He asked. "Harlow is off limits to you from now on. We have no deal, she is protected by my club and I won't have anyone m, not even Hendrix use her to further alliances with other clubs. Harm my sister again and you are starting a war I will finish" I barked out. "The fuck are you on about? Harlow was never a deal. I knocked Hendrix out after he offered her up like a piece of meat. What the fuck are you on about?" He bit back.

We spoke for half an hour before he offered his club up to help protect her. "Look I fucked up with Harlow. I never wanted to hurt her like that. I wanted her and the baby safe, then I was going to try and win her back. I never wanted to force her into anything. I did love her in my own twisted way" he told me. "My club love her and the guys are pissed with me, fuck some of the women are too. They will protect her no questions asked" Dean added. "Thanks we will be in touch. Oh and Dean I'm sorry about your loss. That baby was yours too" I added before hanging up. I then called my father who decided it was time for him to come home and sort his eldest son out once and for all.

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