Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six: The Last Night

I yelp when I am dragged off the cot. My mother grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cell.

She is very pissed off, and so is Shade's mother. Shade and I are dragged out of the police station, and watched as the officers snicker at us.

One of the wolves had started laughing and I growled at him. He put his head down and whined making me smirk.

Our mothers finally let go of our arms and took a deep breath. My mother pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I know, I know I should have told you about last night," Shade says submissively rubbing her arm.

"Yes you should have, why did you even kill that person?" Lily asked glaring at Shade.

"Because..." Shade didn't look like she wanted to finish her sentence. Lily made a motion for her to keep talking.

"He looked like..... He was going to," she closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

"He looked like he was going to rape us," I finished, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Shade nodded with her eyes still closed.

I heard our mothers such, and saw that they weren't nearly as upset as before. We started walking towards the forest.

"Do you and Shade want to go out into the forest tonight?" My mother suddenly asked. .

I turn to Shade, but she has her headphones on. I caught her arn and she stopped looking back at our mothers.

"Sorry, what did you ask me? Or tell me either one of the two?" She says moving aside one of the headphones.

"I asked if you wanted to go out with Raven again tonight. Just into the forest," My mother repeats. She nods and looks to me. I just shrug and nod.

She smiles and pushes her headphones around her neck. When we get home I go straight to my bathroom.

I jump in the shower to wash off the smell of the jail.

"How many people do you think have been in that cell?" I hear Shade ask. I look over and see her leaning against my door frame in her pajamas.

"I don't know, it there were so many horrifying smells in there I'm don't care to know," I say gagging. Shade laughed wrinkling her own nose.

I get out of the shower and dry myself quickly. I put on a tank and a pair of tight booty shorts and started combing my hair.

"Okay well I'm going to sleep and I don't know about you but I am not going to the club tonight. Or for that matter, ever again," Shade says pushing herself off the doorframe.

"Yeah, tonight I could not agree with you more. Hey what do you want to do tomorrow?" Shade's face fell.

"I don't know, you pick. Maybe we just train in the arena," she shrugs.

"Hey is there something you want to tell me?" I ask placing a hand on her shoulder. She shakes her head and smiles at me, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"No, nothing really. I just remembered something really sad. I wanted you to know that there is no such thing as goodbye, its always a see you later," Shade says sadly, looking me right in the eye.

I nod and pull her in for a hug. Shade rests her head on my shoulder, and I feel wetness from her tears.

She cried into my shoulder, and I just held her tight. When she finally pulled away, she wiped the tears away and gave me a sad smile.

"Thanks, I needed that," she chokes out. I just nod and pull her to the silver door.

We jog through the tunnels and out the exit. The stars were bright in the night sky, and the moon shone through the trees.

Shade and I walk into the forest, gazing up. I take a deep breath and feel Shade hit my arm.

"You're it!" She yelled running away. I playfully growled and chased after her.

Our game of tag continued for hours, and we hunted every now and then. It was at least 1:00 am when Shade told me we should get back.

We laughed and joked all the way back to our rooms, and I felt like a little kid again.

"Okay, I'll wake you up at like nine in the morning so we can practice," Shade says as we reach our bedroom doors.

"Wow that's early but okay," I tease. Shade rolls her her eyes and says goodnight. I go into my own bed and fall asleep.


Someone is shaking me.

"Blake, I'll be up in a minute." I hear myself mumble. Something slaps my arm and I jerk upright.

"Okay, I'm up. What do you want? Oh, hey Shade," I say blinking sleepily. I kick off my covers and go into the bathroom to get ready.

I put my hair into a braided ponytail, that fell down to my waist. Quickly, I changed into a black sports bra and red basketball shorts.

I walk into the kitchen and say hi to my mother and Lily. Shade was eating cereal so I joined her across the table.

"So sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up?" Shade teased. I reached over the table and punched her. She laughs and we finish our breakfast.

She grabs a set of throwing knives and we head to the arena. Shade throws at targets and I practice with guns, knives and my bow.

We even sparred a little, but only stopped for food and water every other hour. When Shade and I linked arms and went back to the room, it was eight at night.

Our mothers were no where in sight so we went to my bedroom. I got into my tank top and shorts and Shade grabbed us a drink.

We sat on my bed and talked for a while, before I fell into darkness.


I stood on a rock, high above the ground, and everywhere I looked, bodies.

They covered the ground, some bloody, others covered in black lines. Most of them were still alive, waiting for death to take them away from the suffering.

I tried to help them, but everyone that I touched screamed and turned to ash. I looked around in panic at the people I could not help.

My father stood among them, laughing and enjoying their pain. He held a sword, cutting into the people, making their pain worse.

I screamed and tried to run towards him, but suddenly I was chained to the ground. I yanked at the chains, but they didn't even move.

I was trapped in this endless pool of pain and misery.


I gasped and jerked awake. Sweat covered my forehead and I was breathing heavily.

I ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I jumped into the cold water and washed away the remnants of the dream.

I leave my hip length hair down, but brush it so the bronze strands don't tangle. I decide to put on a blue sports bra and black basketball shorts.

I head over to Shade's bedroom when I didn't find her in the kitchen, but she doesn't answer when I knock.

I open the door to find an empty room. Shade clothes are gone, and her bed is unused.

My anger builds but I'm not sure I'd I want to scream or howl. I do neither and storm into the living room.

My mother sits with Lily, talking quietly. I growl loudly to get their attention.

I am pissed and I'm sure they know it. They stand and put up their hands to try to calm me down.

"Raven, you need to relax-" my mother tries to say but I put my hand around her throat and push her up against the wall.

I already knew what was going on but I needed to hear her say it.

"Where is Shade?"

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