Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven: Trouble

"Raven, you know where she is. She went back to help her pack," my mother says, trying to pry my hand from her neck.

I growl and drop her to the ground. She lands in a crouch and stands up quickly. I storm out of the room and fling open the silver door.

I stomp through the tunnels, growling angrily. A far off howl catches my attention, I recognize it as Shade's.

I take off through the rest of the tunnel and burst outside. My hair flowed behind me in the wind.

I heard a roaring noise, and looked up to see a jet fly past. She is already gone, I think in defeat.

Don't be so selfish! She needed to help her own pack, Ira growls at me. I sigh and think that she is right.

I need to cool off, I tell her.

You mean get your anger out.

Yes, now I know you will enjoy this so keep your muzzle shut,I growl at her. She laughs then quiets down.

I run barefoot through the forest, towards town.


I come into town and walk along the path into a dark alley. There are other people there, all going towards the door at the end.

A large man with prominent muscles guards the door, asking questions and letting some of them in.

When he gets to me, he raises an eyebrow. I make sure to look down so he doesn't see my eyes, that have been a fiery red since I found out Shade was gone.

"Can I help you?"

"I need you to let me in," I say. He laughs and I feel a growl building up in my throat.

"I think you are in the wrong place little girl," he sneers. I raise my gaze to meet his and his eyes widen in shock.

"I am far from a little girl," I growl.

"Well then who the hell are you?" he asks crossing his arms. I roll my eyes.

"My name is Raven Silver, I was last here when I was nine years old," I tell him. Everyone here knows me, but I haven't been seen in 15 years, so no one knew what I looked like now.

"You are not Raven, she died years ago," he scoffed. Died?

When you were taken to the Hunters, everyone thought you had died, Ira explained.

"Let me in," I growled. When he shook his head I snatched my gun and brought it to his head.

"Let. Me. In," I growled for the final time. His eyes widened and he nodded quickly.

I put my gun away as he opens the door, and stalk in. Everything is dimly lit, all except for the massive raised ring in the center of a crowd of people.

I walk over to the man at a desk on the far side of the room. His eyes travel over my body hungrily, but he jerks back in surprise at my eyes.

"My name is Raven Silver," I tell him.

"Raven Silver is dead," he deadpans. I purse my lips in irritation and slam my hands on the desk. He jumps in fright and slides his chair back a little bit.

"Obviously I'm not, so tell me, what can I do to make you believe me?" I growl.

"The thing that was unique about Raven was the way she fought, she was the top fighter here at 8 years old," he says, eyeing me curiously.

"Well then put me in the fights," I say in a 'duh' tone. He nods quickly and starts writing down some things. I take my hands off the desk and turn to face the ring.

I made sure my eyes were their normal blue before making my way into the crowd. Two big guys were punching each other, until suddenly one fell with a thud. The ref counted before blowing his whistle and declaring the winner.

A mix of cheers and boos filled the room as he stepped out of the ring. I see the man from the desk step into the ring with a microphone.

He looks directly at me, and gestures for me to come up. I climb into the ring and stand next to him.

"Tonight we have a special guest, who will be fighting the all-time champion Skull Crusher!" He announces pointing into the crowd. It clears and a beast of a man steps out and into the ring.

Everyone cheers for him, and I hear people throwing questions as to who I am.

The man from the desk returns to his desk and gives the referee all attention.

"Let's have a clean fight," he begins. I put up my fists and face the man before me.

His arms were the size of my head, and he was at least a foot taller than I. His brown eyes were full of amusement.

"I think you are in the wrong place, little girl," he sneered. Why does this keep happening?

Not many girls come here, you know that, Ira says. I roll my eyes and turn to face the man again.

"I've been here longer than you have, I started when I was 7," I snort. His mouth opens in a disbelieving laugh.

"Oh really, well, let's see what you got," he says waving me towards him. I realized the ref had stopped talking, and I heard him blow the whistle.

We start to circle each other, and I look for weaknesses. I hear him chuckle again.

"It would be a shame too ruin such a pretty face, but I guess I am going to have to teach you a lesson."

"And what lesson would that be exactly?" I ask not taking my eyes off of his feet.

"That nobody tries to defeat me, unless you have a death wish."

"You are seriously underestimating my abilities," I shoot back. He takes a fake step forward but I don't even flinch, and I can tell that it upsets him.

"You don't scare me," He snorts. I look him in the eye, and let my eyes change from blue to red.

"How about now?" I growl. He stumbles in surprise and I shoot forward. I swing my fist to hit his temple and do a round-house kick straight to his chest.

He goes back and hit the side of the ring. The man falls, and tries to stand, but he is very dizzy, and wobbles on his feet.

I stalk over to him and punch him right in the face. His nose breaks with a sickening crack, and he falls to the ground, knocked out cold.

The ref goes over and counts, before blowing his whistle.

"Our new champion!" he announces gesturing towards me. The man from behind the desk suddenly appears again with the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest is the one and only Raven Silver!" He shouts and grabs my arm, raising it into the air. Screams and cheers fill the room, as many of them remember me from when I was younger.

He dropped my arm and I jumped out of the ring, only to be surrounded by the crowd. I growl loudly and they all back away a few steps.

I smirked and made my way towards the exit. I felt someone grab my arm, and I spun around whipping my gun out at the same time.

The barrel of my gun met with a woman, about the same age as me. I lowered my gun to my side, but kept my finger on the trigger.

"What do you want?" I growled with narrowed eyes. She looked angry, and suddenly I see her hand come up to my face.

I catch it as she tried to slap me.

"That was my boyfriend!" She shrieks trying to rip her hand away.

"Well then, unless you want to end up just like him, I suggest you let go," I growl. I let go of her hand and she tucks it into her chest.

Instead of waiting for a response, I just turn and walk out the exit. Lucky for her, she doesn't follow.

I put my gun back on my thigh, and jog back into the forest.


I pass my mother and Lily and go straight into my bedroom. I tear off my clothes and get into the shower to wash off the smell of those people.

I dry off quickly and get into my night clothes. Laying in my bed, I go over today's events.

I think about Shade, and why she left.

She is doing what she should be doing, so that meant I should do what I am supposed to do.

Well no shit sherlock, Ira snorted.

Do you even know what I am talking about? I ask her.

No...... So what are you supposed to do? Ira asks.

I'm going to kill my father.

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