Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Ten: Lycans

Growling loudly, I put my hand around the man's neck and shoved him against the wall.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I snarled. He grinned maniacly, and I tightened my grip around his throat.

"My father is a Hunter, and you are no Hunter," I growled. He just laughed and raised his eyebrow at me.

"Your father is not a Hunter, nor is your mother a werewolf." I squeezed tighter, and searched his face for the sign of a lie. I found none.

That's because he is telling the truth you dumbass! Akira yelled at me.

Bitch! I growled at her. I didn't know you could hate your own wolf. I heard the man chuckle again.

"What?" I snapped.

"Our kind tend to have problems just like that," he said in an amused tone.

"Our kind?" I echoed. My grip on his neck loosened slightly.

"Don't you know?" He asked with a chuckle. I growled and squeezed my fingers together.

"Okay, okay! You are a part of a rare breed of werewolves known as a Lycan." He said forcefully. I realized he couldn't talk very well, so I let go, and he gasped for air.

Taking a few steps away from him, my eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"What the hell is a Lycan, and if I am not a Hunter, why do I have this?" I asked pointing to my neck. The silver chain was clearly visible.

"That was just a tattoo you were given when you were really young. Your mother stole you from me a gave you to the Hunters to keep you 'safe'" he snorted. I looked at him expectantly.

"A Lycan is a superior breed of werewolf. They are extremely rare, but much more powerful than a normal wolf. Their scent is also completely different from both werewolves and Hunters," he explained rubbing his neck. I smiled when I notices that my fingers had left bruises.

"How could you be my father? And wouldn't my mother's pack have known if she was a Lycan?" I scoffed.

"I don't know how to prove I am your father, but your mother's pack accepted her the same way your pack accepts you. They are afraid to defy you, yet proud to show the other pack how strong their Alpha is."

"Why do I have a different wolf form now? Is that normal?" I asked suddenly curious. He smiled, happy that I was taking an interest.

"I'm not sure, but Lycans don't show their true name or form until they are 21 years old. They have a wolf like normal werewolves but then shift into their Lycan. However, their Lycan form may evolve early if they are thrown into a situation involving high levels of emotion or stress," he said.

"Okay, but why does no one know about Lycans?"

"Lycans can be extremely dangerous and at one point they were being hunted down. It is better no one knows of us," he sighed.

"Why am I still different?" I spoke in a hinting tone. Apparently he knew what I was talking about because he grinned.

"No one knows why you can change wolf forms like that. But you still shouldn't shift into your Lycan form until you turn 21."

"If you are my father, then you would know when my birthday is right? I seriously doubt my birthday is August 16th like the Hunters said," I guessed, my brows furrowed in thought.

"You were born on September 11th, twenty one years ago. But you were very small as a child, not so much anymore," he smirked.

"That would mean I turn twenty one, in what? Fifteen days?" I guessed. He raised a brow at me.

"Its September 10th." He chuckled. My eyes went wide.

"I was knocked out for two weeks!" I shrieked.

"No, we kept you sedated, you had started to wake up after only a few hours. And we couldn't have you causing problems before we could have you restrained properly, plus we needed some time to discuss things," he spoke softly, shaking his head.

"Why did you kidnap me in the first place?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I just wanted to see my daughter!" He defended.

"Who kidnaps their own daughter, then makes them fight a bunch of rogues and Alphas?" I scoffed.

"Admit it, you enjoyed it," he insisted. He's right, I did enjoy it, I thought with a sigh.

"What makes you think that?"

"Its in your blood. You are a direct descendant of one of the first few Lycans, his name was William Corvinus. I am his grandson, and your mother was the granddaughter of one of the other Lycans, Lucian Greyback. You are the first cross between the two blood lines, also the most powerful lines," he said.

"How does that make me different?"

"You have double the amount of normal Lycan blood in you, you have pure blood from both of the strongest Lycans to have ever lived." He announced dramatically.

"You make me sound so special," I snorted. He was about to say something, but I put a hand up to interrupt him.

"You never answered my question on why you are making me fight?" I said pointedly.

"We want to see your capabilities, who you can fight, and to figure out your wolf a little, to see if she is beginning the transformation into a Lycan," he said.


"We need to do a few more fights to tell." I sighed, then grinned in realization.

"So I get to kill a bunch of wolves without getting in trouble?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, but I suggest you listen to what the viewers have to say, they enjoy watching, and can have some helpful advice sometimes."

"Wait, why are there rogues, Hunters, and normal wolves here?" I asked remembering the smells.

"The rogues help us capture the wolves to fight you, and the Hunters have been becoming educated on how to be brutal. You are the teacher," he smiled.

"When do we get started?" I asked, my wolf and I becoming very excited to see blood again, and be able to release our anger. All the while, being admired for it. Finally some people who get me!

"Let's go!"


I howled in excitement as the arena filled with wolves, all with Alpha blood this time. I grinned at the cheers coming from above.

"Come and get me you little pussies!!!" I shouted, laughing when they growled.

My claws and teeth were out, slashing all of the Alphas to shreds. Blood covered my body, and remains of bodies scattered the arena. I put my hands in fists and pumped them into the air.

"How'd I do?" I asked my father above me.

"Perfect," he growled happily.

"Anymore?" I asked hopefully.

He chuckled at me. "A couple more, but they are already waiting in the other arena," he said waving towards one of the gates. I walked towards the gate.

"There are more arenas?"

"Of course, we have dozens of fights daily, some last a few hours."

"I wish I had one that would last that long," I sighed, suddenly wanting an opponent to maych my skill level.

"This next one may be your longest, and hardest depending on your wolf," he said quietly, I had barely heard him.

I became interested and excited very quickly, and I was escorted by two guards down a long hallway, until we reached another iron gate. I stepped inside, and felt my canines grow longer, and my eyes burn red.

My claws were out, and blood still covered my body. I grinned in anticipation, and the gate slowly rose. I stepped inside the arena, identical to the last one.

I heard a gasp of shock, and looked up to see my two opponents. One was female with white hair, the other was a dark haired male.

Shade and my mate.

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