Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Nine: Confusion

Blood flowed from his neck, and filled my mouth. I swallowed it, and my wolf purred at the taste. I felt a new energy slowly fill my body and revive my mind.

I removed my teeth from his neck and looked down at the mess I had made. Thank you for setting me free, I heard Akira say, referring to the dead Alpha.

Blood dripped from my mouth, at the corners of my lips. I didn't wipe it away, I just let make me look even more feral. My eyes matched the blood perfectly, a deep red with specks of bright red near my pupil.

I lifted my head towards the sky, growing darker with the setting sun. I let out a victorious howl, it was cold and harsh, making some of my audience shiver.

They cheered and whooped in excitement.

"I told you it would work!"

"Its time for the final test!"

"Now we will see who she really is!"

I caught a few of their words, but one in particular stood out. Test?

I bet it will be fun! Akira laughed. I heard clicking as two gates opened up. My back was to the gates, and I slowly turned around.

A huge man walked out, he was six feet tall, and covered in muscle. His presence demanded respectful attention, and I almost wanted to take a step back. Almost.

Everyone above me started cheering, and I guessed that he must be some kind of champion. I smirked, not for long!

The gate closed behind him, and he stalked toward me. His eyes roamed around the blood covered arena, bodies still littered the dirt floor.

"Finally a fair match, I was getting tired of the weaklings. Yet again, you are a girl, and girls are always weak," he sneered with amused eyes. I grinned at him.

"You've obviously never met a girl like me then, what's your name?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Alpha Brian Conner of the High Mountain Pack, and what is your name little girl?" He asked in a baby voice, putting his lip.

"Alpha, and Luna, Raven Blackwood of the Silver Bloods Pack. But I am better known as Satan's Killer in the werewolf world," I smirked. He laughed nervously, and looked at me to see if I was lying.

When he figured out I wasn't, I watched fear grow in his eyes. I heard some kind of bell ring, and he lunged at me. Stepping to the side, and smashed my fist into his jaw.

He groaned and stumbled forward. I think his jawbone was cracked, but not broken unfortunately. He growled at me, and threw a punch at my face.

I caught his fist inches from my nose, and shock spread across his face. Smirking, I clenched my fist and the bones in his hands were crushed. He yelped in pain and stepped back, clutching his crippled hand.

I kicked him in the stomach and punched his face. Blood poured from his broken nose, and he doubled over holding his stomach. I stalked towards his hunched figure, and kicked his face.

He cried out and stumbled into the wall.

"Just a little girl huh?" I growled, and his eyes widened. I kicked at his knee, and he howled in pain as his leg snapped the wrong way, and the bones in his knee shattered. His body fell to the ground.

"You are the weakest Alpha I have ever seen," I spat. He flinched, almost as if to prove my point. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck, and crushed his spine.

He fell limp, and I tossed his body aside. I looked up and sighed tiredly.

"Anymore? Or can I eat and get some sleep?" I asked with pursed lips. I was surrounded by chuckles and laughs.

The clicking gate made me turn around. It was empty, so I walked towards it. I stepped inside and the gate to the arena closed. The other end opened, and guards immediately surrounded me.

My arms were held behind my back, but they couldn't put a new chain around my wrists yet. The men held my wrists, and I was pushed down a series of corridors

I started humming, and felt extremely bored in this endless maze of hallways. I almost cheered when we finally stopped.

Two large oak doors were in front of me, and I gasped when they were opened. A huge bedroom was in front of me, no cell, chains, or anything. I gave the men around me a weird look, but they just shoved me inside, and closed the doors quickly.

I tried to open the doors, but the bastards had locked it from outside. The bedroom had a big plush bed, a television, a connected bathroom, a filled closet, and a balcony. I stared at everything in confusion.

What is going on? I whipped around when I heard the door open again. A man walked into the room and smiled at me.

"Hello Ms. Raven, aren't you going to enjoy your room?" He asked, amusement laced in his words.

"Who are you?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckled at my suspicion.

"You already know who I am, but I guess you wouldn't remember, it was such a long time ago," he said with a grin. I shook my head and blinked several times to make sure this was real.

"What happened to the cage?" I asked pointing to the bed.

"Well, we confirmed who you were when you fought, so this room rightfully belongs to you," he said shrugging.

"Belongs to me?" I echoed confusedly. He nodded.

"Yes, this was your room, when you were younger anyway."

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" I growled feeling frustrated.

He gave me a deadly grin, "You would think that you would remember your own father?"

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