Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Eight: The Arena

Get up! Raven, you need to wake up!

My eyes slowly opened to reveal a dark cell, it was damp, and made of silver.

What's wrong Akira? I asked my wolf.

We have been kidnapped, again, she growled in annoyance. I sighed, We are magnets for danger aren't we?

No, your ass is a danger magnet, not mine, she retorted. I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

I let out a panicked gasped when I thought of how I was captured.

Where is Shade?

My wolf snorted, How am I supposed to know? I roll my eyes in annoyance and cut off our connection.

I realized that I was on my knees, with my wrists and ankles restrained behind my back. The metal was silver, and a chain ran from my shackles to the floor.

I realized that my hands and feet were chained together, so I couldn't move very well. The awkward position I was in, made it so I couldn't break my restraints. If my shoulders weren't about to come out of my sockets, I would have been out of this place by now.

I sat on my feet and tries to figure out how to pass the time. I tried counting the cracks in the floor, but I only wasted like five minutes doing that.

Getting extremely bored, I decided to talk to my wolf who is turning into a bitch. I think it is because she is tired of being stuck in such a confined space.

Do you know where we are?

No, why the hell would I know that? She snapped. Ignoring her attitude, I kept asking questions.

What do you think they do here? I wonder what they plan on doing to us, I thought with a frown.

Instead of talking and asking me stupid questions, why don't you use your senses to get information you idiot, she said irritably before blocking our link.

I made a face and mimicked her. I groaned in frustration, this sucks, I am getting tired of being put in cages, and having to escape all the time.

I quickly thought about what Akira said, and realized it was actually the smart thing to do. Smelling the air, my brows started to furrow in confusion.

Rogues, the Green Mountain Pack, and... I growled angrily at the smells. The area I was in, contained rogues, the pack that I had kicked off my territory, and Hunters. There also was a smell I couldn't identify, it was similar to my own scent.

What is going on?! I growled in my head. My ears twitched slightly when I heard footsteps. I looked directly ahead of me when I heard a clicking noise in that direction. A door opened and a dim light hit my face.

The shadow of a man stood in the doorway, he was tall with broad shoulders. He took a few steps toward me, and my vision adjusted to the light.

He had a stern face, hard set jaw, and cold eyes. I growled lowly and felt my canines sharpen, not liking the position I was in. His hand whipped across my face in a hard back hand.

I heard my neck crack at the force my head snapped to the side. Blood welled up in my mouth where my canines had cut the inside of my cheek.

I spit the blood from my mouth, and glared angrily at the man.

"Save it for the arena," he said in a deep voice. It was powerful, and I could feel the ground shake a little. I could sense he was a wolf, but he had a very strange smell.

He turned his head towards the door, before jerking it in my direction. Two men suddenly came into the room, and started fumbling with my chains. My feet were unchained, but my wrists remained bound together.

I was lifted roughly by my arms, and put on my feet. I stood up and tried to jerk my arms away from the men, only to be hit across the face again.

The man had smacked my cheek again, and my wolf growled in my head, threatening to take over. I gritted my teeth, and stopped struggling.

The two men grabbed my arms in a tight grip and pushed me through a series of corridors. The tunnels were only lit by torches every few yards.

We came up to an iron gate, where the men stopped. I was pushed forward, but when I turned around, another gate had closed, separating me from the men.

I was trapped between two iron gates, and all I could see out of one, was some kind of arena. There were many other iron gates connecting to the center arena, but I couldn't see in them.

I heard a clicking noise, and the gate started to slowly lift. Cautiously, I walked forward into the arena.

I was alone, but I could sense many other wolves. I was barefoot, and the floor was made of packed dirt. The previous darkness, was suddenly replaced with light.

When I looked up, I saw a gaping hole in the ceiling, revealing the sky. Many wolves and Hunters were gazing over the edge, and watching my every move.

Well this is very familiar, I thought. It reminded me of when the Elders would give me fighting tests, it was in an arena very similar to this, and they would watch from above.

Pay attention! Akira hissed. I snapped out of my thoughts to see the other gates slowly lifting. There were other wolves behind them according to my senses.

I tried putting my hands up in a defensive position, only to realize they were still behind my back in shackles. Jumping up high, I lifted my knees and pulled my restrained wrists under me.

I landed with my arms in front of me. It was much easier now to twist and pull the chain holding them together, the silver snapping instantly.

My wrists still had the piece of metal wrapped around them, but I realized it could be a good defense against other werewolves.

The gates had fully opened, seven of them. I was standing just in front of my gate, giving me full view of all seven wolves that stepped out.

Some of them I could tell have Alpha blood, but the rest were rogues. In human form, rogues looked like homeless humans. Dirty, with matted hair and overgrown nails, they were disgusting creatures.

All of them were male, dressed in black basketball shorts that had a white number on the bottom. All of the numbers were completely different, and I thought they must be for identification purposes.

I looked down and saw that I was wearing similar black shorts, and a black sports bra. I had a red number 16 on my shorts.

When I looked back up, I was met with 7 different growls. All of the wolves were in a defensive stance, and I noticed that none of them had shackles as I had.

I didn't quite know what was going on, so I didn't change my position. I could guess that this was some kind of fighting arena, but I didn't know if there were any rules.

Yet again, when do you ever follow the rules? Akira asked me with a snort.

You're right, when do I ever follow the rules? I thought with a grin.

I ran forward and my palm connected with the throat of the nearest wolf. He gasped for breath, and I brought my foot up. It connected with his face and his head fell back and hit the stone wall behind him. I heard a sickening crack, and he slumped to the ground, dead.

I felt my lips curl into a grin, and I turned around to the others. I suddenly felt like a wild animal, feeling the need, the urge, to kill everything in sight. My eyes no doubt were glowing red, and had a feral look.

I figured out that gold is when I am angry, but red is when I am in complete rage and Akira is taking over. Or in this case, my eyes are red because I am more like a wild animal than a normal wolf.

My canines sharpened into long points, and my claws started to come out. I gave the wolves a murderous look, and a nasty grin revealing my teeth.

I heard chattering from above, and made out a few sentences.

"This is going to be interesting!"

"Damn I bet on the wrong one!"

"We might finally get to see some blood!"

"I told you she would be perfect!"

I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, but I felt myself fill with pride for some reason. I growled loudly, shaking the arena, and sending a few rogues cowering down.

I ran towards an alpha, and brought my claws up to slash his chest. The world moved in a blur around me, and he barely had time to react before his neck was snapped, blood flowing from his chest.

I heard the sound of a rogue running at me, and I brought a swinging back fist up to his head. He flipped in the air, and landed on his back. There was a crack when my fist hit, and he laid on the ground, his skull cracked.

His lifeless eyes gazed upward, and I stepped over his body. There were only five left now. One ran at me and I kicked his head, snapping his neck from the force and killing him immediately.

Four. I ran at another wolf, bashing his head into the wall before he could even blink. Blood covered the ground, walls, and my hands.

Three. The Alpha ran at me, and I kicked him hard in the stomach before he could reach me. He doubled over and coughed violently.

Blood spattered the dirt, and I brought my knee up to his face. He fell back onto the ground, blood pouring from his broken nose. I stepped over him, and snapped his neck with my hands.

Two. The rogue growled at me, but whimpered when I started stalking towards him. I grabbed him by his neck and picked him up. He wasn't very tall, but still taller than me by a few inches. His feet thrashed around, several inches off the ground.

I had one hand around his throat, and I slammed his body into the wall. He yelped in pain, and grabbed my hand with both of his. My fingers squeezed, closing his trachea and preventing him from breath.

My eyes burned even brighter as I tightened my grip further, crushed his spine, and watched the life drain from his eyes. When I would no longer feel a pulse, I dropped his body to the ground.

One. The last wolf, was an Alpha on the other side of the arena. I turned my head to the sky and howled. Cheering surrounded me, and I grinned maliciously once again. The wolves and Hunters above me started to yell.

"We want blood!"

"Make him suffer!"

I felt the need for blood suddenly increase exponentially. I licked my lips, imagining the taste.

"With pleasure!" I growled before leaping at the alpha. He met me halfway, and threw a punch at my head. I ducked and raked my claws across his arm.

He jerked his arm away, and stepped back. I growled playfully, showing my teeth. His eyes widened, before growling back. I wanted to play, but he just wanted to stay alive.

In a blur, I leaped forward slashing his stomach open, before jumping back to a safe distance. He fell to the ground with a pain filled yell. His guts started spilling onto the ground, and his hands covered his stomach.

His eyes were twisted in pain, and blood spilled onto the dirt. My eyes glinted with hunger, and I walked to his side. Crouching down, I put my lips next to his ear.

"Thank you," I whispered before sinking my canines into his neck.

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