Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Seven: Rogues

"How dare you even touch me! Filthy mongrel!" She screamed at me. I got angry and my eyes started swirling red and gold.

"How dare I? HOW DARE I? You just attacked another Luna that had fairly won in a fight between you!" I yelled at her. She flinched slightly, but her glare remained firm.

"You don't scare me!" Ginny growled. My lips lifted in a snarl. I could feel that my canines had sharpened and grew longer.

"Do you want me to scare you?" I growled baring my teeth. I could my Alpha tone pushing through my voice, making Ginny want to submit.

She fought it, but I could see how much effort it took.

"You can't," she managed to growl. I felt my eyes blaze with rage, and my fist went back, before hitting Ginny in the face.

She cried out and stumbled backwards until she tripped and fell onto her ass. Her hand was held over her nose, but blood was seeping between her fingers.

I remember hearing a snap, and realize her nose is broken. She gasps in pain and stands again. I punch her stomach, and when she doubled over, I brought up my knee to meet her stomach again. Blood smeared across her face and chest, and most likely I was almost covered in it by now.

She coughed violently, spraying blood everywhere. On her hands and knees, she looked like a sick child. Ginny was determined though to prove that she wasn't scared of me.

I gave her a sick grin when she stood once I more, and kicked her thigh, hard. Though your femur is the strongest bone in the human body, my barefoot managed to snap it in half. She cried out in pain and fell, her broken leg no longer able to support her weight.

I walked over next to where her head was laying. I heard her start crying, and groaning in frustration that I had beaten her. When I leaned down next to her head, I saw her cringe away from me, but she couldn't move.

"Still sure I can't scare you bitch?" I asked with a sneer before punching the side of her head. Her head snapped to the side, and she blacked out.

I stood up and looked at her limp, beaten body. Bitch deserves what she got, I thought shaking my head. I suddenly hear a roaring growl, and when I look up, I see my warriors holding back her writhing mate. I had beaten him before, but he was livid with me for hurting his mate.

I smirked, and nodded for my warriors to let him go. He immediately jumps over the fenced upper part of the arena, and lands in front of me. He lets out an angry snarl before running straight at me.

I jump to the side and he flies past me. At the last second, I jumped and put an arm around his neck. I twist quickly, and his neck snaps. Unfortunately, I couldn't kill him or it would start a war. His neck was broken, but I didn't do it hard enough for his spinal cord to snap.

I rode his body to the ground, before standing up and looking at my bloody hands. This is going to take forever to get off, I thought with a sigh. Turning my attention back to the audience.

"These two need to be taken off my territory along with the rest of the Green Mountain Pack. You will be disqualified from the Games, and if my pack catches any one of you on my territory in two hours, they have orders to bring you straight to our cells. Now leave!" I growl with my Alpha voice.

The two leaders are carried, and dragged out of the arena. I quickly mind link Jackson to explain to him.

I am going to find Shade, you are in charge until I come back. I don't know how long I will be gone, but prepare for the worst. Was all I said before taking off running through the forest. I caught Shade's scent, it was starting to fade, meaning she had been gone for a good hour. I stripped out of my clothes and shifted into my new wolf.

Carrying my clothes in my mouth, I started to run fast, weaving through the trees and jumping over logs and bushes. Everything went past me in a blur as I followed the scent. I slowed to a trot when her scent became fresh. She must be close, I thought.

I shifted into a small black wolf, and crept forward. When I came around a tree, I suddenly saw white hair. I looked closer and realized it was Shade. I ran away a few yards, and shifted back into my human form. I put my clothes back on and decided to scale a tree.

The trees were close together, so I was able to climb along the branches and go tree to tree. I stayed quiet, and found myself above Shade. She had started to sway.

She collapsed onto the ground in a deep sleep. I jumped to the ground, landing softly. I looked at her wounded arms, and was glad to see them slowly starting to heal. I climbed back into the tree, and found an area where the trunk had flattened into branches that spread out.

It was like a little nest, and I settled down in it. I closed my eyes after watching the sun set, and felt myself fall asleep.


I woke to a rustling sound. My eyes snapped open and I saw that Shade had woken up. She was sniffing around, like she was searching for something. Then her face falls and she started running again.

I jumped from the tree and and ran a distance behind her. She was fast, but I could keep up fairly easily. I made sure to stay behind trees in case she turned around.

After hours of running, I felt that we were about 50 miles from the edge of my territory. It started to get dark, and Shade suddenly sat down. I listened, but all I could hear were birds and small animals going to sleep as the wolves and foxes come out to hunt.

I almost laugh when I hear Shade's stomach growl. I crept along the brush so I could see her face while staying hidden. Her eyes glazed over, telling me she was talking to her wolf.

She started to shift, and let out a loud howl. I almost wanted to howl back, to let her know I was here, but I had to find out where she was going first. She couldn't be going back to her pack, it was on the other side of the world.

I quickly strip my clothes and shift into my small black wolf, it was probably the size of an average she-wolf's, if not smaller. I picked up my clothes in my mouth and followed after Shade's wolf. When I caught up to her, she had a rabbit dangling from her jaws, and was talking to her wolf again.

I heard her growl, before she settled down to eat. I decided to eat, and caught a small hare. I ate quickly, and jumped to my feet when Shade stood again. She ran a little bit, before making a nest in the grass.

She circled a few times before laying her head on her paws, and falling asleep. I dug out a spot under a tree, and crawled inside. I fell into a fairly fitful sleep.

I learned at a young age that you have to be able to wake up quickly at any noises or sounds, it would save your life. But all it did right now was deny me sleep. Shade kept barking or whining in her sleep, I think she was having nightmares.

I woke at every noise she made, and decided that I wouldn't be able to sleep. I laid my head on my paws, and just rested my body.

The sun came up quickly, and Shade woke when the light hit her face. She got up and stretched, but she looked distressed from her nightmares.

I watched her start running again, and followed her, until a smell made my nose wrinkle in disgust. I stopped dead in my tracks when I caught the rogues' scent.

I sniffed deeply, and figured out their were easily 25 of them. This is not good, rogues hardly ever travel in groups of more than 3-5, this must be something big, I thought.

I quickly trotted back to where Shade had stopped ahead. With her nose to the air, she sniffed and her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. But her confused look vanished when she suddenly smelled the rogues.

I heard her growl, and suddenly the rogues came barreling through the trees and into the clearing. They were scrawny, with filthy coats, and a rabid look in their eyes. I knew Shade could fight well, so I stayed back for a bit, but shifted into Akira's new wolf just in case.

She growled at the rogues, and when one lunged at her, she bit into his throat. He gasped for breath before falling limp. Shade tossed him away and started fighting the others.

They trapped her in a circle and I couldn't control myself anymore. I snarled viciously, and leaped into the mass of rogues. They kept their focus on Shade, and I started snapping their necks.

They were so thin, that it took one paw to their neck or head before they died instantly. I had killed off fifteen of them, growling and spitting in fury, when I heard Shade howl.

While I was focused on the rogues, a few had managed to start dragging Shade away. Suddenly, a large brown wolf came barreling into the clearing. He wasn't a rogue, but I knew he was dangerous.

He seemed familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. He ran to the rogues, grabbed Shade by her scruff and started running towards the border of my territory, only 20 miles away.

I howled and took off after him. My legs stretched very far, and I felt myself running faster than ever. The strange wolf's tail was a few inches from my snout.

I jumped forward and sank my teeth into the brown tail. He let out a howl of pain, dropping Shade and tripping over her body. He was on his feet before I could reach her though.

He growled at me and I leaped at him, sinking my teeth into his throat. I sensed something come up behind me, and I let go. Turning around I saw a shadow, and before I even had time to growl, something came down over my head.

I yelped in surprise. Something hard hit my head with extreme force, and I fell to the ground with a groan, feeling dizzy. I couldn't see anything due to the black bag over my head, but it felt as if the ground itself was swaying.

I was vaguely aware of it hitting me once more, before everything went black.

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