Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Eleven: Blood Thirsty

I watched as Shade's eyes widened, and she slowly backed away, until her back hit the wall. I stalked towards her, my eyes swirling red and my wolf growling.

Fear was evident in her eyes, and her breathing was ragged. Rip her apart! Akira growled at me.

I want blood.

Me too, we should make her bleed until she is almost dead, then leave her to deal with the pain.

Perfect, I growled happily, feeling my teeth sharpen. Looking back at Shade, she was sitting against the wall, eyes showing submission.

"What kind of a Luna would be so weak?" I spat, and she closed her eyes in defeat.

My claws raked across her neck, ripping the flesh and spilling blood. I slashed my claws across her stomach and her shoulder, until she lay bleeding out onto the ground.

The crowd above cheered and yelled in excitement. I grinned with sharp teeth, and lifted my bloody hands. Leaning down, I quietly thanked Shade for letting me please the crowd, and to satisfy my thirst for blood.

She gasped and whimpered in pain, and she was coughing up blood. Her eyes fluttered shut, and her chest slowly ceased to rise and fall.

Turning away from Shade, I focused on Blake on the other side of the arena. He was glaring at me with his blue wolf eyes, and growled angrily.

He's a Lycan! He is challenging you! Accept!! Akira howled in my head. I snarled at him, accepting the challenge. A low pounding came from above me as a drum was hit rhythmically.

He leaped at me with his hand outstretched in an attempt to claw my throat. I ducked and slashed my claws across his leg. He growled furiously, and brought his fist down on my back.

I collapsed to the ground from the force, but swung my leg out. I took out his legs and quickly stood back up. He fell to the ground, and I heard someone yelling for me to stop.

I growled and turned, seeing a man standing there. I guessed he was a Lycan, but my wolf didn't care, and I growled at him.

Blake took the chance to rush at me. His body connected with my waist, and I fell to the ground with him on top of me. Damn it he's heavy!

I brought my elbow down on his face beside me. He growled and shoved me away from him. I rolled on the ground and stood quickly.

Blake rushed at me again, and I smashed my fist into his head when he got close enough. His body slumped to the ground, and he was unconscious from the impact.

I started towards him to finish it, but someone rammed into my side, knocking me off balance. I fell on my side, and the man from before quickly got off of me and backed away.

I pushed myself up off the ground, growling angrily. I glared at him, and got to my feet. I ran at him and punched him in a short uppercut to her jaw. He cried out in pain, and stumbled back.

I took a right spinning kick to his ribs, and he doubled over. His ribs cracked, and he was gasping for breath. My wolf and I were pissed that he dared to interfere.

I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him towards me. My knee came up and made contact several times with his stomach, and the man started coughing violently. Blood dribbled out the corner of his mouth.

He gasped in pain, and slumped to the ground. On his hands and knees, he spit blood onto the dirt. I used my foot to push him all the way to the ground, and he lay very still, but I could still see his chest moving.

Just when I was about to kill him, I was interrupted again. My mate had gotten up, and was growling at me. I growled back in frustration, and leaped at him.

I punched his throat, and he gasped in pain, pushing me away. Taking a few steps back, I watched as he tried to breathe, but his trachea was nearly crushed. I kicked his chest, and he stumbled back into the wall.

I quickly grabbed his throat before he could move. Pushing him against the wall, I squeezed slowly, watching his eyes begin to fade as the breath left him.

Power suddenly ran through my muscles, and I was able to get him a few inches off the ground. My body burned with want, and I grinned, showing off my canines.

The clicking sound of an opening gate made me drop him. He fell to the ground, coughing violently, his chest heaving in effort.

I turned to see my father walking through one of the gates. Turning back to Blake, I quickly smashed my foot onto his head, and he fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. I couldn't see his chest moving, so I began walking to my father.

Something caught my eye at one end of the arena. I picked up an old notebook, it said Lily Silver-White. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion, I walked to my father.

"Well?" I asked.

"You did very well, and we figured out a few things. Your wolf is beginning her transformation into a Lycan, and you are indeed very powerful," he said nodding.

"I need a shower," I told him, my nose wrinkled in disgust. The blood covering my body was sticky now, and quite uncomfortable.

"You can use the one in your room, but later tonight, we have to prepare for your transformation. It is a big event that could end up in the death of hundreds if we can't keep you contained," he said leading me to my room.

"Okay, well have someone come and get me when its time," I said when we reached my doors. He left and I walked into my bathroom.

There was everything already inside, and I took a quick shower, scrubbing the blood from my body. On the bed, I found a pair of white undergarments, T-shirt, and shorts. They were white this time, with a red number 5 on the bottom.

I threw away my bloody clothes, and got dressed. I grabbed the notebook I found earlier and read through it. There were many entries, about a woman, her sister, and her own daughter. I read the whole journal, it ended with the woman most likely dying.

Her sister's name was May, and I felt myself become overrun with anger and sadness. I began furiously ripping out all pages with May's name on it, but I didn't know why.

I threw the journal on the ground in front of my door, and I growled. Taking a few deep breaths, I managed to slightly calm myself down.

I suddenly smelled something strange, diverting my attention from the journal. Taking a deep whiff, I realized it was Shade's scent. My eyes widened, when I figured she wasn't far off.

I heard footsteps, and suddenly my doors were thrown open. Shade looked at me in shock, before taking a few steps back. I looked at her, dazed and confused.

She shook her head slightly, then started to stand up taller and deny the feeling of wanting to submit to me.

"Listen, Raven, I have to get out of here e-even if it means I have to fight you and I'll die. I have to get out of here," she said strongly.

She wants to fight!

Great! Akira growled in pleasure. I felt an evil grin creep up in my face, as I heard footsteps from around the corner. My teeth bared, and claws out, we started to circle each other.

I watched as a guard came up behind Shade, and just as she was about to lunge, a pair of silver handcuffs were thrown around her wrists.

A dagger was put to her neck, and more guards came running in. My father came up and stood beside me, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

"Good work Raven, though I thought you had killed her a few hours ago."

"So did I," I said staring at Shade. She fights with the men holding her, so she wasn't paying attention to us.

"Hmmm... What to do with her? Raven why don't you pick her punishment," he said with a wild grin. "We can't have her trying to escape again."

Shade froze immediately, and I cross my arms and pretended to think about it.

"Put her in the cells, and I'll deal with her myself later," I dismissed with a wave of my hand. They dragged her out of the room, but not before Shade could leap forward and snatch the journal off the floor in her teeth.

They carried her off, and my father turned to me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"For what?"

"Your transformation."

"What is it like?" I asked feeling curious.

"It is like shifting into your wolf for the first time, but a hundred times more painful," he said with a small wince.

"What is so special about it then?"

"Your experiences right before your transformation are crucial to the type of Lycan your wolf will become," he explained. I nodded, and looked him in the eye.

"What will mine be?" He gave me an evil grin.

"Let's find out."

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