As the first rays of dawn cast a warm glow over the landscape, the Vampire stood at his thickly tinted office window and gazed out into the dense woodland beyond.

He longed for the freedom of running through the forest, feeling the cool breeze ruffle through his jet-black hair and the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

But those days were long gone now, he had not run for many years, bound by his health issues.

But he couldn’t wait to unleash all that he had been suppressing for so long. He hoped after fueling on her blood, he would conquer the freedom that would come with newfound powers.


"Yes, an apology. Your actions towards that girl were unforgivable."

"I already admitted that I lost control."

"Which is why you need to make amends, Master."

"I do not beg."

"You have no choice, Master."

"Why?!" The Vampire turned away from the window and glared at Terence.

"Because she is your only chance for survival." The Vampire knew deep down that Terence was right. Ever since he had been poisoned, his health had been deteriorating with each passing day. It was a constant struggle just to stay alive.

“You can't just keep her here against her will, she's not a hostage.”

“She knows too much,” the Vampire responded.

“She's not a threat. I'm certain of it. She was brought here for a business proposition; we just need to get her to sign the NDA and the contract, Master,” Terence reminded him. “You have to let her go.”

“Then we'll add another clause in the contract: she must live here forever,” the Vampire declared.

Terence was puzzled. It seemed his usually sensible Master was in a playful mood today.

“But she has a job, friends, and a mother who need her,” he argued.

“I need her more,” the Vampire insisted.

“Her blood, you mean?” Terence probed, raising an eyebrow.

“Do you have feelings for her? Do you like her?” Terence questioned, seeking confirmation.

"What kind of question is that?" Despite his efforts, Terence could sense that his Master was struggling to accept the truth.

"Don't you want her to trust you?" Terence paused briefly before speaking again. "Then release her, Master."

The Vampire did not bother to argue with him any further. Seeing the depression line on his forehead, Terence knew he was thinking deeply.

"She isn't allowing anybody to go in and she hadn't had a breakfast either. May I suggest you take the tray with you, Master."

With a firm and serious expression, the Vampire signaled that their conversation was over.

The Vampire stood outside her door, his dark eyes fixed on the wooden barrier that separated them. He went to open the door abruptly but stopped as Terence's words echoed in his head.

'Be kind to her. Approach her gently. Right now she is very scared of you, so be forgiving.'

He took a deep breath and raised his hand, hesitating before gently tapping his knuckles on the door twice and waiting for a response.

But there was none.

His anxiety grew as he resisted the urge to burst through the door. Instead, he knocked again, this time with more patience and restraint.

The silence was unsettling. She had been crying all night, and now it was quiet. Too quiet. His brow creased with worry.

"Paris," he whispered, his voice a gentle caress as he slowly opened the door and peeked inside.

The girl lay sleeping soundly at the foot of the bed, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. He took the tiniest step, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. As he entered the room, Paris shifted slightly, and he froze, standing perfectly still like a thief caught in the act.

He felt a bit foolish, considering it was his own home, but deep down he didn't want to disturb her rest, and he couldn't resist getting closer. He took a tentative step forward, his feet barely making a sound on the soft carpet.

With great care, he gently picked her up, her tears had left a trail down her cheeks. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. He placed her on the bed, his hands cradling her delicate frame.

Paris's lips curved up into a gentle smile. He couldn't help but be captivated by it. His mind wandered with curiosity, wondering what thoughts or dreams could have brought such a content expression on her face. Was it a happy memory? A hopeful dream? Whatever it was, he couldn't help but feel grateful to be able to witness it.

‘How could a human be this beautiful… even while sleeping?’

He sat back and waited patiently for her to wake up not wanting to rush or startle her from her peaceful dreams.

The waiting felt almost oppressive, in a way Paris was teaching him how to be patient he thought warily.

He knew he would have to waste the rest of his day just for her to be calm enough to listen to him--for her to trust him.

After what felt like an eternity, Paris shifted once again. She arched her back, reaching her arms up towards the ceiling and stretching out her long, slender legs. With a soft, contented moan, she opened her eyes and blinked to adjust to the dim lighting. And then she saw him.

Gasping in surprise, Paris instinctively clutched the sheet closer to her body in an attempt to hide herself from his penetrating gaze. Her eyes flickered with fear and pain, rather than trust, as she held his intense stare.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that she still feared him after all this time.

What was happening to him? He was a Darcula, one of the most powerful emperors of the Vampire race - a Desmodus.

He blamed her, ever since their first encounter, she had been a source of chaos and confusion. With a shake of his head, he pushed aside any sense of sentimentality and straightened his posture, exuding strength and confidence.

He contemplated using a threat to manipulate her.

"I will release you...but only under one condition," he declared in a commanding tone that brooked no argument.

“If a word leaves your mouth...” He paused, not to make the moment intense as it was, but because he couldn't help but be drawn to her alluring lips.

Memories of their previous kisses flooded his mind, each one more perfect than the last. The thought was almost distracting enough to make him forget his purpose in this exchange.

With each passing moment, he could feel himself failing in his mission. He was inexplicably tied to this girl, unable to break free from her grip. He shook his head in frustration, cursing the malfunction that had brought them together.

"I know everything about you," he stated coldly, his eyes narrowing as he locked onto hers. "I know where you work, where you live, and also about your mother..." His voice trailed off as she gasped in fear.

"No!" she cried out, her hands shaking as she pleaded with him. "Please don't hurt her. She's all I have left. Please...I won't tell anyone about you, I promise. Just don't hurt her."

He couldn't help but notice the deep sorrow in her eyes, a reflection of the pain and fear consuming her. For a moment, he didn't respond, the weight of their situation heavy in the air between them.

Finally, he spoke, "Have some breakfast," he said sternly.

Then turning away from her, unable to face the desperation in her gaze. “Leave, before I change my mind." He left without even looking back at her.

Paris scrambled to her feet and hastily wiped away her tears. She stormed towards the door, eager to escape from this hell hole she had found herself in, that once she thought was a beautiful house.


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