The following day, after a long day of work, Paris made her way to the grand mansion. She had worried about getting in without an appointment, but Terence had instructed the guard to let her through the gate.

The evening sun cast a golden glow on the scene, making the mansion look even more grand and imposing. As she climbed the elegant steps to the porch, Terence appeared at the doorway, standing alone.

"Hello," Paris greeted him with a warm smile. "I apologize for not calling ahead of time. I'm here to return the money that was paid to me for to cook...even though...that didn’t go as it was planned." There was no need for her to elaborate. The rest, as they say, was history.

She retrieved a check from her purse and handed it to him. “I still wanted to say thank you personally for giving me the opportunity."

Terence frowned as he scanned the check. Paris could see the questioning expression on his face.

"It's the remaining balance since I had used some of the money to buy groceries for that evening," she explained. "And I donated some food items under Mr. Desmodus's name to the local soup kitchen."

"That was very kind of you,” Terence said appreciatively.

"Thank you, I will inform Master that you stopped by," Terence said politely.

"Although Mr. Desmodus will be disappointed to have missed you," Terence added informing her.

"Oh," Paris couldn’t help feeling disappointed, as she had secretly hoped to see him.

"Perhaps you would like to join me for a cup of tea inside?"

“Sure, that would be lovely,” she replied with a smile.

Terence led her through the large entrance hall and into a cozy sitting room. The room was tastefully decorated with luxurious furniture and paintings on the walls.

“I’ll go prepare some tea and biscuits,” Terence said before leaving Paris alone in the room. The elegant decor and rich finishes of the room only added to the intrigue of this mysterious man.

Paris looked around in amazement. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the perfect opportunity to finally ask him about the elusive and enigmatic Mr. Desmodus. Paris took a deep breath, determined to get some answers from Terence once he returned.

Just then, Terence walked in with a tray of tea and cookies. He poured them each a cup of tea.

Paris hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Can I ask you something?"

Terence, pouring a cup of tea, replied, "Of course. Do you want any sugar or milk in your tea?"

"No, thank you."

"Who is Mr. Desmodus? I've not heard so much about him and no one seems to know anything concrete." She inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Terence glanced at her with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Master Desmodus is... a complex man. He values his privacy above all else, which is why not many have had the privilege of meeting him."

As they sipped their tea, Paris couldn't help but ask, "Does he do this often... bringing girls over, drinking their blood and...?" she trailed off, waiting for him to answer.

Terence replied, "No."

Her relief was palpable. "Then why did he hire me to cook? When it wasn't even a date?"

Terence hesitated, feeling uncomfortable discussing it. After all, he was the one who had suggested hiring and signing a contract with Paris - trading her blood for money.

"All I can say is that you're the only one who can save him. You could give him a new lease on life."

Her throat constricted as she managed to ask, "With my blood?"

"And a lot of it," he told her truthfully.

Paris gulped thickly, trying to process this information.

“Has he been around for how many centuries? Is he’s immortal.”

Terence merely shrugged in response. “I can’t say for certain, but yes, he has been around for few centuries.”

"He'll be. You're very special to him."

She looked up at him, her eyes shining with amusement. "Special?"

He nodded in confirmation.

"In what way?" she asked breathlessly.

Terence interjected, "Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it, Miss Noel." Paris took the hint and sipped her tea, trying not to think about what he had just revealed.


Paris was hard at work in the restaurant's back kitchen, her hands covered in flour as she kneaded dough. Suddenly, a voice from behind her startled her. She turned around quickly, causing her hair to slip out of its bun.

"Oh, hi!" she said with surprise seeing the Vampire standing in front of her. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you come to see me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to return your money," Paris replied, using the back of her hand to brush away the hair that had fallen in front of her face.

"Was there a problem?" she continued nervously, brushing off her hair again but it fell back in place. "I explained everything to Mr. Terence about the amount."

"Paris, it was incredibly kind of you to donate all that food. Thank you for doing so," he said sincerely.

"Don't mention it. Thanks for replacing my wooden door with the metal door," her tone dripped with sarcasm.

"No problem," he replied, echoing her words.

"I apologize for missing you on Wednesday. I was away for work."

"Oh, you don't have to explain it. I should have called," he said with a smile.

The Vampire noticed that her hair was getting in the way, so he moved closer and helped by tucking it behind her ear. The simple touch sent shivers down her spine, causing goosebumps to form on her skin. It may have been a small gesture, but Paris couldn't deny the effect he had on her now, especially after that kiss, after that dream.

He relished in the closeness of their bodies, wishing he could pull her into his embrace and steal another kiss. "Thanks," she said softly, stepping back from him. He furrowed his brow, not liking the distance between them.

Paris shifted her gaze to another person entering the kitchen,

"Hey, Paris... how are ya?!" The guy greeted her with a flirtatious smile and a wink.

A faint blush tinged her cheeks as she conversed with him.

The Vampire growled, his eyes zeroing in on Paris with an expression of disgust and his jaw tightening. "Stop looking at him, Paris."

Confusion and hurt swirled in his chest, unable to understand why this sudden jealousy had overtaken him.

In a fit of anger, he stormed off without a word or a glance back at her, unable to bear the sight of her talking to someone else.

What the fuck am I even doing here in the first place—out in the sunlight, scalding my skin just to see her? So I missed her when she visited, I couldn't care less. Fuck! It's embarrassing how desperate I am, coming to see her at her workplace like some lovesick fool. But I need her blood, and that's all that matters right now.

Paris quickly wiped her hands on a cotton rag and rushed outside to catch him before he got into his car. She desperately wanted to call out his name, but he had never given it to her. He had never formally introduced himself, despite their chance encounters.

"Wait!" she called out as she approached him. He breathed in her sweet scent and felt his resolve weaken. In a rush, he opened the car door and tried to escape.

"Please wait," Paris pleaded, grasping his hand. He closed his eyes, feeling her stir something inside of him, igniting some unknown emotions.

"Goodbye, Paris," he said sternly, snatching his hand away from hers.

She was hurt by his rejection, and he couldn't deny the tremor in her voice as she asked, "Do you not wish to see me anymore?"

"Yes," he replied sharply.

Paris refused to believe him and persisted, "Are you absolutely sure?"

He was trying to ignore her. Her presence ignited the craving he felt every time she was near.

"Did I do something wrong?" Paris inquired, her voice laced with sorrow. He couldn't help but agree that his initial reply may have been too harsh.

"Atleast tell me your whole name." She asked, breaking through his walls.

"It's Alexander," he introduced himself.

"Alexander," she said softly. “Nice to meet you, Alex.”

He loved how easily she shortened his name, as no one had ever done so before. It was always Mr. Desmondus or Alexander, as his father used to call him.

The Vampire made a spontaneous decision, saying, "Terence will pick you up at seven on Saturday and take you to my yacht," he told her.

"I'll be there," she replied with a smile, showing her eagerness.

"Good," he said before getting into his Bently.

Paris smiled happily and walked away.

He waited until she had safely entered the restaurant before leaving.

'Alex. I like that,' he thought to himself, content with the name Paris had chosen. This made him happy, and her agreeing to meet him made him even happier.

"Here. You need this, Master," Terence said, handing the Vampire a handkerchief.

"What for?" the Vampire asked.

"To wipe the smile off your face, Master," Terence replied with a mischievous grin.

"Fuck off," the Vampire snapped bitterly at him. Terence couldn't hide his grin.


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