The place where Paris worked was an upscale restaurant situated in the heart of the bustling city. The restaurant boasted two kitchens: a larger, main kitchen where bakers toiled away in front of big ovens; where chefs meticulously diced and sliced vegetables; and where dirty plates were cleaned using industrial-sized machines.

All the grueling tasks were completed behind closed doors, far from the prying eyes of guests.

The kitchen at the front of the restaurant was a lively spectacle, with fire dancing on the char grill and chefs tossing dough high in the air. Delicate pastries were being frosted and adorned as if they were works of art. The atmosphere was reminiscent of a circus, with guests able to watch all the excitement while they dined.

The open kitchen buzzed with energy as Paris moved gracefully between the stovetop and the prep station.

The Vampire had come to the restaurant and he'd been watching her every move with a hunger that struck as soon as his eyes landed on her, it all came rushing back, his mouth watering...the mere thought of her blood sent shivers down his spine, igniting a primal hunger within him like a thirsty predator seeking its next prey.

Beyond this hunger, there was something else about Paris that he found himself drawn to - her innocent beauty. She could easily be hailed as one of the world's wonders, with her flawless features and elegant grace.

Every movement she made seemed to radiate an otherworldly aura, making her impossible to resist. As he continued to watch her, the Vampire couldn't help but wonder if she was truly human or some divine creature sent down from above.

For a week now, he had been captivated by this soft-spoken wonder. His curiosity burned within him, eager to understand more about her and why she had caught his attention so thoroughly.

But he wasn't stalking her; wasn't creeping on her either; he never chased after women, they always came to him. And now, as he observed her, she was a genuinely good person - kind and humble in her interactions with others.

He couldn't help but notice the way Paris' smile lit up the room, spreading warmth and happiness wherever it went. His own lips curved into a small smile in response, mirroring hers.

He couldn't help but remember her perfectly proportioned figure, hidden beneath the loose chef coat she was currently wearing. But he knew he wasn't the only one captivated by her in this bustling restaurant.

The other staff members would steal glances at her when they thought no one was looking, drawn to her natural beauty and charm. She was like a breath of fresh air in the chaotic kitchen, bringing a sense of calm and grace with her every move.

His gaze flickered over to the other men in the restaurant, their eyes glued to her form with obvious lust. He noticed their lecherous stares and felt a spurt of anger take him by surprise. As his fists clenched in frustration, he couldn't help but want to gouge out their eyes for daring to leer at her.

Unknowingly, his primal instincts kicked in as he felt a strong desire to protect her from these predatory men, to hide her away and keep her safe from their unwanted advances. The fire in his eyes burned brightly as he fought against the urge to confront them and claim her as his own.

Paris took her gaze away from the sizzling pan in front of her and swept her eyes around the elegant dining hall. At one table, a couple savored their glasses of deep red wine, their laughter tinkling like chimes in the air. Over at another table, three men huddled together in lively conversation, their animated gestures punctuating their words. And then, at yet another table, an elderly couple sat side by side, their faces glowing with contentment as they shared a sweet dessert.

And then Paris's attention was drawn to the darkly alluring Vampire seated at his table. Her smile faltered as she felt a chill run down her spine. Her heart began to race. She stood frozen.

Why is he here? Is he here for me? To kill me?′

The girl's gaze darted away from him, her eyes fixated on the steaming pan in front of her. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the handle tightly, her nerves wrecked.

The Vampire could sense her fear, a delicious and enticing aroma that he couldn't resist. Slowly, he rose from his seat and extracted a money clip from within his tailored suit jacket. As he placed the bills on the table, he casually buttoned up his jacket with a flick of his wrist. The food in front of him remained untouched; it had only been ordered as an excuse to stay longer in the presence of this fearful human.

Paris furtively glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, trying to gauge his mood. The fine slant of his mouth told her he was irritated, and she could see the tension in his jaw as he clenched it tightly. She gulped nervously, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down her neck.

The man in the sleek suit furrowed his brows, emphasizing his frustration, and let out an exasperated sigh. She quickly blinked and looked away, not wanting to draw any more attention to herself. He left the restaurant with purpose, and she couldn't help but let out a heavy breath of relief.

For some reason, this all-too-human display of sentiment relaxed her a little.

“Paris, is table fifty-five’s scallops ready yet?” Someone asked her, pulling her back to reality.

“Yes, Chef, I’ll plate them,” she answered confidently, grateful for the distraction. She focused on her tasks at hand with renewed energy and efficiency, determined not to let one man's frustration ruin her night.

As the workday drew to a close, Paris waved goodbye to her colleague before making her way through the bustling streets to the back alley where her car was parked. Her feet ached from hours of standing on hard floors, and she yearned for the comfort of home.

The sky above was painted with shades of dark night with twinkling stars. Paris's steps echoed off the walls of the alleyway, creating a soothing rhythm that matched her tired heartbeat. She longed for nothing more than to soak in a hot bath and let the warm water melt away the tension in her body.

A sudden prickle of unease crawled up her spine, causing her to quicken her pace. She had a feeling someone was following her, and the thought sent shivers down her back. Thankfully, she wasn't too far from her car, and she reached into her handbag for her keys. With trembling hands, she pressed the button to unlock the car, her heart racing with fear.

The stomp of shoes grew louder behind her, confirming her suspicions. She could almost feel the presence of whoever it was getting closer and closer. Her only goal now was to get in the car and drive away as quickly as possible.

She turned her head to glance behind her, but there was no one there. And then suddenly, she bumped into something solid in front of her.

With a gasp of horror, she stumbled back and looked up to see who or what she had collided with. Standing before her was a vampire, his dark eyes burning with hunger and malice. The fear that had been building inside her now threatened to consume her completely.

He towered over her, his expression unreadable. Paris felt a mix of fear and intrigue as she stared up at him, unsure of what he would do next. The Vampire's eyes bore into hers, causing her heart to race with adrenaline.

"You..." His deep voice sent shivers down her spine. Paris tried to step back, but her legs felt like jelly.

The Vampire reached out a hand and brushed a lock of hair away from her face. Paris flinched at his touch but there was something gentle in his gesture that confused her.

"You shouldn't be out here alone at night," he said in a softer tone, surprising Paris with his concern.

She looked up at him, seeing a flicker of something unfamiliar in his eyes. Was it... warmth?

Before she could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed in the alley. The Vampire swiftly moved in front of her, shielding her from view. Two shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their sinister grins evident even from a distance.

Paris's heart raced with fear as she clung to the Vampire, unsure of what was happening. The two figures approached menacingly, their eyes gleaming with malice.

The Vampire stood tall and imposing, a dangerous aura emanating from him as he faced the intruders. "Leave," he commanded in a low, threatening voice that sent a chill down Paris's spine.

The two figures hesitated, sizing up the situation. They clearly underestimated the danger they were in by confronting the Vampire. But before they could make a move, the Vampire acted quickly.

With a sudden burst of strength, he lunged forward and seized the pair of men by their necks, hoisting them off the ground with ease. He then hurled them against the wall, causing them to crash into it with considerable force rendering them unconscious on the ground.

Paris stood there in shock, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the scene unfold before her. The Vampire turned back to her, his expression unreadable.

"Are you alright?" he finally spoke, his voice low and smooth like velvet.

Paris nodded frantically, fear etched onto her face. She desperately wanted to scream for help, but the shock and surprise rendered her voiceless. Attempting to run away would most likely be fruitless, and if she showed any signs of fear or stuttered, she would be his next victim.

"I promise I didn't tell anyone," she pleaded, her main concern being what the powerful Vampire might do to her.

She cautiously took a step back, he confidently moved towards her.

"I didn't mean to frighten you, Paris," his deep voice resonated.

She was trembling with fear but managed to plead, "Please let me go."

Despite her fear, she continued to edge away from him until she stumbled and nearly fell. But in one swift motion, he caught her and held her tightly against his chest.

Up close, he was mesmerizing. He looked young, maybe in his early thirties, but carried himself with the confidence and authority of someone much older.

Standing tall and strikingly handsome, he was the most attractive man she had ever seen. His masculine features were both alluring and intimidating. His hair was as dark as the night sky, and his eyes held a ferocious depth to them.

Despite his undeniable charm and wealth, there was one thing that was keeping her from even considering dating him - he was dangerous.

Yet, there was something otherworldly about him that drew her in nonetheless.

She was slim and her body fit perfectly into his grasp. He had to resist the urge to press his lips against hers, sink his teeth into her neck, and taste the life-giving blood flowing within her.

She was so close, that he could feel her heat and hear her shallow breaths.

“Don’t be afraid of me, Paris. I would never harm you," he said, trying to calm her.

But she ignored him and broke free from his hold. Fear filled her eyes as she backed away. "You're only pretending to be good, but I know you'll eventually kill me."

“Paris...” He took a step towards her, the pain evident in his voice even Paris felt it too. With a gentle touch, he cupped her cheek and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

She met his gaze once more, sensing a keen intensity within them. Though not afraid of him anymore, she was intimidated by his presence.

"I would never hurt you," he repeated softly, hoping she would believe him.

She eased into his touch, resting her cheek against his palm. The simplicity of the gesture warmed his heart, surprising him with its impact.

“You should be more careful, Paris. There are dangerous people out there.”

Paris nodded, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She couldn't shake off the surreal feeling of standing in a dimly lit alley with a vampire.

"You should get home safely now," he said.

Despite the fear that clenched at her insides. Her expression softened slightly, a hint of remorse flickering across her features. She could see a different side to him now, a protective instinct that contradicted the sinister reputation of his kind.

Paris felt a surge of gratitude towards the Vampire for intervening. She realized that there was more to him than met the eye, a complexity that intrigued her.

“Thank you for looking after me,” she said softly, meeting his gaze with a newfound respect.

"Take care of yourself, Paris,” he said before turning to leave.

With a mix of trepidation and curiosity swirling inside her, Paris got into her car.

She watched him disappear into the night, Paris couldn’t shake off the whirlwind of emotions coursing through her.

As she drove home, she couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration and maybe even a spark of attraction towards him. She quickly pushed the thought away, not wanting to entertain any feelings toward someone who could harm her.

The encounter left her with more questions than answers about the enigmatic Vampire who seemed to be both terrifying and strangely protective of her.


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