Chapter BITTEN

“How clumsy,” the Vampire scoffed, his irritation evident as he learned that the girl had fainted. “Did you have to reveal all of it to her as soon as she came in?”

“That was the whole point,” Terence replied calmly. “Her reaction, her sudden fainting, was completely natural. But there’s something about her... Her aura is incredibly strong, almost pulsing with energy. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before.”

Terence trailed off, lost in thought for a moment before adding with a hint of awe, “And she is undeniably lovely and... beautiful.”

The Vampire’s eyebrow arched in surprise at Terence’s words.

“Oh! So, Terence thinks of her as beautiful. That’s a first.” His voice dripped with sarcasm as he scoffed at the idea. “But it matters not to me if she is beautiful or not. All I need is her blood.”

She was undeniably stunning. He couldn’t get her out of his mind, even now as he stood there thinking of her. He remembered the day they first met, how she had minimal makeup, even her nails were unpainted. Despite these details, she exuded an undeniable beauty that captivated him. But for now, all he cared about was obtaining her blood before taking her to bed.

“Don’t be so brash, Master. You wouldn’t want to frighten the young lady, so it would be wise to keep your sharp fangs hidden for now.”

“Well, go away... I need to find this dazzling beauty,” he said, his voice laced with curiosity.

“She is currently resting in the guest bedroom,” Terence gestured towards a set of ornate double doors at the end of the grand hallway.

The soft glow of moonlight seeping through the windows illuminated the path ahead--foreshadowing evil.

“Thanks, but I can smell her...”

The Vampire hit his knuckles on the door softly, each knock echoing through the silent hallway. Waiting was not his strongest suit, he smoothly twisted the door handle and ducked inside the room, then welcomed himself in.

He approached the bed, his eyes fixated on the sleeping beauty before him. Her long, brown hair cascaded over the pristine white pillow in waves of soft silk. He inched even closer, taking in her delicate features, and inhaling her intoxicating scent, which seemed to stir something inside of him.

Terence’s words rang true, ‘She possesses a strong aura, one of mystery and enchantment’. A twinge of envy pulsed in his chest as Terence laid eyes on her, and praised her beauty.

His gaze lingered on her as he silently contemplated what secrets she may hold within that alluring aura.

The girl lay tucked under a plush velvet duvet cover on the expansive queen-sized bed, looking small and fragile amidst the luxurious surroundings. The moonlight through the window illuminated her golden skin with a supernatural radiance.

He settled into a sleek black leather chair next to the bed, patiently waiting for her to wake up from her slumber.

It had only been ninety seconds, and he was already growing impatient. He drew in a deep breath, his nostrils filled with her intoxicating scent once again. A small grin played on his lips, knowing that everything in this room would carry her fragrance - something he secretly adored.

With anticipation bubbling inside him, the Vampire gracefully moved to sit beside her on the bed. The warmth emanating from her body caused him to shift moving even closer to her. Their bodies were mere inches apart now.

As he gazed upon her angelic features, he couldn’t help but feel captivated by her beauty. His eyes slowly drifted down to her lips, and without even realizing it, he licked his own.

He was baffled by how someone so seemingly unremarkable could evoke such a strong reaction from him. He reached out his hand to touch her, brushing his knuckles against her soft cheek. It had been an eternity since he had encountered something as divine as her, and he found himself utterly enthralled by her presence. No one had ever stirred his cold heart to beat like this before.

With a soft, breathless whisper, he spoke to himself, “Where have you been all my life?”

His eyes were drawn to her body, hidden beneath the duvet. The mere thought of her curves and skin under the covers sent a thrill of curiosity through him.

His mind prodded him to unveil the beautiful woman lying in front of him. He gingerly removed the duvet cover, revealing her perfect form. A sly grin spread across his lips as he took in her full breasts and smooth skin.

As he pulled the cover down further, he couldn’t help but notice how her dress had ridden up, exposing even more of her tantalizing flesh. His initial impulse was to pull the hem back down and cover her up, but instead, he placed his hand on her bare thigh, and his cock responded, swelling in his pants.

A deep, guttural moan of satisfaction escaped his lips as he reveled in the sensation. It had been years since he had felt this way. His eyes closed involuntarily as he relished the feeling of her warm, soft human flesh pressed against his cold touch. It was a primal comfort that stirred something deep within him.

“I shouldn’t,” he thought to himself, his loyalty warring with desire. But as soon as the thought flitted away, he gave in and grabbed a fistful of her flesh.

“Fuck,” he muttered, fully succumbing to the irresistible pull towards her.

The mere touch of her skin against his sent shivers down his spine and made his heart race. He couldn’t comprehend the intensity of his physical reaction to her. It was as if a current of electricity was coursing through his body, igniting every nerve ending and making him feel alive in a way he never had before.

He was both fascinated and bewildered by the overwhelming sensation, wondering what could possibly be happening to him.

Despite his best efforts to resist, he found himself tracing his fingertips along her thigh, reveling in the velvety softness of her skin.

The Vampire was acutely aware of the danger and wrongness of his actions, but he couldn’t deny the intense desire coursing through his veins. He leaned closer, inhaling the alluring aroma that surrounded her—so sweet, so irresistible. It seeped into his senses, clouding his mind and filling him with a heady rush of pleasure and longing.

In the cool, silvery light of the full moon, his thirst for her miracle blood surged uncontrollably. The Vampire’s natural restraint was overcome by the intense desire to taste her blood.

He lifted her upper body, causing her neck to elongate and giving him greater access. His lips brushed against the delicate skin, and with a primal hunger, he sank his sharp fangs into the delicate vein on her neck and began to sup from her warm, pulsating blood.

Every drop was a sweet elixir, flooding his senses with renewed energy and power. He felt truly alive as the precious liquid coursed through his veins, rejuvenating him with each passing second.

He drank her, drank until he wanted to get drunk by it.

He couldn’t resist the taste of her blood, and it only made him crave more. As his lips pressed to her neck, he savored the rich liquid that flowed through his veins. She was truly gifted -- her blood had a healing power. He continued to drink from her, droplets of blood dripped down his chin, evidence of his intense indulgence.

Paris moaned and slowly opened her eyes, a deep shade of blue met a glowing red. The vampire leaned back, his pale skin glistening in the moonlight.

“Who are you?” she asked.

The vampire gingerly retracted his sharp fangs, slowly pulling them back into his mouth. A small bead of blood glistened on the tip of one tooth, and he carefully licked it away with his tongue. The metallic tang of blood lingered on his tongue as he savored the taste before swallowing.

He ignored her question as he gazed at her lips, a primal desire overtook him and he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. He reveled in the softness of her mouth, savoring every moment as he moved and licked her lips.

His tongue command, compelling her to open her mouth. She complied, parting her lips as he dipped his tongue inside and explored her. The taste was sweet and intoxicating, consuming all of his senses. He savored the texture of her tongue, the slickness of saliva, and the smooth flesh of her inner cheek. A deep moan escaped him.

Her touch was like fire, igniting every inch of his body. He felt himself melting under the kiss as if he were turning into one of the night’s fiery creatures.

A sudden burst of fear jolted through Paris as she started to remember--she was in a stranger’s house, and that stranger was lying on top of her, kissing her without permission.

Paris tried to push him away, but he was surprisingly strong. Panic set in as she feared he may harm her, or worse - rape her.

Desperately, she continued to push against him and finally managed to break free from his grasp. As she scrambled away from him, she couldn’t help but feel both exhilarated and unnerved by the intense encounter with this mysterious man.

Tears streamed down Paris’ face as she huddled in the corner of the room, her body shaking with sobs. She tightly clutched the duvet sheet to her chest, covering her exposed neck. Her cries echoed off the walls, filling the room with a wave of heart-wrenching cry.

The Vampire watched her, stood there, and made no sudden move in case she panicked and tried to flee.

“What did you do?” she choked out between sobs, her voice laced with pain and fear. Slowly, he emerged from the darkness and approached her, but she flinched away.

“Stay back,” she yelled, pushing herself further into the corner. She was terrified of him, and it pained him deeply to see her so afraid.

“Paris—” He began, but she cut him off with a sharp cry.

“Stay away from me, you monster!” Her words were like daggers, piercing his heart and filling him with regret. He could see the anger in her eyes, and he knew he deserved it.

He watched her for several seconds, taking in her trembling form and the fear that radiated from every inch of her body. At that moment, he hated himself for what he had done to her.

At a loss for words, he could only watch as she backed away, her eyes pleading for him to stay away.

He knew there was no excuse for his actions, no justification for the fear and pain he had caused this girl.

“I lost control,” he said softly, his voice filled with remorse. “I let my greed take over, and it was wrong of me.”

As she continued to shrink away from him, he could feel the weight of his mistake crushing him. There was no going back now, no way to fix what he had done. All he could do was apologize and hope that she would forgive him.

Paris’s voice trembled as she asked the same question before, “Who are you?”

“I’m a Vampire,” he replied straightforwardly.

Her blue eyes widened in horror as she noticed his fangs elongating.

Fear gripped her heart and her mind raced with images of death and danger. She mustered up the courage to ask, “A-are you going to kill me?”

“Only if you try to run away,” he warned, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Paris’s heart pounded in her chest as she shook her head frantically, sweat forming on her brow. She was terrified, unable to move or speak.

Tears began falling from her eyes and she couldn’t stop them. Her sobs echoed through the forest as she pleaded, “Please l-let me go. I want to go home, please...please spare me, spare my life.”

But the Vampire only shook his head, his expression unchanging. “You now know my secret and I can’t take that chance now. I can’t let you go free.”

With those words, he turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Paris alone in the cold night.

She scrambled to her feet and called out after him, begging for mercy. “No. Please let me go…. I-I won’t tell anybody…Please, please let me free.”

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as the Vampire walked away.

For the rest of the night, Paris huddled in fear and pain. The throbbing ache in her neck where the Vampire had bitten her added to her misery as she cried herself to sleep, haunted by the events of that fateful encounter.


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