The Vampire perched on a high-backed chair, positioned at a comfortable distance from the roaring fireplace. His intense gaze fixed on the dancing flames as if trying to absorb their warmth and energy into his cold, immortal body. The firelight reflected in his piercing eyes, giving them an otherworldly glow as he sat in silent contemplation.

He threw back his head and let out a low growl. ‘He hasn’t laid eyes on such beauty in centuries.’

Dear God, what kind of man was he? A primal desire coursed through his veins, a ferocious hunger in his eyes, a thirst for blood that could not be denied, urged him to seize her -- sink his teeth, and feed on her neck under the moonlight on the open terrace. He eagerly wanted to submerge in her heavenly blood until there was nothing left but pure ecstasy.

He imagined the taste of her heavenly blood, and a shiver of desire ran down his spine.

‘Why didn’t he? What made him stop from kidnapping her?’

He shut his eyes, neck arched as if in agony, his chin pointing towards the distant high ceiling.

The memory of her scent filled his mind, the taste of her blood still lingering on his tongue, a tantalizing combination of sweetness and spice.

"I want more," he growled, feeling a primal hunger burning within him. His mouth began to salivate, the mere thought of her causing his body to react in anticipation.

"I want her," he repeated his hunger with deep intensity, his gaze fixated on the fire of his desire. "I want her blood."

The words rolled off his tongue like a dark and seductive promise, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that he would stop at nothing to quench his thirst.


"If this call is to inform me of my impending death in the next few weeks, you can hang up now, Doctor."

"Don't worry, I'm not calling to give you bad news. In fact, your test results show a slight improvement in vitality. Have you been doing something differently or seeing another doctor without my knowledge?" The doctor chuckled nervously.

"Improvement? What kind of improvement are we talking about here?" The Vampire asked.

"Your cells seem to be regenerating and renewing themselves, similar to the way white blood cells fight off harmful radicals in humans. We've even discovered a new type of cell in your system, which we're calling 'Golden Blood Cells'. They have a yellow tint and they're protecting the cells from dying." The doctor explained.

"Well, I haven't been drinking anything out of the ordinary..." The Vampire trailed off.

He paused, lost in thought. The memory of that one drop of blood lingered on his tongue, a tantalizing and intoxicating taste that he couldn't shake off.

It had been so long since he last drank any blood, after that single drop from the girl, which had made such a small yet significant improvement to his weakened body. He couldn't help but wonder what a bowl full of her pure, sinless blood could do for him as a dying Vampire.

As he stood there, contemplating the possibilities, the scent of her blood still lingered in the air, tempting him beyond reason.

Without sparing any seconds the Vampire was on his confidant’s tail.

"Find out everything about her," he commanded, his tone dripping with urgency and curiosity. "I want to know who she is? Where she live? Romantic relationships? Her blood type? I need to know every trivial thing about her."

His eyes gleamed with intensity as he awaited Terence's response, hungry for every detail about this mysterious girl.

Following his orders, Terence delved into intense research. He began with the hotel manager and staff, diligently inquiring and gathering all possible information on the mysterious girl. With every new detail he discovered, he eagerly narrated it back to the Vampire.

"The girl; her name is Paris Noel. She's twenty-three, single and independent. Her mother, Pauline, works at the children's hospital. There is no known information on her father, but we are still actively investigating. Paris herself works as a sous chef at the restaurant. Interestingly, her blood type is O negative." Terence paused, waiting for the Vampire's reaction to this valuable piece of information.

A sly smile curled at the corners of the Vampire's lips as he responded with a thoughtful "Hmm..." to Terence's question.

"It could easily be someone else?" Terence posed, his voice laced with uncertainty.

The Vampire's smirk only grew wider. "It's her," he stated confidently, his crimson eyes gleaming with determination.

"How can you be so sure, Master?" Terence pressed on, still doubtful.

"Believe me, I've searched. Every single person working that night didn't even come close to her scent. She's the one," the Vampire explained, his tone firm and unwavering.

"But how can you be so precise?" Terence persisted, his doubts still lingering.

"Because I returned to that restaurant and had a tasting menu for myself. Unfortunately, the girl wasn't there," the Vampire revealed, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone.

"Bloody hell!" Terence exclaimed in shock. "You know you can't do that?"

"I don't care... I. Need. Her. Blood," the Vampire reiterated with an edge of desperation. "Do whatever it takes and bring me her blood." His hunger for her blood was palpable, driving him to break any rules or boundaries necessary to satisfy his thirst.

Terence let out a heavy, exasperated sigh. His shoulders slumped as he nodded in resignation to his Master's demand. He couldn't understand the intense urgency and aggression behind the need for her blood. Why was she the chosen one?

With determination, Terence devised a scheme - formulated a plan--a crafty plot to prepare an extravagant dinner for a romantic evening with his love, fit for the finest of royals. And he recruited Paris for this special occasion.

As the night approached, tension hung thickly in the air. Terence could feel his heart racing with anticipation and nerves. Would his plan be successful? Only time would tell as he awaited her arrival, hoping everything would go according to plan.

Paris could hardly contain her excitement as she made her way to the billionaire's opulent house, feeling honored to have been exclusively chosen for this special job.

Her heart fluttered with anticipation, knowing that she would be cooking a lavish dinner for him and his lovely date.

She imagined the scene in her mind: an idyllic setting, with soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the table and flowers adorning every surface. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of a man in love, going to such lengths to surprise his partner with a romantic dinner. It was truly a fairytale come to life and she felt lucky to be a part of it.

The idea was too enticing to resist. Her heart raced as she imagined the small event and all the ways she could make it perfect for the love birds. She began to plan a delectable meal, her mind already conjuring up savory dishes and sweet desserts.

But the Vampire had different intentions. In his cunning, business-driven nature, he saw an opportunity to strike a deal with Paris.

He wanted to lure her away and into a private conversation where he would offer her a contract - one that would guarantee a steady supply of her blood every two weeks in exchange for one million dollars.

‘I can’t wait to taste you, Paris.’ The Vampire smirked.

Paris arrived at the mansion, her little Prius idling in front of the iron gate. The grandeur of the dwelling immediately awed her, with its stately columns and sprawling gardens. The guard inside the gate's booth welcomed her with a nod and granted her admission.

Parking her car, Paris couldn't help but feel small compared to the vastness of the estate. As she stepped out of her car, Terence, the caretaker, greeted her at the door with a warm smile.

Anticipation bubbled within her as she popped open the trunk to get the groceries. Terence offered to help, his kind gesture bringing a sense of gratitude. They carried a few bags in their hands leaving the rest in the trunk.

As they stepped into the grand foyer of the house, Paris couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sight before her. A magnificent crystal chandelier commanded attention from the center of the room.

The high ceilings and grand staircase immediately caught her attention. Every inch of wall space was adorned with an impressive collection of art, each piece carefully placed to complement the others. The air was filled with a familiar scent of fresh flowers and polished wood. The sculptures stood proudly next to elegant heirloom furniture, all resting on a plush vintage rug that spanned across the smooth wooden floor.

With each step she took on the plush carpeting beneath her feet, Paris could feel the luxuriousness of it all. She couldn't help but worry that her shoes, not having been cleaned on an outdoor mat beforehand, would leave marks on the pristine flooring. But for now, she allowed herself to bask in the opulence and beauty of this place.

Together, they carried bags and boxes into the mansion, Paris taking in every elegant detail of the interior as they went.

"Wow, this house is stunning," she said breathlessly. "Where's the kitchen?"

Terence smiled and led her down a long hallway, lined with portraits and ornate furniture. As they reached the end, he opened a set of double doors, revealing a spacious and modern kitchen.

"It's just through here," he said, gesturing for her to enter.

Paris gasped at the sight before her. The kitchen was larger than most apartments she had seen in the city. Gleaming marble countertops and state-of-the-art appliances filled the space, along with a large island in the center.

"This kitchen so huge. It makes my kitchen look the size of a microwave," she exclaimed, unable to hide her amazement.

Terence chuckled and helped her unload the bags onto the counter. She began to sort the items--putting frozen products i

"So, is this dinner... a secret proposal by any chance?" she teased playfully while taking some ingredients to put them in the fridge.

She swung open the refrigerator door, “Do I need to hide a ring in a desert or... Blood!!" she stuttered out, unable to tear her gaze away.

She gasped at the sight before her. Her eyes widened in shock and horror.

There was blood, so much blood, stacked and stored in bottles and bags, creating a macabre display--almost suffocating. She could feel her stomach churn and bile rise in her throat.

"Miss Noel--?" A concerned voice broke through her shock.

Paris fell to the ground. The sight made her heart race. The weight of the situation finally hit her, and she collapsed to the ground, unable to bear the gruesome reality before her.


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