Giles' Keeper

Chapter 29

Ophelia smiles at me, adjusting my hair. “You are radiant my lady,” she admires with the warmest smile she can muster. What man has her so sad? No matter how gently I’ve tried to get her to talk, she refuses to broach the subject anymore. Just that her crush has departed from the kingdom. Maybe I need to ask Giles who has left the kingdom, he could be a knight traveling to protect the grounds.

“Thank you Ophelia,” I smile at her smoothing over the red maternity gown, my bump is already clear, grande in size.

“The kingdom is so enthused over the new sun and moon dragon, so many have made gifts for the coming babies,” she smiles at me warmly moving about Giles and I’s quarters freshening the bed. That first time we joined was so utterly embarrassing. I didn’t know what to expect would happen our first time. But the bloody sheets weren’t what I ever could’ve imagined, I wanted to hide beneath the covers for months seeing her shocked red features as she nearly tore the sheets off with the tiniest pleased smiles. I guess the laundry people spread the word of our sheets.

It was almost immediately after that that there were whispers of an heir coming soon. I felt as if I couldn’t show my face at the beaming smiles around every corner. I still have trouble meeting Giles male family members’ eyes as they grinned waiting to see if I will show with babes. It’s been strange, while Cora has mostly returned back to normal, Lennon has been more quiet and subdued. I wonder if it has to do with our conversation?

“Are you well my lady?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask Ophelia coming out of my daze.

“You just are quiet my lady,” she observes, tilting her head to place her hand on my forehead. “Are you coming down with chills? Shall I go fetch the doctor?” She rushes out stepping away as if to go run and fetch the man.

“What? No! That’s not necessary, I’m fine Ophelia,” I try to assure her with a smile. “I’m still adjusting to my state, I think it’ll take some time to get accustomed to my new being,” I reassure her gently watching her breathe a soft breath of relief.

“It’s a beautiful state, you radiate with your babies,” she smiles, relaxing a bit.

“What are the plans for the celebration today?”

“There is a feast planned after gifts will be brought before you and Giles and prayers will be spoken blessing you with health and a safe pregnancy to bring our guides back to our kingdom,” she states with a sweet smile. Will our children have any semblance of a normal childhood? Or will they forever be on a fast track to being an adult and never enjoy being free? The thought makes me terribly sad.

“Is Giles finished getting ready? I’d like to go see him before we are due to bless the banquet hall,” I ask her, watching as she pauses and nods.

“I believe he has finished, I think he was having a word with his father,” she advises as if in warning.

“That is fine, I’ll go find him,” I announced with a smile standing.

“My lady…” I pause at her nervous tone. “Do you remember waking up during your maturing, when you were in the bath?”

“Excuse me?” I question eyes wide watching her. Why on earth are- I must’ve been in the bath. Giles had asked if I remembered the room too. “What is your concern about it?” I ask directly, crossing my arms over my chest. Play it cool.

“Ozul was present while you bathed,” she states with a strong blush making me stare at her, blinking owlishly as I take in her words attempting to hide any physical reaction.

“Giles and him had to talk about all of the knights and their actions,” I shrug, finally swallowing my tongue. There has to be a reason… Why on earth would she bring this up? Does she suspect I don’t remember what happened? The thought makes me want to frown and down right ignore her from here on out just to save some semblance of face.

“You were in the bath,” she whispers, features growing more fierce with embarrassment.

“I know,” I state watching her pause, eyes reeling. “Giles needed to talk to Ozul, just as Ozul needed to talk to Giles. It is nothing more and nothing less.” I shrug it off and open the door, unable to fathom much more of the conversation. I need to talk to Giles now. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t have said something about it. Surely that would qualify as important.

“My lady-”

“Ophelia, there’s no need to continue this conversation. I’d like to go find my mate, thank you for your help in getting ready.” I smile at her and scurry out the door before it can go farther. I need my memories back and fast.

“Yes my lady,” she mutters quietly and I could kick myself for the sadness in her tone. My head is so scattered lately. I’m starting to think it’s a symptom of my maturing. Walking away from our quarters I head for Giles office.

“Nesta, my dear?” Lennon calls, making me pause as my heart drops for a second expecting another verbal lashing from his family. Just what I need now.

“Can I help you Lennon?” I ask politely her features a serene smile like usual.

“I was hoping you could spare a moment before the celebration begins?” Lennon smiles warmly at me easing my worries. I’d rather not. Instead I force a smile and nod following her towards another section of the castle I’ve yet to visit. I don’t think I’ve seen even half of the massive grounds.

“Of course, is everything alright?” Lennon nods, bringing me inside her own dressing quarters locking the door behind her.

“Yes, I feel as though we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot. I know I was rather harsh in our last conversation and I want to apologize,” she picks up my hand holding it tenderly with a warm motherly smile. I wish my mother was as caring as she is.

“I know you want what’s best for the kingdom. Everyone is stressing over the fate of the kingdom,” I respond with a smile. “Though I will say I feel as though you could’ve approached the matter in another, more respectful way. I felt as though you had no respect for me,” I offer with a frown, upset. It was something that had bothered me. Especially since she’s become like a mother figure to me.

While she’s not close to Mrs. Gingham in my eyes she has become a figure I’ve looked up to. “I understand, I didn’t mean to be so harsh with you. I didn’t know the right way to say it and get you to understand,” she sighs, taking a seat and pulling me with her.

“A simple conversation would have sufficed, you know?” I question following her lead and taking a seat beside her. Lennon smooths over her gown taking her time, her expression both filled with sheepishness and shame.

“I understand that, I’m sorry…” she takes a deep breath meeting my gaze. “I have a favor to ask you.” My eyebrows raise up on their own accord.

“A favor? From me?” What possibly could you need from me? I have very little to offer a royal magical woman. “I can try to help, though I have no idea what I can do for you,” I try to offer watching her smile.

“As a married woman yourself, to royalty, might I add, you understand the need and importance of finding an honorable mate that provides for you, don’t you?” She asks, making me stare at her a bit confused.

“I mean, yes, but it’s also important to find the one you truly love, or are destined to-” she waves her hand nodding along with a rushed smile.

“Cora is coming of age soon enough it makes me worry,” she starts making me smile.

“Cora is a bright young woman, capable of handling herself. I know it’s scary to know she will be far from home but she is amazing and strong,” I’m quick to assure her watching her nod with her own smile.

“But she doesn’t have to leave home,” she states, making me want to scratch my head.

“Won’t she come of age and have to find her mate, leaving the kingdom? Or has she already found her life partner?” I start grinning. “That is lovely!”

“Not exactly,” she hums her smile growing as she grabs my hand. “I need you to bless the man Draven and I have chosen for her. You understand the need to be married as a young woman, you also know of the dangers outside of Alodias.” Excuse me.

“Wait, chosen for her? Does she know the man, is he her life partner?”

“I think he could be better than whatever life partner is out there for her. He’s a strong, vital dragon warrior. He’s served the castle for years, become friends with Ozul, it will serve everyone. I need your blessing to arrange their mating,” she beams at me as discomfort rolls through me in waves.

“You want to choose her partner for her? Doesn’t she deserve to have a say in who she is with for life? Don’t they both deserve to have their life partner?” I ask, watching her sigh as she glances at our hands.

“She doesn’t need to risk her life outside of Alodias, there are so many dangers in this world- as you know. Cora shouldn’t be outside of Alodias, not when she’s one of the few female born dragons. There are so few we have to protect the ones we have,” she informs, nodding seriously. “And I know for a fact Raymond’s family has birthed a female dragon. It’ll unsure our chances of having more born females, more chances for male dragons to not search outside of the race for their life partners,” she smiles oblivious to the insult.

“I think it’s unnatural to force a mating, especially if neither are their mates or even want to consider such.” I shake my head sitting back. Why on earth are you so against Cora leaving the castle grounds? She has every right to explore as her brothers have.

“We need more born female dragons, remember how hard the change was for you? Why put other humans through that if we can get more born female dragons and strengthen our race naturally?” She argues, making me question her sanity and reason.

“Cora deserves the experience of exploration if her heart craves it. Her brothers have ventured from the kingdom and will one day find their love, their life partner. Don’t you wish true happiness to Cora? Does she not have the same rights?” I question her pointedly.

“It’s pointless, the world outside of Alodias is riddled with crime and disease; why should she want that? The kingdom is beautiful, plentiful, full of life and camaraderie of her own kind. There’s no need to taint the kingdom with more humans than needed,” she stops as if realizing what she just said.

Taint? I understand your life before ruling was not pleasant, but not every human is some kind of monster. The world is beautiful in its own way; why are you against her leaving?” I ask, shaking my head as I take my hands back from her steady hold.

“What is beautiful aside from here? I know you have been impressed by the kingdom and all it has to offer. Dare you say that it is not beautiful?” She argues with a growing frown.

“I didn’t say that-”

“So there’s no need to leave here,” she completes making me growl, the rumble a pitiful sound compared to Giles growl.

“I will not bless something that is not wanted by Cora. No matter your intentions, she deserves to find her life partner and grow with them. You do not, nor should you try to change her fate for your own desires.” I shake my head regretting this conversation entirely.

“You should consider this, it’s-”

No, it’s nothing. Unless Cora tells me herself she needs my blessing to mate with someone I am not interested in this. Now if you excuse me, I need to find my husband,” I state and walk out hurriedly, ignoring her calls for me to return.

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