Giles' Keeper

Chapter 30

Is Giles in on this arranged marriage? If so, why on earth would she come to me and not him? He likely has more sway than I would on the matter. My frown continues to grow before I’m swept into Giles strong arms as he pulls me to his chest with a warm growl. “You look stunning, my sweet, though I must admit, purple is still my favorite on you,” he purrs against my lips, making me blush.

’Really? I figured you would’ve said nude in bed,” I tease him gently, a fire blazes in his eyes before he kisses me hotly.

‘If we didn’t have a celebration to attend I’d have you in bed ravishing you well into the night,’ he purrs hotly liquefying my core as I return his kiss smiling against his lips. It’s been wonderful returning back to our open relationship, baring both of our souls to one another. I didn’t realize how much I missed feeling him every moment, even apart.

‘You’re turning me into some nymph,’ I flush at my strong reaction, feeling his own as he holds me against his body with a wink.

‘My nymph,’ he whispers, burning my mind with our own fantasies. “Are you ready for the festivities? I noticed you were a bit distracted, is something on your mind?” Do I tell him?

“Your mother apologized for our last conversation, I was appreciating her effort,” I offer before I can overthink things. I want to believe that he would speak against something like that. But how well do we really know each other? Ophelia’s question about the bath room gives me pause to be weary. Do we really know each other?

“You never did tell me all she wanted you know,” he pointed out with a direct stare making me shrug as I rubbed his chest tenderly.

“You have so much going on you don’t need to stress over such a trivial matter. Your mother and I settled our differences, not that there were many to begin with,” I’m quick to reassure him. “How did the meeting with your father go?” Giles shrugs as he loops my arm with his.

“It was what I expected, we went over the toll the weather is having on the kingdom. He tries to aid Reznor and I, Cora does what she is able to. We are making plans to construct structures for our knights and people. We have to make plans for the future, until we have more familial support we will be struggling to maintain balance,” he hums, threading our fingers together as he guides me to the banquet hall.

“How long will it be until Ozul must set off to find his life partner?” I ask, leaning my head against his shoulder. This is so much trouble to face so early on. There’s no greater doom than the uncertainty that lies before us.

‘We will preserve my sweet, that I have no doubt,’ he assures me tenderly. “It will be a few years before he is set to travel. But he is a knight and a valiant fighter. If the humans sense our weakness he will travel to protect our people if necessary,” he answers, the hope that filled my heart plummeting immediately.

‘Meaning there will be so much more stress on you. Is Draven able to help with the strain?’ I nod at his physical answer. “I’ve seen you both spar, you both are skilled knights.”

‘He does what he is able, he hasn’t practiced his magic in centuries I’m afraid, his abilities are rusty- though, they are returning.’ I hum smiling as the doors open to the balcony, our thrones above the lively banquet hall, silently observing the festivities. So much happiness even in the face of the uncertainty.

‘I wish I was able to do more to help, I feel so useless,’ I sigh, met by his growl of upset, eyes narrowed as he kisses my knuckles tenderly.

’You are not useless. Do not think such of yourself my love. You are giving this kingdom our future and blessing me with my own family. You do not understand just how much you are doing my sweet,” he murmurs, meeting my eyes with a passionate steady stare. I blush under his heavy, loving stare as I shake my head at him.

‘You have no patience for any negative talk of myself,’ I tease him, loving how quick he is at ending any possible negative talk I’ve had of myself. He makes me feel seen and cherished. Like it doesn’t matter where I came from. Once I had learned he was a royal I never felt like I belonged, even less when I woke up here all those months ago. Yet now I’m a Queen carrying the next guardians of the sky.

‘Nor should I, you are perfect for me. I see no shortcomings, you may be inexperienced, but so am I,’ he holds my hand facing the crowd as they mingle yet to glance towards the balcony. Have I been here, at our coronation? Looking around I try to feel anything that feels familiar, looks familiar. Maybe this is the first time I’ve been up here.

‘Have I been here before? At the coronation perhaps?’ I ask him to look around and study the floor intently. I want to say I’ve been here at least in passing.

‘On the balcony?’ He questions taking his own seat holding onto my hand steadily.

‘Yes, or even in the hall?’ The tall windows stream what little sunlight can penetrate the thick clouds. I think I’ve been here before. The thrones feel as soft as ever but look impersonal.

’Yes, this is where the coronation was held. We entered at the top stairwell down there and took our spot on the thrones before our kingdom,” he squeezes my hand tenderly as the court announcer steps to the front.

“We are gathered here today in celebration for our King and his Queen, welcoming our saviors and their children to the warmth and safety of the kingdom. We look towards our ancients knowing they bless the growing family with their strength and guidance silently,” the man waves his arms towards the balcony Giles raises his hand in silent greeting, nodding to him. The kingdom erupts in light cheers and joys calls.

“We thank you for your support in these dark times, Nesta and I look forward to being the guiding light through this dark age. In light of our growing family we encourage you all to dance on our behalf and feast with us, share in our joy of our coming children!” Giles raises his arms and the cheers grow in strength warming my soul as music begins to echo through the hall creating a lively atmosphere.

The song that begins to play makes my brain tingle as my heart flutters racing. I’ve heard this song before, I know it. “We’ve heard this one before, haven’t we?” I ask quietly when Giles takes his seat beside me once more.

“Yes my sweet, this is the first song we danced to at our coronation,” he smiles fondly at the memory.

“We danced at our coronation?” The thought makes me incredibly sad, makes my heart ache as I turn to him. ‘How many other moments have I forgotten that we shared?’ Giles stares back before smiling and pulling me up to hold me against him as he starts a slow sensual waltz.

’You will get your memory back my sweet. We will have a lifetime to share moments and make so many more not only together but with our family,” he kisses me and over the thrumming blood in my ears I hear the cheers from below mixing with the music in a happy symphony.

‘Do you worry we won’t see our children when they go to the sky?’ I question randomly resting my head on his chest enjoying the swaying motion he’s created.

‘No, while their visits may be far and few, I know we will be able to reach them when it matters, we will always be near to their hearts,’ he assured me, making me hum.

‘I worry I won’t be a good enough mother to them, I’m not like them, not like you are,’ I sigh, planting a kiss on his chest. Lennon’s words hang with me, weighing my mind. Does she think I taint the kingdom because I am a human? Is it just me she views as tainting the kingdom or is it all humans? Maybe I need to talk with Jezebel, see if she’s had the same type of conversation.

‘Nonsense my sweet, you are like them in every way that matters. You may not be a dragon like they will be, but you will be their mother. No one can take that from you,’ he purrs and I hear the smile in his voice. ‘I can’t wait to meet our babies, watch them grow to the beings they are meant to be.’

‘Neither can I, the day they arrive will be one of the most blessed days we’ve had yet,’ I grin looking up to steal a kiss from him. Giles has kept as happy of an attitude as possible, focusing on their arrival. Not the if’s. I appreciate him keeping my head steady, now that I’ve chosen to focus on that rather than the horrors my mind continues to conceive of their arrival. They will arrive and I will be here to meet them.

‘Not as blessed of a day as our first meeting,’ he purrs with a smile. ‘Do you remember that first day you came out?’ I smile nodding.

‘The moon was so silver and the forest peaceful, it called to me,’ I answered, remembering it all as if it was yesterday. The owl that had befriended me. ‘You were that owl, weren’t you?’ He had never confirmed it, always teased the thought away from my mind. He laughs winking at me.

’You are stuck on that thought my sweet…” he winked before nodding slightly. ‘Yes one of my abilities is to speak with animals and… borrow their vision on occasion. I had to make sure my treasure was safe on her dangerous trek to me. I was never far from you the second I knew you were my life partner.’ Butterflies erupt in my belly at his admission.

‘I knew it was you!’ I grin, flushing at his admittance. ‘I was so shocked hearing your growl the first time- why did you growl at me? Had I done something to offend you?’ The large cloud of steam that billowed from the mouth of the cavern was enough to have my heart stopping, much less the growl that followed.

‘Mostly from hunger, I was holding my breath until you had walked away and the scent of the fresh kill was heaven to my starved body. I was in shock feeling the bond snap into place it called to me, I wanted nothing more than to captivate you and court you wholly in that moment,’ he admits with a sly grin.

‘You knew immediately?’

‘It was the draw, I know you felt the pulling back to the cavern,’ he responds, guiding me back to my seat as the second song comes to an end.

‘There were so many nights I wanted to go inside to see what you hid. Granted, I never could’ve imagined in my wildest dreams you were a dragon,’ I grin cheekily at him. After I was shot seeing his large scaled belly pass over me I felt as if I was dreaming and already dead. His tan scales were hard against my hand, yet the blood that smeared on his belly still a stark image in my mind.

‘Even after all of our talks about magic?’ He asks amusedly, smiling at me.

‘I still thought you were crazy if I’m honest,’ I grin at him watching him shake his head as his eyes dance with amusement. ‘Do you think I can meet your dragon one day, when I’m not about to die? I’d like to see all of my life partner,’ I ask hopefully, listening to his chuckle that teases my heart.

‘Of course my sweet, it may take some time before I feel as if it’d be safe to change here,’ he responds, kissing my hand. ‘But we have a lifetime to fill with our own memories,’ he reminds me tenderly.

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