Ghost in the Roses

Chapter 41

Another day of cleaning and rehearsing for the ceremony is finally done. My feet and hands are killing me, but I still got to get my uniform ready. That ribbon and pins aren’t going to line up on my blazer themselves. After this, all that’s left is to polish my black boots and with my door left wide open, I expect my friend to deliver the shoe polish from the Exchange.

Just in time, Kai is back, “Here it is, bud.”

“Thanks, set it on my dresser, please,” my fingers finish adjusting one of the pins.

“You are almost done with that?” he nods at my uniform.

“Think so. Do they look lined up?” I point at the shoulder pins.

“Yeah, they look good, but there’s only one way to know for sure,” he picks up my measuring ruler.

“They need to be 2 inches away from the seam, dragon’s feet face away from the collar and everything.”

“You said two?”

“That’s what the guide says.”

“Yep, it’s 2 inches, exactly. Do you think you can check mine when you’re done?”

“Of course,”

“Adrien...” he turns reluctant and starts fumbling with that ruler.

“Kai,” I look at him, wondering where he caught this nervous tic.

“I have one more favor to ask you.”

“What’s up?”

“ still have that... ring, right?”

“Yeah, it’s in the closet next to the sewing kit.”

“I’ll be needing it,” he swallows, hard.

“Go ahead and go get it,” I try to play casually, but it’s so hard to fight that smile that is dying to come out. Trying not to act happy for my friend is like trying to avoid the need to breathe.

Sounds like Kai has made plans for the rest of the day, for the rest of his life, and the only hope for it is that Nina is on the same page as him. I think she is.

Still, there are so many possibilities for which way this can go down. Nina can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ or ‘let me think about it’ or ‘ask me again next year’ or say nothing at all and run far away.

“Scared?” I find his nervous jitters funny.

“Shitting bricks,” he opens the little box.

"Are you sure about this, then?"

"I know this is going to sound really stupid and cheesy but, I've been sure since the first day of school when she walked through that mist."

“What are you going to do if she says yes?” I lean over his shoulder and together we stare down at the sparking rock embedded in a velvet cushion.

“That’s the thing, Adrien. If she says yes, I’ll ask for the fiancé transfer into her Domain House.”

With anticipation, he’s waiting for my reaction. There’s a friend’s fear in his eyes, not knowing if I would give my blessing on this change of plan.

“I figured you would,” smiling, I nod at him. “I knew it since the day you asked me to hold on to this ring and I wouldn’t have agreed to safe keep it for you if I didn’t support it.”

“Thank you,” his shoulders drop as he sighs with relief.

“Kai, no matter where you choose go or how far, I’ll always be your friend and Nina’s,” my blessing is given.

“You’re not mad? At all?”

“No, but I will be if you don’t make me the best man at your wedding,” I laugh.

He laughs with me.

The day barely started and the sun is only barely peaking out when a loud voice floods the hall with excitement. This doesn't sound like an inspection raid - much too happy. With my toothbrush still at work, I open the door to see what's going on.

A cadet who was assigned for guard watch last night, runs down the hall, yelling, with a stack of papers close to his chest. "It's over!! It's all over!! They're gone!! They're all gone!!"

"What's going on?" I ask a neighboring cadet who came out of his room for the same reason as me. He too gets caught off guard in the middle of his morning routine and half of his face is covered in shaving cream.

"I haven't got a clue, brother," he shrugs.

"Maybe we get to use the nice expensive cleaners on toilets today, instead of that foul bleach," I joke.

The happy madman runs back down our way and I take the opportunity to stop him this time.

"Hey, hey, take it easy. What's going on? Why are you yelling?" I get in his way.

"It's over. It's all over. They're gone. They're all gone," like a broken record player, he keeps repeating. Agitated, I decide to find out on my own and snatch one of the newspapers from him.

The headline article takes the whole front page to explain. In pure disbelief, my toothbrush falls out of my mouth. They did it. They actually pulled it without any incidents. The mission was a success.

No more kings. No more queens. No more favorites. All of the monarch families submitted their resignation papers and gave up all of their powers and all titles. To assure the people that the royals will have no effect on future decisions, they have been transported abroad. Their whereabouts are secret for their own protection.

The Red Movement will start writing the new constitution and people's rights today. The first election will be held soon. The Knight's Council and the selected knights will oversee the order, law, and peace of this transition. The borders of Domains and their traditions will still remain the same. The difference will be it's the people who will wield the power to elect the term's rulers, not a bloodline's birthright.

He's right - It's over. It's all over. They're gone. They're all gone.

Without even knowing it, last night was the last night of the old ways. Tomorrow is graduation- the beginning of my new career and so is the beginning of a new age. The article calls it the People's Age.

Public speeches will be held all throughout the Domains to collaborate the news of this victory.

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