Ghost in the Roses

Chapter 42

Standing at attention with the rest of the total 12 graduating classes, I’m waiting for my name to be called. I’ve been waiting for this an entire year. No, I’ve been waiting for this since the day I could remember my dreams. Today, I won’t have to wait that long, only until they start anointing my flight.

Once again, we are at the West Lobby, but today we will be returning our House Ribbons and quitting our title as cadets. In exchange, we’ll be given the Knight’s Coin and will be granted the responsibility and privilege of being called knights.

All sorts of tests, trials, and tribulations pushed us all to the limits. And even after our breaking point, we’ve been pushed even farther. We all broke down, but not all had enough resiliency and will left to let the instructors help us rebuild ourselves. Today is graduation day at the Academy and for the first time I’m on the other end of a harvest picking. For years I’ve been accustomed of being the farmer picking the fruit, but today I am the fruit: the cream of the crop.

In the back, seated on the long wooden benches are our families. They aren’t the only one’s watching us become knights. Above us, I can sense them use that ceiling as a spy glass to watch us, again. My eyes move up to see if they’re too, gleaming with pride, but at a moment’s notice I’m not allowed to do a reading on their celestial faces.

“Adrien A. Rivers of Violet Domain from class number 9!”

Oh, good gods, don’t let me trip and fall.

Even with all that training, this day makes me feel lucky enough that I don’t.

At the far end of the line, I see that Madam Svetochka is back...sort of. This vampire sitting at the far end of the line looks just like her. The real director should still be on her mission and there’s no way she’s back. Right? This must be her decoy. Right? That clever knight used speculations and confusion to cover her tracks and has plenty of witnesses for a perfect alibi.

Councilman dressed in his armor stands in front of me. Our eyes meet.

“Adrien Astral Rivers, you have successfully completed the Knight’s Academy program. Do you accept the privileges, responsibility, power, and all of the duties that come with knighthood?” he asks.

“I do,” with my left hand I give up my house ribbon.

Then, just as instructed and practiced on our rehearsal days, I get down on one knee and lower my head.

“Starting now, you are no longer a civilian or a cadet. You are a knight,” as he speaks, his sword dubs me.

A priestess comes forward with a silver bowl that fits perfectly in the palm of her hand. “In good will and faith of the people, I anoint you to go forward with this calling,” her index finger marks my forehead with the freshly prepared blessed oil. Quickly, it cools and my nose picks up its herb infused scent.

“Rise, Sir Rivers,” the councilman says as the holy woman in her ceremonial robe steps back.

I get up and once again, we’re eye to eye.

“Sir River, carry this Knight’s Coin always, like you will carry your duties and responsibilities,” he places it in my hand.

“I will,” I smile at the tiny dragon engraved into the blue and white metal to symbolize duties and life of a knight. In the center of the other side, a violet-backed starling flies with a bellflower in its beak stands for the Violet House I start serving today.

The moment the ceremony is complete and the families are allowed to greet their graduates, my mother rushes to congratulate me.

“I’m so proud of you, Adrien. It feels like it was only yesterday I was walking you to your first day of kindergarten and now you’re done with a graduate program and are a knight,” she hugs me, tight, gleaming with pride as my father comes up behind her. Patently, he waits for her to release me from her grip.

“Well done, son. Well done,” he squeezes my hand, hard and keeps holding on as he shakes it. “We are both, very, very, very proud of you.”

“Thank you,” I can’t stop smiling either.

“Well, let’s see that Knight’s Coin of yours,” she points at my hand.

“Here it is, at last,” I give it to her.

Lost in memories of long ago, she places her fingers on the dragon’s image, “The design hasn’t changed, not even one little bit.”

“You haven’t changed either. Still beautiful as ever,” my father’s complement catches my mother off guard.

“And you’re still such a tease,” blushing, she nudges him.

Smiling, I shake my head at the two old flirts as they hand me back my coin.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Rivers. You look lovely as ever,” Kai makes sure to see the old family’ friends. His family and Nina with hers are right beside him.

“Oh, Kai,” her arms spread like the wings of the starling on the back of my coin and embrace him with the same affection as she has given me. “Congratulations. And who is this lovely young knight next to you?” she smiles at the redhead.

“This is Madam Sarova, knight of the Blue Domain,” proudly, Kai introduces Nina.

“Please, it’s Nina amongst friends,” she shakes my mother’s hand.

“I’m Mrs. Rivers, Adrien’s mother. Congratulations to you too, my dear,”

“Hey, Adrien. Congratulations,” Nina smiles.

“You too,” I say.

“Would you like to see what a Blue Domain’s Knight’s Coin looks like?” she places her left hand is in her pocket.

“Yes, I would.”

A beaming Nina takes it out and, in her fingers, she dangles it as if to tease me. The back of her coin has a blue jay with a mountain larkspur in its beak, but that’s not the only shiny thing that catches the light in her hand. I recognize that sparkle. My heart skips a beat as I realize that it has been released out of its little box and into the wild.

My mother gasps with her hands placed on her heart. This is the last straw on the camel’s back and I think she’s about to give into her happy tears that she’s been fighting all this time.

“I’m engaged. Kai proposed yesterday,” her manicured fingers do a little dance to the tune of her series of giggles.

Words can’t describe how I feel, so I hug her instead. She hugs me back, still laughing.

I look up at Kai as he smiles like a kid in a candy store who’s about to be taken to an amusement park next. “You’re one lucky son of a bitch,” my voice is just quiet enough, so that my mother can’t hear my profanity.

“Yes, I am,” he whole heartedly agrees as our three families continue get acquainted with each other.

The reunions are complete and West Lobby begins to empty. With no time to loose, we must keep up with the schedule of the day. After the ceremony and under the close supervision of our trainers, all the graduates march to 2nd Square. It’s time for the Knight’s Academy to introduce the new knights to the world.

The public is already there to observe us on from the bleachers. With little flags in their energetic hands, the people yell and cheer at us. There, we are inspected by the capital’s officials and high ranking knights who sit at their private box. One after the another, each flight pays its respects. As we near toward their sight of view, our flight leader’s powerful voice calls us to attention. Acting as one, our heads snap in their direction and look on for their leadership. Our flight leader yells again and just like that, our blank faces snap back forward. Every move and command is intentional and confident.

Somewhere in the far back depth of the square, our leader places us amongst the organized sea of our fellow knights. The march comes to a halt, and so does the supporting audience. All eyes are on the high ranking leaders. The time for their speeches and congratulations has come and after their voices are done echoing for all to hear, the time to raise our has come. With our right hand up, we give an oath and ourselves to the people.

At last, this is over. At last, after one solid year of intense training, all-nighters, and mental pressure the cream of the crop is produced, because that's exactly what the people deserve. I have no doubt in that. When it comes to the new government that replaced the queens and kings, we can only hope they have the intensions and competency to do live up to their task.

After the lengthy plans of formalities and parade, The Knight’s Academy gathers a nerve to let out its hot and fresh batch of knights and their emotional families out in public. Gods bless them and have mercy on Petograd’s downtown. Kai’s, Nina’s, and mine families hire a large dining room in one of the restaurants and order a fantastic feast to hold a double-caused celebration - the graduation and an engagement.

Kai’s and mine families are small, since we are our parent’s only children and so are our parents to our grandparents. Nina’s family, on the other hand, is huge compare to ours. I knew she grew up with 4 brothers and 2 sisters, but I never knew she has so many uncles and aunts and so, so many cousins. There is one particular humorous uncle I will never forget, and particularly won’t forger his wine drinking capacity. Where we lack in being quiet and graceful, our parents make up for it in the tip for the servers and the cooks.

The three-day graduation visit goes by so quickly and before we know it, it’s time to see our visiting families off at the train station. How I wish everyone could stay a day or two more. That uncle of Nina’s has a lot of amusing tales and has a true talent for storytelling. Also, it was so cute to see Nina’s sisters hover and giggle all over her engagement ring. And I’m going to miss my mother keep asking to see my Knight’s Coin again and my father smiling and nodding at me.

But all good things come to an end. This time their end is at the departure time of 9:19 p.m.

All that’s left to do is pass time and wait for our apprenticeship mentors come to the Academy to claim us to our Domain of service.

“Hey, we’re going back downtown. Do you want to come with us?” Kai asks, as Nina yells for a taxi carriage.

“No, I’ve got other plans,” I lie. “You guys go ahead and enjoy yourselves.” Being a third wheel is not my idea of a fun night out. I would much rather let those love birds alone and go party with the other cadets.

“Are you sure?” Nina says.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I nudge them to go inside their ride.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kai helps Nina in.

“Bye!” I wave at their leaving carriage.

As I’m trying to call for my own ride, a voice brings my signaling hand back down. Here she is, in full glory of a pitch black dress and a leather jacket to match. Her rebel boots add some edge to her look.

In pure white, bright gold and polished black, I’m her complete opposite.

“So, do I fit in those plans of yours?” she says.

“Lada,” I shake my head, “The rebellion is over. You’ve got to stop sneaking around me like that.”

“What are you doing tonight, Sir Rivers?” her head tilts.

“I don’t know. Probably join the rest of the class at the pubs or go to one of those private parties the Capital set up for us.” not having any particular preference for either, I shrug my shoulders. Besides, it sounds like Lada might have an idea.

“Boriiing,” her eyes do a roll. “How would you like to go to the Underground and see how revolutionaries celebrate victories?”

“Are you going to get me in trouble, again?”

“Trouble? When did I ever cause you any trouble?” She plays to be surprised at my accusation.

The irony is her word makes me squint at her with my arms crossed.

“Come on, each corner of all of Domains are celebrating. I’m celebrating too. It’s your graduation and the movement is complete - there’s no need to worry of being seen with me anymore.”

“I’ve been to Underground a few times before, but both times I was either shot with a dart or lured into a dark room while blind folded.”

“I promise you a much better experience this time.”

Without much trouble, a taxi carriage stops for us the moment she raises her arm.

On the way to where ever this ride is taking us, Lada asks me all about the graduation ceremony and laughs at the story about how we were instructed to clean the whole school as our reward. My Knight’s Coin seems to amuse her too. To top it all, I tell her that my two best friends that she sees me hanging with all the time are now engaged to each other. Of course, a shocked and excited Lada asks all about the ring.

The topic about me ends there and the conversations continues with me asking her about the secret mission she and Madam Svetochka organized. Lada tells me what she’s allowed to - that she was the one who transported the Green Queen and how they had some time to bond and learn about one another, how it was only this morning that she came back from this long, undercover trip. This only strengthens my suspicion of Madam Svetochka deploying a decoy in her place at the graduation ceremony.

“I’m so excited to start helping write the new constitution,” Lada can’t seem to sit still at the very thought of it.

“Yes, there is still a lot to do,” I say.

“I know and I eager to get on it. Oh, we're here. Driver, stop here!”

Why am I not surprised to see our coach stop close by to those alleys?

“Come on,” she motions me to follow her through the tunnel of walls.

Once again, I see the strange graffiti and writings, stairs leading to mysterious basements, make-shift shops, and holes in the walls. I expect her to seek out the Leo graffiti, but she ducks under a cloth cover that serves as the door to one of those many shops. Her hand holding on to mine, leads me to do the same. There’s nothing particularly interesting or out of ordinary about this shack that we enter.

The shopkeeper, tired and ragged, fixes his glasses resting on his bird-like nose. A puff of dust lifts as he shuts a book closed.

“Hello, Lada,” the goblin smiles, but that smile quickly fades away as he spots me behind her. “And who is this?”

“Don’t worry, he’s a knight. This is Sir Rivers,” she moves out of the way for him to get a closer look at me.

“Congratulations on your graduation, Sir Rivers,” the goblin shakes my hand.

“Thank you,” I shake his back.

“What kind of a book are you looking for?”

“Oh, something fun. Something that’s party,” very carefully, Lada insects the collection of books that was just enough to fill only one of his many book cases. All of the others are empty. I guess book selling business in good anywhere.

“Ah, this one,” she points at a book with a silver spine and gives the shop keeper his payment.

“Good choice, Lada,” the goblin takes the shiny book out, after he puts the money in his noisy chaser box.

“You’re taking me book shopping?” I whisper into her ear.

“Be ready, here it goes,” as he stands next to one of the empty cases, his hand covered with warts places Lada’s book in a middle of a vacant shelve.

“No, I’m taking you on a trip,” she winks.

Indeed, she is, because that book isn’t a book, but a key that turns a lock, exposing a secret door.

As we enter this back room, I’m confused to see a wide wall covered with a mural of an old school hypnotic.

“Hold my hand and follow me,” Lada smiles.

I do as she does and place my foot against that black and white wall. The foot that’s still behind gathered the courage to follow the other and pushed away from the familiarity of the floor. Just like that, Lada and I stand on top of this simple art piece. Carefully, we follows its pattern.

It seems for a moment that she is leading me toward the center, but then I feel the stone under me move. With each step, the wall silently folds in a circular motion. The more we walk, the more it caves into a cone. A spiraling trail leads us deeper and deeper to face yet another door.

“Alright, Adrien. Here it is. Be ready,” Lada presents the exit door that’s no different from the other one. “Oh, and don’t think about it. Just jump in,” she adds on and pushes it wide open.

A world of multitude of towers and lights reveals itself. It looks like a metropolitan city deep in the night, but the unseen dwellers refuse to sleep, instead they celebrate their restlessness with a light show.

Into the cold dark, we plunge down past all the rows of twinkling lights that adorn the endless sea of skyscrapers. There’s no wind whistling in my ears and feel no friction cutting away at me. An airless vacuum gives us no resistance against this fast paced descend. I’m mesmerized at the bouquet of towers that grow higher and higher with an alarming speed until I no longer see their glossy peaks.

This abyss ends and it’s as gentle and light as the feather. A sea of flat glass is under my feet. From gods knows where, music flows. Only then, Lada lets go of my hand and with a slight force against this enchanted floor, she floats up. A gravity is slow to claim her back.

I dare to do the same, but push for a higher jump than hers. This gives me plenty of time to do a few spins in the air. Lada repeats, but outdoes me by landing on her hands and only then back on her feet. Laughing, Lada and I do this strange dance off and together, keep daring to lift up higher and higher. All sense of time and gravity as I know it, is gone. Just I think that nothing can top this strange and beautiful experience, she surprises me when her hands takes a hold of my uniform color in mid flight and draw me in for a long kiss. Her lips are still made of strawberries, just as I remember.

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