Ghost in the Roses

Chapter 40

I passed! So, did Kai and Nina. Finally, this is over and we are just a graduation day away from being anointed to be knights. Unfortunately, there are five of our classmates who won’t be joining us on that day. Just as Head Coach promised, the bottom three got eliminated and there are an additional two who simply didn’t pass one of the final exams.

I have got to know them pretty well over this year and I’m sorry to see them go, especially Katia.

“What are you going to do now?” I ask as I escort her to the taxi carriage right outside the gates.

“I don’t know. My family still won’t even speak to me after they found out. Maybe, I can apply to be a paralegal or a physical trainer,” she shrugs.

“Those are good options,” nodding, I help her secure the luggage on top of the roof.

“Or maybe a bounty hunter. What do you think?”

“I feel sorry for the outlaws already.”

“I’m only kidding. You know I like my manicures and I’m too scared to get any tattoos. Scary and ragged is just not my look,” Katia makes an excellent point when she takes out her grandmother’s red rose hairpin. “Besides, some thug might steal this beauty.”

“Hey, I remember that thing,” it’s good to see that flower come out of hiding after all.

“I’m sad that I didn’t pass,” she looks up, “but at least I get to wear this again whenever I want.”

Once again, she secures it in her hairdo.

“Take care of yourself, Katia. Don’t be a stranger, keep in touch and if you need anything, you can reach me through my parents.” I help her in.

“Thank you, I will. Well, this is it. Goodbye, Adrien,” she looks out of the door window.


Our handshake splits as the carriage abruptly starts to carry her away. No matter how much we don’t want to admit it, it’s not very likely that we’ll see each other any time soon.

That’s why I couldn’t let her go without sneaking some rosewood seeds into one of her suitcases. It will help me feel assured that Katia will be okay. If she sells them, that handful of kernel should be enough to secure her own little house to call home.

Back inside, I slowly let a bittersweet flavor brew in my heart. I’m happy to be graduating and eager to start my dream career, but I wish I didn’t have to lose friends and classmates along the way.

“Adrien, come on!” Kai rushes to me.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Madam Svetochka has an important announcement to make. She’s calling for all cadet company to gather at the East Lobby.”

“About what?”

“To congratulate us. Rumor has it she has a surprise for us.”

“Really? What is it?”

I could really use some cheering up right now.

“Who fucking knows. Let’s hurry.”

With the rest of the cadets, we gather. Nina finds us and she’s just as excited. As Madam Svetochka enters the lobby, we all grow quiet and wait for her journey to the podium to be over already.

At last, she speaks, “My dear cadets, first of all, I want to congratulate you on such an amazing accomplishment- the successful completion of our intense program. For an entire year, this campus has been your home, your training facility, your sanctuary, and your torture. You sacrificed your sleep and had your mental strength pushed to the limit. You put your sweat and blood into each and every day and I must say, it sure does smell like it. What have you done to my beautiful Academy? There is only one way you may make it up to me and the rest of the faculty. Clean it. Every corner. Every inch. Every door-handle. You'll stay up until the whole place is ready for a white glove inspection. And it better be clean, or I’ll hold your graduation ceremony hostage until it is.”

This is no joke. I wish it was. The cleaning supplies that await us show just how serious her order is and by now, we know better than let a complaint or objection squeak past our lips.

“Yes, Ma’am!!” we shout instead.

That gives us only three days to do all that cleaning and that's not counting the ceremony rehearsals we'll have to drill. Instead of taking a breather like we all hoped to do, all of the flights will be putting in some serious overtime to get all of that accomplished in a timely manner.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. It's way past midnight, it sure does smell like it. At least this floor polish on this marble floor does. Kai, Nina, and I make sure that all the blood and sweat are scrubbed off clean, and finally, the time has come to wipe off the last coat of this zesty, white paste.

To celebrate yet another great accomplishment, the three of us decide to have a private ball. We tighten the straps and with sponges secured under our feet, my friends and I glide out our secret waltz.

Our party lasts most of the night, but like all good things it came to an end. While putting away my share of freshly washed and dried rags and sponges in the janitorial closet, I notice shadows walking.

But if they dare linger alone in daylight, it’s certain for them to come out at night in groups. Lada is one of them. She can’t help herself, but I’m surprised that Madam Svetochka picked up the same habit.

I rush to their end of the hall, “Madam Svetochka?”

“Good morning, cadet. I see you are still up,” she says.

“Is everything okay, Ma’am?” I glance over.

“Yes, everything is okay. Lada and I have work to do.”

“Madam, let me come with you,” I dare suggest.

“Not this time, Adrien. You see, the rest of the kings and queens finally submitted their letters of resignation yesterday and a selected group, including me, will relocate them right away,” she puts her hands on my shoulders.

“Are you sure you won’t need another body?”

“Thank you, cadet, but no,” she shakes her head and walks on.

“What can I do then?”

“Tell no one you saw us. No one.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Don’t worry, Adrien. We got this,” Lada makes sure to talk down my nerves.

“Lada, talk to me. What’s going on? Is there some kind of trouble?”

“No, for now, and we must do this to keep it that way. Only a dozen of us will go; we must keep our numbers low to keep a low profile. The Rouge Red has proven itself to be a very light trigger to set off, so our absence must be kept to a minimum to avoid their attention. Beware, Adrien, the enemy can be anyone and can linger anywhere. I won’t be here to protect you, so keep your guard up while I’m gone.”

“I'll keep out of trouble.”

“After the transport is done, I’m really looking forward to working with you, Adrien. You'll make one heck of a knight,” a smile breaks her serious face.

“Me too, and you make one heck of a leader,” I smile back and let her catch on with the rest of the team headed for the landing docks.

Once again, she’ll get to fly on a dragon and this time, I’ll have to sit out this ride.

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