Ghost in the Roses

Chapter 39

Writing what each root and herb does is easy. The correct dosage for each different scenario proves to be more challenging. It gets harder as we proceed to the oral part - the spell casting.

It’s my turn. Sir Tolskin walks the long arrangement he has prepared and picks a bone off our Loraine, the display skeleton of a real mermaid. With his bare hands, he breaks it clean in half. Without saying a word to me, he waits for what I would do. In my hands, I feel the flow of the break and run a mental checklist through my mind.

Out of his window boxes where he grows all the vegetation, I choose the ginkgo plant. I weigh both the broken bone and the leaves. Next, I crush the greens to the right consistency and use the paste to fuse the fracture. Massaging it just right is just as important as pronunciation.

As I drift into a trance and let the First Forgotten Language come to me, my mouth lets out three voices at the same time. One of them is mine. I'm still here, just not alone. Opening myself up like that, while still maintaining boundaries took a lot of practice to learn.

“Flos autem ginkgo biloba, soma os et medulla ossis.

Restituere os et medulla ossis.

Soma et restituere.

Soma et restituere.

Soma et restituere...”

After the ancient voices are done with me, my eyesight comes back, revealing my results. The bone is healed. A very pleased Sir Tolskin nods at me to let the next cadet come through.

As I exit the classroom, I feel pretty good about how I did on this Medicinal Conjuring exam.

On my way to the next exam, a pleasant surprise comes my way. Everyone knows that she is here, I just didn’t expect our paths to cross on such a busy day. By some dumb luck, Lada passes me by in the hallway. Along her side, Madam Svetochka and her staff walk on. No sneaking around this time, Lada and her crew are invited into the Knight’s Academy.

“Good luck,” she says.

“You too.”

Our exchange is brief.

As much as I would like to be the fly on the wall in the director’s office and listen in on their meeting, my focus needs to remain on the rest of the finals. For now, I need to practice my own advice - I won’t be any good in the future if I don’t pass. Easier said than done.

“Come on, let’s do this,” out of nowhere, Nina links arms with me.

“We got this,” Kai comes at me from the other side.

“I just hope I don’t go against Boe,” I admit my fears.

“He is pretty scary,” with his eyebrows up, he nods.

“You’re one of the fastest ones though,” she reminds me.

Nodding, I sigh with relief. What would I do without them?

Together, we walk to the arena.

Some luck I have! I just had to open my mouth and say something, didn’t I!

In armor, I take my assigned place. Boe Tucker, my opponent stands on the other side of our circle. My grip on my weapons keeps switching. From a distance, he’s calculating me and I’m trying to calculate him.

I’m no stranger to him and neither is he to me. Over the entire year, we all came to learn each other’s strengths and insecurities, habits, and out-of-comfort-zones. Our fights go deeper than testing out each other’s weaknesses and blind spots.

For the last time, our coach addresses us as his students, “As you can see, for this final battle I chose Adam’s Ribs to be the weapon for each of you! The very weapon you’ll receive as a ceremonial gift when you’ll arrive as knights at your Domain’s House! Try your hardest, no matter how hopeless you feel! Don’t get too cocky with those who’ve been doing well. This test can either break you or save you from the bottom three! To make it even more interesting, this test is only one round!”

“Yes, Sir!” I shout with the rest.

“Visors down!”


“Arms up!”



And Check.


Here goes nothing.

I strike, but he disappears into the time-space cut. Before I can guess, Boe reappears. My ivory knife blocks his attack. Then, blocks the next one with the other in my hand. Hit. Block. Hit. Block. Hit. Block. This is stalling, so I make my cut to get out of it. My reappearance redirects the fight. Still, we play the same cat-and-mouse game. Now you see me. Now, you don’t. Hit. Block. Hit. Block.

My body will start growing tired soon. I can’t keep this up forever. Boe seems like he can go on and on. He has always been stronger, stronger than most of us. A fucking bull.

Maybe, I can be the fox.

Only unpredictability will tilt the scales.

I haven’t tried this before and this can backfire. Timing is everything. I get ready for this trap anyway. Like before, he comes at me. Like before, I cut the space. But this time I don’t jump into it. Instead, I use his own momentum against him and push. This exit is not for me.

His confusion and my speed just might be my winning combo. Boe has no choice but re-enters at my choosing. Time to roll out the welcome wagon. He knows what’s coming, but doesn’t know from where or how.

My blade ends his guessing.

Next exam - Criminal Law.

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