Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 8. Part II

The elevator door opens to the 3rd floor, our jaws drop. Clearly feeling out of place and a slight of guilt knowing we shouldn’t even be here right now. The interior design is astounding.It is massive in size. It had a pop of primary colours that brought a lively hue into its designing style. With a moving glass wall, revealing the incredible rooftop and its infinity swimming pool right by the edge.

Servicing as the best view spot at the roof terrace. Besides the rooftop and its pool, the third most noticeable thing in the room is the grand open bar. I don’t think I ever remember seeing a bar that had that many bottles. It took us awhile to get back to reality.

“Aren’t we fucking lucky to have befriended a Moons. Azah you are the best. ” Sara said as she began to sway her hips more fiercely while walking to the open bar.

“Shit it’s Saul.” Sophia took her drink and tried to disappear by blending in with the crowd further away from us. Though it was already too late, Saul had seen her before she left.The good-looks gene must run in the family. Saul is handsomely tall and very buff guy. He has the same strawberry blonde hair as the twins, as well as sea-green eyes. You couldn’t miss the family resemblance.

He chuckled deeply while eyeing Sophia then settling his eyes to Sara. “So who let you guys in?”

“Gods, Saul if you tell Dad I’m going to kill you!” Sara warns.

“Chill.. Jheez.. I’m here to have fun as much as you. But Si isn’t gonna be too happy.”

“Shit is he here?”

Aïssatou suddenly fixed herself up and ask “ Si is here?”

Sara grin and rolls her as she says “We are not meeting him, he’ll just kill the fun.”

“Who’s Si” I whispered to Aïssatou.

She replies and says “ Si is Saul’s twin. But thats not important. What’s important is that he’s available and not gay. Wait here I’m going to find him.”

“Aïssatou wait!” and then there were two.

Leaving me with Sara, enjoying the view while half-heartedly listening to the two cousins bickering.Someone is looking at me. I can just feel it.Twisting my head to the direction of the glass door. As expected the guy’s eyes were fixed on me. His eyes now flashing cobalt blue while walking towards our direction. It’s like a staring contest, neither one of us dropped eye contact.

Sara locked arms with me.

Saul gave a warm smile and ask “Sara, who let you in.”

“Azah did. Azah meet my cousin Saul.”

“Hi. Seriously Sara….” Saul pauses and he came to the realization of what Sara just said. He glances at me, before he could speak, the guy came and places one of his hand on Saul’s back.

This has to be Yeshua. He looks a lot like my mom. With long auburn locs like mine, expect his dreads are more jumbo in size. Tall Lean and built but looks smaller near Saul’s buffed muscular body.His brilliant light blue eyes are like my mom’s , radiating power as he glares at me for a second then takes a quick glance at my necklace. One hand was still on Saul’s back and the other extended to greet my hand.

“We finally meet. My name is Yeshua.”

Stunned, I shook his hand “Azah.”

“Did Saul bring you here?” Yeshua is looking at his mate Saul.

I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the only one who’s trying to process all this. Saul is still unable to say a word. Instead, Sara spoke, “Azah was able to get us up here.”

Yeshua’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Not trying to take credit for everything, because if it wasn’t for Aïssatou paying attention in her witch history class then we wouldn’t really be here.

“Aïssatou told us about the house, and I just happen to say a few words.”

He didn’t seem to be surprised by this, he just nods.

Sara slight coughs and says, “Ok, so now that the long-lost cousins have finally met can we have fun here.”

Sara and I got a glass of rum and coke. Yeah a glass, not even a plastic cup like the ones downstairs. This place seems to be more exclusive than the downstairs bonfire party. Yeshua gives Saul a kiss on the cheek.

“Azah.” He says before he leaves to talk to others.

“Yeshua.” I said awkwardly.

Well that was weird.Saul stays with us to play some drinking games. After some time a sudden slight of unease creeps in, that fluttery nervous stomach feeling. I’m not the only one that notices the change in the atmosphere of the room. The aura is definitely powerful. Sara seems to be excited but nervous at the same time, while Saul became more serious, alert even. My heart starts thumping louder.Someone is behind me.

“Saul? My wolf senses...” Sara’s full attention is at the person behind me. I see her eyes glisten in administration.

His deep voice is magnetic to the core of whom I am as if he’s able to resonate with all of me when others can barely achieve a fraction of it.Such an overwhelming rush over a man’s voice. Frozen. A stranger has me feeling this way? I drop my glass on the floor. Sara’s attention is back on me.


I bolted out like Usain Bolt sprinting for a gold medal. Expect I’m not running for a gold medal, I’m running away from him.

Sara is yelling. “AZAH WAIT”

hyperventilating, as I hear Sara and other voices behind me shouting my name. I don’t know where I’m going, but my legs are just in auto-pilot panic mode. I can’t seem to catch my breath as my heart beats rapidly. Tasting the salt of sweat and it caught in my throat. I finally stop, frozen in terror. Yet everything seems to be moving too quickly. My hands began to shake. I see a pure white blazing light in front of me.

“Azah!” Turning my far right is Yeshua. His eyes and hands are glowing, like mine.

“Azah.”’He says my name again, this time his tone seems more desperate.“Don’t go.”

Why” Walking gently I take a step closer into the light, and the scenery of the room begin to change disappearing to the unknown .

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