Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 9.

Zion POV

My wolf is pouncing in an unsettling way.

It didn’t help that I’m too anxious to control my Alpha aura. I can tell it’s making the other guys uncomfortable and that is one of the reasons why I don’t like crowded places. My wolf reacts than all of sudden the entire rooms tenses up. I hate parties and the girls that come forward every other second with their high pitch voices. I just came here to show my face for the guys and for my parents.

They are under the impression that the reason I haven’t found my mate is that I don’t put myself out there enough. It’s all dumb anyway. I mean Josiah and Yeshua were lucky to find theirs since they turned eighteen. Michael and I haven’t been so fortunate on that part, and it’s not looking good.

The council never miss their chances to ask for updates on us finding our mates. Michael’s wolf has a strong feeling towards Sophia Smith, Saul and Si’s cousin.

He is just waiting for the Blue Moon to take in effect. During that she’ll be of age for her mate switch to be on. He and many others will be able to feel the mate bond. I on the other hand have no intention in rushing things. For all I know there may not even be a mate for me. Suddenly my wolf is becoming impatient, which is rare because we tend to have good control over our emotions.

A sudden change in the atmosphere has me on high alert, sniffing the air. There’s a new scent that is from our pack and it’s intoxicating. The scent is a strange mix, it’s bothering us that we can’t cypher who it is. This doesn’t happen at all, I’m able to tell who the person is in my pack by their scent without the need to see them. It’s unsettling.

It could all just be because I'm tired.

In desperate need of new scenery, I moved away from everyone.

Mindlinking the guys to tell them I’m heading off for a while.

Yeshua mindlink, “Don’t bail this time.”

“Whatever.” They took my car keys so I had no means of transportation on my own to leave.

I’ll just shift and run”

“Try.” He joked.

Fuck, Yeshua and Michael knew I’m bluffing. Not many have seen my wolf and I like to keep it that way.


Coming back to the room the scent is strong again, even stronger than before. My wolf is fighting for control this time. I push him back. I need to know why he’s so obsessed with this scent that we couldn’t even pinpoint what it’s mixed with. My alpha aura surrounds the room, I need them to know to back the fuck off till I find this scent. My eyes land on a human next to Saul. This human is powerful, she’s not a witch. Who is she?

Saul looks up, ready for my command. “Saul? My wolf senses…”

The girl drops her glass of drink and starts running. I didn’t think twice. I let go for a moment for my wolf to take control, not completely shifting. Yeshua is right behind me, his wolf now in control too. I hear him screaming out her name “AZAH!” Damn the girl is fast.We keep running to an unknown area of the Mansion.

The other guys can’t pass this area, the Moons Mansion is historically known to hold many spells for the protection of the Moons bloodline. This house is their safe haven, meaning no other besides a Moons bloodline or an Alpha they acknowledge can pass between these ancient borders.Quickly putting two and two, this girl is a Moons. How else can she run past the invisible shields?As we continue to run at her, Yeshua is now leading the way. Yeshua begins to glow electric blue, he’s close to shifting.

“YESHUA, Don’t.” Fuck if he shifts..then…

I stop suddenly, not able to see her clearly because of the bright light blazing in front of her. Shit, I’ve seen that light before. If she goes to that light we won’t be able to get her back until she is willing to come back herself.She seems to be frantic, so I’m not confident in her state of mind right now.

“Azah.” Yeshua’s desperately seeking Azah’s attention. “Don’t go.”

Why” her euphonious voice whispered as she disappeared into the light.

“NOOO AZAH!” Yeshua is furious. So furious that he gives in to his wolf. His wolf is in an uncontrollable rage. Yeshua’s face begins to contort as the long wolf’s muzzle extends out in front of him, baring his teeth as he rapidly shifts to a massive size blue wolf. His ears are erect and its deep blue fur bristles, lips curl up displaying his incisors. Yeshua’s wolf Yehu snarls.

This is exactly what I didn’t want. Yehu is a stubborn ancient wolf, I would shift but that’ll be stupid. I won’t be able to get through him with Zeus. My wolf Zeus is an impatient Alpha who’s stubborn as a rock. Anything Yehu tends to do just pisses Zeus off ten folds but I’m always able to control it.

Like I said it’ll be stupid to bring forth Zeus when Yehu is in this state.Yehu is usually the one who has the power to calm the entire room down, Zeus just frightens them.

I just need Yehu to calm down.

As I’m waiting, I notice the room changing, the Mansion seems to be taking us somewhere else. Within seconds we are at the Luns Garden, not too far from the school. I guess Yehu told the house to take us here.

Leaving me here to admire the night’s aroma as it pervades the air. The stars and the moon seem to be the patron saint of the night sky. The stars are like a sparkling lamp, lying quietly in this deep black and blue sky.Waiting, I placed my head on the white foliage tree trunk. Spellbound by the mystical garden, I shut my eyes in hopes that Yeshua won’t take long.

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