Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 8.

The evening sun casts long shadows of the car on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun give a warm orange tinge to the sky. A blissful moment to enjoy as we drink and cheer while the night approaches.

As we crest the hill higher and see many majestically constructed houses. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Sara said: “the whole Moons family lives around there.” Is it true? And who could be living in these houses? I wonder where Yeshua lived?

Arriving, the car drove through the driveway lined with beautiful purple leaf plum trees on both sides. I can only imagine the sensory of the drive-through during sunny days. The tall pale and metallic gold heavy grilled gate opens wide as the car drives past it.

Finally reaching the metallic gold mansion that nestled in the woodland, all concrete with glass windows. As we head to the back of the house, there was a mighty banyan mushroom shape tree afar, and in the centre was a blazing tall bonfire.

Many people were talking, laughing and chugging drinks.

“What do you think?” Sophia asks, as she smirks mischievously knowing the answer to her question.


“This is just the beginning!” Sara yelled over the loud music.

“WE MOVE,” Aïssatou shouted with a cup of drink already in her hands.

We all took shrooms and the fun just began. Dancing to the beat pulsating throughout our bodies. Burna Boy songs came on and the crowd went insane. A frisson of absolute joy. The bonfire bears golden lights, a bonny echo to the stars.

Sophia and I went inside the house to get more drinks and some munchies. Reaching the spacious kitchen where all the food was and some drinks, we noticed Michael surrounded by girls.

Glancing at Sophia “Just go there and talk to him.”

“You don’t understand he’s a Bet...I mean he won’t with anyone.”

Rolling my eyes, I decided to take my plate and have a look around the house.

“We can’t go too far Azah, this house isn’t like other houses.”

I stopped at what looks to be a massive room that hasn’t been occupied in ages. Everything is still in its original arrangement and untouched.

“Sophia.” Sitting down on the clean cherry leather sofa. She gasped.

“I never sat down here before.”

“If you’re not human then what are you?” Since I didn’t get the chance to check out the town’s library, I figured that Sophia can explain some of my questions.

Glaring at me at first then taking a sip of her drink, “ We are werewolves Azah. Well, some are witches.”

I really didn’t know how to respond to this new information. Yet I am intrigued to know more so I

ask, “So you guys shift like during the full moon or something?”

Should I feel frightened? Didn’t I read somewhere that the full moon was going to be this coming week?

“I can smell your fear Azah. And NO. We can shift whenever, we have control over our wolves. When we shift our wolves senses heighten and they take control after the shift.”

Suddenly it all clicked. Josiah mentioned that he is the Gamma, they called him Gamma. An instant flash of the conversation I had with Micael and the sudden connection with their last name related to this town. Columbia Deacon Heights. Can Michael be the Alpha? Or is the older man, Mr.Heights? I flung my hand to my mouth in shock. “Josiah, Michael!”

Stuttering to find the words to come out “Their… Their… last names match the town’s name.”

Sophia found humour in my reaction “ Yeah Josiah Deacon is our Gamma.”

“So Michael is the Alpha?”

“Oh, Gods No!”

“Azah, Michael Columbia is our Beta, and the Alpha is Zion Heights.”

“Is he older? I think I saw him on my first day in Mrs. Adams’ office.”

“You likely saw Zion’s father. Zion is barely ever seen around, and when he is, it typically means something serious.”

“Oh. You talk about him like he’s a strict guy.”

“That’s not it. It’s just the aura he carries is very powerful. He tends to surround himself with only high ranks. Others shy away, just being near him … He’s a good person but very reserved and to himself.”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing. Does it?”

“No, not really. Others just think it’s odd for an Alpha to be that reserved and calm. Alpha tends to have very small patience for anything. You know he has never shifted in front of any of us before. So we don’t even know how his wolf looks like but we sense and our wolves know that he’s our Alpha.”

“Strange,” I said not knowing what else to add to that.

“Yeah very.”

Our thoughts were interpreted by Aïssatou and Sara both breathing heavily and out of balance from drunkenness.

“GUYS!” They said simultaneously.

Sophia and I jumped up from the sofa.

“Shit! Put your volume down!” Sophia hushes.

Sara squealed and said “ZION”

“THEEE ZION IS HERE” Aïssatou is squealing like fangirls.

Curious, I desperately wanted to see Zion. Is he as handsome as his father? Judging my girls’ reactions to his arrival, he had to be. All of us were ready to go up the glass cantilever stairs till.

“Wait guys, usually, upstairs is for the older graduates. And we can’t get up there without a pin or something to open the elevator, remember Sara. Our cousin Saul told us this before.”

“So we can just text Saul to come and get us,” Sara said while taking out her phone from her back pocket.

“No you idiot his probably facepalm drunk. Or with Yeshua.”

“Even better!”

Aïssatou and I listened as the twins bicker back and forth.

Aïssatou looks at Sophia confused and asks “ If Saul is with Yeshua isn’t that a good thing, wouldn’t he let us in?”

Sara sheepishly smiles and responds “Sophia is now a warrior and doesn’t want to trouble Saul because he is one of the commanders.”

Sophia rolled her eyes at her sister before correcting her “No that isn’t it, Sara. Saul is Yeshua’s mate. I don’t think Saul will want to cause trouble with his mate by bringing underage girls upstairs.”

“So we are seventeen and going to turn eighteen in like two months Sophia. Plus it’s not like we gonna be having sex with any one of them upstairs. Unless you want to finally have sex with Michael.”

Sophia whole face turns red and chugs the remaining of her drink to above our smirks.

“Guys, I think we’re overlooking something here,” Aïssatou said.

The shrooms or the influence of the drinks may be kicking in because we all were looking around like idiots to see what she is referring to.

Aïssatou rolling her eyes “No. AZAH!”

“AZAH IS A MOONS! I read in my witch classes, that this house only response to the Moons direct bloodline orders. Every door here, Azah can open. The house recognizes Moons aura. Yeshua isn’t the only one here who has control over the house.”

“You’re a witch?” breaking my silence in shock.

“Yeah yeah.. Listen Sara and Sophia are werewolves, I’m a witch. Blah blah...We really have no time to be talking about this. I just wanna go upstairs and have the time of my life and see my baby daddy. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

“Let’s go!” Sara somehow directed us to the elevator.

“Aïssatou what is Azah suppose to do now?”

“Shit. Crap! Azah you’re wearing the necklace which means you know about your spirit. Have you allowed her in yet?”

“Fuck No Aïssatou, she’ll absolutely demolish this whole house if she allows the spirit to take control!” Sara is yelling.

Aissatou thinks for second on what Sara said, “Yeah. You’re right, ok do this. Just ask the doors to be open. Don’t think about it just feel it.”

Sara sighs and says” I still think my idea to text Saul is faster.”

I don’t understand what Aïssatou meant by that. “Open By Will.” my spirit voice came again, “Open by Will”

My voice was rich, aware and confident “OPEN BY WILL”. The girls never heard my voice like that, and neither did I. Hearing myself speak with such authority and volume.

Aïssatou “HELL YEAH!”

“WE MOVE” Altogether shouted while entering the elevator.

Aïssatou mumbles somethings. Trying to remember other things she was taught about the house. When she was finally sure with herself, “Ok so from the witch history class, I remember the teacher saying that only the 1st and 3rd floor is welcome to visitors.”

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