Galactic: The Superhuman Robot

Chapter 19: John Calls Galactic

It’s a day after Galactic returned home from North Korea. The President awarded the four superhumans the Medal of Honor. She’s still excited about meeting the President and revealing her identity to the world. She feels freer than ever.

The first thing she did after she arrived home was call Sergey.

She told him how the mission went and that she missed him terribly. They planned on getting together later that day.

She then called her children and related the same story. They were proud of their mother. Galactic felt their relationship was improving.

At 9:00 AM her phone rings.

Galactic: “Hello, Galactic here.”

John: “This is John. Just want to know how you are. I read about your mission to North Korea. Congratulations on its success.”

Galactic: “Thanks. I’ll tell you all about it when I see you. How are you doing?”

John: “No so good.”

Galactic: “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong?”

John: “I’ve been diagnosed with a medical condition that’s life threatening. I’m being treated for it, but I don’t think I’m going to make it. If that’s the case, I’d want to transform to a superhuman robot. I’d like you to discuss the procedure with me.”

Galactic: “When do you want to meet?”

John: “Could you come to my house now?”

Galactic: “Yes.”

John: “Good.” John gives Galactic his address and directions to his house. Galactic leaves immediately.

Galactic arrives at John’s house. The door is open. She goes in.

Galactic: “John, I’m here and I’ve brought you a present.”

John: “I’m in the living room.”

Galactic walks to the living room and sees John sitting on the couch. He’s so thin she doesn’t recognize him.

Galactic: “Man, you look bad. What the heck happened?”

John: “I told you. I’m in bad shape.”

Galactic: “Do you want to be examined by my Doctors?”

John: “No, I’ve had many opinions and they all agree on the diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Let’s discuss what it’s like to be a superhuman robot.”

Galactic: “First I want to give you this.” Galactic takes the robot out of the box.

Galactic: He’s called ‘Helper.’ Isn’t he cute?”

John perks up.

John: “Let me have a look at him. That’s the cutest little robot I’ve ever seen. Thanks so much. What can he do?”

Galactic: “He can talk to you, do chores and he can learn. He’s extremely smart. He likes to have conversations with people. You’ll be less lonely with him by your side.”

John: “That’s great! I can’t wait to give him commands.”

Galactic: “Regarding the procedure to transform to a superhuman, you learned about that when you interviewed me.”

John: “I remember now.”

Galactic: “What did the procedure feel like?”

Galactic: I felt nothing. The last part was to secure my brain between my ears. After that I knew who and what I was. My brain was the same with all its memories, and my body felt wonderful. If you transform to a superhuman, it’ll be the easiest procedure you’ve ever gone through.”

John: “That’s what I thought.”

Galactic: “Try to get better.”

John: “I’m following the Doctor’s instructions, but I think the end result will be transforming to a superhuman.”

Galactic: “You don’t know that. Do you want one of my creators to contact you?”

John: “Not right now. I’ll see how I do.”

Galactic: “And you might do fine. And that’s what I wish for you.”

John: “Thanks for being such a good friend.”

Galactic: “Yeah, yeah, yeah. What can I do for you now?”

John: “You’ve done enough. Just visit me often.”

Galactic: “I can see you every morning. Would you like that.”

John: “Yes.”

Galactic: “We’ll have fun teaching the robot new things.”

Galactic tells John about the mission to North Korea. John is fascinated by the story. He forgets all about his problems.

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