Galactic: The Superhuman Robot

Chapter 20: Galactic and Sergey in Love

Finally, Galactic gets to see Sergey. He’s always on her mind and she can’t wait to see him. They meet at her apartment.

The doorbell rings. Galactic runs to the door. She opens it to see an even more handsome Sergey.

She thinks, “I don’t remember him being this handsome. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Galactic: “You look luscious. I missed you so much.”

Sergey: “I’m glad because I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

I thought about you twenty-four seven. You look so beautiful.”

They sit down on the couch and embrace. Galactic holds on tightly. She doesn’t want to let go. After a few minutes they disengage. She looks into Sergey’s eyes and says, “I feel so close to you. I’ve never felt this way before, not even when I was totally human. I felt lost being away from you.”

Sergey: “I felt the same way. If I were totally human, I would have been depressed. What are we going to do about this situation?”

Galactic: “We should take our relationship to the next level. What do you think about that?”

Sergey: “I totally agree. I want to wake up with you every morning and share my life with you.”

Galactic: “But we must remember that we’re superhuman robots and we can live forever. Forever is a long time to be together. Most likely our relationship won’t last forever.”

Sergey: “We can’t worry about that. Let’s take one day at a time. For now, we’re in love and want to be together.”

Galactic: “You’re right. If we were human, we would make a toast and drink to it.”

Sergey: “We can just make a toast. To us, may we stay together for many years. Come here love.”

Sergey takes Galactic’s hand and walks into the bedroom with her. He tenderly makes love to her. Then suddenly he becomes rough, the way Galactic likes it.

Galactic: “You’re something else.”

Sergey: “So are you. I’ve never been like this with anyone else. You turn me on more than you’ll ever know.”

Galactic: “Show me, lover.”

Once again, they make love for hours. Later that day Sergey moves his belongings into Galactic’s apartment. He’s optimistic about the future.

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