From the Depths

Chapter Test of Wills

Henry was right, though she was pained to admit it. Was their plan doomed from the start? And yet there was no turning back once the night of the blood moon began, for all of them.

“Three days...” She spoke aloud, barely muttering the words. It was easier to shift through her thoughts with spoken words at times like these.

The sound of water droplets hitting the pool’s surface told her that Ren had moved. His fingers soon brushed against her submerged arm, gently trailing a line down to her wrist. Their hands entangling, her gaze lifted from the water’s depths as their eyes met.

He didn’t smile or tell her it would be okay, instead, those simmering jewels stared at her with a sense of determination. A silent promise that they would get through this. His presence instantly calmed her, grounding her, the slight panic that had reared its head subsided, melting away as a new warmth filled her.

She couldn’t even feel the fatigue from keeping herself afloat anymore, the closer to him she was the more at ease she became. Ren’s other hand breached the surface to cup her face, beads of water sliding down her cheek as her mouth fell slightly agape. His gaze drifted down as his thumb gently grazed her lower lip. How she could feel warmth in these cold waters was astonishing. But the feeling kept building drawing her closer to him... This wasn’t normal and yet she didn’t hate it.

Ren leaned in, his lips brushing against hers as her heart began to increase its pace out of sheer anticipation.

Henry cleared his throat.

A clear reminder that he was still there. Kirea’s eyes widened, how had she gotten something so simple? Had she really been so lost in the moment to forget reason itself? A slight blush filling her cheeks she pulled away from Ren and swam for the ledge to join Henry.

As Kirea retreated from him, Ren tilted his head to the side looking over to the Knight before letting out a heavy sigh. He hadn’t forgotten the man’s presence and certainly didn’t like the interruption. “I’ve already kissed you Henry.” He stated bluntly.

Henry groaned rolling his eyes. Hoisting himself up onto dry land he turned to help Kirea out of the water. Already their skin was wrinkling, having absorbed too much water, it was imperative that they dry off before heading out into the chill night winds. “You wish buddy, if you call that a kiss I feel sorry for Kirea.”

Ren swam to the ledge, placing his hands on the rocky outcrop before leaning his head on them and pouting at the two. “I will admit it was a little rushed and uncaring. Besides I’m pretty sure I kiss her better than you do.”

“What?” She blurted out surprised nearly falling back into the water. How would he know that? She shot Henry a look thinking it had to have been him.

The knight lifted his hands in defence. “Wasn’t me, I never said a word.”

Ren smirked. “You have several scents on you, the closer you are with someone the more they rub off on you. Henry’s is second strongest only to mine now, but... that night, the Knights scent was quite strong on you.” He added.

“I-I...” She couldn’t find the words, she suddenly felt ashamed.

Catching the change Ren hoisted himself up onto the ledge and reached for her, his hand gently resting on her knee. His jokingness pushed aside as he allowed himself to be more serious. “Hey, it’s okay. I know what you two must do to survive and I will never hold that against you."

Henry also saw the internal struggle with her morals. He joined Ren in trying to comfort her "It was eating away at you that night, that whole situation was fucked. Don't you dare feel ashamed!”

“I... I feel as though I’ve betrayed you. Like what I did was wrong and it... it hurts.” She clenched at the wet material wrapped around her chest. And yet she knew she shouldn’t feel this way, they weren’t exactly an item, but the gnawing sensation ate away at her making her doubt her emotions.

“Survival is never clean and easy and it hurts. But you have allies and a Siren who’s clearly in love with you.” Henry pointed out. He’d retrieved some towels and proceeded to wrap one around her shoulders before sitting down next to the two. “Only a few more days of being my fiance okay?”

Her face immediately flushed, filling her cheeks with a bright red glow. She was speechless. Love? That couldn’t possibly be it, could it? There was no denying she knew her own feelings of affection for Ren, she'd pushed them down, focusing on other things. But to claim he felt such an emotion for her? Thank the heavens the sky was so dark that evening or they would both see her embarrassment.

Henry rolled his eyes and stood with a sigh as the room filled with silence after his statement. “Come on, we need to get back to the castle.”

Regretfully Kirea agreed and moved to also stand. Ren however wasn’t having it. He stopped her before she could hoist herself to her feet. His grip wasn’t forceful or strong, but it was enough for her to notice that he didn’t want her to leave.

“But, the night is still young.” He pointed out in a half panic.

She smiled sadly down at the Siren. She was perched on her knees, his hand wrapped around her forearm and a longing expression in his eyes, pulling at her heartstrings.

“Those puppy dog eyes are cheating.” She chuckled lightly.

“Don’t leave me with the lasting memory of his lips on mine, please.” He pleaded.

Her light chuckle erupted into a booming laughter. Wiping the small tear from her eye that formed from sheer amusement, she reached forward and cupped Ren’s face. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before slipping from his grasp and standing.

His pouting face only made her laugh further as she and Henry stripped off their wet attire and dressed in the dry clothing she kept down in the cave for just this reason. They said their good nights and headed for the castle to retire for the evening.

In only a few short hours Kirea was woken by pounding on the door of her room. Grogerly, she rolled herself out of bed, fixed her clothing to be slightly more presentable and stumbled over to answer the continued annoyance.

It was far too early to be Henry, and when she opened the door she had been correct. A panicked maid franticly apologised for waking her.

“Ma’am forgive the intrusion, the castle had been put to work early this day. The King has called for you to accompany him to the market.” The maid bowed her head, not wanting to make eye contact.


“I have been asked to wake and escort you to the carriage. Please get ready, I will wait for you in the hall.” The maid took her leave allowing Kirea to shut the door utterly dumbfounded.

What in the world was going on!? Slapping her cheeks to wake herself up she hurriedly readied herself. She didn’t have much in the way of clothes that would suit an outing, she had no need for them. A simple white dress with a tacky brown leather bodice was the best she could manage. She tied her rampaging red locks back with a ribbon and flung her makeshift bag with supplies over her shoulder. She had no time to ponder the reasons, all that was going through her head was that this was the best opportunity she could ask for. Her goal for today, gain his trust.

Exiting the room the nervous maid was crewing her fingernails. The butterflies in her own stomach were probably something they shared. Bowing again in greeting she hurriedly led her to the courtyard without another word.

A number of knights were gathered, Henry included. They exchanged a glance and a subtle quick nod. Then she was instructed to stand by the carriage and wait for the King to arrive.

She didn’t want to think about how small the horse-drawn enclosure was, or how much strain the animals were going to be caused this day. But it was hard to ignore.

“Psst.” She attempted to get the attention of a sable boy who was fastening the carriage to the horses.

He glanced up with a frown. “Ma’am?”

“If you add some more leather straps to the body of the horses, rigging them to the neck harness it will better distribute the weight over the horse’s entire body.”

The boy’s eyes widened, he didn’t say a word as he made the adjustments with ease. It made her feel a little more comfortable about the situation, but still, depending on how long they were to be out-

Her thoughts were cut short as all those around her stood at attention. She straightened her slouching posture and took hold of the skirt of her dress. At the King’s approach, she curtseyed low, not rising until the tyrant acknowledged her presence.

The trant was dressed well, adorned with gold jewellery, most likely to fault his wealth. She looked like a mere maid servent beside him as he stepped up to the carriage and gave her a once-over.

“Have you nothing else to wear?” He made a disgusted face at her. “You look like a peasant!”

“Forgive me, my Lord, this is the nicest dress I own.” She admitted, her head still down turned as she fought back the raging fire that was her anger. She wouldn’t be so poor if he actually paid well enough to afford anything besides the necessities. Heavens she wouldn't be able to buy food and would be starving if it weren't for Henry.

“It is a good thing we are to go to a dressmaker then,” he announced with a displeased shake of his head.

Stepping up the steps to the carriage, the wooden seating on wheels heaved to one side, the horses reared slightly at the sudden addition of weight. The stable boy was quick to calm them, as the carriage continued to rock under the lurd that was their King. Finally, the fool shimmed his huge gut through the seemingly tiny doorway, heaping himself into the seats within. He motioned for her to enter once he was comfortable, if one could call it that.

Forcing a bright smile she entered the carriage. Finding seating where their bodies wouldn’t make contact was going to be a challenge in itself. Her petite form managed to wedge between the window and his monstrous knee. The man couldn’t close his legs, his belly far too round to allow him to do so.

The ride to the market was cramped and utterly reeked. With the sun peeking over the horizon Lord Haith had begun to sweat in the tiny hot box. His stench filled the area in no time at all. She'd never been so glad to have an empty stomach then now.

When they stopped she was helped out of the carriage first, or she would be lost in the rolls of the struggling King. They had stopped out the front of the most expensive boutique in the area. She’d likely be stoned if she were seen down such a street in such shaggy attire. She couldn’t help but grow sour as condescending glares and disgusted smirks greeted her.

“Come Kirea,” Haith ordered as he entered the store that shouldn’t be open yet.

Following him silently into the high-class store she remained close to the King’s side as the clerk greeted them with an eager smile.

“I have everything you requested ready, My Lord.” The pleasantly groomed man stated with a half bow.

She was shoved forward causing her to let out a slight sound of shock. “This is the bride-to-be. Get to it!”

“At once, My Lord.” Again that little bow. However, the polite mannerisms faded as the clerk turned to her, the usual snarl of disapproval appearing on the arrogant asshole’s face. His hand snaked around her arm only to be followed by a forceful pull and she was dragged away.

She was shoved into a changing room where numerous white gowns of delicate silk lay hanging on hooks on the walls of the overly decorated changing room. She was in awe of the beautiful fabric, never in her wildest dreams would she be able to afford anything like this.

“Put one on and get out here ASAP!” The clerk snapped as he slid the curtain closed.

With a heavy sigh, she did as she was told. She wasn’t sure how many gowns she’d tried on by the end of it, but the King finally found one he liked. It was never to be her choice, she knew that from the beginning. The dress she would have chosen was elegant and modest, while the one he picked was elaborate and showed far too much skin and cleavage.

Finally, back in her plain everyday dress she joined the King and waited for the dress to be boxed up.

“Kirea my dear...” He paused as though thinking about his words carefully. “Henry believes that I can trust you as much as I do him. I can not simply take his word for it.” Retrieving a blade from his belt he handed it to her.

She looked down at the weapon in her hands confused.

He smirked. “Kill the clerk for me.”

Her eyes bulged, there was no point in questioning his order. This was his way, one that she had hoped she would never need to face. Henry had provided her with an opening to gain the King's trust. But of course, it would be a twisted test.

The blade felt heavy in her hand, could she actually do this? Take another person’s life? It was true that she had put down animals before, but they were out of mercy, this... this was murder.

The footsteps of the approaching clerk echoed loudly on the polished concrete floors. Her mind was trying to find a rational way out of this, but she couldn’t see it. If she disobeyed the order he would never trust her. But... what if she attempted to kill the man and simply failed, fane a weak woman, she was no Knight after all.

She hid the dagger behind her back and smiled at the man as he presented the freshly packaged box, that contained the wedding dress. He'd presented it to the King, not her.

The clerk’s back was to her, it was now or never.

She clumsily leapt forward raising the blade high in the air. The clerk easily saw the attack, dropping the box he shuffled away out of its reach. The shock that played on his face turned to anger, as she had anticipated, and he retaliated by grabbing hold of the wrist that held the weapon. He wasn’t gentle as he disarmed her, nearly breaking the bones as he twisted, forcing her grip to loosen and release the dagger.

It bounced to the ground with a delightful clink.

Perfect! With the weapon gone, she retrieved her hand as he advanced on her.

The King chuckled to himself as he seemed to be enjoying the show.

Pulling the ribbon from her hair she stepped between the man’s legs as he grasped her neck in a firm hold. All her late-night dives with Ren meant that she didn’t need air for quite some time, strangling her was his downfall. She kicked his legs out from under him, sending him cascading backwards to the floor.

The shock of the motion was all she needed. She wrapped the thick ribbon around his neck several times and pulled with all her strength. She was hit several times with flailing limbs, but she held firm, just long enough for him to pass out. Stumbling to her feet and breathing heavily she undid her ribbon, the man wasn’t dead, but surely this was enough.

The King began to clap his hands. “Well down Miss Kirea. You pass. If only there were more women like you in this world.” Standing he retrieved the box that had been thrown to the floor. “I have a matter I would like to discuss with you, come my dear.”

The smugness of his attitude and the seer happiness he was emitting only turned her stomach, but she’d done it.

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