From the Depths

Chapter Goodbyes Aren't Easy

Exiting the small boutique she was finding it hard to get her breathing under control. Her heart was racing, pounding in her chest, it wasn’t good for her condition. She needed to calm down, but given the events that had just transpired, it was near on impossible.

Her limbs were subtly shaking at the sheer shock of the small encounter, and she couldn’t help but wonder how Henry did this almost every day!? She glanced up, her hands clenched together in front of her chest, as she scanned the Knights that had accompanied them. As her gaze locked with Henry’s, a pained expression crossed his features. He very nearly stepped forward to aid her, but he couldn’t break rank.

The King didn’t miss the small moment between them. “Go to her boy, she needs some comfort.”

Henry lunged forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She allowed her legs to weaken beneath her accepting his aid, her hands grasped his forearms as she smiled weakly up at him. His embrace did help her a little, but it was oddly nowhere near as soothing as Ren’s was.

“She did extremely well, you were right Sir Henry.” Lord Haith proceeded to squeeze his way into the carriage before continuing to speak. “In the carriage with you both.”

Three people in that tiny thing! Kirea tried her best not to groan aloud. But much to her surprise the King had shifted completely to one side.

Henry, with no hesitation, scooped her up and ascended to the two small steps to enter after the King. He sat opposite Haith, placing her on his lap with her legs resting on the small seat to his side, it was a much better position than she had put herself in the first time. Though his lap was mildly embarrassing to be sitting on, it was still better than the alternative, which was being jammed up against the King’s sweaty meat.

The conversation began but her head was still pounding, though her breathing had slowed she wasn’t able to take in as much air or breathe as deeply as she wanted. To her surprise, she was forced to lean slightly forward, a cloth was placed below her mouth and her back was lightly patted. She hadn’t even realised she was about to have an attack yet, but Henry had. The position made it easier for her to cough into the material without choking or gasping for air, small amounts of blood seeped onto the cloth. Thankfully, since her last attack hadn’t been that long ago there wasn’t much of a build-up.

“She’s sick!” The King exclaimed in a snarl.

“Red Lung is not contagious My Lord, but yes... she is,” Henry spoke on her behalf. His tender voice could easily be mistaken for affection.

“But that disease has died out, no one lived past their 20's.” The King retorted panicked. He was beginning to press himself against the back of the carriage in an attempt to put distance between them.

“She and her mother have extensive medical knowledge, a cue is impossible but they managed to extend her life.” Henry continued to pat her back until she was once again completely breathing properly.

“Then, she is not long for this world.” The King’s tone lowered slightly as he relaxed back into his seat with a smile.

It gave Kirea chills. She was sure it was even more reason for him to bring her in on his plan.

“Indeed.” Was all the Knight managed while Kirea finally came back to herself. “Elevating her heart rate will bring on an attack, I was worried since she was breathing heavily earlier.”

Though that was normally true, it wasn't in her case, her last attack had only been a day ago, and they were never this frequent. She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something he wasn’t telling her. Though it was most likely that it needn’t be discussed in front of the King. Wiping her mouth with the cloth she sat up correcting her posture.

“Forgive me, my Lord-”

The King cut her off. “Hush child.” His tone was harsh. “You need only listen. Sir Henry will fill you in on the rest tomorrow night.”

She complied with a small nod of her head.

“I have need of your skills on the night of the red moon. The night must go as planned, the ritual must be completed.” He began. “I need you to bring it to the surface and out of the water, calmly. It’s dangerous and could harm the cook.”

“Anything my lord, I am but a tool for you to use.” She risked speaking in that moment to continue to sway him, and it appeared to be working.

He smirked. “Indeed little one. And what a useful tool you have proven to be.” His attention suddenly turned to the thin wall at his back. With two loud knocks, he called out. “Back to the castle!”

Settling himself down as the carriage lunged forward and began to move again, his attention turned back to the couple. A proud grin crept across his face. “As much as I want to give you two today together. I must take Sir Henry off your hands, just for the afternoon. Henry will pass along the plans, I trust you will play your part well.”

She nodded sternly. Soon thereafter she was dropped off at the castle rather hastily, which honestly surprised her, but given that today’s outing had just been to test her, she was sure she was low on the King’s priority list. Henry helped her from the carriage, but she stopped him before he could join the King again.

“How is it you knew, even before me?” She didn’t need to elaborate further.

“My sister, when she was growing close to the end... Anything that elevated her heart rate caused an attack. They grew more and more frequent until...” He trailed off.

“How long for her?”

“A few days, her body shut down pretty quickly... unable to fight the disease any longer.”

“So... It's really not much longer.” It was more a statement for herself than it was for him.

Their grim looks mirrored each other. To keep up with appearances she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and whispered. “I’ll be down at the cave.”

He squeezed her hand before releasing her and disappearing into the carriage again.

This wasn’t the news she wanted today. She had so many things she still wanted to do with her life. Yet it seemed her time was running short. She made a mental list. She would wright both Henry and her mother a letter. She’d say goodbye to Ren, and while she still had a chance. She wanted more time, there was no denying that but she knew she was already so incredibly lucky for living as long as she had with the disease.

First, she needed to gather supplies from her room. Thankfully the King had provided her with writing materials for her reports. Once there, she spent some time writing out what she wanted to say to the people that she loved, and yes that oddly meant Henry. Their relationship had truly changed, she’d hated him at first, but now, they weren’t just allies, they were friends.

Second, she got changed into something better suited for visiting Ren. Throwing the dress back over the top of her swimwear she fastened the apron around her waist and pocketed the letters. She’d give them both to Henry, there was no way she’d get to see her mother before she passed, and she couldn’t trust anyone else with the content.

By the time she was finally ready to trek down the cliffside, it was already noon. Fatigue was starting to set in, she had completely missed breakfast, the rumbling noise of her stomach a clear reminder.

Many of the Knights from this morning’s excursion were already headed to the mess hall for lunch. She stopped on the way needing to catch her breath a little. Her shoulder was up against a hallway wall, her eyes slightly closed, when a Knight approached her.

“Ma’am? Everything okay?”

“Oh, I’m fine Franky. Just a little tired, missed breakfast this morning and all.” She responded with a polite wave as he hurried off with a nod.

But in truth her legs were aching and her knees felt as though they wanted to give out beneath her. Rummaging through her pouch, she downed a small vial of missed herbs and powders. It had turmeric, cummin and willow bark with a small amount of peppermint oil. The little concoction her mother had taught her would help ease her tired muscles and mask the pain, for a time.

Willing herself to move forward, she gathered some bread and cheese on her way through and headed for the outdoors once again.

Standing at the top of the cliff side, the wind had picked up since the morning. The strong gusts threatened to bawl her over, and likely off the steps if she proceeded down this way. With a heavy heart, she let out a sigh, it was probably safer for her weak legs to take the route through town anyway.

About 45 minutes later she finally reached the sands, the stroll through town had been nice but she didn’t need to stop for anything. She ate as she walked and headed for the beach, waving at a few people as they passed her by. The walk was through the nicer part of town where the farmer's market could be found. It was a far more pleasant place to stroll through, better than the place the King had taken her this morning.

The beach had a few occupants, which wasn't unusual for this time of day. But it did mean she had to sit and wait for quite some time before she could enter the cavern unnoticed. Keeping her eyes peeled she darted backwards through the doorway after opening it with the rune.

“Finally! I was getting worried.”

She shrieked, the surprise startling her and causing her to fumble her steps. She tripped, falling backwards only to have strong arms catch her. A familiar scent flooded her senses and she looked up to see Ren smirking down at her. His green-tinged hair framed his face.

“Careful now.” His voice was playful and mischievous.

“How...” She could barely think, let alone speak.

Her eyes drifted down to his bare torso, her cheeks flushing a dull pink. This was the first time they had been alone since...

“I borrowed Henry’s spares. You were taking so long outside, I was about to come and make sure you were alright.”

He’d transformed into a Human again, all because she had spent so much time outside!? Her eyes widened and her gaze shot back up to his, though it was hard to pry away from his chiselled body.

“I’m so sorry! There were people on the beach and I didn’t want to be seen coming into the cavern, so I had to wait.” She glanced down, noting that he had only put pants on. And yet she still felt a little tense in his hold. “Ah, you can let me go now...”

He chuckled, the sound was deep as though he were inviting a challenge. “Is that really what you want?”

No! Her mind screamed, but she refused to say that out loud.

“You came to see me, alone.” He continued to purr. “I didn’t expect that so soon.” His eyes slowly traced a line down her body as though he wanted to devour her.

“I- I-” She couldn’t find the words. By the gods, this man was driving her insane.

He laughed again, but righted her and let her go. “Teasing you is rather enjoyable.” He confessed.

She glared at him before lightly punching his arm. “Not funny!” Shaking her head she let out a sigh. “Is it really okay for you to be human again? Doesn’t it take a long time for your tail to come back?”

Ren shrugged. “Overnight shouldn’t be a problem. As long as I take the siren form again before midnight all will be fine.” His eyes lowered to her chest his gaze narrow. “Enough about me, something happened.”

Feeling slightly self-conscious she looked down and touched a hand to her chest.

“On the inside. Your body...” He trailed off.

Her body stiffened. What Henry had said earlier rang even truer, even Ren had noticed. Now there was no doubt in her mind, her fatigue these last couple of days wasn’t something that she could just put to the back of her mind as being overtired. Her gaze lifted to meet his worried expression.

“That’s actually why I wanted to come see you.” The atmosphere between them growing serious.

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