From the Depths

Chapter Healing Waters

“Woman, I swear to god... you’re going to be the death of me.” Henry sighed as he accepted the help from the store clerk.

“Oh dear, sorry about that I-I wasn’t sure if your relationship was common knowledge and didn’t want to spread misinformation.” Mr Albert explained with a nervous glance toward Kirea.

“The King made it his business to arrange our marriage, announcing it to the entire kingdom will likely come next,” Henry added dryly.

“He wouldn’t!... Would he?” Kirea frowned.

“Likely make a spectacle out of it, so he can arrange a massive feast to gouge himself.” Henry pointed out clearly disgusted. “He's such a Pig!”

“Sir Henry! You mustn’t say such things.” Albert’s eyes bulged as his frightened gaze scanned the passersby’s outside the shop windows.

Kirea made a disgusted face and shook her head. “It may be true, but Mr Albert is correct.”

Albert cleared his throat. “I guess congratulations are in order then.” Albert beamed. However, his smile faded when the other two didn’t seem quite so pleased. “Not exactly what you had hoped for then?”

“We’ve only known each other a short time, it’s not to say that I’m not fond of sir Henry...” Kirea trailed off.

“It is a little rushed, to say the least,” Henry concluded for her. “Not to mention Kirea’s sickness.”

Kirea clenched her hand in the material at her chest turning her gaze away from the two.

“You had an alliance... rather than a relationship.” Albert tilted his head. “I see.”

The silence that followed filled the room with an uneasy atmosphere, Kirea decided it was time they made an exit.

“Mr Albert, thank you for this afternoon.” Kirea offered as she took her place at Henry’s side.

“Not at all my dear, thank you for helping me with the shop! Oh and...” He rushed to the counter to retrieve a small pouch. “I’ve added some blood thinners to the new batch, I’m hoping it will help stop the clotting, but do be careful if you cut yourself.”

Taking the pouch she nodded with a sad smile. This was the next step in her illness, she couldn’t stop from coughing up the blood that was seeping into her lungs but this could stop it from clotting and clogging up her throat. “You are far too kind.”

“Not at all, visit any time my dear.” Albert bowed his head respectfully. “And... Please stay safe you two.”

Concluding their goodbyes they left the shop reentering the busy streets outside.

“I didn’t miss the blood you were cleaning off the counter, what happened?” Henry asked in a harsh whisper.

“Small fit, the new medicine should make it easier for me to expel... in theory.” She glanced up at Henry who was glaring at her rather intently. “I’m perfectly fine.”

“For now.” He muttered. Sighing he offered his elbow to her, when she gently took hold of his arm he began to lead her back to the castle. However, she didn’t miss the limp he was harbouring now, concern for his well-being set in.

The walk back to the castle was agonizing, neither could speak of what they wanted to do. She was dying to know what had happened with the King. He suddenly broke the silence by asking if she’d eaten, she told him that she’d had lunch with Albert. After that, he’d taken her to her room, where they stood now, unable to part from one another easily.

“I intend to see you later this evening, we have much to discuss... about the wedding.” He added covering for any ears that may be listening. “It would be best to get some rest while you can, I anticipate it will be a long evening.”

“Of course, Sir Henry, you have a busy schedule as it is, I’ll gladly make time for you.” Standing on tiptoes she gently placed a kiss on his cheek before whispering; “Are you okay?”

Shaking his head he grimaced. Reaching down he carefully lifted a corner of his shirt so she could see. His skin was turning a blackish-purple. Yanking the material down he groaned. “It’s getting worse.” He managed to whisper back.

She was forced into her room with a heavy push but not without protest. There was nothing she could do at the moment as he pointed out in a hushed tone. As much as they didn’t want to, they had to wait.

Somehow she managed to drift off to sleep after brewing the herbal tea from Albert, which tasted disgusting and earthy, but it was for her health so she downed it regardless.

By the time Henry retrieved her, he was already covered in beads of sweat. His strong outer demeanour crumbled as his eyes clearly showed signs of pain. Rushing him into her room she stripped off his shirt to find that most of his chest was now a grotesque black, blue colour. He was bleeding internally and likely in a great deal of danger. She made haste, getting him out the window and heading for their destination.

Ren was waiting for them when they finally arrived at the cavern. Henry had had a hell of a time coming down the steep steps in the dark. Her shell necklace coming in handy and saving them.

Henry's breathing was now heavily laboured and coming in short sharp gasps. His body was hunched over Kirea’s form who was struggling to help him walk.

“Ren! He’s bleeding internally!” Kirea was frantic with panic. She hadn’t wanted to wait this long to see the siren but they had had no other choice.

“Quickly, in the water!” Ren ordered. “I feared this would happen.”

“I couldn’t exactly sit out of training the men for no reason, and I was running around town because of someone earlier,” Henry grunted uncomfortably as Kirea stumbled forward into the shallows.

“Yeah yeah, blame it on me-” She gasped losing her footing and they both slipped, Kirea landing on her hands and knees while Henry headed straight for the water completely unmoving.

Ren managed to catch hold of the knight as he was about to faceplant the water. His tail acted as soft cushioning breaking his fall.

“I don’t think I have the strength to swim,” Henry confessed as Ren attempted to roll him over so the human could breathe.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Ren’s words were earnest and sincere as he gently pulled the man toward the deeper water.

“Henry, don’t panic if Ren goes to give you air when you’re under,” Kirea added as the two men slipped off the shallows.

Ren was holding Henry above the water line as the Knight frowned looking up at her. She tapped a finger to her lips a couple of times and his eyes bulged.

“Deep breath Henry,” Ren instructed.

Henry winced as he drew in a large amount of air, filling his lungs as much as he could. And then they were gone, Ren had pulled him under the surface. Kirea stripped off her already-soaked dress and apron flinging them to the side. Standing, she raced to the edge and dove into the deeper waters.

Knowing what she did now about Ren she didn’t bother lighting the cavern at night anymore. She could easily see Ren’s faint glow as he began to activate his abilities. She kept her distance not wanting to get in the way of what Ren needed to do. Ren’s glow grew in intensity as the waters around her came alive. A current that shouldn’t exist emerged, swirling around and threatening to draw her closer to the pair. She had to use quite some effort to stay where she was.

As the waters sturred with a power, streaks of light, not un-similar to the illumination that Ren’s body gave off, began appearing. They followed the current of the water, swirling and drifting through the area, only to converge on one central focal point.

Henry’s eyes were wide with wonder as the mystical streaks of light gathered around him in a remarkable display. Ren had his eyes closed as he weaved his hands in an elegant manner, calling on the healing powers of the water. When Ren stopped, gently opening his eyes, he seemed to be concentrating solely on something unseen within Henry.

In a swift motion, Ren directed the surrounding rays of light that Kirea could only guess were magic to surround Henry’s body. Rings of light encased the Knights limbs and torso. Henry grew stiff and rigid, his limbs seemed to be pulled down by some unknown force, his face showing signs of distress and pain.

She didn’t want to peel herself away from the unbelievable display, but she needed air. Pushing herself upward she breached the surface with a gasp. Looking down she could still clearly make out the two below, the entire surroundings of the cavern reflecting and bouncing back the light that Ren was creating.

Henry couldn’t move, she could see the panic in him at being restrained. When Ren swam closer cupping the man’s face she couldn’t help but giggle. The Siren leant in and the way the Knights eyes bulged nearly had her in fits of laughter, she was never going to let him live this down. She dove back down beneath the surface of the water, she needed to witness this first hand.

The Knight was clearly struggling as the Siren’s lips forced his own to part. His eyes darted to her and turned to glare as a wide smile spread across her own features. Ren didn’t just give him air, he kept the contact, using it as a medium, a conduit. From what Kirea had learnt of his abilities he required physical contact to better harness his power. The strings of light that were closely circling Henry seemed to encase the man’s form before being absorbed into his body.

Ren released the Knight as the waters around them calmed returning to normal. Henry immediately headed for the surface in a hurry. Kirea noticed that his movements appeared normal and unincumbered, amazing!

Henry breached the surface and swam to the swallow’s edge rather frantically, Kirea soon joined him.

“You okay?” She asked.

Ren joined the pair with a bright smile.

“Never! Never do that again!” Henry turned slightly away from Ren.

“But it worked Henry!” Ren was gleeful. “You’re completely healed.”

As the light in the cavern faded away she still managed to catch the light shade of red the Knights ears had turned.

“Enough about me, Kirea is next.” Henry couldn’t bring himself to look the siren in the eye it seemed, he needed a moment to calm down. “Well, get to it!”

Kirea and Ren look at each already knowing the answer. Ren had already studied her form in the water earlier today to see if it would work.

“He’s done all he can for me Henry, there is nothing else that can stop the decay, Ren already slowed it.” Kirea pointed out.

Henry’s embarrassment disappeared as his shocked and worried gaze landed on the two. “That- that can’t be... There has to be something.”

Kirea gently shook her head. Henry slumped back into the deeper water looking defeated.

“Come now, it’s not like we don’t have other important things to discuss.” Kirea tried.

“Right you are.” Henry nodded glumly.

The two didn’t take long to catch Kirea up to speed. But the hardest part was yet to come. Kirea had to somehow convince the King that she was trustworthy enough that he could confide in her and be a part of the ritual. Though it wouldn’t be impossible to pull off with just Ren and Henry, there is always higher safety in greater numbers. The problem would be the civilians.

“Couldn’t we just bring them in on it?” Kirea asked.

The three were sitting on the edge of the shallows deep in discussion.

“It's possible, though risky, and we won’t know who the chief is to be until the day. I doubt the King will use his favourite, he’ll bring someone in that's expendable.” Henry sighed.

“So... You’re saying we may have to dispose of the witness ourselves.” Ren cringed worried.

“What if I offer to...” Kirea trailed off, she couldn’t say the words out loud. “I’ve performed countless operations and dissections on animals. I could take this person’s place.”

“Plausible, if we can’t get through to the King I may be able to sneak you in regardless, dress you up in the right kit.” Henry nodded as he expressed his own thoughts aloud.

“What of the other knights?” Ren asked.

“Our plan only works if we can get the King to come to the cavern. It wouldn’t be impossible for us to drown him in the tank in the castle, but it is unlikely that anyone would believe that I couldn’t stop it from happening, especially if there were other knights on guard.” Henry sighed.

“We need a backup if we can’t use the cavern.” Kirea pointed out.

Henry shook his head. “There is no backup, nothing else will work if we can’t get him to the cavern in three days time... We all die.”

“It would only be me that would die...” Ren looked at the human confused.

“We can’t let him become immortal Ren.” Henry pointed out. “I’m going to stop him, be it by stopping him from eating your heart or killing him. Either way, we’ll be painted as traitors and hunted down.”

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