Freeing Starr

Chapter 2 ~ The Mating Ceremony

Two weeks later

I stared into the mirror blankly and looked myself over, my lips curling in disgust. What my father chose as a dress was barely even called a dress. However, it was based on the style of clothing that Alpha Zion’s pack women wore regularly for their mating ceremonies. Just gazing at my little helper that the Alpha assigned to me made me realize that clothing wasn’t a necessity for them.

The woman wore a translucent black, lacy skirt that trickled down to her ankles and a tight fitting crop top. When I first saw her, my first expression was one of genuine surprise. To walk around like that? I couldn’t imagine. Luckily for my eyes though, the woman was at least wearing underwear beneath the skirt, though I doubted it helped much.

To my dismay, I was forced into a white translucent, lacy skirt with floral patterns that spiraled down past my ankles and left a slight trail behind me. Luckily, starting from my mid thigh to my hips, the white became thicker to the point where it was difficult to see anything beneath it. There were slits running up the sides of the skirt, showing off my freshly waxed legs and the very high heels they forced me into. My top was a long sleeved white crop top, and was made out of silk with a floral lace pattern trailing along the outside. I couldn’t deny that the overall outfit was beautiful.

My little helper fixed my curls into a neat bun and sprinkled white flower petals around it before placing the wedding veil on. My makeup was light and natural, with just a bit of gloss decorating my lips.

All in all, I looked beautiful, there was no denying that.

“Luna,” my little helper called out, poking her head through the door.

I looked over my shoulder and gave a small smile, “Yes?”

The lady returned the smile, her eyes dancing with excitement for her Alpha’s upcoming mating.

“It’s time. Your father is waiting for you outside.” she replied.

I nodded my head and turned back to face the floor length mirror. “Give me a moment please,” I muttered, glancing down at myself again. The outfit was at least comfortable.

The girl hesitated slightly before giving a nod and closing the door behind her.

I sighed sadly and frowned. I weighed all of my choices in my mind and realized that the only realistic choice I did have was to go through with this marriage that didn’t involve my true mate.

The only thing I could do was look on the bright side.

1. I would be getting rid of my repulsive father.

2. I would be ruling a pack of my own.

3. I would have a husband and family to look out for me.

4. I would finally be free of my father.

Those pros alone gave me enough courage to walk towards the door with a smile plastered on my face. However, when I opened the door and connected gaze with my father, the courage immediately left me as my body automatically shrunk in on itself. I immediately dropped my eyes to the floor.

My father chuckled and grabbed my hand, slipping it through his before he began leading me towards the ceremony.

“I’m gonna miss you, you know?” he mused, pulling me closer to his side as we walked, yet I remained silent and stared at the glass doors up ahead, “This merge between packs couldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you. It was a necessary decision, however, it doesn’t mean I won’t miss our late nights together.”

I shivered as I thought back to last night when he had me bent over his office desk as he enjoyed his ‘parting gift’ from me.

When we arrived at the doors, father stopped and turned to me with a smile on his face.

“Unfortunately I won’t be walking you down the aisle today. According to Alpha Zion, their pack’s ceremony is different from ours. This is as far as I go,” he reached a hand up to caress my cheek as he frowned, “You look so much like your mother... Are you ready?”

When I nodded he turned, and opened the door, gesturing for me to slip through. I stepped through the door and stumbled slightly due to my bubbling nervousness. Luckily, I caught my footing in time and looked around the area.

You could barely see the beginning of the forest due to the amount of people gathered.

The moon illuminated the entire clearing, a sign that the goddess was watching over us. The whole area was packed with people as they stood talking among each other. You could easily tell the difference between both packs. Those from Zion’s pack wore barely any clothing. The women were all in translucent skirts of all colors, the black ones didn’t reveal much though, they wore either crop tops or tank tops with their hair loose or falling down their backs. The males wore black trousers and nothing more, their chest left bare, showing off their pack mark. Now, my pack was dressed in formal wear, from dresses to suits, with a few wearing casual jeans and a shirt. You could see the curiosity and bafflement in my pack’s eyes as they eyed the other people that they were about to merge with.

It was when they heard the door open did they all turn their attention to me and stared.

I gulped and straightened up, raising my head and staring straight forward, avoiding meeting any of the wandering eyes. I left my face blank of any emotion, or so I thought but it was quite clear that I was nervous. I was going to be a leader now, and these people would all look up to me for guidance. How could I not be nervous? However, I had to be brave and strong for these people.

I met the dull gray eyes of my husband as a soft melody began playing in the background. His face showed no emotions. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking and it slightly worried me.

I took a deep breath and slowly stepped towards my future. Everyone stared at me with judgmental eyes as I passed by but I chose to keep my eyes on the dark haired man at the end of the pathway, standing under a large oak tree, dressed in nothing but black trousers. His chest was bare for all to see, the markings of his pack imprinted on him. They were beautifully carved into his skin with elegant swirls and intricate lines that all connected to the cursive ‘S’ in the middle.

Our eyes met, and I was forced to resist the urge to cower. His wolf was right at the surface, staring through the man’s eyes at me. His gaze was unnerving and calculating as I watched his wolf that was sitting down in a relaxed manner, eyes calmly appraising me from top to bottom.

I held onto his gaze as I approached him, careful not to trip over my own feet as I walked. I was never comfortable in heels, I had two K feet that didn’t understand the meaning of grace and balance.

Once I stopped beside him, I made sure to keep my gaze lowered as we both turned to the wedding official.


I stared into the glowing pools of mercury in fright. The wolf watching me intensely through Zion’s eyes. I resisted the urge to shiver, fear implanting itself so deep inside of me that I found myself trembling slightly. I took in a deep breath as the wedding official began his long speech about the goddess and her blessings.

My thoughts drifted off into the future, thinking of all the advantages I would have of finally freeing myself from father’s grasp. After today, I didn’t have to walk around and watch as the pack threw me pitied and sympathetic stares, nor did I have to succumb to my abuse anymore.

I was snapped from my thoughts when the official asked Zion to repeat after him. I stared into his eyes as he did the same, but as I searched for any sign of emotion in either him or his wolf, I found none. Not even a single drop of excitement or anxiety. It was like he was there but he wasn’t really there.

My lips pulled down into a frown.

“I, Zion, take you Starr, to be my mate, my friend, my home and my life to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”

His voice was low and deep yet it carried itself around the clearing for all to hear. I took in a deep breath and hesitantly repeated what he said.

“I, Starr, take you Zion, to be my mate, my friend, my home and my life to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worst, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”

My voice shook as I spoke, my nervousness clear to the people closest to me.

Zion’s eyes narrowed in on me slightly as he noticed the slight tremor in my voice. I resisted the urge to flinch under his cold gaze.

“Give me your hands.” Demanded the official as he pulled a piece of red ribbon from his pocket.

I lowered my gaze from Zion and hesitantly placed my hand in front of me. After Zion placed his hand in front of him, the official took a very sharp, knife off of the table beside him and gave it to Zion.

Zion took it and sliced it across his palm, not flinching or showing any emotion to say that he was hurt. He then handed it to me, who stared at the knife with troubled eyes before I glanced over at Zion’s bleeding palm.

My heart immediately began to race as I hesitated. This was it. After this, there was no going back. Did I really have no choice?

I immediately shook my head, too afraid to take the final step to seal the deal. As I took a step back, Zion growled in annoyance and pulled the knife from my grip, quickly grabbing my hand and forcefully slicing my palm. I whimpered and flinched away, clutching my hand to my chest before quickly removing it when I noticed blood starting to flow down my arm.

The official shot me a pitied look before gesturing towards our hands, “Join your palms together.” he instructed.

I faced my hand forward and connected it to Zion’s. The official quickly wrapped the red ribbon around our hands, keeping them joined before stepping back.

“It’s time.” he nodded at us.

It’s time.

I had no choice.

I took in a deep breath and stared into Zion’s glowing eyes. Together, we recited.

“With this ribbon, I bind us together. I give you my heart, my soul and my mind. I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter and my arms your home. I accept you, Zion(Starr) as my soulmate and my life long partner. May our love forever bloom.”

I gasped.

My insides twisted.

My heart shattered and rebuilt itself.

My hand that was connected to Zion tingled.

First, it was just a slight shock but then it turned into bolts of electricity shooting from my finger, throughout my entire body. It was a pleasurable feeling and left me trembling.

My wolf howled out in acceptance as we felt the bond connecting. It was like two magnets coming together as one. I felt the link between us entwining along with the links of his pack and mine. I stared into his eyes and was surprised to finally see emotion in them. Lust, shock and excitement.

Everything began shifting into place.

I was finally free from my torment.

Everything was going to be okay.

Was what I thought.

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