Freeing Starr

Chapter 3 ~ The Mating Hunt

The moon’s radiance reflected down on us, casting a glow throughout the clearing as music played softly in the background.

The wedding was over, I was mated but now I had to stay and enjoy my mating reception.

I sat on a small stage, in the middle of the clearing. It had two chair like thrones sitting upon it, one big and the other slightly smaller. I resided in the small throne next to Zion, both of us looking out at the scene before us.

Zion haven’t spoken a word to me once since our ceremony ended. He seemed to be caught up in his own little world, yet I noticed how he scanned the clearing every few seconds, as if waiting for someone or something to jump out and attack us.

He wore a blank expression on his face as usual, his lips pulled into a straight line. He didn’t seem affected by what was going on down below them but I, on the other hand, was absolutely stupefied.

My eyes were wide open, along with my mouth, an expression I knew was going to be my new friend.

Mostly everyone from my father’s pack decided against dancing, not wanting to get involved with Zion’s pack that already took up most of the dance floor. They chose to stand on the sidelines, the same expression as me as they all watched the way Zion’s pack enjoyed themselves.

Women and men, joined together, practically dry humping and gyrating against each other. Surprisingly enough, there was even a few couples going at it in public. The woman’s skirt hiked up around her waist and the man’s pants slightly lowered as both of them matched the beat of the song.

You could even slightly hear their groans that filled the air. It looked like anybody was going with anybody at that point.

I was positive that my face was an ugly shade of red mixed with green. I bottled my uneasiness and instead settled on shifting my gaze towards the cluster of trees nearby.

After an hour of ‘dancing’ and Zion still not saying or doing anything, I was just about tired and began dozing off when suddenly, Zion stood up from his seat.

Everyone quietened immediately, turning to give him their full attention. I caught myself and quickly scrambled from my seat to stand beside him. I glanced at him in surprise when his arms immediately came to wrap around my waist.

“I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming out today to celebrate the union between my beautiful mate and I,” he said. The crowd buzzed with activity as everyone began clapping and murmurs filled the air.

Zion raised a hand, silencing everyone before continuing.

“As you all may know, my pack is not your typical everyday pack. We’ve established our own rules and culture that we swore to live by,” murmurs of agreement swept through the crowd, mostly coming from my pack, “we give our wolves as much freedom as they wish but not too much to allow them to take over. We are creatures of the forest. We should be free to follow our instincts as much as we want without thinking of the consequences. This is what my pack, the shadow rogue pack stands for. We strive for freedom in our true forms!”

Zion’s pack cheered.

I glanced across the clearing at my father, who was leant against the open bar with a woman sticking off of his arm. I shivered slightly as our eyes clashed. I quickly looked away.

“We all know that us wolves love a challenge. We love a good hunt. In regards to this, our pack has a specific wedding tradition that aspires to bring people together to help increase our numbers within the pack and to help us grow. This tradition is for all unmated males to prove that they are worthy of the title ‘men of the household’. It is also for the newly mated male to prove that he is worthy of his mate,” I glanced at him curiously, “We call it the mating hunt. Every unmated female from the age of 18-40 are sent out into the woods along with the newly mated female to avoid capture by us males. The females are given a 5 minute head start before we males chase.”

My brows shot up in confusion as this was the first time I’ve ever heard of a tradition like this. What really was the purpose?

“Once a male captures a female, he decides whatever he wants to do with her. He could either do nothing to her, pleasure her or mate and mark her.”

At that, outraged shouts broke out from my pack members as they clutched their loved ones and voiced out their disagreements. Unlike Zion’s pack, my pack treasured mates and never encouraged choice mates. That only happened to persons who lost their mates or were rejected.

The males in Zion’s pack looked way too excited for this ridiculous hunt. There was a predatory glint in their eyes as they eyed the women around them.

I resisted the urge to argue along with my pack and kept my mouth sealed shut. I didn’t want to get on Zion’s bad side just after we got married.

“Silence,” his voice boomed around the clearing powerfully, causing many to cower at the sheer force of his dominance while I shivered in pleasure. My wolf purred in my mind as she drank in her new mate’s dominance.

He definitely reclaimed the attention as everyone turned to stare at him, their expressions switching constantly. Some was enjoying this while others were repulsed at it, including me.

“The newly mated female will be the first one to enter the woods, leading the other females in before they split up and go their separate ways. Males, this is to test your hunting skills. To prove to your Alpha that you can find your prey and take it. Don’t disappoint me.” He pulled me closely to his side and buried his nose into my hair, inhaling deeply. He tightened his grip a little too tight and caused me to wince in pain.

“Run as fast as you can little one because once I catch you, I’m not gonna stop until I’m satisfied,” he whispered into my ear, gently nibbling on my earlobe.

My eyes widened as I gulped nervously.

“What if I don’t want to mate?” I whispered cautiously, not yet ready to lose my virginity. It was the one thing my father never took from me.

He chuckled, the sound inflicting nervousness and anxiety throughout my body.

“You seem to think that you have a choice.”

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