Freeing Starr

Chapter 1 ~ The Rogue Alpha


I watched the blank expression he wore as he spoke with my father about our wedding arrangements.

The Rogue King.

That was his name.

He was known for his tyranny and brutal methods, slaying anyone who ridiculed him and destroying any pack that bared their fangs at him.

When his existence first came to be known to the world, everyone cursed and ridiculed him.

They said he wasn't powerful enough to create a pack from a scattered bunch of criminals, madmen and refugees, yet he did.

They said he wasn't capable enough to claim any territory for himself, yet he did.

They said no wild man could ever gain acknowledgement from the world, yet he did.

He was well known across the Continent.

A feral man, raised by actual wolves instead of werewolves, abandoned by his parents at the age of 3, forced to reside in his wolf form for many years until he was an adult. He rose up from the shadows and became a beacon of hope for lone wolves without a pack.

He was uncultured, dominant and ruthless yet his reign was easily solidified. After settling down into the werewolf world, he taught himself to talk like everyone else, read like everyone else and despite mixing into the packs in the surroundings, he looked down on their culture and instead created one of his own.

Throughout this entire process, the Alpha King gave no commentary on these actions.

His pack started out as a small group until it expanded and became what was known today as the Shadow Rogue pack. They were a group of people who acted more wolf than human. They went on instinct without thought and yet because of that it has made them successful in many of their battles.

Their culture wasn't something I was fond of. They didn't care about their soulmates, they simply marked whoever they wanted and adapted the notion of choice mates.

The Shadow Rogue pack became known as the third largest pack across the Continent, coming up closely behind the Everest pack and The Divine Alpha Kingdom, who housed the Alpha King, ruler of all werewolves.

Now, where did I fit into the picture?

Many packs feared yet revered the Shadow Rogue pack, so when they heard that the Alpha was looking for a mate in which to bare a heir, many Alphas or lower ranked parents offered up their daughters to the Rogue Alpha in exchange for more power and wealth. The unfortunate daughter who was chosen simply ended up being me. My father offered and he chose me. Sadly enough, there wasn't anything I could do about it but agree to follow what my father wanted and marry the dude.

My father's pack was one of the smallest packs on the Continent, so my father came up with the perfect idea to unite our pack with the Alpha's so we could gain a higher status. He never really cared about what his daughter wanted, like perhaps I was hoping to search for and marry my actual mate or perhaps I was hoping to travel the world and discover new things but alas, even if I voiced my opinions, his decision wouldn't change. He just wanted the power that came behind being a member of the Shadow Rogue pack, giving up his only daughter to get it. There was no solution to this as I had no choice in the matter. I was trapped; I was always trapped.

I watched as my father laughed and curried favor with the Rogue Alpha for quite a while before they finally parted ways. My father then began walking towards me, who stood peeking at the foyer entrance. My future 'husband and mate' barely spared me a glance as he left our pack house.

Father grinned at me in excitement and placed a heavy hand on my shoulder, "Everything is set. The venue, menu and the documents to merge both packs. Your dress has been picked and our packs have been notified." he said excitedly, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

I reflexively shrugged his hand off of my shoulder and frowned, shaking my black curls hesitantly.

"I don't want to get married papa."

Father's smile faltered and he sighed irately, trying his best to be coaxing. "We've been over this, Starr. You getting married to Alpha Zion will bring fortune to our pack. There's no time for your petty complaints. Don't be selfish. You know out of everyone here, I'll be the one who'll suffer having to part with you the most. So stop complaining otherwise I'll be forced to punish you, alright?"

I adverted my eyes and pursed my lips. In response, father grabbed a tight hold of my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. His sharp nails slightly elongated and dug into my soft flesh, causing me to wince in pain.

"Yes papa." my voice was a soft murmur yet he managed to hear it.

He released my jaw and placed a kiss on my forehead. I resisted the urge to flinch away from his touch and instead kept my gaze rooted unto the white tiled floors of our pack's living room. There was no one around, as instructed by father.

"Don't look so depressed sugar. You know I love you, don't you?" he cooed, wiping a traitor tear that fell down my cheek.

I gulped down my disgust and nodded. I knew he loved me, but not in the way a father loves a daughter. My mother, his mate died giving birth to me. The pack members said that after my mother died my father was never the same again. That was, until my 8th birthday when he finally noticed that I was turning into an exact replica of my mother. That was the day he started loving me and the day my tormenting began. Sometimes I cursed my mother for leaving me here with him.

"Let's go," he grabbed a hold of my hand and forcefully pulled me up the many stairs and towards his bedroom.

Once we entered his room, he closed the door and locked it before turning around to face me with an all too familiar look in his eyes. I shivered in disgust as my fear manifested. My skin began to crawl.

He smiled gently, "take off your clothes." he ordered softly but the challenge in his eyes were clear. Defy him and he'd do it himself, but he wouldn't be gentle. I learned my lesson a long time ago.

So with glossy eyes and trembling lips I slowly took off my clothes, one by one, from my summer dress to my underwear, I stripped myself bare in front of my father.

He did nothing but stood there and watched me with a blank expression on his face, his stare trained on my body as his eyes darkened slightly. The whole pack knew what their Alpha did and yet they couldn't do anything about it simply because he was their Alpha. They couldn't even talk about it to anyone outside the pack. It was impossible to go against an Alpha's order.

The tears slowly started falling from my eyes. The little droplets soon poured down full force and yet no sound left my mouth. I knew better than to make a sound.

Father stalked towards me slowly, his eyes showed his excitement while mine showed utter terror of what was to come.

I closed my eyes as I felt his hands roam over my chest and traveled downwards before coming back up again. I yelped when he grabbed a tight hold of my breasts before whimpering in pain. Father groaned out loudly as his eyes devoured my body.

"Alpha Zion would definitely love your body." father muttered softly before he chuckled, "Let's just hope he doesn't break you first. Maybe you being a virgin was the reason he really picked you to marry? It's a good thing I never took it away, right?"

I nodded my head quickly and sniffed, raising a hand to wipe my tears. Father's eyes narrowed.

"Why are you crying? Did I give you something to cry about? Do you want a repeat of what we did last week with the leather strap?" He threatened harshly causing me to flinch away from him. "Now get down on your knees." he ordered as he immediately began unbuckling his belt and the button of his jeans before pulling both his jeans and underwear down.

A sob got trapped in my throat as I knelt down, my shoulders shaking slightly as I silently cried, my eyes round and fearful.

Perhaps getting married would actually be a good thing. To get me away from my father. I found myself for the first time wishing my wedding day could come sooner.

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